
The EMT shows that is performing the Los Angeles Prehospital Stroke Screen (LAPSS) correctly when he asks which one of the following questions?

How old are you?

Which one of the following statements made by the EMT indicates a correct understanding of the care of a patient suffering from a headache?

Assessment is essential in determining if a patient's headache represents a life-threatening condition.

A patient who is responsive to painful stimuli has a patent airway, inadequate respirations at 28 per minute, and a strong radial pulse with skin that is warm and dry. The patient is not moving his right arm or leg and is incontinent of urine. Which one o

Administer positive pressure ventilation.

Which one of the following questions should the EMT ask when performing the Los Angeles Prehospital Stroke Screen?

Have you ever had a seizure?

A 41-year-old female has called 911 for a headache. Which one of the following assessment findings should make the EMT suspicious that the patient is suffering from a vascular headache?

The patient has pain throughout her entire head.

Which statement shows that the EMT has an accurate understanding of altered mental status?

It describes any change away from a normal state of mental function.

You are getting the past medical history of a patient who suffered the sudden onset of right-side weakness. Which one of the following statements made by the patient should you recognize as increasing the patient's risk of stroke?

I have an irregular heartbeat.

A patient is unable to talk. You should document this as:


The EMT shows that he recognizes the benefit of using the Cincinnati Prehospital Stroke Scale and/or Los Angeles Prehospital Stroke Screen when he makes which one of the following statements?

They help to identify stroke, even when it is not the patient's chief complaint.

You have determined an alert patient to have garbled speech and weakness to the right arm and leg. The patient also has a history of heart problems and diabetes. Which one of the following should you do immediately?

Check the patient's blood glucose level (if local protocol allows).

For the stroke patient to be eligible for a fibrinolytic, it must be given within:

3 hours of the onset of stroke symptoms.

You are by the side of a 46-year-old male dialysis patient with end-stage renal failure. He was found by a family member on his living room recliner, unresponsive with snoring respirations. Which one of the following should you do first?

Perform a head tilt-chin lift.

Your patient is a 78-year-old male who was found lying on his bathroom floor. Emergency Medical Responders report that the patient is unresponsive with unequal pupils, and vital signs are as follows: pulse 78, respirations 20 and snoring, blood pressure 2

Ensure an open airway with a jaw-thrust maneuver.

A male patient suffered the sudden onset of inability to talk and right-side weakness. Currently he is responsive to verbal stimuli and has the following vital signs: pulse 88, respirations 14 and adequate, and blood pressure 210/80. For transporting this

Left lateral recumbent

A patient has an altered mental status accompanied by loss of motor function on one side of the body. Which one of the following conditions is most likely to cause this presentation?


Which one of the following is the best order for assessing a patient suspected of having a stroke?

Primary assessment, facial droop, arm drift

Your patient is a middle-aged male who collapsed while shopping and now responds to verbal stimuli with confused speech. His pulse is 96, respirations 16, blood pressure 158/88, SpO2 at 96%, blood glucose level 80 mg/dl. Which one of the following should

Apply supplemental oxygen.

Which one of the following statements made by the patient suggests that he is suffering from a tension headache?

The pain seems to get worse as the day goes on.

Your patient is unresponsive. Which piece of information given to you by the patient's family is most important to the EMT in relation to a possible stroke?

We noticed him acting oddly about 7 p.m.

When assessing a patient for a facial droop, the EMT should:

ask the patient to show you his teeth or smile.

You have assessed a patient and found a patent airway, adequate breathing, and strong radial pulses. She is having no difficulty speaking and no facial droop, but exhibits a slight left arm drift. The EMT should interpret these findings as:

highly suggestive that a stroke is occurring.

When transporting an alert but nonverbal stroke patient with a blood pressure of 210/110 mmHg, the EMT should:

explain everything that is happening or being done.

You have been called for a 63-year-old woman with slurred speech and right-arm weakness. On arrival, the patient informs you that the slurred speech and weakness have resolved. Since your assessment reveals no deficits, the patient insists on signing a re

You really need to be evaluated in the hospital. You are at significant risk for a future stroke.

Assessment of a patient reveals him to be responsive to verbal stimuli with garbled speech. Which one of the following statements made by the patient's wife suggests that the patient's problem may be toxic-metabolic?

He has bad kidneys.

You are called for a 69-year-old male with altered mental status. Assessment reveals him to be confused and have left-sided weakness. During transport, you note that the patient is now completely oriented and the weakness has resolved. What condition shou

Transient ischemic attack

When a patient smiles, the left side of the face shows significantly less movement than the right side of the face. The EMT should describe this as:

left-side facial droop.

You have been called to the house of a young adult male who is unresponsive. The man lives by himself so no family is present. In trying to determine the cause of the patient's altered mental status, which one of the following would provide the best infor

Medication containers

According to the Cincinnati Prehospital Stroke Scale, which one of the following should be assessed?

Facial droop

Which patient would be most eligible to receive a fibrinolytic medication for stroke if no other contraindications are found?

48-year-old male whose symptoms started while watching the 6 p.m. news at which time he dialed 911

Which one of the following conditions is a neurologic deficit?


Which one of the following instructions to a possible stroke patient indicates proper assessment for an arm drift?

Close your eyes and hold your arms straight out.

A 82-year-old male presents with right-hand weakness and garbled speech. Which one of the following questions should the EMT ask first?

What time did these signs start?

Your 56-year-old patient is in bed and unable to speak. Family members state that he has had a previous stroke and has been bedridden since, but has always been able to talk, until a few hours ago when his speech became garbled. They also state that the l

Transport without delay.

While you are doing a public awareness class about stroke, a participant asks you if all stroke patients are paralyzed on one side of their bodies. What is your reply?

No. Some stroke patients may have only slight weakness to one side of their bodies.

Bystanders state that a 72-year-old woman complained of chest pain and dizziness just before she fell down a flight of stairs. She is alert but confused and states that she feels nauseated and may vomit. How should the EMT position this patient for transp

Fully immobilized to a long spine board

When performing a secondary assessment of a patient who is confused and combative, which one of the following findings should be of most concern to the EMT?

Pulse of 164 beats per minute

When using a stroke scale to assess a patient for abnormal speech, the EMT should:

ask the patient to repeat a common phrase.

Your patient is responsive to verbal stimuli but cannot move his left arm or leg. You suspect she is having a stroke. What is the best transport position for her?

Left lateral recumbent position

When assessing a patient with a possible stroke, what is the priority of care?

Recognizing the signs of a stroke

A patient with a headache informs you that his physician has diagnosed him with cluster headaches. He states that the pain feels just like the last cluster headache that he suffered. The primary assessment reveals no life threats. Her vital signs are: pul

Administer oxygen at two liters per minute through a nasal cannula.

Assessment reveals a drooling 48-year-old male to have gurgling speech and left-arm paralysis. Which one of the following should be the EMT's priority?

Suction the airway.

When attempting to distinguish a spinal injury from a stroke, the EMT should remember that:

stroke typically results in weakness or paralysis to one side of the body.

The EMT shows she understands a hemorrhagic stroke when she states:

It occurs when a blood vessel ruptures in the brain.

You have been called to a long-term care facility for a 77-year-old female who was found unresponsive in her wheelchair by staff. The nurse reports that the patient complained of a headache earlier in the day and was given 600 mg of Motrin. Your assessmen

Start positive pressure ventilation.

Patients with an altered mental status due to a stroke may not be able to control their own airways due to:

paralyzed throat muscles.

You have been called for a patient who suddenly became confused. Which one of the following assessment findings should concern you most?

Heart rate of 180 but regular

The signs and symptoms of a stroke may closely resemble those of what condition?


You have been called for a 63-year-old woman with slurred speech and right-arm weakness. On arrival, the patient informs you that the slurred speech and weakness have resolved. Since your assessment reveals no deficits, the patient insists on signing a re

You really need to be evaluated in the hospital. You are at significant risk for a future stroke.

For the stroke patient to be eligible for a fibrinolytic, the patient must be brought to the hospital emergency department within how many hours of the onset of stroke symptoms?


Which one of the following best describes an ischemic stroke?

A blood clot obstructed a blood vessel in the brain.

Which one of the following questions is it critical that the EMT ask the family of a patient who is weak and dizzy and suspected of having a stroke?

What time did the weakness and dizziness start?

You have gathered and written down all of the medications that a confused 46-year-old male patient is taking. The patient is placed on the stretcher for transport. What should the EMT do with the medications?

Transport the medications with the patient.

An alert and oriented patient has slight right-arm weakness but exhibits no deficits to the right leg. The EMT should consider the patient a:

priority for transport to a hospital with a stroke center.

Which one of the following conditions would put the patient at most risk of an acute neurologic deficit?

Transient ischemic attack (TIA)

A stroke patient cannot move his left arm or leg. Based on this presentation, the EMT should strongly suspect that the stroke has occurred in what part of the nervous system?

Right side of the brain

Which one of the following statements shows an accurate understanding of assessment findings related to stroke?

If one arm is weak, a stroke should be suspected.

Which one of the following patients should be classified as suffering from status epilepticus?

57-year-old female who seized during the entire news program

While you are transporting a 41-year-old woman who is not feeling well, she seizes. The patient has no history of seizures and the seizure lasts approximately 90 seconds. After 30 seconds of being postictal and unresponsive, the woman suddenly seizes agai

Status epilepticus

You have been called to a public bus station for a behavioral emergency. On scene you find a disheveled male patient in his forties sitting up against a wall. He is confused and incontinent. Bystanders state that he suddenly began to stumble around, shout

Generalized seizure

After a lengthy response, you arrive at a home in which a 62-year-old female is still seizing. Which one of the following should you do first?

Assess the patient's airway and breathing.

When obtaining a medical history from the family of a seizure patient, which question is most important for the EMT to ask first?

Does he take his seizure medications as prescribed?

A female patient with a history of seizures had a seizure in a public area and then refused transport. As you leave, a witness to the entire event tells you that he thinks the patient is "crazy in the head" because right before she seized, she looked up t

An aura

Your patient is an 86-year-old male who has had a sudden change in mental status and is repeatedly striking a fist against his leg. When you try to get him to answer your questions, he does not respond to you. This presentation is most consistent with whi


When an EMT performs a secondary assessment on a postictal seizure patient, which one of the following signs should be of most concern?

Laceration on the forehead

Which one of the following patient medications is most consistent with a history of seizures?


As a general rule, a postictal patient should be placed on the stretcher and transported in what position?

Lateral recumbent

Your patient is an alert but confused 41-year-old woman who is diaphoretic and looks exhausted. She informs you that she just had a seizure, and that she has a history of seizures. Despite your urging, she refuses transport to the hospital. Which one of t

Consult with medical direction.

You are an EMT who finds an adult male on his living room floor. The scene size-up reveals a very cluttered home that smells of urine. On an end table you find a container of phenytoin (Dilantin) with the patient's name on it. When you pinch his shoulder,


Status epilepticus is best differentiated from a generalized seizure by the:

duration of the seizure.

A 72-year-old male with a history of depressed thyroid gland function and a brain tumor is suffering from a psychomotor seizure. As you enter the room, you find him to be standing up and walking in a circle. He is awake but does not respond to your questi

Proceed with a nonemergency transport.

Which one of the following statements about seizures is true?

Simple partial seizures do not cause an alteration in mental status.

You are dispatched to a local mall and are met by bystanders who state that the patient was talking to a customer representative and "passed out." You find a 55-year-old female lying supine on the tile floor. The patient tells you that the back of her hea

Take manual in-line spinal stabilization.

You are to transport a 46-year-old patient who has had multiple seizures throughout the morning. Currently, the patient is on your stretcher and is postictal. He has a history of seizures for which he takes anti-convulsant medications. He also suffers fro

Suction machine

While you are placing a patient on the stretcher, she begins to seize. Which one of the following actions should you perform immediately?

Loosely apply the straps and raise the side rails.

A confused postictal patient answers your questions inappropriately. Based on this presentation, the EMT should understand that:

the airway is open.

You have been called for a seizure emergency. On scene you find an adult female actively seizing with bystanders attempting to restrain her. Which one of the following actions should you perform immediately?

Instruct the bystanders to release the patient.

Friends of a patient who suffered a generalized seizure are extremely worried because the patient cannot remember the seizure. You should inform them that this is a(n):

normal finding common among those who suffer this type of seizure.

You arrive on scene and find Emergency Medical Responders with a seizing patient. What question should the EMT ask first?

How long has the patient been seizing?

A 20-year-old patient is unresponsive with snoring respirations. She is in a public restroom with no family or friends with her. After addressing the airway, breathing, and circulation, you begin the secondary assessment. Which one of the following signs

Urinary incontinence

When performing a secondary assessment on a confused patient, which one of the following signs would be most suggestive of a seizure?

Bitten tongue

Which one of the following statements made by a patient who experienced a syncopal episode should concern the EMT most?

My chest felt funny right before I passed out.

A patient has been actively seizing for 17 minutes. He is cyanotic with shallow respirations. What immediate care should you provide to this patient?

Open the airway and begin positive pressure ventilation.

As you approach a patient, she appears unresponsive with her arms and legs jerking violently. On the prehospital care report, you should correctly document that you found the patient in what phase of a generalized seizure?


Which one of the following statements about seizures is true?

Seizures may be caused by a variety of medical conditions.

A patient who suffered an apparent syncopal episode refuses transport to the hospital. Prior to the patient signing a refusal, you should make which one of the following statements?

Syncope may be a sign of a serious underlying condition.

How would you transport a seizure patient who may have a spinal-cord injury?

Immobilized on a spine board

You have been called for a 47-year-old female who has "passed out." As you enter the patient's apartment, you find her supine on the living room floor with a cool wash cloth on her forehead. She states that she was standing and talking on the telephone wh

Assess and obtain vital signs while she is supine.

You are transporting a patient who has a history of simple partial seizures. During transport he experiences a simple partial seizure involving her right arm. Her pulse is 92, respirations 14 and adequate, blood pressure 168/88 mmHg, and SpO2 at 98%. What

Progression to a generalized seizure

Which one of the following statements related to the pathophysiology of seizures is correct?

A seizure occurs when there is a massive and uncoordinated electrical discharge in the brain.

You find a patient, who seized for approximately two minutes, supine on the kitchen floor. He responds to painful stimuli and has snoring respirations. His heart rate is 124 beats per minute, and his pulse oximetry is 89% on room air. He has cool and clam

Perform a head tilt-chin lift.

Of the four patients listed below, which one should be categorized as the highest priority for transport?

Pregnant female with a history of seizures who is seizing.

You have been called to an alcoholic rehabilitation center for a 56-year-old male patient whose left arm suddenly began to shake uncontrollably. He is alert and oriented, and he is terrified that he cannot stop his arm from moving. What type of seizure sh

Simple partial

Which type of seizure occurs in children and is caused by a fever?


A man comes into your station and tells you that he was just diagnosed by his physician as having a syncopal episode the previous week. More specifically, he asks you to explain why he fainted. Which one of the statements that follow would be your best re

For some reason, there was a temporary decrease in the flow of blood to your brain.

Which one of the following patient statements strongly suggests syncope?

Once I hit the floor, I was only out for a few seconds.

Which one of the following signs and symptoms would be most helpful in determining that a patient had a syncopal episode rather than a seizure?

There was no period of confusion after the event.

You are caring for a postictal patient who has a history of seizures. He is confused and cannot remember his eight-year-old son's name. His son tearfully asks you if his father will ever remember him. Which one of the following responses would be most app

Although he is confused now, he should remember your name in a little bit.

The initial part of a generalized seizure experienced by some patients is called the:


Which one of the following seizure patients is most at risk for problems to the airway and breathing?

23-year-old female actively seizing for 14 minutes

Which one of the following offers the best explanation of why a patient experiencing a syncopal episode regains consciousness after falling?

The supine position allows more blood to perfuse the brain.

The EMT shows that she understands the danger posed by status epilepticus when she states:

The longer the seizure continues, the greater the opportunity for permanent brain damage.

You are called to a residence for seizure activity. On location the patient's daughter tells you that her father stated he felt dizzy and then he fell to the floor. Within a few seconds, he began asking what had happened and why he was on the floor. Based

Syncopal episode

A young boy tells you that his twin brother suffers from seizures and asks what he can do if he sees his brother convulsing. You should give him which one of the following instructions?

Move any moveable objects and furniture away from him.

You are called to a residence to assess a child. The parents state that the three-year-old boy was playing with his brother and "blanked out" and "stared off into space" for several seconds. They deny any convulsing-like movement. Based on this descriptio


In what form is oral glucose is packaged?


The wife of a 43-year-old male has called 911 because her husband was difficult to wake up and now has garbled speech. She reports a history of diabetes, stroke, renal failure, and high blood pressure. His airway is patent, respirations tachypneic but ade

Administer high-flow oxygen.

You have been called for a 32-year-old female with altered mental status. On scene you find the patient lethargic and confused. Although information is sketchy, it appears that she has a history of diabetes as well as renal failure for which she receives


You are called to an outpatient clinic to transfer a 39-year-old male patient in diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) to an acute-care hospital. When assessing the patient, which one of the following signs or symptoms might you expect to find?

Fruity or acetone odor on his breath

You have been called to a residence for a patient with altered mental status. On arrival a neighbor informs you that he saw the patient washing windows several minutes earlier and then suddenly saw him lying on the ground. He continues by stating that the

Take manual in-line spinal stabilization.

Which one of the following accurately describes insulin?

