What is the primary reason for immediate bystander CPR?

to provide oxygen rich blood to the brain, to allow time for the AED to begin operation

What are the 6 critical concepts of high quality CPR?

begin compressions within 10 seconds of noticing cardiac arrest, push hard and fast at 100 per min, allow complete chest recoil, limit interruptions to less than 10 seconds, give effective breaths to make the chest rise, avoid excessive ventilation

What are the 5 links of the Adult Chain of Survival?

recognize cardiac arrest and active ems, early cpr, early defibrillation, effective advanced life support ems arrives, post caridac care hospital

What are the 5 links of the Pediatric Chain of Survival?

prevention of arrest, high quality bystander cpr, rapid activation of ems, effect advanced life support ems arrives, post cardiac care hospital

Why is there a difference between the adult and pediatric chains of survival?

pediatric cardiac arrest is usually due to some underlying respiratory problem while caridac arrest in adults is immediate

What is the current BLS sequence of steps?

compressions, airway, breathing

Can you check for responsiveness and breathing at the same time?


When do you need to do CPR?

no pulse, not responsive, not breathing

When do you first access a scene for safety?


If you are alone, when do you activate the emergency response system?

after checking safety responsiveness and breathing

How long do you check for a pulse if alone?

no less than 5 no more than 10 seconds

When do you check for a pulse if alone?

after 911 and aed

What is the ratio of compressions to breaths for one rescuer for any victim?


What are agonal gasps?

abnormal breathing, gargles, snores brought on by arrest

What do you do if the victim is unresponsive and having agonal gasps?

call 911 and start cpr

Where do you check the pulse on an adult victim?

carotid artery on side of neck closest to you

What do you do if you are not sure you feel a pulse after 10 seconds?

begin compressions

After you have completed 2 minutes or 5 cycles of compressions and breaths, what do you do next?

check pulse

When can you stop CPR?

scene is unsafe, pulse is regained, or ems arrives

Why is it important to compress the chest to an adequate depth during CPR?

allows the blood from the heart to be circulated throughout the body and brain and then refill

When giving breaths, how long should each breath last?

1 seconds

What is the location of the hands for compressions for adult victims?

middle of chest, lower part of breast bone/ sternum

When can you move a victim while CPR is in progress?

scene is unsafe, no longer can perform CPR

How is the airway opened to provide breaths?

head tilt chin lift

What do you do if the victim vomits?

roll them over on their side away from you, with covered hand clear mouth out, roll them back over

How do you know if your breaths are effective?

chest rises

You should start compressions within how many seconds after identifying an unresponsive victim with no normal breathing or pulse?

10 seconds

What is the depth of a compression for an adult victim?

at least 2 inches

What is the rate of compressions for any victim of cardiac arrest?


Why are chest compressions important?

they allow the blood from heart to go to brain and body and refill

When is it acceptable to only do chest compressions with no breaths?

adult only

What is the maximum amount of time you can interrupt chest compressions?

10 seconds

Name 4 things to remember when using a bag mask.

good tight seal, keep airway open, provide enough breaths to make the best rise, allow the bag to refill between squeezes

Why is a bag mask not recommended for the single rescuer?

it requires two to work efficiently

if the stomach inflates during bag mask use, what are you doing wrong?

too hard or too fast breaths

How do you minimize the risk of gastric inflation during the use of the bag mask?

readjust the rate of breaths

In adult 2-rescuer CPR, what is the job of the 1st rescuer? The second rescuer?

perform CPR, maintain airway, give breaths

When do the two rescuers change jobs?

after 5 cycles or when aed analyzes

How do you open the airway of a victim of a head, neck, or spine injury?

jaw thrust

If the jaw thrust is not successful in opening the airway on the 1st attempt, what do you do next?

head tilt chin lift

When should an AED be implemented?

as soon as available

What is the first step in the use of an AED?

turn on

What is meant by "clearing" the victim when using the AED?

no touching the victim

What should you do if the AED indicates that no shock is needed?

start compressions

How long will you give CPR before the AED again prompts you that it is reanalyzing the victim?

2 minutes, 5 cycles

How should you handle a victim lying in water or covered with water when using an AED?

dry extensively

Do you ever remove the AED pads from the victim?


Where do you attach the AED pads if the victim has an implanted pacemaker?

