chapter 8 and 9. pathophysiology and life span development

For a patient breathing in room air, the EMT would estimate the FiO2 to be:


A patient has a blood pressure of 140/98 mmHg. Which one of the following can the EMT ascertain from this reading?

the afterload is diminished

A confused and lethargic 24-year-old has intentionally overdosed on a narcotic medication. His vital signs are: pulse 36, respirations 8, blood pressure 50/20, and SpO2 88% with 15 liters per minute of oxygen. The greatest danger to this patient's well-be

decreases cellular perfusion.

The patient in anaerobic metabolism is deficient of:


A slightly confused but conscious 61-year-old female with generalized weakness has a hear rate of 190 beats a minute. She has a history of high blood pressure and diabetes. Her blood pressure is 78/56 mmHg. Which one of the following would best explain th


You and the critical care transport team are taking a critically ill patient to another hospital. Among many IV infusions and monitors, the patient is also on a ventilator. You note that the FDO2 is set at 0.50. What does this mean?

The provided oxygen concentration is set at 50 percent.

Which one of the following measurements indicates a narrowed pulse pressure? 116/82, 108/88, 120/76, 210/ 138


You are caring for a 66-year-old male who is severely dehydrated. Given this condition, you would recognize which of the following related to the cardiovascular system?

Decreased blood volume available for circulation

A patient with a severe infection is very sick. Circulating toxins from bacteria in his blood have decreased his systemic vascular resistance (SVR). Which of the following would the EMT correlate to this condition?
Diastolic blood pressure of > 200 mmHg

Blood pressure of 74/26 mmHg

Under normal circumstances, carbon dioxide is excreted from the body through the:


The EMT would best recognize normal cellular metabolism as:


Which of the following will affect the ventilation component of the ventilation/perfusion ratio?
Blood clot in the pulmonary blood vessels
decreased amount of hemoglobin in the blood
loss of blood plasma from dehydration
infection and pus in the distal ai

infection and pus in the distal airways and alveoli

The EMT is administering oxygen at 95% through a nonrebreathing face mask. He would document this as an FiO2 of:


Which of the following correctly identifies the primary way in which oxygen is transported to the cells?
red blood cells
white blood cells
plasma proteins

red blood cells

A patient has failure of the left side of his heart. Consequently, the blood is backing up into the pulmonary artery and spilling out into the lung tissue, causing him to be short of breath and moderately hypoxic. The EMT should recognize this as a produc

Increased hydrostatic pressure

On scene, a 43-year-old male states that he has a history of liver failure and does not produce enough of the protein albumin. Given this condition, which of the following would you expect?
low SpO2 reading form significant edema
swelling of the extremiti

swelling of the extremities and abdomen

A patient is hemorrhaging internally within his colon, therein impairing perfusion to the cells of his body. Aside from the bleeding, the patient has no other problems. In this scenario, the problem impairing adequate perfusion would be:

decreased blood volume

The EMT would document an FDO2 level when she is:

assisting breathing with a bag-valve-mask

the best way to decrease a patient's afterload would be to:

reduce the blood pressure

A patient who has lost 1 liter of blood is conscious with a patent airway, but his extremities are pale and cold to the touch. Vital signs are pulse 130, respirations are 22 and adequate, blood pressure is 74, 56, and SpO2 is 95% on room air. Which one of

Increased number of red blood cells and plasma volume

A patient with liver disease suffers from a low platelet count. Which of the following would the EMT directly correlate to this condition?
SpO2 90%
Bruising to arms
Pale skin color
Hear rate 92

Bruising to arms

For a patient who is bleeding, which of the following is the immediate response of the human body?
vasoconstriction caused by the sympathetic nervous system
increased pulse pressure to promote better circulation of oxygen
increased production of red blood

vasoconstriction cause by the sympathetic nervous system

Which one of the following would result from increasing a patient's preload?
decreased blood pressure
decreased myocardial contraction
increased cardiac output
increased oxygen delivery into the lungs

increased cardiac output

A patient with high blood pressure takes a medication to slow his hear rate, thus lowering his blood pressure. The EMT would recognize this action as impacting the:

cardiac output

baroreceptors function in the body by:

monitoring the blood pressure

The EMT would recognize which of the following vital signs as most likely to cause a left ventricular failure?
Chronically decreased diastolic blood pressure between 30 and 50 mmHg
Chronically decreased systolic blood pressure between 60 and 80 mmHg

Chronically elevated systolic blood pressure between 120 and 140 mmHg

An unresponsive patient is breathing at a rate of 6 breaths per minute. What intervention would be most beneficial for the patient?