Hormone that enables glucose to move into the cells

Medical direction has ordered you to administer one dose of oral glucose to a diabetic patient with confusion. Which one of the following actions describes what you should do?

Carefully administer the entire tube of glucose.

A diabetic patient is alert but confused. You have decided to administer oral glucose. Which one of the following describes how to administer the glucose properly?

Place the glucose between the patient's cheek and gum.

How should an EMT best describe a confused and combative patient with labored respirations and a blood glucose level of 33 mg/dl?


What is a glucometer used to evaluate?

Blood sugar

When providing information about diabetes to a group of Emergency Medical Responders, you tell them that it is a disease:

in which the pancreas fails to produce the proper amount of insulin.

What is the primary reason to administer oral glucose to a patient?

Increase the amount of circulating glucose

A patient who is unresponsive has a blood glucose level of 28. Her family states that she took her insulin in the morning three hours ago. Which one of the following statements made by the family would make sense in regards to the patient's current blood

She did not eat after taking her insulin.

An alert but confused diabetic patient is complaining of weakness. Your service carries oral glucose, which has been authorized through off-line medical direction. In this case you should:

prepare and administer the oral glucose.

When administering oral glucose to a diabetic patient, the EMT must take precautions to prevent what adverse effect?

Airway obstruction

You suspect that an unresponsive female may be diabetic. To help confirm this suspicion, where would you send your partner to look for vials of insulin?


A diabetic patient who took insulin earlier is found unresponsive with a blood glucose level of 29 mg/dl. Which one of the following pieces of information provided by family would provide the best explanation for the patient's altered mental status?

He refused to eat breakfast and lunch today.

An unresponsive patient presents with a blood sugar of 30 mg/dl. What is the major threat to this patient's well-being?

Brain damage

The EMT should suspect that a patient is diabetic when which one of the following medications is found on the scene?


Which one of the following statements made by an EMT indicates a correct understanding of glucose in the human body?

The cells of the brain cannot use anything else but glucose for energy.

Which one of the following patients has a normal fasting glucose level?

37-year-old female who is weak and dizzy with a glucose level of 81

What is the best action to take prior to administering oral glucose?

Determine the patient's blood glucose level.

Five minutes after administering oral glucose to a confused diabetic patient, you do not see any improvement in her mental status. Which one of the following actions should you take?

Continue to monitor the patient.

You have arrived on the scene of a 64-year-old diabetic patient. He is supine in bed and exhibits snoring respirations. Family members state that they just tested his blood sugar and it is 25 mg/dl. Which one of the following should be your immediate acti

Perform the head tilt-chin lift.

Prior to the administration of oral glucose, a patient's blood glucose level was 49 mg/dl. After administering the oral glucose, the patient is alert and oriented. Which one of the following repeat blood glucose levels would the EMT expect with this clini

155 mg/dl

Your partner reports that he has found some small areas of bruising to the abdomen of a patient who takes insulin. He is puzzled by the finding. Which one of the following responses would be most appropriate?

There could be several reasons for the bruising, but insulin injections are often administered to the abdomen.

You have been called for an adult male who is hypoglycemic and responsive to painful stimuli. The family has oral glucose and wants you to administer it. However, at this time, your medical director has not authorized its use and there are no protocols re

Transport the patient to the emergency department.

A patient's glucometer reads 39 mg/dl. The patient is alert, but confused. The patient's son states that he has a friend who becomes unresponsive when his sugar is less than 50 mg/dl; therefore, the reading on his father cannot be correct. Which one of th

The response to a low blood sugar can vary from patient to patient.

You have been called for a 33-year-old male complaining of weakness and dizziness. When getting the history, which one of the following statements would make you suspicious that the patient is an undiagnosed diabetic?

I find myself urinating all of the time.

The son of a patient with altered mental status informs you that his father is a type I diabetic. Based on this information, you would understand that the patient:

needs to take insulin.

For which patient would the EMT have the strongest suspicion of a diabetic emergency?

Confused patient with a blood glucose of 58 mg/dl

A patient informs you that she takes Januvia pills for her diabetes. Which one of the following statements about this patient and her diabetes is true?

Her pancreas still produces some insulin.

You are reviewing a prehospital care report for a patient with altered mental status that occurred after he took too much insulin. Based on this information, you should assume that at the time of EMS contact, the patient's blood sugar level was probably:


You know an EMT is correctly using a glucometer when she performs which one of the following?

Wastes the first drop of blood obtained from the patient's finger

Which one of the following patients is a candidate for oral glucose?

An alert but confused diabetic patient with cool skin

A 17-year-old patient is unresponsive. A medical identification bracelet states that he is diabetic. Which of the following actions should be your first in the care of this patient?

Assess the airway.

After you administer oral glucose to a diabetic patient, his level of conscious deteriorates and he becomes unresponsive with snoring respirations. Which one of the following actions should you take immediately?

Manage the airway.

A diabetic patient presents as alert but irritable and confused. His airway is patent with an intact gag reflex and breathing is adequate. You do not have a glucometer available and are not sure if his blood sugar is high or low. In this situation, which

Administer oral glucose.

To which one of the following patients would the EMT administer oral glucose?

Confused 44-year-old male with a history of diabetes who is able to swallow

You have been called for a patient who is confused and slightly combative. Which one of the following assessment findings would make you suspicious that the patient is suffering from hyperglycemia?

Increased respirations with a sweet smell to his breath

You are instructing EMT students on how to obtain a blood sample to use in a glucometer. You are providing accurate information by stating which one of the following?

A small drop of blood obtained from the patient's fingertip is sufficient.

Which one of the following would lead the EMT to suspect that a patient is suffering from hypoglycemia?

A rapid onset of altered mental status

You are reviewing prehospital care reports and notice that a patient with low blood sugar and no contraindications to oral glucose did not receive the medication. You recognize that this inaction placed the patient at risk for what condition?

Brain damage

A glucometer reads 50 mg/dl. Which one of the following terms best describes that result?


Family members have called you for a young female patient with a diabetic history who took insulin earlier in the day. She is confused and combative. Which one of the following questions is most important for the EMT to immediately ask the family?

Did she eat after taking the insulin?

You are transporting a diabetic who has low blood sugar. En route you have received orders to administer oral glucose. What piece of emergency equipment is it most important to have readily available during this procedure?

Suction device

After you administer oral glucose to a confused and combative patient, she gradually becomes calmer and fully oriented. As a knowledgeable EMT, you would recognize that the patient:

had a low blood-sugar level.

Your medical director is providing a review of diabetic emergencies and asks you to describe glucose. Which one of the following would be the most appropriate response?

It is a sugar that is the body's main source of energy.

You are assisting a paramedic who is administering glucagon to a patient. Based on your understanding of how glucagon works in the human body, which one of the following is the therapeutic goal of administering it?

Raises the amount of circulating blood glucose

A patient informs you that he found out he is allergic to certain molds and was prescribed an epinephrine auto-injector. He asks you how the epinephrine will help him the next time he is exposed to mold. Which one of the following would be the most approp

It will cause the blood vessels to constrict and increase your blood pressure.

You are providing bag-valve-mask ventilations to a patient in anaphylactic shock. There is increasing resistance to ventilation, despite using proper technique. Which one of the following is the best way to address this situation?

Perform a Sellick maneuver and occlude the pop-off valve on the bag-mask.

Which one of the following explains why patients experiencing an allergic reaction have difficulty breathing?

The bronchioles constrict and spasm.

You have just assisted a patient with his epinephrine auto-injector. The patient states that he has never taken epinephrine before. You would inform him of which one of the following?

You may feel a little shaky, but that is normal and will pass.

Which one of the following is the primary difference between an anaphylactic reaction and an anaphylactoid reaction?

An anaphylactoid reaction may occur without prior sensitization to the antigen; anaphylaxis requires prior sensitization.

Which one of the following patient statements best suggests that the patient may be in the early stages of an allergic reaction?

I suddenly feel like a have a lump in my throat.

What is the most common cause of an allergic reaction?


You are responding to a call for an allergic reaction. Your partner is a new EMT and this is his first call. Which one of the following instructions to him about assessment and treatment of an allergic reaction would be correct?

Our first priority will not be to determine what caused the allergic reaction, but to treat the patient according to his symptoms.

Prior to assisting a patient with his epinephrine auto-injector, the EMT must ensure that:

on- or off-line medical direction exists.

A patient informs you that any time she is exposed to a particular soap, she experiences a mild allergic reaction. As a knowledgeable EMT, you should recognize that:

the soap contains an allergen.

Your patient is allergic to peanuts and was just exposed to peanut butter. Assessment reveals her to be alert and oriented, with swollen lips and hives on her face. She is breathing adequately at a rate of 20 breaths per minute and has a heart rate of 82

Provide oxygen via nonrebreather mask.

An alert but confused patient experiencing an allergic reaction begins to exhibit stridorous respirations. The EMT should recognize:

swelling to the upper airway.

A patient states that he is allergic to poison ivy and was burning it yesterday and accidentally inhaled some of the smoke. Today, he awoke and found a red rash to the back of his left hand and called 911. Assessment reveals him to be alert and oriented,

Obtain a medical history using the SAMPLE mnemonic.

When performing the reassessment of a patient having an allergic reaction, which one of the following would be of most concern to the EMT?

Correct Respiratory rate change from 28 to 10 breaths per minute

Five minutes after you assist a patient with her epinephrine auto-injector, the patient states that she feels much better and would like to refuse additional care and transport to the hospital. What statement would be most appropriate given the situation?

The epinephrine will wear off in 10 to 20 minutes. Let's see how you are doing then before thinking about refusing transport.

A patient who is responsive to painful stimuli is covered with hives. He has labored respirations and a weak pulse that is tachycardic. His vital signs are: pulse 128, respirations 24, and blood pressure 80/50 mmHg. Given this presentation, the EMT should

Anaphylactic reaction

You have been summoned to an apartment for a 58-year-old female complaining of swollen lips and hives to her chest. When asked, she states that she has had episodes of the hives and swollen lips over the past six months, but allergy testing has not been a


A patient has been stung by a bee. Which one of the following findings would be present in anaphylaxis, but not in a mild allergic reaction?


What is the most severe form of an allergic reaction called?


In which situation would the EMT contact medical direction prior to administering epinephrine to a patient suffering an anaphylactic reaction?

The patient is not prescribed an auto-injector

Which one of the following does the EMT recognize when the onset of signs and symptoms of an allergic reaction is very rapid?

The reaction tends to be more severe.

A football player in full uniform has been stung by a bee. Your assessment reveals him to be confused. He also has stridorous respirations and weak radial pulses. His skin is warm and flushed and covered with hives. Vital signs are: pulse 144, respiration

Administer the epinephrine through a padless area of the pants over the side of his thigh.

After you assist a patient with his epinephrine auto-injector, which one of the following statements made by the patient best indicates that the epinephrine is working and the patient is improving?

My breathing feels a lot easier.

What should an EMT do to assist a patient in taking his epinephrine auto-injector?

Press the injector onto the lateral thigh, and wait for it to automatically inject.

The EMT shows he understands the use of an epinephrine auto-injector for treating a patient with an anaphylactic reaction when he makes which one of the following statements?

Epinephrine administered through an auto-injector can be used for all severe allergic reactions, regardless of the cause.

A patient with an allergy to bees and a prescribed Epi-pen was working in the garden when she noted swelling to the right side of her face. Assessment reveals swelling that is red and hot to the right cheek area. Her airway is patent, respirations easy an

Perform a secondary assessment.

You have assisted an adult patient with his epinephrine auto-injector. When giving a report to the emergency department nurse, you should inform her that ________ mg of epinephrine was administered?


Five minutes after assisting a patient with his epinephrine auto-injector, you determine the patient to be getting progressively worse. The patient has a second auto-injector available; however, written protocols do not address the administration of a sec

Contact medical direction for further orders.

You have been called for a male patient experiencing a severe allergic reaction. The patient is very confused and having great difficulty breathing. He has an epinephrine auto-injector; however, your service does not have protocols related its use. In EMT

provide oxygen and respiratory support followed by immediate transport.

You have been called to a kindergarten class for a five-year-old boy who is allergic to peanuts. He ate some in the form of a birthday treat brought to school by a classmate who is celebrating a birthday. From the door of the classroom, you note the patie

Inspect the inside of his mouth.

On scene you assisted a patient with his epinephrine auto-injector after he was stung multiple times by bees. You are now transporting the patient to the hospital. As you reassess the patient, which one of the following signs would best indicate that the

Decreasing wheezing

A patient who is severely short of breath and covered with hives states that she is allergic to crab but tried some crab dip 10 minutes ago. Which one of the following questions should the EMT ask first?

Do you have an epinephrine auto-injector?

You have arrived by the side of a patient who is allergic to latex and was exposed to it when she spilled a latex-containing powder on her right hand. Assessment reveals her to be lethargic and panicked, and able to speak a few words with each breath. Her

Provide positive pressure ventilation.

Which one of the following statements indicates that the EMT understands airway management in a patient suffering a severe allergic reaction?

If we have to provide positive pressure ventilation, it may be difficult to pass air through the swollen tissues.

You are called to an out-patient surgery center for a patient who developed an allergic reaction while receiving an intravenous (IV) antibiotic. What should the EMT recognize and document as the route of exposure?


Which one of the following assessment findings would indicate that the patient is suffering from an anaphylactic reaction and requires immediate intervention?

Swollen lips with a blood pressure of 84/50 mmHg

The EMT's patient has swollen lips and hives. Which one of the following scene size-up observations supports the EMT's suspicion that the patient is having an allergic reaction?

A new container of penicillin is on a table with two pills missing.

The EMT exhibits an understanding of allergic reactions and anaphylaxis when she makes which one of the following statements?

Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction that will lead to death without emergency care.

For the EMT to achieve the best results when assisting with epinephrine, the medication should be placed into:


You are staffing an information booth at the county fair when a mother and her 15-year-old son approach. The mother informs you that her son is severely allergic to bee stings and had an epinephrine auto-injector prescribed to him when he was five years o

Call your doctor to get a new injector and ask him if he wants to change the dose.

You have been called to a residence for a female patient who awoke with swollen lips and a rash to her arms and abdomen. In addition, she exhibits a mild expiratory wheeze in all lung fields. She states that she called her doctor who advised her to take s

It stops the constriction of the patient's small airways.

When assessing a patient with an anaphylactic reaction, which one of the following assessment findings should be expected?

Weak radial pulse

A panicked and anxious patient informs you that he is allergic to peanuts and thinks he may have accidentally eaten some. He states that the last time he ate peanuts he needed to have a "tube put in his throat" and almost died. When assessing the patient,

Hives on his chest

Why would the patient experiencing an allergic reaction tell you that it is easier to breathe following administration of epinephrine?

Dilation of the bronchioles

During the primary assessment, which one of the following findings would most lead the EMT to suspect an allergic reaction?

Hives to the face and neck

After assisting a patient with the use of an epinephrine auto-injector, you note that the patient's blood pressure has improved. As a knowledgeable EMT, you realize that this has occurred due to epinephrine's ability to:

constrict blood vessels.

When administering epinephrine to an infant or child, the EMT would place the injector at what site?

Lateral thigh

Medical command has ordered you to administer activated charcoal to a patient who ingested a large amount of poison. When looking in your medical kit, which of the following medications would you prepare and administer?


You have been called for a 13-year-old boy who was caught sniffing glue by his parents. The boy is lethargic and confused and complaining of burning to the mouth and nose as well as nausea and vomiting. Based on the clinical presentation and mechanism of

Crossing from the lungs into the blood stream and then circulating to the brain

You have been called to a home for a patient with behavioral problems who states that he drank some "chemicals." The patient is alert and oriented and shows no life-threatening conditions to the airway, breathing, or circulation. At this point, which of t

What exactly did you drink?

The grandfather of an alert and oriented 2-year-old girl found her on the floor playing with the pills from his open bottle of Digoxin (heart medication that slows the rate). He cannot remember how many pills were in the bottle, but he thinks that some ar

The Digoxin has yet to absorb into the body.

A 44-year-old male who works at a petroleum refining plant inhaled a significant amount of hydrocarbon fumes and now is complaining of a headache with associated dizziness and nausea, as well as mild shortness of breath. He is alert and oriented and there

Continuous SpO2 monitoring

A 31-year-old female was stung by a hornet while golfing. Your assessment reveals her to be confused with stridorous respirations. Her skin is warm and flushed and covered with hives. A stinger is located on the back of her neck. Based on this information


You are caring for a patient who intentionally drank a compound with a high percentage of methanol. He is confused and lethargic, but has no obvious deficits to his airway, breathing, or circulation. En-route to the hospital, he states that he is very nau

turn him on his side.

You have delivered a patient who had a pesticide splashed into his eyes to the emergency department. Aside from local irritation and damage to the eyes, he also suffered systemic complications since the pesticide entered and was circulated throughout his


A 32-year-old female calls 911 stating that she injected herself with some heroin 15 minutes ago. She has never tried heroin and she is very scared about what she has done. Assessment reveals her to be alert but slightly confused. Her airway is open and s

Monitor her and transport.

A drug addict informs you that he has been taking Oxycontin and now requires more and more of the drug to take his chronic back pain away. The EMT would recognize this patient as experiencing:


Which of the following instructions given to another EMT would be most appropriate when managing a patient who ingested numerous household cleaners in an attempt to kill himself?

Let's gather up all of the containers of the chemicals he may have taken and take them with us.

