Emergency Care 13th Edition Chapter 10

alveolar ventilation

the amount of air that reaches the alveoli

bag-valve mask

a handheld device with a face mask and self-refilling bag that can be squeezed to provide artificial ventilations to a patient. it can deliver air from the atmosphere or oxygen from a supplemental oxygen supply

cellular respiration

the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between cells and circulating blood


a blue or grey color resulting from the lack of oxygen in the body


a process by which molecules move from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration


a valve that indicates the flow of oxygen in liters per minute

flow-restricted, oxygen-powered ventilation device

a device that uses oxygen under pressure to developer artificial ventilation. its a trigger is placed so the rescuer can operate it while still using both hands to maintain a seal on the face. it has a automatic flow restriction to prevent over delivery o


a device connected to the flowmeter to add mositure to the dry oxyfen coming from an oxygen cylinder


an insufficiency of oxygen in the body's tissue

nasal cannula

a device that delivers low concentrations of oxygen through the two prongs that test in the patient's nostrils

nonrebreather mask

a facemask and reservoir bag device that delivers high concentrations of oxygen, The patient's exhaled air escapes through a valve and is not rebreathed.

oxygen cylinder

a cylinder filed with oxygen under pressure

partial nonrebreather mask

a face mask and a reservoir oxygen bag with no one-way valve to the reservoir bag so some exhaled air mizes with the oxygen; not commonly used in the EMS pre-hospital setting

pocket mask

a device, usually with a one-way valve, to aid in artificial ventilation. a rescuer breathes through the valve when the mask is placed over the patient's face. it also acts as a barrier to prevent contact with a patient's breath or body fluid. it can be u

positive pressure ventilation

see artificial ventilation

pressure regulator

a device connected to an oxygen cylinder to reduce cylinder pressure so it is safe for delivery of oxygen to a patient

pulmonary respiration

the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the alveoli and circulation blood in the pulmonary capillaries


the diffusion of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the alveoli and the blood and between the blood and the cells. also used to mean, simply, breathing

respiratory arrest

when breathing completely stops

respiratory distress

increased work of breathing; a sensation of shortness of breath

respiratory failure

the reduction of breathing to the point where oxygen intake is not sufficient to support life


a permanent surgical opening in the neck through which the patient breathes

tracheostomy mask

a device designed to be placed over a stoma or tracheotomy tube to provide supplemental oxygen


breathing in and out or artificial provisions of breaths

venturi mask

a face mask and reservoir bag device that deliver specific concentrations of oxygen by oxygen with inhaled air.