Positive pressure ventilation with a rate of 12 and tidal volume of 500 mL.

When the cells undergo normal metabolism, which one of the following occurs?
Lactic acid is produced and excreted by the kidneys
Decreased amounts of oxygen are required
ATP is produced and excreted by the lungs
Heat, carbon dioxide, and water are produce

Heat, carbon dioxide, and water are produced

Which of the following would directly compromise the average patient's cardiac output?
heart rate of 170 bpm
blood pressure of 118/52
increased number of circulating WBCs
circulatory volume of 5 liters

heart rate of 170 bpm

Which one of the following best describes minute ventilation?
number of breaths a patient breathes in one minute
amount of air moved into and out of the lungs in one minute
amount of oxygen needed by the body in one minute
total milliliters of air moving

amount of air moved into and out of the lungs in one minute

Which one of the following conditions would most likely account for an elevated carbon dioxide level in a patient's body?
endocrine system dysfunction
lung disease
liver injury
renal failure

lung disease

which of the following best describes the ventilation/perfusion ration?
the amount of air that is moved into and out of the lungs in one minute
the amount of blood and the pressure at which it carries oxygen throughout the body
the ability of the red bloo

the ability of the body to exchange gases across the alveolar capillary membrane

When a healthy person has a sudden increase in blood pressure, which one of the following will occur?
Baroreceptors will signal the brain to decrease the heart rate
the hear rate will increase and blood vessels will constrict
chemoreceptors will increase

baroreceptors will signal the brain to decrease the heart rate

Paramedics have administered a medication to a patient in hear failure. The medication specifically causes the veins to enlarge, thus decreasing the amount of blood coming back to the heart for pumping. The EMT would recognize this action as:


A patient has been shot three times in the abdomen and has massive internal hemorrhage and blood loss. What will give this patient a chance at survival?

stopping the bleeding

Failure of the sodium potassium pump can result in:

cellular damage, swelling, and rupture

a patient with a temperature of 105.4 is suffering from systemic vasodilation. Which one of the following findings would be consistent with this condition?
slow heart rate
pale and cool skin
decreased blood pressure
elevated afterload

decreased blood pressure

the EMT would most likely see a narrowed pulse pressure in a patient who:

is bleeding internally

Which of the following statements about the ventilation/perfusion ration in a healthy person is true?
amount of blood is greater than amount of oxygen in the lungs
the upper portion of the lungs has more ventilation than blood flow
the lower portion of th

the upper portion of the lungs has more ventilation than blood flow

a 100- kilogram patient with a 500-milliliter tidal volume breathing 16 times a minute would have a minute volume of how many milliliters?


A patient's brain cells are undergoing anaerobic metabolism. As a result, those cells:

are becoming dysfunctional in a highly acidic environment

assessment of a hypoxic patient with a history of lung disease reveals him to be using well-developed accessory muscles to exhale. As an EMT you should recognize that the patient:

is using energy to exhale and is in danger of repiratory failure.

A young patient is experiencing epiglottitis. He is working hard to breathe, has stridorous respirations, and is extremely hypoxic. His skin is cyanotic and pulse rapid but strong. Which of the following is most likely causing the poor delivery of oxygen

partial occlusion of the airway

what is the protective mechanism underlying a narrowed pulse pressure?

maintain an adequate blood pressure for perfusion

Which one of the following conditions must be met for carbon dioxide to be moved from the cell to the bloodstream?

the blood must be low in carbon dioxide

A patient with a high fever has an accelerated metabolism and is producing abnormally high amounts of carbon dioxide at the cellular level. To compensate, which one of the following will occure?

Increased respiratory rate

a patient who is weak informs you she has a history of her "iron being too low." This should concern the EMT because iron is needed to:

carry oxygen throughout the body.

which one of the following best describes the concept of afterload?

pressure that the left ventricle must pump blood against

A 20-year-old female has called 911 for chest pain. On scene you find that she has shallow breathing with an SpO2 reading of 91% on room air. She states she was in a car crash yesterday and diagnosed in the hospital with broken ribs. She says that her pai

Pain form the rib injury prevents full expansion of the chest cage

a drop in blood pressure below a critical threshold is a threat to the body because it directly impairs:

Cellular perfusion

which of the following statements would impair a patient's respiratory status by directly damaging the central chemoreceptors?