You have been called for a 41-year-old female who is confused. Her husband states that she is an alcoholic who has been in and out of rehab for the past five years. Assessment reveals her airway to be open and breathing adequate. Her pulse is regular and

Complaint of nausea with a temperature of 101.6�F

You are preparing to administer activated charcoal to a patient who has ingested a poison. The activated charcoal authorized by your medical director also contains a cathartic. What statement would you make to the patient regarding this additive?

You may experience diarrhea after taking the charcoal.

You are assessing a young male patient who was found in an alley by sanitation workers. Assessment reveals the patient to respond to painful stimuli by opening his eyes, but then closes them once you stop pinching the muscles on his neck. His airway is op

narcotic overdose.

Medical direction has ordered the administration of activated charcoal to a 3-year-old boy. What dose would be most appropriate?

1 gram/kilogram

You have been summoned to a residence for a child who ingested a liquid pesticide. On scene, worried parents inform you that their 4-year-old son and some friends were playing in the garage and apparently found some pesticide, which their son says he tast

I need to see the other children.

You have arrived at a home where the parents found their 13-year-old son in the garage inhaling propane from the family grill. Your assessment reveals him to be alert, oriented, and have an open airway. His breathing is labored, and his pulse is rapid for

Wheezing localized to the left lung

You have been called to a residence for a cognitively challenged 32-year-old female who drank a bottle of floor cleaner. She is conscious, but having a difficult time breathing due to swelling from burns in her mouth, with mild stridor on inspiration. Whi

Insert a nasal airway.

A patient has overdosed on an unknown amount of unspecified drugs. On scene, you find her to be conscious but confused and extremely nauseated and she vomits twice. Examination of the vomitus reveals the fragments of different pills. Her past medical hist

position her on her side.

While he is changing the battery on a truck, acid from the battery splashed into a patient's right eye. He complains of burning pain to his right eye and he is having a hard time keeping it open. He is alert and oriented and has no problems with his airwa

irrigate the eye with tap water for a minimum of 20 minutes.

A 19-year-old diabetic female is unresponsive after drinking a large amount of alcohol and trying some "pills" that her friend provided. Her airway is patent, respirations adequate, and radial pulse intact. Emergency Medical Responders are maintaining her

apply oxygen by non-rebreather mask.

You have been called to a dilapidated residence for a 26-year-old female complaining of generalized weakness. After applying gloves, you enter the home and find the patient on a couch in minimal distress. Your assessment reveals no life threats, but you d

continue care with gloves.

Which of the following patients would the EMT recognize as a drug abuser?

A 39-year-old female who takes pain medications even though she is not in pain

You are responding to a drug-related emergency. While en route, the dispatcher informs you that the patient has overdosed on an unspecified narcotic. Which of the following statements made to your partner indicates an understanding of overdoses with narco

When performing the primary assessment, we need to be alert for respiratory depression.

When treating a patient for an overdose, the highest priority of care is placed on:

managing the airway and breathing.

A confused female patient states that she was intoxicated and was given a glass of household bleach to drink, which she did. When transporting this patient, which of the following complications would you continually assess for?


A 49-year-old alcoholic patient has fallen down a flight of stairs after consuming two-fifths of cheap whiskey. He presents with confused and slurred speech and the smell of alcohol on his breath. Family states that he is "hopeless" and has been drinking

bruise to the head.

You have been called to an alcoholic rehabilitation center. On scene, one of the counselors tells you that the patient is a 44-year-old woman who just came to the center this morning. He continues on by stating that she has not had any alcohol for 24 hour

physically dependent on alcohol.

A 16-year-old male has been inhaling paint fumes to "feel good." His grandmother called 911 when she found him doing this in the basement and he told her he was having a hard time breathing. He is alert and oriented, with a patent airway and adequate brea

high flow oxygen through a nonrebreather mask.

On arrival to a parking lot tailgate, you observe a crowd around a young man who is seizing. As you get equipment from the ambulance and make your way to the patient, his friends tell you that the patient has been up all night "partying" by drinking alcoh

Open the airway, provide oxygen, and give rapid transport to the hospital.

You are en route for a possible heroin overdose. As an EMT, you would recognize heroin as what type of drug?


The EMT accurately understands alcoholism when he states:

Aside from the excessive amounts of alcohol, much of the health deterioration that accompanies alcoholism comes from malnutrition.

For which of the following patients would you be most concerned about exposure to cyanide?

Firefighter battling a smoky structure fire

You have been called to a residence for a 31-year-old patient complaining of confusion, nausea, vomiting, and a headache. He states that this started this morning and has been getting worse all day. Despite lying in bed and resting all day, he is more fat

I just turned the furnace on last night.

A female patient in her forties has overdosed and is lying at the bottom of some stairs. As you arrive, her husband informs you that she is addicted to pain medications and was chewing a Fentanyl (narcotic pain reliever) this evening. He states that she w

take manual in-line spinal stabilization.

Following a large wedding, health authorities announce that some of the food was contaminated with salmonella. Consequently, your EMS service receives notice that there may be a significant number of calls involving food poisoning. A new EMT asks you how

You should treat the patient based on his or her signs and symptoms, just like any other ingested poison.

A 44-year-old male was using an industrial drain cleaning solvent to clean the drains in his house. The solvent ate through the pipes on the second floor, spilling into the walls and filling the house with fumes. He was in the house for several minutes pr

Administer oxygen through a nonrebreather mask.

A 14-year-old female has taken an excessive amount of Tylenol with codeine. Family states that they were asleep when they heard a crash and found her at the bottom of the stairs. When they asked her if she was okay, she told them that her boyfriend broke

take manual in-line spinal stabilization.

Which of the following statements indicates that the EMT understands the condition of withdrawal?

Withdrawal from drugs or alcohol can be just as serious a medical emergency as an overdose.

Medical direction has ordered the administration of activated charcoal to an adult patient who has overdosed on several unspecified medications. Prior to administering the medication, the EMT must:

shake the medication thoroughly to mix it.

A frantic mother called 911 because she found her 18-month-old daughter playing with a bottle of drain cleaner. When assessing this patient, which of the following provides the strongest evidence that the child did indeed ingest some of the liquid?

Burns to her mouth

A patient working at an ice plant was trapped in a room filled with sulfur dioxide. On arrival, you donned a self-contained breathing apparatus and entered the room, finding the patient unresponsive on the floor. The room remains filled with the gas. Your

remove him from the immediate environment.

For which of the following patients is a "talk down" indicated?

26-year-old who took LSD and is panicked because spiders are after him

The family of a 31-year-old female reports that she has taken an overdose of her father's diabetes medication. Assessment reveals her to be supine on the floor and unresponsive with snoring respirations. Her pulse is rapid and her skin is cool to the touc

perform a jaw-thrust maneuver.

Which of the following guidelines would the EMT follow when talking down a patient with a drug related emergency?

Be authoritative and orient him to place and time frequently.

When managing a patient that has been exposed to a poisonous substance, the first priority of the EMT is to:

perform a primary assessment.

You have been called for a "drunk" male patient at a halfway house known to provide living quarters to those with drug and alcohol problems. Residents tell you that the patient is a heavy drinker and must have had too much last night. This morning he was

Glucometer on the table

When performing a "talk down," which of the following statements would appropriately be included?

You are seeing rats because of the drug; this will not last forever.

The most common route by which a poison enters the body is:


You have been called to a residence for a 14-year-old male who states that he intentionally took some medication to kill himself. Assessment indicates that he is alert, oriented, and has an open airway and adequate breathing. Given the situation, it is im

check the radial pulse and skin.

A 56-year-old male has been exposed to fumes containing cyanide. Why should the EMT call for advanced life support assistance?

Paramedics may be able to administer a cyanide antidote.

Which of the following actions indicate that the EMT is correctly administering activated charcoal to a patient who has ingested a toxic substance?

The patient drinks it through a straw.

You are by the side of a young female college student who is unresponsive. Friends say that she is not a heavy drinker, but tonight she drank an excessive amount of alcohol. She responds to painful stimuli and has snoring respirations. Her respiratory rat

perform the head tilt-chin lift maneuver.

A 44-year-old patient was found unresponsive at home. Based on his clinical presentation and fact that he was burning a kerosene heater in an enclosed room, you determine that he is suffering from carbon monoxide poisoning. Based on this information, whic


An 18-year-old female has eaten a poisonous mushroom. Medical direction has ordered you to administer activated charcoal. Immediately following administration, the patient vomits the medication. She remains alert and oriented with no current life threats

re-administer the activated charcoal.

Family members have called EMS after finding their brother in a highly agitated state. When assessing this patient, which of the following findings would raise your suspicion that the patient took a stimulant?

Blood pressure of 196/104

Which of the following is the greatest risk related to ingestion of cyanide?

Widespread hypoxia

A 17-year-old female was at a party where she tried a Percocet pill (narcotic pain reliever). After taking the pill, she became scared she was going to die and is crying. At the present time, she feels slightly nauseated, but has no other complaints. Ther

non-emergent transport.

A 53-year-old female has intentionally taken a large amount of Valium. The EMT would recognize that the medication is being absorbed into the body through what structure?

Small intestine

A 42-year old patient weighs 154 pounds (70 kg). How much activated charcoal would you administer to him?

70 grams

A worker at a chemical plant was working on a high-pressure tank containing chlorine gas when the valve broke, filling the room with chlorine gas and throwing the patient forcefully against the wall. He was unresponsive and trapped in the room for 10 minu

take in-line manual spinal stabilization.

Firefighters have pulled a 62-year-old male from a bedroom that was on fire. According to the firefighters, he was smoking in bed and fell asleep. They found him supine on the floor. Assessment reveals him to be responsive to painful stimuli with soot in

How long was he trapped in the room?

You have been called for a 46-year-old male who just smoked crack cocaine. In reviewing his past medical history, which of the following conditions would be most of most concern to the EMT?

Heart disease

You are suspicious of food poisoning in a 51-year-old male with nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and an elevated temperature. He is alert and oriented with no life threats to his airway, breathing, or circulation. His vital signs are: pulse 124, respirations 2

Oxygen at 2 lpm through a nasal cannula

You have assessed a 25-year-old female who states that she has taken a large amount of anti-depressants and other medications in an effort to end her life. The primary assessment reveals no life-threatening conditions. Why is it important to get the histo

The patient may become confused and be unable to provide information.

A patient informs you that he smoked marijuana all night and now he has great anxiety and tremors to both hands. The EMT would recognize marijuana as a(n):

cannabis product.

You are transporting a patient who overdosed on medications from a community Emergency Department (ED) to a large medical center for continued care. In the ED, the patient received two doses of activated charcoal. When performing your reassessment of the

Red colored stool

You have been called to a party by friends of a 14-year-old female with a decreased level of consciousness. On scene, the partygoers state that they were "huffing" when she suddenly complained of a headache and then passed out. In reference to the term "h

inhaling fumes or vapors.

You have been called for an 11-year-old boy with a history of mild mental retardation who has possibly ingested the leaves of a household plant. His mother states that she found him eating the leaves then immediately called 911. You note that the plant ha

Confusion and lethargy

A patient who is agitated and hyperactive with dilated pupils and tachypnea has most likely ingested:

crack cocaine.

You have been called for an alcoholic patient experiencing a medical emergency. On scene, a home health nurse informs you that the patient is experiencing delirium tremens. As an EMT, you recognize which of the following?

This is a life-threatening condition requiring rapid transport.

Which of the following correctly identifies the routes by which a poison can enter the human body?

Ingestion, Inhalation, Injection, Absorption

You are transporting a patient who wants help to rid herself of an addiction to pain medications. She says she has not taken any pain medications since yesterday, and needs help. Which of the following would you recognize as a sign of withdrawal?

She starts to become agitated.

At the scene of an industrial accident, you are presented with a male patient who was exposed to a powerful pesticide in powder form. The patient states that he was moving sacks of the pesticide when one broke open. In the process, his face and arms were

apply oxygen through a nonrebreather mask.

A teenage male patient was stung by an unidentified insect. On scene, the sting site to his right forearm showed some redness and mild swelling. During the reassessment, which statement made by the patient would indicate that venom from the sting is absor

I feel sick to my stomach and dizzy.

You have been called for an unresponsive patient. On scene, hysterical family members direct you to an unresponsive 32-year-old woman who is lying on the bedroom floor. Her husband says that she left a note saying that she wanted to kill herself and took

open the airway and suction.

You have been called for a young female who overdosed on several drugs. Which of the following is it most essential that the EMT perform while caring for this patient?

Identify and correct loss of vital function.

The EMT is transporting a patient with the diagnosis of Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome. As such, the EMT would recognize that the patient has a past medical history of:


You have been called for a 28-year-old male with a history of behavioral problems. He responds to painful stimuli with garbled speech. His airway is patent, but breathing is inadequate. His radial pulse is rapid and skin cool and moist. He has crackles at

start positive pressure ventilation.

For which of the following patients would activated charcoal be indicated?

27-year-old who intentionally took a large amount of Tylenol 45 minutes ago

A patient has been found unresponsive of her bedroom floor. When assessing her, the EMT would have the highest index of suspicion for a narcotic overdose when he notes:

shallow and slow respirations.

After determining that a patient intentionally took an overdose of blood pressure medications, which of the following questions by the EMT would be most appropriate?

How many did you take?

A confused and lethargic patient reports that she took a large number of anti-anxiety pills because she was angry with her husband. Her airway is patent and her breathing is adequate. Her pulse is normal and her skin is warm and dry. During your reassessm

place her in a lateral recumbent position.

Which of the following statements made by an EMT indicates a safe and accurate understanding of inhalation poisonings?

The onset of signs and symptoms associated with an inhalation poisoning are typically rapid.

The EMT would recognize which of the following as true regarding poisoning?

A poison is any substance that impairs a person's health by its chemical action.

Which of the following is characteristic of carbon monoxide?

It is an odorless gas that can kill a person by causing severe hypoxia.

The Poison Control Center has advised that you administer milk to a patient who has overdosed on a medication. Given this information you would:

contact medical command.

On the scene of a drug-related emergency, a 22-year-old patient tells you that he has been taking amphetamines because he likes the way that they make him feel. Over the past two days, he has been taking more and more and today he feels as though his hear

Increased blood pressure

Which of the following complaints would the EMT expect from a person who has just used crack cocaine?

I have chest pain.

When assessing a patient who has been exposed to a poisonous substance, the EMT must remember that:

the signs and symptoms will vary depending on the specific poison.

Which of the following statements made by an EMT regarding antidotes indicates proper understanding?

An antidote will neutralize or counteract the effects of a poison or toxic substance.

This is the third day that a patient is in withdrawal from alcohol. If called to care for this patient, the EMT would recognize the need for:

seizure precautions.

You are called to an alcoholic crisis center to transport a patient experiencing delirium tremens. When assessing the patient, which signs or symptoms would the EMT associate with this condition?

Loss of memory, hallucinations, fever, dilated pupils

An alert and oriented 5-year-old child drank some ammonia that was placed in a cup. He is very scared and complaining of abdominal pain, and he states that he has not vomited. Assessment shows ammonia around and in his mouth as well as on his breath. He h

rinsing his face and mouth with water.

A patient who has ingested a toxic substance is to receive activated charcoal. The EMT knows that the charcoal will benefit the patient by:

adsorbing the poisonous substance in the stomach.

Which of the following statements is true concerning the functions of the vagina?

The vagina serves as a passage for the fetus during delivery as well as an outlet for blood during menstruation.

You have been dispatched for a male patient who is "sick." While enroute, Emergency Medical Responders inform you that the patient has esophageal varices, which appear to have ruptured. You would inform your partner to prepare what materials or piece of e

Suction machine

Which statement indicates that the EMT correctly understands the goal of assessing a patient with abdominal pain?

It is more important to recognize a possible abdominal emergency as opposed to determining the exact cause.

Which of the following statements made by a female patient would make the EMT highly suspicious of Mittelschmerz?

I had some sharp belly pain but it seems to be going away now.

The EMT understands the major function of most organs in the abdomen when he states:

The major function of the organs in the abdominal cavity is digestion.

You are responding to a patient with a complication related to her chronic ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD). Based on this description, the paramedic would anticipate which of the following?

Catheter placed in the abdomen

You have been called for a patient with abdominal pain. The patient states that he recently had his gall bladder removed. As an EMT, you realize that:

his ability to digest fats is impaired.

On arrival for a patient with severe abdominal pain, an Emergency Medical Responder tells you that he is concerned because the blood pressure they obtained was 146/88 mmHg and the patient states no history of high blood pressure. He states that it may be

Sometimes pain can naturally increase the blood pressure. I will take another reading so we can compare.

Your medical director is providing an in-service on abdominal pain. He states there are several different categories of pain and asks if anyone can identify and describe visceral pain. Which response made by the EMT would be correct?

A patient with visceral pain typically describes the pain as 'aching' and has a hard time identifying its exact location.

A patient has a tumor that has compressed and obstructed her left ureter. Which of the following is true?

The urine will back up into the left kidney.

Pelvic inflammatory disease is best described as a(n):

infection of the female reproductive organs.

The pancreas would best be described as a(n) ________ organ.


The EMT has an accurate understanding of the solid organs contained within the abdomen when she states:

Solid organs are very vascular and may bleed excessively if injured.

A patient informs you that he has had a large portion of his small intestine removed due to cancer. You recognize that with the removal of small intestine, the patient is less able to:

absorb nutrients.

When assessing a patient with abdominal pain, you note that his abdomen feels rigid. Which of the following would the EMT do next?

Ask the patient to take a deep breath and re-palpate the rigid area.

