Emergency care in the streets Ch. 5

base station

assembly of radio equipment consisting of at least a transmitter, receiver, and antenna connection at a fixed location


transmission of physiologic data, such as an ECG, from the patient to a distant point of reception

closed-ended question

a question that is specific and focused, demanding either a yes or no answer or an answer chosen from specific options

digital radio

the microwave transmission of digital signal through space or the atmosphere instead of transmission by radiowaves


to send to a specific destination or to send on a task


radio system using more than one frequency to permit simultaneous transmission and reception

emergency medical dispatch

first aid instructions given by specially trained dispatches to callers over the telephone while an ambulance is en route to the call


a message is put into a code before it is transmitted

enhanced 9-1-1 system

an emergency call-in system in which additional information such as the phone number and location of the caller is recorded automatically through sophisticated telephone and the dispatcher need only confirm the information on the screen


in radio communications the number of cycles per second of a signal; inversely related to the wavelength

hertz (Hz)

unit of frequency equal to 1 cycle per second

interpersonal communication

the exchange of information between two or more persons


communications system linked by wires, usually in reference to a conventional telephone system


method by which simultaneous transmission of voice and ECG signal can be achieved over a single radio frequency

open-ended question

a question that does not have a yes or no answer, and that does not give the patient specific options from which to choose

pervasive development disorders (PDD)

a group of disorders that cause delays in many areas of childhood development, such as the development of skills to communicate and interact socially, and may include repetitive body movements and difficulty with changes in routine

remote console

a terminal that receives transmissions of telemetry and voice from the field and transmits messages back, usually through the base station


method of radio communication using a single frequency that enables transmission reception of voice of an ECG signal but is incapable of simultaneous transmission and reception


a radio system using the number 10 plus another number

therapeutic communication

communicating with patient


a radio transmitter and receiver housed in a single unit; a two-way radio


sharing of radio frequencies by multiple agencies or systems

ultrahigh frequency (UHF) band

the portion of the radio frequency spectrum between 300 - 3000 mHz

very high frequency (VHF) band

the portion of the radio frequency spectrum between 30 - 150 mHz


the distance in a propagating wave from one point to the corresponding point on the next wave