brainstem stroke

the body will compenate for a decrease in cadiac output by:

increasing the systemic vascular resistance

which of the following statements would be true of a patient who relies on the hypoxic drive to breathe?

the respiratory rate is set according to the level of O2 in the body

A chronically elevated afterload increases the patient's chance for developing which one of the following conditions?

heart failure

a patient with asthma is extremely short of breath and hypoxic. related to the ventilation/ perfusion ratio, the EMT would recognize the problem lying in:

inadequate oxygen in the alveoli

for the patient with a narrowed pulse pressure, which one of the following is occurring?

the blood vessels are constricting

a patient who is hypoxic has a pulmonary disease that involves low lung compliance. As such, you realize:

ventilation with a bag-valve mask will require more effort

for cells to undergo the process of aerobic metabolism, the cells require:

oxygen and glucose

which of the following statements about chemoreceptors in the human body is true?

the peripheral chemoreceptors are more sensitive to oxygen than carbon dioxide.

in the hospital, a patient was administered an IV fluid with a high oncotic pressure. Once in the body, the EMT would expect which one of the following actions?

fluid from the tissue to move into the bloodstream

What happens after a cell in anaerobic metabolism breaks down glucose and creates energy in the form of ATP?

Lactic acid is formed

which one of the following would most likely cause a patient to have a simple episode of syncope (fainting)?

parasympathetic stimulation

a patient with severe iron deficiency anemia is hypoxic. What is definitive care for this patient?

Blood transfusions

which one of the following conditions is most likely to cause acidosis?

Depressed respirations

Which of the following is required for normal perfusion to occur?

adequate breathing, sufficient red blood cells, good heart function

which one of the following is the primary stimulus to breathe in normal human beings?

level of CO2 in the body

a patient's SpO2 increased from 89% to 95% after he received a bronchodilating drug for his asthma. Where did the patient's problem most likely originate?

Ventilation portion of the V/Q ratio

A 35-year-old male is lethargic and dehydrated after working at a construction site for 12 hours on a very hot day. You obtain the following vital signs: pulse 136, respirations 22, blood pressure 102/88, and SpO2 100% with supplemental oxygen. As a knowl

elevated heart rate to increase cardiac output

perfusion is best described as:

delivery of essential products and nutrients to the cell for its use

a patient with cancer is receiving chemotherapy. As a side effect of the treatment, her white blood cell count is critically low. Given this situation, which sign or symptom should the EMT find particularly concerning?

Oral temperature is 102.7

A patient with a low blood sugar is unresponsive with snoring respirations. His breathing is labored and his pulse is rapid and weak. Examination of the skin reveals it to be cool and diaphoretic. Your partner informs you of the following vital signs: pul

Perform a head tilt chin lift

For a patient reliant on the hypoxic drive to breathe, the repiratory rate will increase when:

Oxygen levels decrease

A patients lungs are full of fluid and cannot transfer oxygen to the blood. As a result, she is in anaerobic metabolism. She has a decreased level of consciousness with a patent upper airway and inadequate respirations. Her pulse is rapid and weak. Which

Positive pressure ventilation with supplemental oxygen

if a patients blood pressure cannot be increased by adding volume, then which of the following actions would most likely be successful in increasing it?


The systolic blood pressure of a 4-year-old female is 86 mmHg. Her mother is concerned because last year at the pediatrician's office the systolic blood pressure was 72 mmHg and now it is higher. How would you respond?

Her blood pressure will increase naturally. This is normal and healthy.

You are transporting a 3-week-old male, with a fever and cough, to the hospital. When calling a radio report, you would advise the emergency department that you are bringing them a(n):


the most common threat to the well-being of a female patient in the 40- to 60-year-old age group is:


You are en route to a home for an 8-year-old with "noisy" breathing and a cough. As you respond, which of the following pieces of advice would you give your partner, a new EMT?

Although most children of this age are trusting of authority, let's approach slowly and make the scene work for us.

Which of the following would be categorized as a toddler?
4 1/2 year old female
28 month old male
6 month old female
48 month old male

28 month old male

five minutes have passes since you assisted in the delivery of a full term baby boy. Based on your knowledge of physiological changes in the neonate, which would be most concerning?
Systolic blood pressure of 70 mmHg
rectal temperature of 99.8 degrees fah

Heart rate of 88 bpm

a 3 year old is very fearful when you listen to his breathing and lungs with the stethoscope. Your best course of action would be to:

have the boy watch as you listen to his father's lungs.

You are caring for a 6 month old male who is fussy, crying, and has a fever. What would be most appropriate?