Which of the following assessment findings on a patient complaining of abdominal and back pain would the EMT be most concerned about?

Pulsating mass above the umbilicus

You have completed the initial assessment on a 62-year-old male complaining of the sudden onset of epigastric pain. His airway is patent, his breathing is fast but adequate, and his radial pulse is weak and thready. His pulse rate is 124 beats per minute

apply oxygen at 15 lpm via a nonrebreather mask.

A middle-aged female patient has dialed 911 for an abdominal emergency. On scene, she informs you she has a bad gall bladder and it has been increasingly bothering her, thus she needs transport to the hospital for further care. Your assessment reveals ten

referred pain.

You have been called to transfer a male patient from an out-patient clinic to the hospital. The patient has been diagnosed with peritonitis and requires transport to the hospital for definitive care. As a knowledgeable EMT, you would recognize which of th

The lining of the patient's abdominal cavity is inflamed.

Which of the following best describes the structure and function of the stomach?

A hollow organ that secretes digestive enzymes and fluids

During transport, a 27-year-old female drug addict with acute abdominal pain tells you that she is scared and starts crying. Your best response would be:

I know that you are in pain. We are five minutes from the hospital and I have already called the doctor. They will be prepared for us.

You have been dispatched for a patient with abdominal pain. On scene you find the patient lying supine complaining of severe pain to his lower abdomen. He is pale and has a look of distress on his face. Which of the following actions would the EMT do firs

Check the pulse.

You are by the side of a patient who states that he thinks he has a kidney stone. After assessing the patient, which of the following would force you to consider another cause of the patient's pain?

Tearing pain in the abdomen

When obtaining a medical history from a female patient with abdominal pain, she tells you that she suffers from endometriosis. As an EMT, you know that this condition describes:

endometrial tissue located outside of the uterus.

Which of the following assessment findings is of most concern regarding a 36-year-old male with severe abdominal pain?

Blood pressure of 90/64 mmHg

The primary assessment of a 27-year-old female who has been raped reveals no life threats to the airway, breathing, or circulation. The patient complains of pain in the vaginal area, but a focused assessment of her genitalia indicates no remarkable findin

Please be assured that you are safe from harm here in the ambulance.

A patient with a history of upper gastrointestinal bleeding is complaining of weakness and abdominal pain. He informs you that he vomited 5 minutes before you arrived. Which of the following questions is it most important that the EMT ask first regarding

Was the vomit red or did it look like coffee grounds?

Assessment of a 21-year-old female reveals her to have severe abdominal pain localized to the right upper quadrant. She is alert and oriented and her vital signs are stable. After placing her supine on the stretcher, she quickly assumes a lateral recumben

Are you comfortable in that position? If you are, you should stay on your side.

You are providing continuing education for a group of EMTs. The topic is acute abdominal pain. What point would you stress when discussing the EMT's treatment of the patient with acute abdominal pain?

Definitive care for patients with abdominal pain is hospital evaluation and possible surgical intervention.

In the human body, the urethra:

passes urine from the bladder to the outside of the body.

The EMT understands that the most common cause of urinary tract infections is:

bacterial invasion.

A 42-year-old female is crying and she states that she has sharp abdominal pain that she localizes to her right lower quadrant. When assessing the patient's abdomen, the EMT would:

start palpating in the left upper quadrant.

Which of the following complaints would raise the EMT's suspicion that a female patient has a urinary tract infection (UTI)?

Burning sensation every time she urinates

A patient with a history of frequent urinary tract infections (UTI) is complaining of lower abdominal pain and feels as though she has one again. Which of the following assessment findings would cause you to question the presence of a UTI?

Vaginal bleeding

When he enters the room of a 62-year-old female with an unknown medical complaint, which of the following clues observed during the scene size-up would most increase the EMT's suspicion that the patient is suffering from an acute abdominal condition?

The patient is lying on her side with her knees drawn to her chest

A female patient has developed bacterial peritonitis. Which of the following organs was most likely responsible for this condition?

Small intestine

A 26-year-old female has called 911 because of lower abdominal pain. Your findings are consistent with a urinary tract infection. She has a history of urinary tract infections as well as asthma. Her vital signs are: pulse 116, respirations 14 and adequate

Non-emergent transport

While performing the secondary assessment on a patient's abdomen, you note a pulsating mass just above the umbilicus. Your next action would be to:

palpate the remainder of the abdomen gently.

On scene, you have a 57-year-old female with profuse hemorrhage coming from her dialysis graft located on her left arm. To control the bleeding, you would immediately:

apply direct pressure to the graft.

A patient states that after dinner, she suddenly developed right upper quadrant abdominal pain that radiated to her shoulder. As a knowledgeable EMT, you would recognize this characteristic pain pattern as most suggestive of:

gall bladder inflammation.

The spleen of a patient has ruptured. Because it is a solid organ, the EMT recognizes that the primary threat to life is:

blood loss.

While you are transporting a 44-year-old female with abdominal pain in a low Fowler's position, she starts to vomit. Your immediate action would be to:

place her in a left lateral recumbent position.

You are called to a long-term care facility for a patient with abdominal pain. On location, you find an 81-year-old female who staff said complained of abdominal pain and then began to vomit several times. The patient has advanced dementia and is confused

Risk for vomiting

A patient suffering from a kidney stone would most likely have which of the following complaints?

It hurts so bad!

Which of the following assessment findings would increase the EMT's suspicion of a gastrointestinal bleed?

Black semi-formed stool

You are transporting a visibly upset female that was raped after she let a male stranger into her house. When questioning the patient, which of the following would be appropriate for the EMT to ask?

Please tell me exactly where you are hurting.

The EMT would recognize that the pain associated with a kidney stone is caused by:

passage of the stone through the ureter.

Your partner is performing the Markle (heel drop) test on a patient complaining of abdominal pain. Which of the following instructions provided to the patient indicates that she is performing the test correctly?

I need you to stand on the tips of your toes then on my command, drop onto your heels.

The EMT has an accurate understanding of acute abdominal pain when he states:

Sometimes the cause of abdominal pain will be obvious, but most often the cause will not be that apparent.

The EMT would recognize which of the following patients as suffering from an acute abdomen?

62-year-old male with no medical history with sudden pain to the lower abdomen

You have been dispatched to a residence for a patient experiencing an exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis. Which of the following chief complaints do you anticipate the patient having?

Severe pain

Which of the following would describes a female patient with a problem to her urinary system?

Swelling of the ureter

You suspect a patient with right lower quadrant pain may have appendicitis. The patient states that he has no health insurance and wants to refuse care and transport. He asks you what can happen if it is appendicitis and he does not go to the hospital. Yo

Your appendix could rupture, causing a major infection and shock.

A 38-year-old female was violently raped. The patient is conscious, upset, and actively bleeding from the vaginal canal. As an EMT, your best care would involve:

applying a bulky dressing and gentle pressure to the external genitalia.

When transporting a weak, pale, and diaphoretic patient you believe to be suffering with a kidney stone, which of the following positions will you place the patient on the stretcher?

On the side of the pain

A patient that has just been raped states that she will not go with you to the hospital until she showers and cleans herself up. As an EMT, you would make which of the following statements:

If you shower, you will destroy evidence needed to identify the rapist.

You have been dispatched for a patient with severe abdominal pain. On scene, a 57-year-old male informs you that he has a past medical history of chronic pancreatitis, which has "flared up." Which of the following precipitating factors would the EMT ident

Consumption of 8 beers this afternoon

A 26-year-old female is complaining of abdominal pain. She states that the pain is generalized to her abdomen and worsens when walking. She also tells you that she is having a foul smelling yellow colored vaginal discharge. The primary assessment reveals

Pelvic inflammatory disease

If a patient has a retroperitoneal infection, what organ would be involved?


After performing a Markle test on a 31-year-old female with abdominal pain, she locates pain to her left lower quadrant. How would the EMT interpret this result?

Additional evidence that the patient is suffering from peritonitis

For a normal pregnancy, within what structure must the sperm and egg come together for fertilization?

Fallopian tube

Assessment of a confused and lethargic patient with diabetes and renal failure reveals her to be lying in bed with notable significant edema to the face, torso, and extremities. Her respirations are extremely labored and associated with a "grunting" sound

sit the patient upright.

You have been called for a 31-year-old male who experienced sudden left lower quadrant pain while lifting and moving a friend's couch to an upstairs bedroom. The EMT would recognize this history as suggestive of what type of abdominal injury?


While assessing a patient with acute abdominal pain, you note that his abdomen is very rigid. When asked to relax his stomach muscles, he does. The EMT would recognize:

voluntary guarding.

A 56-year-old male informs you that he has gastric ulcers. He states that he has had them for several months, but just recently the pain has been steadily increasing. If the cause of the abdominal pain is the gastric ulcers, how would you expect him to de

Burning pain located to the left upper quadrant

When you are obtaining information for the medical history, which of the following items would be significant for a patient with suspected cholecystitis?

Fried chicken and potato salad for dinner

An alert but confused patient called 911 with the complaint of abdominal pain. Assessment reveals her to be nauseated with pain that she localizes to the right lower quadrant of the abdomen. She states that she was not able to take her blood pressure medi

A 42-year-old female is crying and she states that she has sharp abdominal pain that she localizes to her right lower quadrant. When assessing the patient's abdomen, the EMT would:

A patient informs you that he was recently diagnosed with an abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA). He states that the surgeon did not want to operate on it immediately because he felt it was stable and not worth the risks that surgery posed. Tonight the patien

Tearing" pain located to the back

Which statement regarding abdominal pain would lead the EMT to suspect appendicitis?

The pain started around my belly button and slowly spread down to the right side of my belly.

Which of the following conditions would the EMT recognize as an acute abdominal emergency?

Rupture of the bladder

A 44-year-old female states that she has a history of endometritis. As such, the EMT would recognize that the patient suffers from:

infection of the endometrial lining.

Which of the following statements made by the patient would most likely be associated with parietal or somatic pain?

It hurts right here.

When an EMT is inspecting the abdomen of a patient with pain to his right upper quadrant, it appears large and possibly distended. To determine if it is indeed distended, the EMT would ask:

Is your belly normally this size?

When palpating the anterior portion of a patient's abdomen, you note tenderness to the left upper quadrant. As a knowledgeable EMT, you would recognize that which organ may be involved?


The EMT knows that the abdomen is located:

between the diaphragm and top of the pelvis.

A patient complains of severe and sharp pain to the right lower abdominal quadrant. Based on location, what organ or structure is most likely involved?


You are treating a woman with heavy vaginal bleeding. When estimating the blood loss, which of the following will be most useful to the EMT?

Total number of sanitary napkins used

When cooling a patient with possible heat stroke, which one of the following would be of most concern to the EMT?

Determining that the patient is shivering after having cold packs applied to the neck

The primary assessment on a teenage male patient who is unresponsive with skin that is hot, moist, and flushed reveals his airway to be open, breathing shallow, and radial pulse weak. You are providing positive pressure ventilation. Which one of the follo

Transfer him into the ambulance.

A landscaper who has been working in 105 degree weather is responsive to painful stimuli and has an open airway. His breathing is shallow and his radial pulse is weak. His skin is hot and dry and appears to be sunburned. The EMT should immediately:

start positive pressure ventilation.

A patient at a mountain ski resort presents to you with notable shortness of breath. She denies any past medical history and takes no medications. Your assessment reveals crackles to the bases of both lungs. After applying oxygen, you realize that the key

remove to a lower altitude.

Which statement made by an EMT shows that he understands the care of a patient with a localized cold injury to the foot?

While it is best to remove wet clothing from the patient, it is best to leave clothing that is frozen to the skin in place.

Which one of the following indicates the most significant mechanism by which the body can lose heat?


You have been called by a family for their mother, who is "not acting right." On scene you find the 69-year-old woman to be confused and seemingly slow in talking. Her airway is open and respirations are 12 per minute. Her pulse is 58 beats per minute and

Mom suffers from a low thyroid.

You have been summoned to a field where a 32-year-old male patient has been struck by lightning. Emergency Medical Responders are with the patient holding manual in-line spinal stabilization. Once you arrive at the patient's side, which one of the followi

Assess the airway and breathing.

You are transporting a patient who was bitten on her hand by a spider about 20 minutes ago. On scene the primary assessment revealed no life threats and vital signs were stable. While conducting your ongoing assessment, which one of the following would be

Hives to the chest and abdomen

You have been asked by your medical director to put together an emergency kit specifically for patients who have been stung or bitten by small marine life animals. Which one of the following should you place in that kit?


You have been called to a football practice field in the summer on a very hot day for a heat-related emergency. On scene you find a young male patient panting and lying under a tree. His skin is flushed and teammates are continually wiping the sweat off h

Please let him sweat. It is helping his body cool down.

You are treating a patient with suspected heat cramps. Your medical director has issued standing orders for such treatment given the high number of heat-related emergencies to which your service routinely responds. Which one of the following would be appr

Mix one teaspoon salt in one quart of water and administer half of a glass every 15 minutes.

Which one of the following patients would be the highest priority for transport?

Question 23

You are called for an elderly woman who has slipped on the ice. On arrival you find her supine on an icy sidewalk and responsive to painful stimuli with decorticate posturing (flexion). She has blood coming from a laceration on the back of her head and is

Perform the jaw-thrust airway maneuver.

You are assessing a conscious but confused hunter who became lost in the woods on a cold day. Your assessment shows him to have an open airway, adequate breathing, and a weak radial pulse. His skin is cold to the touch and he is shivering. The EMT should

shivering is a protective means by which the body is attempting to warm itself.

You have been called for an alert and oriented male patient whose friends state he spent several hours locked out of his house in the cold temperatures. Since the primary and secondary assessments have ruled out immediately life-threatening conditions, yo

Hot packs to the patient's chest, groin, and armpits

A person is in a hot environment and his body is successfully compensating to off-load the excess heat. Which one of the following assessment findings best illustrates this process?

Warm and diaphoretic skin, elevated heart rate, increased respirations

On entering an apartment for a confused elderly female, you note that the air conditioner is running on high and the room is extremely cold. What other clue obtained during the scene size-up would best indicate that the patient may be hypothermic?

Fan blowing directly onto the patient

Bystanders have called 911 for a female who lives on the street because she has been outside in the cold all night and is muttering incomprehensible words. Her airway is open and her breathing is adequate. Her skin is cold and a radial pulse is present bu

Transfer her into the ambulance.

You have been summoned to a beach for a young male who has been stung by jellyfish on both forearms. Which one of the following instructions to other EMTs shows proper care of this patient?

Let's soak the arms in warm water.

The EMT is correctly assessing the skin temperature of a patient who has been exposed to cold temperatures for an extended period of time when he:

places the back of his hand on the patient's abdomen.

A core temperature is most accurately assessed on a patient who has been exposed to cold temperatures by placing a:

medical-grade thermometer in the patient's rectum.

As an EMT working at a mountain resort, you are presented with a 50-year-old female who states that she does not feel well. From your assessment, which one of the following findings would seemingly indicate that the patient is being adversely affected by

Complaint of dyspnea on exertion

A patient has been bitten by an unidentified snake. Which one of the following statements made by the patient would lead the EMT to believe that the snake was poisonous?

Its head was triangular.

An intoxicated 24-year-old female has been struck by lightning and is conscious but confused. Which one of the following assessment findings should the EMT investigate first?

Irregular heart beat

The EMT should recognize which one of the following patients as suffering from generalized hypothermia?

21-year-old female who was trapped in cold water for 10 minutes before being rescued

The EMT shows she understands the regulation of temperature in the human body when she states:

If the body becomes too hot or too cold, the brain will send instructions out to the body to either retain or lose heat.

A hypothermic patient is in cardiac arrest. The automated external defibrillator (AED) is applied and delivers one shock. Which one of the following actions would the EMT perform next?

Start cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

You are treating a male patient who is hypothermic. What should you do to decrease heat loss caused by radiation?

Wrap a towel around the patient's head.

A patient has been struck by lightning at a picnic. A doctor on scene states that the patient was in cardiac arrest after the strike, but with one minute of CPR, has a heartbeat and weak respirations. The patient remains unresponsive. Which one of the fol

Perform the jaw-thrust maneuver.

After successfully rewarming a foot and frozen toes, the EMT should:

cover the foot and toes with dry, sterile dressings.

You have initiated the rewarming of a local cold injury to a patient's hand and fingers. On scene the patient had no sensation in his hand or fingers. Which one of the following statements is a cause of concern when made by the patient?

There is a little pain when I rub my fingers with my other hand.

When providing oxygen to a patient with a core temperature of 95 degrees and adequate breating, which one of the following is best?

Oxygen that is warmed and humidified via nonrebreather mask

An Emergency Medical Responder (EMR) quickly checks the breathing and pulse of a patient with Alzheimer's disease who has been sleeping outside in the cold for several hours. The EMR informs you that the patient grimaces to painful stimuli but is not brea

Let's re-perform the primary assessment, and this time take longer to assess for breathing and a pulse.

You are en route to the hospital with a patient who is unresponsive and has hot, dry skin. His friends state that he has been drinking and passed out in the hot sun for several hours before 911 was called. An Emergency Medical Responder is ventilating the

Place cold packs to the patient's groin and armpits.

A young male who was angry with friends wandered away from a party and spent the night outside uncovered in 40 to 50 degree temperatures. He is confused, has decreased but adequate breathing, and a weak radial pulse. His skin is cool and capillary refill

The patient's body temperature is most likely dangerously low.