1 inch below

. How do you attach the AED if the person has a hairy chest?

remove hair first

What do you do about a transdermal medication patch when using an AED?


If a second rescuer arrives with the AED while you are in the process of giving CPR, what do you do?

continue until analyzing

In the case of two rescuers while one goes to get the AED, what are the steps for the other rescuer?


If a lone rescuer comes on the scene with the AED, what should he do first?

pulse, compressions

Which size pads should be used on an adult victim?

adult size

What do you do if you don't have adult pads for the adult victim?

manual compressions

What is important about an AED in relation to a victim's chance of survival

increase chance of survival

If you do not witness the cardiac arrest of a child, what should you do?

5 cycles then activate ems

If you witness the cardiac arrest of a child, what should you do?

activate ems, get aed, 5 cycles

What is the depth of compressions for a child?

about 2 inches

What is the compression ventilation ratio for 2 rescuers for a child? One rescuer?

15:2, 30:2

What is the hand technique used to give compressions to a child?

heel of 1 hand or the 2 same as adult

For a child victim, if no pulse is felt within 10 seconds or the heart rate is below 60 beats per minute, what should you do?

start compressions

Why are breaths important for infants and children in cardiac arrest?

there is an underlying respiratory problem as a result of an oxygen debt

Where is the pulse taken on a child?

carotid artery

How can you tell if your breaths are adequate for a child victim?

chest rises

If a child has a heart rate greater than 60 beats per minute and is not breathing, what should you do?

rescue breaths

What is the best technique to give compressions to an infant when there are two rescuers?

2 thumbs hands in circle

What is the compression to breaths ratio for an infant when there are two rescuers?


Where is the pulse taken on an infant?

brachial artery

What is the depth of compressions for an infant?

about 1.5 in

When do you activate EMS for an infant?

if witnessed, first, if not, after 5 cycles

What is the proper position for the hands to give chest compressions to an infant with one rescuer?

2 fingers middle of chest just below the nipple line

Why must you keep an infant's head in a neutral position when opening the airway?

keeps the airway open

How do you know your breaths are effective in an infant?

chest rises

If an infant has a heart rate below 60 beats per minute, what should you do?


What are the preferences in the use of an AED for infants and children?

manual defibrillator, aed with pediatric dose attenuator, or aed with pediatric or adult pads

What must you do when using adult pads for an infant or child victim?

no touching, overlapping

With an advanced airway, what is the rate of breaths?

1 breath every 6-8 seconds

With an advanced airway, do you stop compressions to give breaths?


What is the proper technique for giving mouth-to-mouth breaths?

open airway with head tilt chin lift, pench nose closed, seal your mouth around theirs, give breaths

f the chest does not rise with your first attempt to give mouth-to-mouth breaths, what should you do?

retry head tilt chin lift

What should you do if 2 attempts to give mouth-to-mouth breaths fail to make the chest rise?


How long should each breath last in mouth-to-mouth breaths?

1 second

What may cause gastric inflation during rescue breaths?

too hard or too fast breaths

What is the proper way to give mouth-to-mouth rescue breaths to an infant?

your mouth over their nose and mouth

What is the rate of rescue breathing for an adult? For infants and children?

1 breath every 5-6 sec or 10-12 per min, 1 breath every 3-5 sec or 12-20 per min

If a person who is choking can still cough, speak, or breathe, what should you do?

encourage them to keep coughing

What are the signs of severe airway obstruction?

throat clutching , poor breathing, coughing, speaking, or none of these

How is an airway obstruction relieved in a conscious adult or child?

abdominal thrust/heimlech

If a conscious choking victim is obese or pregnant, what should you do?

chest thrust

if an adult or child choking victim becomes unresponsive, what should you do ?

lower them to the ground, activate ems, start cpr

If you see an object, what would you do?

remove it with a hooking motion of the finger

If you don't see an object in a choking victim, what do you do?

continue compressions checking after each cycle

When do you activate EMS for an adult or child choking victim?

when they become unresponsive

How do you relieve choking in the conscious infant?

5 back slaps followed by 5 chest compressions

In what position do you hold the conscious infant to relieve choking?

head lower than the rest of the body

How do you relieve choking in the unconscious infant?

activate ems, start cpr, check for object after compressions