Keep the parents calm even though it is the baby you are caring for

you have been dispatched to a residence for an 82 year old female with unknown medical problems. While en route, your partner states "at 82 years old, she probably has a ton of medical problems." Your response would be:

Maybe not, since in late adulthood there is such a wide variety of health status.

The average years of life remaining based on an individual's date of birth is called:

Life expectancy

When assessing a sick 3 week old baby, which finding would be most concerning?

Mucus occluding both nares

you have been asked to speak to a local EMT class about caring for the patient over the age of 60 years. When presenting your material, what point would you emphasize?

The majority of persons in this age group enjoy independent living.

When assessing and treating a 15 year old female for abdominal pain, the EMT must remember that:

A parent's or guardian's consent should be obtained prior to assessment and treatment

You have been called for a 2 week old male whose mother feels as though he is "sick." When assessing the patient and obtaining a history from the mother, which of the following would be most concerning?

The fontanelles are lower than the level of the skull

A young new mother has called 911 because her baby will not stop crying. On scene, you find a 6 month old baby who alternates between crying and sleep. Which of the following statements to the mother would be most appropriate in this situation?

Does the cry seem different to you?

Which of the following is true regarding the maximum life span?
the maximum life span is different for every person and takes into account health status and occupation
almost all persons die before reaching the maximum life span
the maximum life span is a

almost all persons die before reaching the maximum life span

You have received a grant to promote healthy living habits among the 20- to 40-year-old age group. Given the most common cause of death within this age group, which topic should be the focus of your program?

safe driving

a 7-year-old has fallen and exhibits deformity of his left wrist. He will not cooperate with you as you attempt a closer examination of the wrist. Which of the following statements would be appropriate given the patient's age and behavior?

I know that you are scared, but i need to see your hand.

When assessing a neonate, which of the following would deserve closer investigation?

Heart rate of 92 bpm

When assessing a 5-month-old baby girl, you note that she cries when her mother holds her, but is quiet and at peace when her father takes her. Assessment reveals no outward problems. Based on your knowledge of psychosocial development, which of the follo

The father is most likely the baby's primary caregiver

Puberty is best described as:

Maturation of the sexual organs

A 16-year-old male was killed after driving at excessive speeds and then losing control of is car. He was not wearing a seat belt. In an attempt to understand why such a tragedy would occur, you would recognize that

Common to this age group is a perceived sense of strength and invulnerability.

After transferring care of a 77-year-old female to the ED nurse, the patient informs her that she has a history of heart problems and is having chest pain. On scene and throughout transport, the patient denied any complaint, despite your repeated inquiry.

Many times person in this age group will not be forthcoming with all that is going on because they are scared of losing their independence.

Which statement made by a 49-year-old female describes a situation common to those in this life stage?

I do not have time to see the doctor about my blood pressure. I am too busy taking care of my parents.

You must assess a crying 7-month-old baby who is vomiting. To best assess the patient, you should:

Allow the mother to hold the baby

During what stage of life do the majority of chronic illnesses typically become evident?

Middle adulthood

A patient informs you that she has already gone through menopause. You would realize that:

She has stopped menstrual periods and cannot become pregnant

You are caring for an 18-day-old boy with inadequate respirations. What instruction would you provide to your new partner as she is ventilating him with the bag-valve mask?

Squeeze the bag just enough so that you get a nice rise and fall of the chest.

A mother has called 911 for medical assistance. She states that her 3-month-old has a rectal temperature of 99.7 and is not feeding. Which one of the following statements would be appropriate when talking with the mother?

Given his age, a temperature of 99.7 is normal.

The EMT would recognize and categorize a 13-year-old female as a(n):


You are at the residence of an alert and oriented 87-year-old female who is very short of breath but is refusing to go to the hospital. Rather, she wants you to treat her at home and then leave when she feels better. As an EMT knowledgeable of the charact

Is concerned that she does not have the money to pay for the ambulance transport.

The mother of a 9-month-old baby informs you that her child has yet to make any sounds that resemble words or speech. She asks you if this is normal. You would respond by saying:

It usually takes 10 to 12 months for babies to begin talking. Give it time. This is normal.

A 16-year-old female has a history of bulimia. As a knowledgeable EMT, you would realize that bulimia is:

Probably rooted in a concern related to her body image

You are assessing a 4-year-old with a fever and cough. The child is very calm and receptive to your presence. Which of the following actions would be most appropriate?

Have the mother remain with him for the assessment