You have been called to a residence for a patient who is sick. On scene the family tells you that the patient is being treated for the "stomach flu" and has had a fever of 102�F for the past two days. She has been taking all of the medications prescribed

patient's body is cooling itself by transferring heat into the sweat, which is then evaporated into the air.

You are giving a talk on hunting safety. A hunter asks you when one should attempt to rewarm a hand or foot that is frostbitten. Your best response should be:

Rewarming should only take place when there is no chance that the tissue will refreeze.

Medical direction has ordered you to begin rewarming an unresponsive patient with a core temperature of 93�F. Which one of the following measures would best benefit this patient?

Wrap the patient in several warm blankets.

At an in-service, your medical director asks if anyone can tell her the cause of heat cramps. What response would be most appropriate?

They are caused when the patient's electrolytes such as salt and calcium are lost and become too low in the body.

A young boy complains of pain to his fingers after spending several hours outside riding a sled in cold winter temperatures. After ensuring he has no life-threatening conditions, you turn your attention to his hands and note that the fingers are cold to t

Skin on the fingers that is soft but numb

Which one of the following patients is losing body heat by the mechanism of convection?

30-year-old male in cool temperature and exposed to a light breeze

You are called to a construction site on a hot and humid day for a male patient suffering a heat emergency. On scene you find a 49-year-old man who is responsive to verbal stimuli. Coworkers state that the patient has been moving concrete blocks all day i

Hot and dry skin

A young man has been struck by lightning on a golf course and is in cardiac arrest. Other golfers say that he was struck about 10 minutes ago. Which one of the following should you do immediately?

Start cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

Which one of the following best describes a patient suffering an environmental emergency?

Male patient who is intoxicated, has collapsed in the snow, and is complaining that he feels cold

A young female was weeding her garden when she was bitten on her left hand by an unidentified snake. The primary assessment does not reveal any life threats and vital signs are stable. In caring for this patient, it is critical that the EMT:

have the patient remove her wedding ring from her left hand.

The EMT shows that he understands the danger of heat stroke when he states:

In heat stroke, the body loses its ability to rid itself of excess heat, causing the core temperature to rise.

You have been called for a 78-year-old female who slipped while getting out of her bathtub. She is confused and cold to the touch. You learn that she must have slipped 24 hours ago and has been on the tile bathroom floor ever since. Since it is summer, sh

internal urban hypothermia with heat loss caused by conduction.

When obtaining a history of a five-year-old boy with generalized hypothermia, which one of the following questions should be asked first?

How long was he out in the cold?

You are accompanying a team of hikers climbing a high mountain. In the morning, you are summoned to a tent and find one of the climbers confused and complaining of a headache. His airway is patent and respirations adequate. He has no medical history and w

Provide high-flow oxygen.

A 31-year-old groundskeeper has been stung by wasps three times in his right arm and left ankle. After performing the primary and secondary assessments, what should you do next?

Attempt removal of any embedded stingers.

Which one of the following statements about immersion hypothermia is false?

Immersion hypothermia typically does not occur until the water temperature is below 35�F.

The EMT should recognize heat cramps as the probable cause of a patient's problem when the patient states:

I have pain in my belly and legs.

You have been called to a park for a teenage boy who is "sick." On scene you find a 16-year-old male who knows his name but is confused about place and time. Friends state that they have been playing basketball most of the morning and afternoon. The tempe

Place him supine on the stretcher with feet elevated.

You have been chosen by the medical director to give a 15-minute presentation on cold-related emergencies to a local volunteer fire department. In preparing the talk, which one of the following points should you emphasize?

Emergency responders play a critical role in caring for the hypothermic patient since the most important phase of care occurs during the first 30 minutes.

Which one of the following signs would present earliest in the hypothermic patient?


A patient has been bitten by what appears to be a black widow spider. The bite to her left hand is dull and achy and she states that the muscles in her shoulders and back are starting to hurt. After ensuring that no life-threatening conditions are present

keep the hand below the level of the heart.

A 24-year-old female who was hiking in shorts informs you that she has been bitten by an insect on her leg. She states no other complaints. Assessment reveals a tick embedded in her leg. As an EMT, you should provide care to this patient by:

removing the tick with tweezers.

A patient who is conscious and breathing has been pulled from a stream of cold water. To decrease her loss of heat via the mechanism of conduction, the EMT should immediately:

remove her wet clothing.

You have been called to a residence for a spider bite. On scene the homeowner states that he was moving some boxes in his garage when he accidentally grabbed a spider and it bit him. He killed the spider and shows you a brown-colored spider with a "violin

You really need to go because the bite of that spider does not heal very well and will put you at risk for infection.

You have been called to a hunting camp for a patient with a severe localized cold injury to his hand and fingers. The patient is suffering no life-threatening conditions and you elect to rewarm the affected areas. Which one of the following would be appro

Thaw and rewarm the tissue as quickly as possible.

A 44-year-old female was hiking in a state park when she was bitten by a snake in her left calf. To get help, she had to hike four miles to the first-aid station where you are located. The hike took her one and a half hours. Your assessment reveals a red

You need to get checked out, but if venom was injected, the signs and symptoms of a generalized reaction typically appear very quickly.

You are providing a "stand-by" service at the county fair. About midmorning, a 50-year-old male patient approaches your tent and states that he was bitten in the right shoulder by some sort of insect and the pain is tremendous. Assessment reveals his shou

applying a cold pack to the site.

When moving a patient with severe generalized hypothermia, which one of the following instructions is most appropriate?

I want everyone to take extra care in moving her very gently to the stretcher. We do not want her to go into cardiac arrest.

Which one of the following patients would be the highest priority for transport?

19-year-old responsive to verbal stimuli with hot dry skin and tachycardia

You arrive on the scene of a motorcycle accident and find an unresponsive male patient lying in the middle of the road with blood coming from his ears and nose. He was not wearing a helmet and has snoring respirations. Which of the following would be most

Primary assessment, airway management, oxygen administration, immobilization, transport within 10 minutes of arriving on scene

A car has been hit head-on by another vehicle at a moderate rate of speed. Seat belts were in place and the air bags deployed. The patient is complaining of chest pain. Quick observation reveals a bruise to his sternum. The EMT would immediately:

Lift the air bag and check the steering wheel.

An unrestrained female driving a small car is involved in a rollover-type collision. Why is her risk for serious injury and death significantly increased?

There are more impacts in a rollover.

A 23-year-old roofer has fallen 20 feet from the roof of a house into shrubs below. Aside from superficial abrasions and complaint of soreness, you detect no obvious injuries. Consequently, the patient states that as long as his legs are not broken, he do

From a fall of this height, you may have hurt some internal organs. You really need to be examined.

What piece of information would you provide to a group of young teenage drivers to decrease their chance of suffering a "whiplash" type injury if involved in a motor vehicle collision?

Ensure that the head rest is properly positioned.

During an in-service focusing on care of the trauma patient, the medical director asks if anyone can correctly describe the "platinum 10 minutes." Which of the following indicates the best response?

EMS should initiate transport of the critically injured trauma patient to the hospital within 10 minutes of arriving on scene.

When teaching Emergency Medical Responders about air bags, what point would you emphasize?

The benefit of air bags is decreased in multiple collisions.

Two cars have collided head on. One car was traveling 55 mph and the other 35 mph. The total speed of impact would be:

90 mph.

A bullet fired from a gun at close range passes through the patient's liver. However, on autopsy, the coroner discovers that the man's pancreas, stomach, and gallbladder were also injured, even though not in direct contact with the bullet. As a knowledgea


A young female wears her lap belt low, over her upper thighs, because the belt is uncomfortable when worn properly. If involved in a head-on "up and over" type collision, to what injury is she most prone, given the position of her lap belt?

Dislocated hips

You are first on the scene of a two-car motor vehicle collision. In one car there are two patients entrapped in the vehicle, while in the other, there is a male driver complaining of chest pain. At this time, your primary concern is:

ensuring personal safety.

An 8-year-old boy fell forward off of a swing onto outstretched arms. He did not hit his head or lose consciousness and is complaining of left forearm pain. There is deformity to the left wrist, but no other injuries or life threats. His vital signs are p

splint the forearm and apply a cold pack before transporting non-emergently.

The EMT understands the importance of evaluating the mechanism of injury when he states:

The mechanism of injury can be used to guide your assessment and treatment of the patient.

You are assessing a patient involved in a motorcycle accident. He states that he saw an oncoming car and "laid the bike down" to avoid an outright collision. He was wearing a helmet. Which of the following injuries would make sense given the action of the

Burn to the inside of the leg

A "whiplash" type neck injury is most often observed with what type of collision?

Rear-end impact

You have arrived on the scene of an explosion in a warehouse used to store fertilizers. A paramedic, who has already triaged the nine patients involved, directs you to a young man sitting under a tree. The man states that he is having excruciating ear pai

Primary phase blast injury to the inner ear

Which of the following is a high-velocity wound that carries the greatest risk for death when considering the concept of cavitation?

Gunshot wound to the spleen

As part of your service to the community, you are certified as a car seat specialist and provide monthly classes on the safe transport of infants and children. Several cars have pulled into your station and asked you to look at their car seats. Which of t

Facing backward in the back seat in an reclined position (45 degrees)

A patient, who was constructing a bomb in his basement, has sustained a secondary phase blast injury. Which of the following presentations would the EMT most likely observe?

Screwdriver impaled in the arm

You are assessing a male patient who was stabbed three times in the chest and abdomen. As you begin your primary assessment, you note him to have a decreased level of consciousness and gurgling respirations. Your next action would be to:

suction the airway.

A patient with severe head and neck pain states that he was properly wearing his seat belt when another car struck him from behind. As a knowledgeable EMT, you would realize that the complaint of:

head and neck pain could occur when the seat belt is properly worn.

A patient has been stabbed with a knife at the fifth intercostal space on the right side of the chest. Assessment reveals him to be short of breath and coughing. Which of the following questions is it most important for the EMT to ask regarding the weapon

How long was the knife?

If a car, driven by an unrestrained male, strikes a utility pole at 35 mph, which of the following is true?

The internal organs struck the inside of the body at 35 mph.

A teenage female patient has been ejected from a car as it rolled down a hill. She is responsive, but with signs of early shock. She has bruising to her anterior abdomen, a laceration to her left temple, and deformity to her left wrist. At what point shou

En route to the hospital

After assessing the following patients, which would the EMT identify as suffering from multisystem trauma?

61-year-old male; became dizzy and fell down five stairs; laceration to the head; open fracture to the left lower leg

Emergency Medical Responders have removed an intoxicated and confused patient from a car that struck another vehicle at a high rate of speed. The patient was unrestrained and his car did not have air bags. Assessment reveals deformity bilaterally to the h

Down and under

Which of the following injuries is most serious, warranting immediate and rapid transport to the hospital?

Instability and crepitus to the left lateral chest wall

You are hosting a discussion on injury prevention when a participant asks you if you believe that helmets for motorcyclists will truly make a difference. You would respond by saying:

Motorcycle helmets decrease the risk of death when involved in a collision.

Which of the following describes the "platinum 10 minutes" as it applies to care of the trauma patient?

The target scene time for EMS as it applies to the seriously injured trauma patient

Which of the following statements concerning trauma is true?

Multisystem trauma has a higher mortality rate than single-system injuries.

A patient has been critically hurt in a nighttime motor vehicle collision. She was wearing a seat belt and hit a tree at 70 mph. The car she was driving weighed 2 tons and was equipped with air bags that did deploy. Which of the following had the greatest

Speed of the vehicle at impact

As you pull up to a motor vehicle collision, you quickly scan the scene for clues as to the type and severity of injuries. What observation would best indicate that a patient may have a head injury?

Starring of a windshield

Which of the following best describes the goal of a trauma system?

Getting the right patient to the right facility in the right amount of time

A male patient has sustained gunshot wounds to the neck and abdomen. He is unresponsive and has gurgling respirations. Your immediate action would be to:

suction the airway.

A 27-year-old male was involved in an altercation and was struck in the ribs with a baseball bat. Assessment reveals intact skin with noted bruising to the right lateral chest. When palpating this area, pain, instability, and crepitus are all observed. Th

chest injury caused by blunt trauma.

You are responding to a call for a 4-year-old child hit by a car. When assessing this child, which of the following injury patterns would you recognize as typical based on the child's age and mechanism of injury?

Deformed femurs, bruises to the chest and abdomen

A patient involved in a motor vehicle collision is complaining of neck pain. Which of the following pieces of information would cause the EMT to have a high index of suspicion that the patient may have suffered more significant injuries beyond isolated ne

Death of the car's driver

A 49-year-old male has been stabbed in the lower right chest. Police tell you that the patient got into an argument with an unidentified man, who then stabbed him before fleeing the scene. After assessing the patient, you are suspicious that the knife pun

stab wound to the right chest.

A 24-year-old female was an unrestrained driver of a car that struck a guardrail, causing her to sustain blunt trauma to the chest and abdomen. Vitals obtained by Emergency Medical Responders (EMRs) are pulse 120, respirations 22, blood pressure 100/58 mm

Blood pressure 86/50 mmHg

A patient was building a bomb in his garage when it accidentally detonated. Assessment findings from the rapid secondary assessment reveal intestine and a portion of the liver protruding from the right side of the abdomen. Proper care of this injury would

Covering the exposed organs with a large sterile dressing soaked with sterile water

Your patient is a 48-year-old male who is in shock from injuries sustained in a motor vehicle collision. Which one of the following assessment findings is an indication for the use of the pneumatic anti-shock garment (PASG)?

Pelvic instability with a BP of 78/48 mmHg

You are called for an 8-year-old boy who has fallen. On scene the boy's mother states that he was running while flying a kite and tripped, striking his face on a rock. Assessment reveals a large reddish-blue lump with intact skin under his left eye. When


A 49-year-old male was climbing on a truck at a construction site when he fell backward to the ground. He presents with a 2-inch linear wound to the top of his head. Bleeding has been controlled and the skull can be seen through the wound. How should you


When managing a patient with a soft-tissue injury, it is essential that the EMT perform which of the following?

Use the appropriate personal protective equipment.

While riding a bike, a young boy fell onto a stick protruding from the ground. The stick impaled him in the neck. The boy immediately pulled the stick out and ran home, where his mother called 911. Assessment reveals a gaping wound to the right neck. All

Place an occlusive dressing over the wound and tape it on all four sides.

Which one of the following patients would the EMT recognize as suffering from an evisceration injury?

Male patient with a loop of intestine protruding from an open surgical wound

Your patient is a young man who fell down a flight of stairs and is now restless and confused. His airway is open, and he is breathing adequately at 18 times per minute. He has a radial pulse of 92 beats per minute and his skin is cool and diaphoretic. Yo

administer supplemental oxygen.

A patient was assaulted and sustained various and multiple injuries. Which injury does the EMT recognize as presenting the greatest risk for infection?

Abrasion to the right side of the face

A patient has had part of his right thumb amputated in an industrial accident. Coworkers have retrieved the thumb and wrapped it in a towel. The EMT demonstrates appropriate handling of the amputated part when he:

wraps it in a dry sterile dressing.

You are called for a 2-year-old boy who fell and cut his arm. While en route to the call, the dispatcher informs you that the patient has hemophilia (clotting disorder). As an EMT, you should recognize that:

the bleeding may be significant.

A patient presents with an arrow impaled in the right lower quadrant of his abdomen. He is in excruciating pain and states that he was accidentally shot by a friend while hunting. While there is no external bleeding coming from the injury, the surrounding

Administer supplemental oxygen.

Which of the following describes the layers of the skin?

Subcutaneous, epidermis, dermis

When assessing a patient, you note a bruise to his chest. On the prehospital care report, this injury is properly documented as:


A patient has suffered an open crush injury to his elbow. As you approach, you note the patient sitting upright holding a towel to his elbow. Although the towel is soaked with blood, the elbow does not appear to be actively bleeding. Your first action in

evaluate the patient's airway.

A man has been bitten in his arm by his dog. He states that the bite occurred several hours earlier when he accidentally stepped on the dog's paw. When asked, he tells you that the dog is up-to-date on all of her shots, including the rabies vaccine. Asses

Risk for infection

You arrive at a meat packing plant to find a 30-year-old male cut in the wrist with a sharp knife. The patient appears pale and blood is spurting from the laceration. Your immediate action would be to:

apply direct pressure to the laceration.

Assessment of an 88-year-old female who fell reveals bruising to her right buttock. The skin is intact and the patient complains of tenderness to the area when you palpate. As a knowledgeable EMT, you would recognize what type of injury?


You have been dispatched to a residence where a woman lacerated her arm after falling while holding a drinking glass. She informs you that when she was first cut, blood spurted from the wound, and then within a second or two, it subsided to a mere trickle

Blood vessels tend to constrict quickly once they are injured.

Your patient is confused and anxious after falling 20 feet from a ladder onto the grass below. What sign is most suggestive of shock?

Heart rate of 112

As you approach a young male lying on the sidewalk, you observe an area of dark blood on his pants. He appears lethargic, pale, and diaphoretic. Your first action in caring for this patient would be to:

assess the airway.

A 66-year-old female patient has been struck by a car. Your assessment reveals gurgling respirations, rapid breathing, and cool, diaphoretic skin. You also observe bruising to the chest and abdomen. Which one of the following should you do immediately?

Suction the airway.

Which one of the following statements made by the EMT shows an understanding of dressing and bandaging a wound?

I always leave the tips of the fingers or toes exposed when bandaging the arm or leg so future assessment of circulation can be made.

A patient has suffered abrasions to the legs after falling on a moving treadmill. In relation to the function of the skin, the EMT should be most concerned about:

risk for infection.

Which observations direct the EMT to classify a patient's soft tissue injury as an abrasion?

The skin is scraped and red; blood oozing from the injury site

A construction worker has a metal rod impaled in his right forearm. Assessment of the injury indicates heavy bleeding from around the impaled object. Which one of the following should you do first?

Apply direct pressure around the rod.

A female patient has been involved in a motorcycle crash. Your scene size-up reveals her to be unresponsive and lying in the roadway. It also appears that her left leg has been amputated at the knee. Which one of the following should you do immediately?

Perform the jaw-thrust maneuver.

A young female was involved in an altercation and stabbed in the abdomen with an ice pick. After being stabbed, she quickly removed the ice pick. She states that there was not much bleeding but does say it "stings" quite a bit. Assessment reveals a small

Assessing for internal blood loss or shock

A patient sustained a crush injury after being struck with a baseball bat in the left upper quadrant of the abdomen. Assessment shows bruising to that area with instability noted to the rib cage. The EMT's highest concern regarding this injury should be:

injury to the spleen.

Prior to your arrival on the scene of a motorcycle crash, an Emergency Medical Responder contacts you via radio and reports that there is one patient who has an avulsion to her left arm. As a knowledgeable EMT, you should anticipate which one of the follo

Loose flap of skin torn on her left arm

You are having a difficult time controlling bleeding from a small skin avulsion on a patient's ankle. Which one of the following statements made by the patient best explains why control has been difficult to achieve?

I take Coumadin for my irregular heartbeat.

Which statement demonstrates an understanding of shock caused by internal bleeding?

You should always suspect internal bleeding in a patient with the signs and symptoms of shock but no external bleeding.

You have arrived on a scene where a young girl has pushed her arms through a plate glass window. She is responsive to painful stimuli and has blood spurting from a large laceration on her right upper arm. Your paramedic partner yells for you to immediatel

Apply gloves prior to applying direct pressure over the injury site.

Assessment findings of a driver who was ejected from his vehicle in a rollover-type collision include unresponsiveness and bruising to the abdominal and pelvic areas, along with an open femur fracture. The patient has an open airway and is breathing at 32

start positive pressure ventilation.

While cleaning a gun, a 44-year-old man accidentally shot himself in the abdomen. On arrival the patient is responsive to painful stimuli and lying on his side with his legs drawn to his chest. Blood is evident on his shirt and pants. Which of the followi

Perform the primary assessment, administer supplemental oxygen, perform the secondary assessment, transfer to the stretcher, and provide rapid transport.

Which statement indicates an understanding of the EMT's prehospital role in caring for the patient in shock?

Since shock is best treated in the hospital, the EMT should provide care to maintain perfusion to the vital organs and transport.

A young male was riding a motorcycle when he lost control and was ejected. The patient is unresponsive and receiving positive pressure ventilation. The secondary assessment reveals bright blood flowing from both nostrils. Management of this bleeding would

placing a loose dressing under the nose.

A 54-year-old male patient has been involved in a car crash. Window glass has caused an open wound to his upper neck. Which one of the following dressings is best for this injury?

Occlusive dressing

Severe external bleeding should be controlled during what phase of the patient assessment?

Primary assessment

A pregnant 31-year-old has been shot in the neck. Currently, she is responsive to verbal stimuli, with an open airway and rapid, but adequate respirations. Her radial pulse is weak and fast. Vital signs are as follows: pulse 152, respirations 22, blood pr

Immobilization and immediate transport

Which of the following statements about dressings and bandages is true?

Bandages should not be applied until bleeding is controlled.

Which one of the following patients requires the EMT to remove an impaled object in the field?

Young female with a broken pencil through her cheek and into the oropharynx; blood from the injury is flowing into her throat

Which one of the following types of injuries is most likely to result in capillary bleeding only?


What statement regarding contusions is true?

Blood vessels in the dermal layer have ruptured.

You believe that a patient who has been shot in the lower abdomen is bleeding internally and is in an early stage of shock. Which one of the following shows appropriate prehospital care of this patient?

Oxygen therapy and rapid transport to the hospital

A 28-year-old male was cutting limbs from a tree when he lost his footing and fell 20 feet. He is unresponsive and breathing poorly at 28 times per minute. His radial pulse is weak and thready and his skin is cool to the touch. Emergency Medical Responder

Let's take off the oxygen mask and start positive pressure ventilation to assist his breathing.

Another crew has called for your assistance in extricating an obese male with a nosebleed from a third-floor bedroom. As you enter the room, which observation indicates proper management of the patient's condition?

The patient is sitting upright, leaning forward, with nostrils pinched shut.

The EMT is by the side of a young female who was cut while washing dishes. She has a jagged laceration to her left forearm that is bleeding steadily and heavily. When attempting to control the bleeding, the EMT would first:

place a large sterile dressing over the site with hand pressure applied over the top of the dressing.

Which statement made by the EMT shows an understanding of bandaging an open wound?

I use bandaging material to secure a dressing in place.

The EMT knows that a function of the skin is to:

regulate temperature.

When performing the primary assessment, which of the following signs or symptoms best suggests that the patient is in shock?

Skin that is cool and diaphoretic

A 24-year-old male has cut his arm with a table saw. Assessment reveals dark red blood flowing steadily from the laceration. As an EMT, you would identify this bleeding as:


A 40-year-old homeless male is found lying in the street. On physical examination, you notice that the patient has a stab wound to the mid-chest. He is unresponsive and his skin is cool to the touch. His respirations are snoring at 40 per minute and his p

Perform a jaw-thrust maneuver.

Which one of the following best describes a topical hemostatic agent?

Dressing specially designed to stop bleeding

You are called for a 78-year-old female who fell earlier in the day. As you enter her kitchen, you observe her sitting in a chair with ecchymotic areas to her left cheek and left arm. There also appears to be blood on her pants. She is on oxygen and is br

Take manual in-line spinal stabilization.

A middle-aged male's arm became caught in a grinding machine, and then immediately removed by coworkers. As you approach the patient, you note him to be holding a bloody towel over a severely deformed right arm. The patient is alert and anxious, and he ha

Administer oxygen through a nonrebreather mask.

Which statement shows that the EMT understands the use of a tourniquet in controlling bleeding?

A tourniquet should be applied tightly enough so that arterial blood flow distal to the tourniquet is completely stopped.

You are transporting a male patient who was stabbed in the left upper quadrant of the abdomen. On scene the patient was alert and oriented with a patent airway and adequate respirations. There was minimal hemorrhage from the stab wound, which was covered

Increase in heart rate and unexplained restlessness

When providing prehospital care to a patient with a soft-tissue injury, which of the following is true?

Hands must be washed even if gloves were worn during care.

You are called for an alert and oriented female who had a cesarean section several days ago. Today she bent over and tore the surgical incision open. There is a moderate amount of bleeding coming from the site. What should the EMT do to control the bleedi

Apply a large dressing over the incision.

Direct pressure has failed to control an arterial bleed on a patient's leg. The EMT's next action would be:

apply a tourniquet.

Which of the following signs and symptoms of shock will be observed last?

Decreased blood pressure

A male patient has been shot in the chest with a small-caliber gun. What presentation indicates that he is in an early stage of shock?

Alert and anxious, pulse 96, BP 134/88 mmHg, pale and cool skin

Which instruction is appropriate when helping a new EMT care for a male patient with a laceration to his left arm?

Don't worry about removing embedded dirt from the wound, just the dirt around the laceration.

In the human body, what occurs when a person is in shock?

The cells are not getting enough oxygen and waste products are accumulating.

A 62-year-old male was the restrained driver of a car that was hit on the driver's side. Emergency Medical Responders have extricated and fully immobilized him with a cervical collar and long board. When asked, he complains of dizziness as well as leg and

Labored breathing

A 24-year-old man was shocked while working on his house's electrical system. Assessment reveals a minor burn to the fingers on his left hand. Aside from being slightly shaky, he states he feels fine and does not see the need to be treated further or tran

It would be best to let the emergency physician check you out. Electrical shocks can damage the heart.

A young female, rescued from a burning apartment, has sustained partial- and full-thickness burns from her chest down to her feet. As such, the EMT would recognize the potential for the onset of:


Which one of the following statements shows that the EMT understands the palm method of estimating the BSA burned?

I use the patient's palm to estimate the size of the burn area.

An industrial worker has sustained a partial- and full-thickness burn to his right hand after accidentally touching an electric furnace used to incinerate medical waste. Assessment reveals no threats to the airway, breathing, or circulation. Which action

Pour cool saline water on the hand.

A burn patient has full-thickness burns to the fronts of both legs and the entire left arm. The front of the patient's right arm has superficial burns. Using the rule of nines, the EMT should estimate what percentage of the patient's body has been burned?


Why would an EMT be concerned about a partial-thickness burn circumferentially to the chest?

Restriction of breathing

You are assessing an elderly male patient who was trapped in a burning trailer. What finding would be most indicative that he has suffered an inhalation injury?

Coughing of black sputum

You have been called for a patient who had a large bag of lime powder tear as he was unloading it from a truck. On arrival he is complaining of burning to both legs and you note that aside from the shorts he is wearing, lime dust covers both legs. Your im

brush as much of the lime off his legs as possible.

Which statement made by an EMT shows that he understands the major cause of death in the prehospital setting for a burn patient?

Most burn patients who die before getting to the hospital die of airway or bleeding problems, not the burn itself.

A 21-year-old male has sustained a severe burn to his left leg while working on an industrial furnace. Coworkers immediately doused his flaming pants and removed them. Your primary assessment reveals no threats to the airway, breathing, or circulation. Wh

Partial-thickness burn completely encircling the knee

A 51-year-old male was burned in the face after a steam valve was accidentally opened. His face is red and swollen, and he is screaming in pain. He also states that he is having a hard time seeing. Which of the following is the EMT's priority concern in c

Airway compromise

A patient was trapped in a burning apartment before being rescued by firefighters. As you approach him, you note that his legs and arms are burned. He is screaming in pain and coughing, but no longer actively burning. Given this information, what interven

Decide whether to administer oxygen with a nonrebreather face mask or with a bag-valve mask.

You are called by the owner of a restaurant for a female patron who spilled hot tea onto her right thigh. The secondary assessment reveals the burn area to be soft, red, and painful. The skin is intact with no blister formation noted, although some edema


A 51-year-old female patient tripped in the kitchen and fell against a deep fryer, splashing hot oil onto her right arm. Assessment reveals partial- and deep partial-thickness burns to her arm. You estimate that the burn covers 2% of her body. Which state

I have been a diabetic for several years.

Which statement made by the EMT indicates an understanding of calculating the body surface area (BSA) burned?

Determining the BSA is an estimation and should never delay transport of the burn patient to the hospital.

A student in a science lab has had an unknown chemical splashed into her eye. After assessing the airway, breathing, and circulation, the EMT would immediately:

flush the eye with copious amounts of tap water.

A 44-year-old electrician has been shocked and responds to verbal stimuli with garbled speech. His airway is open and he is breathing poorly at a rate of 8 times per minute. His pulse is slow and irregular. What action would the EMT perform next?

Ventilate with a bag-valve mask at 12 breaths per minute.

An intoxicated patient has suffered a burn to his left lateral thigh after passing out with his leg touching the side of a kerosene heater. Close examination of the burn reveals tough leathery tissue in the center of the burn with red skin with blisters s

The inner portion of the burn is full thickness and the outer portion partial thickness.

A male patient was injured when a steam valve opened, causing hot steam to contact his face. Which one of the following statements made by the patient would be of most concern to the EMT and require immediate assessment or treatment?

It is sort of hard to breathe.

A female who had hot coffee thrown at her has a superficial burn to the right side of her face. After transferring the patient to the hospital emergency department for continued care, a new EMT asks you if the patient will have a permanent scar on her fac

Since only the outer layer of skin was burned, there is little chance of scarring.

A patient has a burn that completely encircles his right forearm and upper arm. After performing the primary assessment, the EMT's next action would be to:

check for motor, sensory, and a pulse in the right upper extremity.

You are assessing a patient who was burned when she dropped a hot iron on her bare foot. Her foot is red and has a small partial-thickness burn near the ankle. When completing the prehospital care report, what mechanism would you document?

Contact burn

When classifying a burn as either superficial, partial thickness, or full thickness, the EMT would need to determine the:

depth of the burn.

Your patient is a 27-year-old male who fell down a full flight of stairs while escaping his burning apartment. What assessment finding should demand your immediate attention?

Burns on the face

You have arrived on the scene of a large structure fire. Emergency Medical Responders (EMRs) are by the side of a patient who is responsive to verbal stimuli and has suffered significant burns to his body. They report that the patient fell down a flight o

After reassessing the ABCs, let's do a secondary assessment and look for signs of injuries that are causing shock."

An intoxicated 28-year-old female has suffered burns to both legs after passing out next to a space heater, which ignited her pants. Emergency Medical Responders have removed her clothing and cooled the burns. Which action is most appropriate in the conti

Cover the burns with a clean, white, dry sheet.

A fair-skinned patient was exposed to the sun and has a painful superficial burn to her upper back. As a knowledgeable EMT, you would recognize that the ________ layer(s) of the skin has been affected.


A 20-year-old waitress spilled hot coffee and burned her right forearm. When assessing the burn, you note a full-thickness burn surrounded by partial-thickness burns. She complains of pain in the surrounding partial-thickness burn, but not in the center w

damage to pain receptors located in the dermis.

A patient has suffered partial- and full-thickness thermal burns to the anterior chest, abdomen, and arms in an industrial accident. What action would be appropriate in the care of this patient?

Cool the burns with water for 90 seconds and cover the burns with a sterile, dry burn sheet.

Firefighters have pulled a middle-aged male from a burning bedroom. The patient is unresponsive and has obvious deformity of his left ankle. His respirations are rapid, stridorous, and shallow. Your partner inserts an oropharyngeal airway and begins venti

Assess the patient's carotid pulse.

You have been called for a 44-year-old male who was burned on the right hand and arm after falling against the hot door of an industrial incinerator. As you arrive on the scene, a nurse employed by the company informs you that he sustained a partial-thick

Intense pain and blister formation

An awake but confused patient with a diabetic history spilled a pot of hot water on himself while cooking. He has a partial-thickness burn on his right anterior leg. Following an unremarkable primary assessment, which action is your highest priority?

Check the patient's blood glucose level.

Of the actions that follow, which one indicates proper care of a patient who has suffered a partial-thickness burn to the hand?

Carefully removal rings prior to applying a dry sterile dressing.

A male patient who works in a steel fabricating plant has suffered a flash burn to his right arm and hand. What assessment finding would assist the EMT in determining that the burn is superficial and not partial thickness?

Absence of blisters

When triaging multiple burn patients, the EMT would recognize which as suffering the most critical burn?

22-year-old with a partial-thickness burn to the right hand

What assessment finding would best indicate that a patient has suffered a full-thickness burn to his leg?

Dry skin with little pain

A male patient has just been burned with hot water and has blisters on his left arm. The EMT would recognize that:

fluid has collected between the layers of skin.

You are transporting a patient who was shocked by an electrical current while repairing a residential electrical service panel. He has partial-thickness burns to the hand and foot where the electricity entered and exited his body respectively. When reasse

Palpation of an irregular heartbeat

A patient was burned when he accidentally ignited gasoline while working on his car. When performing the secondary assessment, what finding would indicate that the patient has suffered a partial-thickness burn?

Painful skin that is moist and contains blisters to the abdomen

A patient has been pulled from a house fire. Assessment reveals him to be lethargic with stridorous respirations and a rapid but strong radial pulse. Firefighters are dousing his body with water to cool him. What action would the EMT perform immediately?

Provide positive pressure ventilation with a bag-valve mask.

When applying the rule of nines to a 10-month-old child, the EMT should recognize which one of the following?

The head of a child is considered to be 18% of the total body.

You have been called for an intoxicated male who sustained a full-thickness burn to his leg after passing out against a kerosene heater. After ensuring that his airway, breathing, and circulation are intact, you cool the burn with water and then:

carefully wrap the burn with a dry sterile dressing.

A 57-year-old male patient has fallen 20 feet while setting up holiday lights on his roof. He impacted the ground feet first and has suffered open fractures to both tibias, with both bones protruding through the skin. Your assessment reveals him to be res

look for other injuries.

Firefighters are extricating the driver of a small car that was struck broadside by a delivery truck at a moderate rate of speed. The patient was unrestrained, and the car sustained severe damage to the driver's side. As the man is pulled from the car, yo

conduct a rapid secondary assessment.

Which one of the following statements shows that an EMT understands field care of a patient with a possible joint dislocation?

The care for a patient with a joint injury is identical to that of a fracture.

A 9-year-old boy has fallen from a swing. Assessment findings reveal no threats to the airway, breathing, or circulation, but do indicate deformity, pain, and swelling to his right wrist. The right radial pulse is strong and is accompanied by skin that is

Applying cold packs to the wrist to reduce swelling

While on standby at a semi-professional baseball game, you are summoned onto the field for a player complaining of severe leg pain after colliding with the catcher of the opposing team. The primary assessment shows no threats to the airway, breathing, or

Attempt to straighten the leg until a pulse returns.

Which type of muscle tissue is found in the forearm?


You arrive on the scene to help another crew with the extrication from an attic of a female patient who fell while retrieving holiday decorations. As a result of the fall, she has an open fracture to her left lower leg. The patient has been fully immobili

The patient is able to flex her left ankle when directed to do so.

What statement regarding voluntary muscles is true?

Voluntary muscles connect to the bones of the skeletal system.

The EMT recognizes that a splint applied too loosely can result in which one of the following?

Laceration of previously intact blood vessels

A lifeguard has fallen 10 feet from his chair and has deformity, swelling, and ecchymosis to her right lower leg. The leg also is rotated medially. Another lifeguard has taken and is maintaining manual in-line spinal stabilization. As your partner conduct

Manually stabilize the lower right leg.

A patient has swelling and deformity to the wrist. After splinting, which one of the following positions of the hand is most appropriate?

Fingers curled inward

Which of the following bodily activities is a function of a voluntary muscle?

Blinking of the eyes

The EMT recognizes that a benefit of applying a traction splint to a deformed femur and thigh is that it:

decreases pain.

A patient has a history of tendonitis to the right elbow. Based on this, the EMT would understand that the:

tissue connecting the muscle to the bones of the elbow is inflamed.

An alert and oriented 22-year-old male has fallen off a tractor and is complaining of pain to his right leg. As you quickly scan the patient, you note deformity to the tibia-fibula area of the lower extremity. After conducting the primary assessment and m

Check for a pedal pulse.

A patient fell and sustained an open fracture to the left humerus. However, assessment reveals the bone to have pulled back into the arm. Bleeding from the site is controlled. How will splinting the left arm benefit this patient?

Decreases the opportunity for further injury to nerves and blood vessels

When using an air splint, the EMT must remember that air splints:

can decrease circulation in the extremity.

Your patient has an injury to the elbow and forearm. While you are conducting the reassessment, which one of the following statements made by the patient should concern you most?

My hand feels like it is going to sleep.

Your partner is off from work for an extended period of time because he is having surgery for a torn ligament. Which one of the following structures needs that surgery?

Tissue that connects one bone to other bones

Which one of the following statements describes the benefit of using the pneumatic antishock garment (PASG) to splint a potential pelvic fracture?

It can effectively stabilize the pelvis and help to control internal bleeding.

Which one of the following statements about compartment syndrome is true?

It describes swelling in the tissues that can result in the loss of an extremity.

Which one of the following bone injuries would be classified as occurring in the appendicular skeletal system?

Right-hip fracture

A 67-year-old female complains of severe left lower leg pain. She states that she was walking across the room when she suddenly heard a "crack" and felt excruciating pain in her leg. Her left tibia appears to be deformed and ecchymotic, as well as tender

application of a splint to the leg.

A young man riding a motorcycle was hit head on and ejected from the bike. Your scene size-up reveals him to be lying supine in the roadway with obvious deformity to his right thigh and left ankle, with blood noted on his pants in these areas. Patient ass

Take and maintain manual in-line spinal stabilization.

An elderly female patient has fallen and is complaining of right hip and right knee pain. When assessing her, what finding would you find most concerning?

Absent pedal pulse

Which one of the following statements about traction splints is true?

Mechanical traction should be applied until the mechanical traction is equal to the manual traction and the patient experiences a reduction in pain.

The secondary assessment of a patient complaining of right leg pain after falling down several stairs reveals a break in the skin where a fractured tibia bone broke through and then retreated back into the leg. The EMT should recognize this as what type o

Open fracture

A young female patient was walking on a 7-foot-high retaining wall when she stumbled and fell. She impacted a concrete sidewalk surface with her left foot and left hand. Your assessment reveals ecchymosis, deformity, and edema to both the left foot and le

Left hip

Which one of the following questions is best asked when attempting to determine the degree of sensation in the hand of a patient who has suffered an elbow injury?

Can you tell me what finger I am touching?

An alert and oriented worker had his right thigh pinned between the bumpers of two trucks. Assessment findings include deformity and swelling to the right hip area and mid-thigh, along with ecchymosis and swelling to the right knee. The patient complains

Let's immobilize him to the long spine board and then transport him to the hospital.

A football player injured his knee during practice and is in pain. His left knee is swollen, ecchymotic, and flexed in an upward position. Your partner reports that the distal skin is warm, and he has located a weak pedal pulse. Which one of the following

Splint the knee in the position found prior to providing transport to the hospital.

You have been called for a male worker complaining of arm pain. On scene the 31-year-old patient states that his arm was crushed between two heavy boxes. There was minimal pain at that time, but now his right forearm is swollen and painful, especially wit

compartment syndrome.

A female patient with osteoporosis stepped sideways on her foot and has suffered an open tibial fracture to the distal portion of her right leg. Which one of the following interventions indicates that appropriate care is being given for this injury?

The bone end and soft tissue wounds are covered with a sterile dressing.

A patient you transported several days ago stops by your station to thank you. He reports that he was diagnosed with a strain to the lower right leg. As such, you recognize what structure as being affected by that injury?


Which one of the following emergency care measures for a patient with a possible bone fracture can be an effective means to reduce pain?

Splinting the fracture

A patient with a closed fracture to the forearm has been properly splinted when which of the following are immobilized?

Wrist, forearm, and elbow

Which assessment finding, on a 32-year-old female involved in an MVC, should the EMT recognize as potentially life threatening?

Deformity of the left femur

You are assessing the pupils of a patient who hit his head after falling from the top of a tractor trailer. What pupillary finding suggests a closed head injury?

The left pupil constricts to light but the right pupil does not.

A 21-year-old male has suffered a gunshot wound to the head. As you assess him, what finding would you recognize as a nonpurposeful response to pain?

Flexing his arms across his chest when you pinch his shoulder

When using the Glasgow Coma Score (GCS) , the EMT understands that:

the higher score the better.

A trauma surgeon informs you that the patient you transported to the emergency department earlier was diagnosed with an epidural hematoma. The patient was taken into surgery and the hematoma was removed. Right now the patient is in critical condition. Bas

a pocket of arterial blood that collected between the skull and dura mater.

Which one of the following statements best describes the technique to be used when hyperventilating a head-injured patient with signs that the brain is herniating?

Provide 1 ventilation every 3 seconds.

At an industrial complex, a young male was struck in the head by a large piece of steel thrown from a grinding machine. Assessment reveals a soft, painful depression underlying a tear in his scalp, which is covered with dried blood. There is also clear fl

Will someone administer supplemental oxygen to the patient?

You are assessing a patient who has sustained blunt trauma to the head. Which would be most indicative of the loss of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)?

Clear fluid coming from the nose

Which one of the following is considered a normal finding when assessing a patient suffering from a head injury?

The right pupil constricts when light is shown into it.

Which finding is most consistent with a basilar skull fracture?

Bruising behind the ear

Your assessment of a patient involved in a motor vehicle collision reveals a deformity to the left side of the head underneath the hair. On further inspection you note that the skin overlying the deformity is still intact. Based on these assessment findin

Possible brain injury

An unresponsive patient was ejected from a car as it rolled at a high rate of speed. The primary assessment is complete and you are providing positive pressure ventilation with high-concentration oxygen. The patient has a significant deformity to the righ

look for evidence of bleeding in an area of the body other than the brain.

A woman strikes her forehead against the dashboard of her car as it strikes a tree. Immediately following the impact, her brain bounces back and forth within her skull. Based on the anatomy and physiology of the skull, which of the following is true?

The ridges of the basilar skull can damage the brain as it shifts back and forth.

A young female was thrown from a horse and is now confused. Assessment findings include an open airway, adequate breathing, and a strong radial pulse. Her vital signs are normal. Which one of the following questions would be the most important to immediat

Did she lose consciousness?

You are assessing a patient who had a previous head injury in which a portion of the cerebellum was destroyed. In relation to this specific injury, which of the following would the EMT expect?

Poor coordination when signing his name to the prehospital care report

You are transporting a patient with a past medical history of a meningeal tumor (tumor on the meninges). You would recognize the tumor as being located:

in tissue surrounding the brain.

Which finding indicates that a patient who received a blow to the head is suffering from something other than a concussion?

His pupils are noticeably unequal.

A middle-aged male immediately died following a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head. Which portion of the central nervous system was most likely damaged in order to cause such a rapid death?


A patient exhibits retrograde amnesia when she:

cannot remember falling and hitting her head.

Your patient is a young adult male in police custody after he crashed his car into a utility pole. There is minor front-end damage to the vehicle, and the air bags deployed. The patient was not wearing a seat belt and has an abrasion on his forehead. He i

Contact medical command.

A young male patient was running through a park and struck his head on a low-lying branch of a tree. Emergency Medical Responders have already immobilized the patient to a long board and are providing supplemental oxygen through a nonrebreather face mask.

Improving memory

Which statement is true regarding linear skull fractures?

Linear skull fractures cannot be identified with palpation.

A 14-year-old male fell 10 feet from a retaining wall and hit his head on a metal post. He is responsive to verbal stimuli with incomprehensible speech. The secondary assessment indicates blood and fluid coming from inside the patient's left ear. You shou

Place a piece of sterile gauze over the ear.

Your patient is a young adult male with a gunshot wound to the left side of his head. He is unresponsive with snoring respirations. He is breathing 6 times per minute with a pulse rate of 52 and a blood pressure of 192/104 mmHg. His radial pulse is strong

performing a jaw-thrust maneuver.

A 57-year-old man fell on the sidewalk, hitting his head on the concrete. According to witnesses, the patient was unresponsive for several minutes following the fall. Which one of the following would be most critical to relay to the physician in the emerg

History of alcoholism

An intoxicated teenage male with a diabetic history fell down five stairs and is now responding to a shoulder pinch with garbled speech. Manual stabilization of the cervical spine is being maintained. The primary assessment reveals an open airway, adequat

Perform a secondary exam.

You have been called to the local community hospital for a 48-year-old male involved in a motor vehicle collision 2 hours prior. He has been diagnosed with a cerebral contusion and must be transported to a trauma center for specialty care. As a knowledgea

bruising and swelling of the brain tissue.

A 52-year-old male is unresponsive and has bruises and lacerations to the head, chest, and abdomen. Bystanders state that the patient was intoxicated and got into a fight with several patrons of a bar. They state that he was beaten with their fists, and n

Perform the jaw-thrust maneuver.

The EMT is properly assessing for sensory function in the hands when he tells or asks the patient to:

Can you tell me what finger I am touching?

You are transporting a patient with a right-sided head injury after a large refrigerator fell and pinned his head between the appliance and the floor. On scene, the patient was responsive to verbal stimuli with the following vital signs: pulse 96, respira

Responding to painful stimuli

A young female pedestrian was hit by a car and thrown 15 feet, striking her head against a metal guardrail. You start your secondary assessment and note a deep depression to the right parietal area of her head with intact skin overlying the area. You shou

note the injury and continue assessing the patient.

You have been called by family members for their mother who is "not acting right." On scene the family informs you that they are concerned because their 68-year-old mother has been complaining of a headache for two days and is now very confused. When aski

Subdural hematoma

A 41-year-old male patient has been struck in the head with a metal pipe. As you approach the patient, you note that he is combative and has blood on the left side of his face and head and on his shirt. His breathing appears to be labored and he is incont

Take manual in-line spinal stabilization.

Your patient is a 40-year-old male who fell 20 feet from a ledge while hiking. The park ranger is maintaining manual in-line spinal stabilization. The patient is combative and confused, but the airway is open and breathing is adequate. The patient has a r

Begin administering supplemental oxygen.

A male soccer player was struck in the head with a soccer ball. Players state that he was dazed for several seconds following the impact and then asked the same questions over and over. Presently, he is conscious and oriented to person, but confused to pl


As brain herniation occurs, the body responds by:

increasing blood pressure to perfuse the brain.

The cerebellum is described as an area of the brain that:

controls reflexes and assists in maintaining body posture.

A young female patient involved in a motor vehicle collision responds to painful stimuli by extending her arms and legs. Her airway is open and breathing shallow and irregular. A radial pulse that is moderate in strength is palpated. Her pulse is 64 beats

start positive pressure ventilation at 20 breaths per minute.

You have been called to a residence of a diabetic patient with altered mental status. A family member states she could not reach the patient by telephone, so she came over and found the patient awake but confused. The patient can remember his name and add

Bruise to the left temple

A woman has fallen from a second-story window onto the concrete sidewalk below. She is unresponsive and has a large depression to the back and top of her skull. Additional findings include abdominal bruising and an angulated left ankle. Your partner repor

Severe head injury with increasing pressure within the skull

A male patient in his thirties fell 10 feet off of a loading dock, landing on his head. He has deformity and depression to the back of his head and is unresponsive with snoring respirations. Vital signs are pulse 132, respirations are agonal, blood pressu

I need someone to start positive pressure ventilation at 12 breaths a minute.

A 61-year-old male has fallen off a roof. Your primary assessment findings include unresponsiveness, agonal breathing, and a slow and weak radial pulse. His skin is cool and dry. Emergency Medical Responders are maintaining manual in-line spinal stabiliza

Start positive pressure ventilation.

You suspect that an unhelmeted male patient who was ejected from a motorcycle may have a basilar skull fracture. As you perform the secondary assessment, which finding would reinforce this suspicion?

Clear fluid coming from the right ear and left nostril

A patient involved in an altercation has been struck on the side of the head with a baseball bat, in addition to suffering several blows to the arms and legs. When assessing this patient, which of the following signs or symptoms best indicates the patient

Confusion and combativeness

You arrive at a hunting camp for a hunter who stumbled over a rock and caught himself on his outstretched arm. He denies hitting his head or neck. There are no threats to the airway, breathing, or circulation. He has swelling and ecchymosis to his left wr

After we splint his wrist, we will need to elevate it during transport to decrease the opportunity for swelling.

Which statement about different musculoskeletal injuries is true?

A sprain is an injury to a joint with possible damage to or tearing of ligaments.

What assessment finding would contraindicate the use of the traction splint?

Deformity to the hip

A vacuum splint has just been applied to the arm of a patient who fell backward from a chair while hanging drapes. Which one of the following statements or questions should the EMT make or ask next?

I am going to feel your wrist for a pulse now.

A patient was struck in the right upper arm with a baseball bat. Which of the following signs or symptoms indicates the highest probability that the humerus has been fractured?

Crepitus felt on palpation

An unrestrained middle-aged female was thrown from her car as it rolled in the median of an interstate. She is supine, appears unresponsive, has blood on her face, and has snoring respirations. Your first action on reaching her side should be to:

perform the jaw-thrust maneuver.

Which one of the following best describes the purpose of determining a Glasgow Coma Scale score (GCS) in a patient with a head injury?

It helps determine whether a patient's mental status is improving or deteriorating.

A construction worker was accidentally shot with a nail gun. The nail penetrated the skull approximately inch through the temporal region. Before your arrival, coworkers pulled the nail free. Based on the mechanism of injury, which sign provides the stron

Cerebrospinal fluid oozing from the puncture wound

When assessing a head-injured patient, what finding is most indicative of increasing pressure within the skull?

Blood pressure of 192/106 mmHg

A patient complaining of a headache states that he fell and struck the back of his head. Which of the following patient statements should be of most concern to the EMT?

I take the blood thinner for my heart.

You are transporting a patient with a past medical history of a meningeal tumor (tumor on the meninges). You would recognize the tumor as being located:

in tissue surrounding the brain.

At a construction site, an 18-year-old male was struck in the head by a pallet of concrete blocks as it was being moved by a crane. He has a large laceration to the left side of his head with noted instability to the skull beneath the wound. Moderate blee

loose dressing over the top of the laceration.

Which one of the following patients has an isolated head injury that should be considered the most serious?

21-year-old male wearing a deformed motorcycle helmet who does not respond to verbal or painful stimuli

A patient with Cushing reflex is most likely incurring what pathophysiology?

Brain herniation

As brain herniation occurs, the body responds by:

increasing blood pressure to perfuse the brain.

A 21-year-old male has suffered a gunshot wound to the head. As you assess him, what finding would you recognize as a nonpurposeful response to pain?

Flexing his arms across his chest when you pinch his shoulder

An unresponsive patient was ejected from a car as it rolled at a high rate of speed. The primary assessment is complete and you are providing positive pressure ventilation with high-concentration oxygen. The patient has a significant deformity to the righ

look for evidence of bleeding in an area of the body other than the brain.

You have been called by family members for their mother who is "not acting right." On scene the family informs you that they are concerned because their 68-year-old mother has been complaining of a headache for two days and is now very confused. When aski

Subdural hematoma

Your patient is a young adult male in police custody after he crashed his car into a utility pole. There is minor front-end damage to the vehicle, and the air bags deployed. The patient was not wearing a seat belt and has an abrasion on his forehead. He i

Contact medical command.

You are assessing the pupils of a patient who hit his head after falling from the top of a tractor trailer. What pupillary finding suggests a closed head injury?

The left pupil constricts to light but the right pupil does not.

You have been called to the local community hospital for a 48-year-old male involved in a motor vehicle collision 2 hours prior. He has been diagnosed with a cerebral contusion and must be transported to a trauma center for specialty care. As a knowledgea

bruising and swelling of the brain tissue.

A young male patient was running through a park and struck his head on a low-lying branch of a tree. Emergency Medical Responders have already immobilized the patient to a long board and are providing supplemental oxygen through a nonrebreather face mask.

Improving memory

Your patient is a young adult female who was struck by a vehicle while she was riding her bicycle. She was not wearing a helmet. She is unresponsive and has a deformity with a deep depression to the temporal area of the head. You note no bleeding and the

Damage to the brain

Which finding is most consistent with a basilar skull fracture?

Bruising behind the ear

The cerebellum is described as an area of the brain that:

controls reflexes and assists in maintaining body posture.

A 68-year-old female patient is complaining of a headache and generalized weakness. Her husband informs you that she was with a friend yesterday and was involved in a motor vehicle collision. She did strike her face on the dashboard, but refused treatment

Bruising behind her left ear

A woman strikes her forehead against the dashboard of her car as it strikes a tree. Immediately following the impact, her brain bounces back and forth within her skull. Based on the anatomy and physiology of the skull, which of the following is true?

The ridges of the basilar skull can damage the brain as it shifts back and forth.

A 41-year-old male patient has been struck in the head with a metal pipe. As you approach the patient, you note that he is combative and has blood on the left side of his face and head and on his shirt. His breathing appears to be labored and he is incont

Take manual in-line spinal stabilization.

A woman has fallen from a second-story window onto the concrete sidewalk below. She is unresponsive and has a large depression to the back and top of her skull. Additional findings include abdominal bruising and an angulated left ankle. Your partner repor

Severe head injury with increasing pressure within the skull

Which one of the following statements best describes the technique to be used when hyperventilating a head-injured patient with signs that the brain is herniating?

Provide 1 ventilation every 3 seconds.

A male patient in his thirties fell 10 feet off of a loading dock, landing on his head. He has deformity and depression to the back of his head and is unresponsive with snoring respirations. Vital signs are pulse 132, respirations are agonal, blood pressu

I need someone to start positive pressure ventilation at 12 breaths a minute.

When using the Glasgow Coma Score (GCS) , the EMT understands that:

the higher score the better.

A patient involved in an altercation has been struck on the side of the head with a baseball bat, in addition to suffering several blows to the arms and legs. When assessing this patient, which of the following signs or symptoms best indicates the patient

Confusion and combativeness

You are assessing a patient who has sustained blunt trauma to the head. Which would be most indicative of the loss of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)?

Clear fluid coming from the nose

Your patient is a 40-year-old male who fell 20 feet from a ledge while hiking. The park ranger is maintaining manual in-line spinal stabilization. The patient is combative and confused, but the airway is open and breathing is adequate. The patient has a r

Begin administering supplemental oxygen.

A 52-year-old male is unresponsive and has bruises and lacerations to the head, chest, and abdomen. Bystanders state that the patient was intoxicated and got into a fight with several patrons of a bar. They state that he was beaten with their fists, and n

Perform the jaw-thrust maneuver.

A young female was thrown from a horse and is now confused. Assessment findings include an open airway, adequate breathing, and a strong radial pulse. Her vital signs are normal. Which one of the following questions would be the most important to immediat

Did she lose consciousness?

You have been called to a residence of a diabetic patient with altered mental status. A family member states she could not reach the patient by telephone, so she came over and found the patient awake but confused. The patient can remember his name and add

Bruise to the left temple

You are transporting a patient with a right-sided head injury after a large refrigerator fell and pinned his head between the appliance and the floor. On scene, the patient was responsive to verbal stimuli with the following vital signs: pulse 96, respira

Responding to painful stimuli

The EMT recognizes the parameters of the Glasgow Coma Score (GCS) as:

eyes, motor, and verbal response.

At an industrial complex, a young male was struck in the head by a large piece of steel thrown from a grinding machine. Assessment reveals a soft, painful depression underlying a tear in his scalp, which is covered with dried blood. There is also clear fl

Will someone administer supplemental oxygen to the patient?

You are assessing a patient who had a previous head injury in which a portion of the cerebellum was destroyed. In relation to this specific injury, which of the following would the EMT expect?

Poor coordination when signing his name to the prehospital care report

A trauma surgeon informs you that the patient you transported to the emergency department earlier was diagnosed with an epidural hematoma. The patient was taken into surgery and the hematoma was removed. Right now the patient is in critical condition. Bas

a pocket of arterial blood that collected between the skull and dura mater.

An intoxicated teenage male with a diabetic history fell down five stairs and is now responding to a shoulder pinch with garbled speech. Manual stabilization of the cervical spine is being maintained. The primary assessment reveals an open airway, adequat

Perform a secondary exam.

A patient exhibits retrograde amnesia when she:

cannot remember falling and hitting her head.

A 61-year-old male has fallen off a roof. Your primary assessment findings include unresponsiveness, agonal breathing, and a slow and weak radial pulse. His skin is cool and dry. Emergency Medical Responders are maintaining manual in-line spinal stabiliza

Start positive pressure ventilation.

Which finding indicates that a patient who received a blow to the head is suffering from something other than a concussion?

His pupils are noticeably unequal.

A young female patient involved in a motor vehicle collision responds to painful stimuli by extending her arms and legs. Her airway is open and breathing shallow and irregular. A radial pulse that is moderate in strength is palpated. Her pulse is 64 beats

start positive pressure ventilation at 20 breaths per minute.

A male soccer player was struck in the head with a soccer ball. Players state that he was dazed for several seconds following the impact and then asked the same questions over and over. Presently, he is conscious and oriented to person, but confused to pl


Which statement is true regarding linear skull fractures?

Linear skull fractures cannot be identified with palpation.

Your patient is a young adult male with a gunshot wound to the left side of his head. He is unresponsive with snoring respirations. He is breathing 6 times per minute with a pulse rate of 52 and a blood pressure of 192/104 mmHg. His radial pulse is strong

performing a jaw-thrust maneuver.

Your assessment of a patient involved in a motor vehicle collision reveals a deformity to the left side of the head underneath the hair. On further inspection you note that the skin overlying the deformity is still intact. Based on these assessment findin

Possible brain injury

A young female pedestrian was hit by a car and thrown 15 feet, striking her head against a metal guardrail. You start your secondary assessment and note a deep depression to the right parietal area of her head with intact skin overlying the area. You shou

note the injury and continue assessing the patient.

A patient who fell out of a tree has an open skull injury. Which of the following inquiry descriptions would fit this description?

Obvious deformity to the right side of the skull with a laceration to the overlying scalp

You suspect that an unhelmeted male patient who was ejected from a motorcycle may have a basilar skull fracture. As you perform the secondary assessment, which finding would reinforce this suspicion?

Clear fluid coming from the right ear and left nostril

The normal response of the pupils while examined with a penlight is described as:


A 14-year-old male fell 10 feet from a retaining wall and hit his head on a metal post. He is responsive to verbal stimuli with incomprehensible speech. The secondary assessment indicates blood and fluid coming from inside the patient's left ear. You shou

Place a piece of sterile gauze over the ear.

Which one of the following is considered a normal finding when assessing a patient suffering from a head injury?

The right pupil constricts when light is shown into it.

The EMT is properly assessing for a spinal cord injury when she:

asks the patient to spread his fingers apart on both hands.

A 43-year-old male has fallen from a roof and cannot move or feel his arms or legs. When assessing the patient, which one of the following signs would lead the EMT to suspect the patient is suffering from spinal shock?

Heart rate of 68 beats per minute

A patient dove into a shallow pool and struck his head on the bottom. Your assessment findings indicate that he has no motor or sensation ability in his legs, but he can move his arms. The EMT should recognize which of the following conditions?


You are securing a patient to the long backboard. The appropriate order for securing the straps would be:

chest, head, pelvis, legs.

You are maintaining manual in-line stabilization of the cervical spine for a patient being log rolled, transferred, and secured to a long backboard. At what point will you release the manual in-line spinal stabilization?

After the head, chest, and knees have been secured with straps

A male driver was ejected from his vehicle after it rolled several times at a high rate of speed. As you approach the patient you note that he is unresponsive and struggling to breathe. He also has a laceration to the left side of his face and multiple co

Open the airway using the jaw-thrust maneuver.

A patient is being extricated from a car using a vest-type short immobilization device. After the patient has been extricated, the EMT should:

immobilize the patient with the vest-type short immobilization device to a long backboard.

A teenage boy was found by friends as he attempted to hang himself in a garage using chains suspended from the ceiling. As you approach, you note that the patient is conscious, struggling to breathe, and has contusions that encircle his neck from the chai

start positive pressure ventilation.

A patient is lying under a tree after being involved in a motor vehicle collision. She states that immediately after the crash, she felt okay, but now her legs are numb and tingling. She also has lower back discomfort. What question is it most important f

How did you get out of the car?

While performing the primary assessment on a patient with an isolated spinal cord injury, you note that he is in severe respiratory distress and struggling to breathe. Where should you suspect the spinal cord injury has occurred?

Cervical spine

A window washer has fallen 20 feet from scaffolding while washing the windows on an office building. He is alert and oriented, but states that he cannot move or feel his legs. Additionally, because his blood pressure is 82/48 mmHg, you suspect spinal shoc

Cool and clammy skin

A 2-year-old boy fell down a flight of stairs. Which instruction would you provide to other EMTs who are immobilizing the patient?

Let's place a folded towel under his shoulders to help maintain head alignment.

You arrive on the scene of a motor vehicle collision. Walking toward you is the unrestrained driver of the vehicle that sustained moderate front-end damage. The patient complains of some back pain, but is walking around after the crash and does not appear

Take manual in-line spinal stabilization.

What area of the spinal cord is most commonly injured?

Cervical spine

You arrive on the scene of a two-car motor vehicle collision. The patient was the unrestrained driver of a car that struck another from behind at 25 mph. In the course of the collision, the patient flew forward and struck the windshield with his head. No

mechanism of injury.

You have been called to a public building for a 32-year-old male patient who fell down a flight of stairs. As you pull up, he walks to the ambulance and states that he would like to be looked at because his shoulder and lower back hurt. You immediately ta

Place a long board behind the patient and immobilize in a standing position.

A male patient fell 20 feet from a cliff to a trail below. The primary assessment shows him to be confused, with an open airway and shallow breathing. His pulse is 72 beats per minute and his blood pressure is 78/50 mmHg. The skin is warm and flushed. The

Spinal injury

An elderly patient has fallen down a flight of stairs and is complaining of neck and back pain as well as weakness to both legs. The primary assessment reveals no life threats to the airway, breathing, or circulation. Manual in-line spinal stabilization i

Complete the secondary assessment looking for injuries.

Which one of the following statements about the care and treatment of a patient with a spinal injury in the prehospital setting is true?

Prehospital care for the patient with a spine injury involves immobilization and the identification of life-threatening conditions.

A football player was struck in the head and is complaining of a headache and nausea. He also states that he has pain to his upper back and tingling in his left hand. The EMT is providing proper care for the patient when he:

leaves the helmet in place but removes the face mask.

A 25-year-old male jail inmate was pushed over the railing of a walkway 20 feet above the ground. He is unresponsive and has an open fracture of the left upper arm. How would you determine if the patient has sensation in his legs?

Pinch his foot and look for movement on the leg.

A patient has just been log rolled and positioned onto the long backboard. Which one of the following care measures should be performed next?

Secure the patient's chest with straps.

Assessment of a young girl who was hit while riding her bike reveals her to be responsive to painful stimuli with flexion of the extremities and in respiratory distress. There is marked deformity to her thoracic spine and bruising noted to her anterior ch

Take time to completely immobilize her to the long board on scene prior to rapid transport to the hospital.

For a person to make a fist, which one of the following must occur?

The central nervous system must send a message through the spinal cord and then to the peripheral nerves.

A minivan has struck a utility pole and is on fire. The driver is unresponsive and has life-threatening injuries. Which one of the following would be most appropriate when extricating the patient from the vehicle?

Rapid extrication with cervical collar applied

An Emergency Medical Responder reports that a male patient, injured while playing football, has bruising to the lumbar area of the back. Based on this statement, the EMT should expect to find bruising in which area?

Lower back

For which of the following patients involved in a motor vehicle collision is the use of a vest-type short immobilization device indicated?

33-year-old female in the backseat who states that her neck hurts and she has a headache

Which one of the following shows that the EMTs are correctly using a vest-type short spine immobilization device?

The head is secured to the device after the torso has been secured

When applying a cervical spine immobilization collar (CSIC) to a young boy who fell out of a tree, the EMT realizes the collar benefits the patient by:

decreasing downward compression on the cervical spine.

You pull up to the scene of a single-car motor vehicle collision. Emergency Medical Responders (EMRs) are maintaining in-line manual spinal stabilization of the 56-year-old driver who was unrestrained when she struck a tree at a high rate of speed. As you

Let me conduct the primary assessment and place a cervical collar on her, and then let's quickly move her to the long board.

A patient involved in a diving accident has his head positioned so that his left cheek is touching his left shoulder. He states that he has severe pain in his neck and it hurts to move his head. He denies numbness, tingling, or decreased strength in his a

Stabilize and maintain the head in the position in which the patient is holding it.

Based on the structure of the nervous system, which of the following is true?

A deep laceration to the arm can sever peripheral nerves.

A patient injured in a motor vehicle collision is suffering from the separation of the rib and its associated spinal vertebrae. Based on the anatomy of the spine, where has this injury occurred?

Thoracic spine

The EMT is caring for a patient who has a problem with the autonomic component of his nervous system. Which sign or symptom would most likely be caused by this condition?

Elevated heart rate

An EMT is rapidly extricating a critically injured patient from a severely damaged vehicle. Which one of the following would the EMT recognize as acceptable given this patient's condition?

A vest-type or other short spine immobilization device can be omitted, but a cervical collar and manual in-line spinal stabilization are still required.

While transporting a 38-year-old female who fell from a second-story window, you note that she is becoming confused and her pulse rate is increasing. Additionally, her blood pressure has dropped and her skin is now cool and clammy. Based on these assessme

hypovolemic shock.

You have arrived on a shooting where a middle-aged male has suffered a single gunshot wound to the abdomen. As you approach the patient, you note that he is sitting up and talking with the police officer holding a blood-soaked towel over the left upper qu

take manual in-line spinal stabilization.

A 42-year-old man has called 911 because of severe back pain. He informs you that his back pain is related to a recent fracture of his coccyx. Based on this information, where should the EMT expect the patient to be complaining of pain?

Pelvic area

Which one of the following shows that the EMT is correctly assessing motor function in the arms of a patient with potential spine injuries?

I need you to flex both arms across your chest.

A high school football player was hit from behind and is complaining of severe back pain and numbness to his right leg. Manual in-line spinal stabilization is being maintained by an assistant coach. Once at the patient's side, what should you do next?

Assess the airway and breathing.

You have been called for a patient with severe back pain. When obtaining a medical history, he tells you that he has a history of damaged disks in his vertebrae. As a knowledgeable EMT, you should recognize that the:

fluid-filled structures between the vertebrae have been injured.

As you approach a motorcyclist who was thrown from his bike, you hear him saying that he cannot feel or move his legs. You note obvious deformity to both femurs as well as his left wrist and forearm. Emergency Medical Responders are holding manual in-line

Check his rate and effort of breathing.

A restrained driver of a car, that struck another car from behind at a low rate of speed, has a bruise to her forehead and complains of tingling in her left leg. She is lying on the side of the road and another EMT has taken manual in-line spinal stabiliz

Check her breathing and radial pulse.

A patient has been struck in the back by a heavy piece of wood that was being bent to make a form for a concrete arch. He is responsive, but cannot feel or move his legs. He has bruising to his back and is incontinent of urine. The skin below the injury s

The paralysis may resolve

Which one of the following signs or symptoms best indicates the patient has suffered an injury to the thoracic spine?

Tingling in the legs

You and your partner are preparing to extricate a patient from a car using a vest-type short spine immobilization device. After ensuring that in-line manual spinal stabilization is being maintained, your next instruction should be:

Let's check his motor, sensory, and pulses in the arms and legs.

The EMT should recognize a possible spinal column injury with no spinal cord involvement when he discovers what assessment finding?

Tenderness to the thoracic spine with intact motor and sensory to each extremity

Which injury is possible based on the anatomy of the spine?

Disk injury between thoracic vertebrae 11 and 12

A young female driver, involved in a motor vehicle collision, complains of cervical pain resulting from a lateral-type mechanism of neck injury. Based on this information, what type of collision most likely took place?

The patient's car was struck from the side.

A motorcyclist wearing a full helmet was thrown from his motorcycle after hitting a patch of oil. The bike had been traveling at a high rate of speed. Manual in-line spinal stabilization is being held by an off-duty EMT. The primary assessment reveals the

remove his helmet

A female patient is described as primigravida. Consequently, the EMT would recognize that:

she is pregnant for the first time.

The EMT recognizes the underlying pathophysiology associated with an ectopic pregnancy as a fertilized egg that is:

lodged in a fallopian tube.

Assessment indicates that a newborn's respiratory rate is 40 breaths per minute and his heart rate is 80 beats per minute. The EMT should:

start positive pressure ventilation.

The EMT shows an understanding of newborn resuscitation when she states:

Interventions should be performed for 30 seconds followed by reassessment.

In a normal fertilization, the egg and sperm meet in which structure?

Fallopian tube

Which one of the following shows that the EMT is correctly performing a uterine massage?

Both hands cup the uterus, with one of the hands positioned just above the symphysis pubis.

The EMT shows she has a proper understanding of Braxton-Hicks contractions when she says:

They are often irregular and painless and should be evaluated in the hospital.

Which one of the following assessment findings indicates that the newborn is distressed?

Heart rate of 90

As soon as the baby is delivered from the vaginal canal, it is critical that the EMT immediately:

dry and warm the newborn.

While delivering a baby, you note that the umbilical cord is wrapped around the baby's neck. You would:

slip the cord over the baby's shoulders.

Which one of the following statements about a limb presentation is true?

A cesarean section birth will be required.

You are transporting a female patient who is seven months pregnant. She has been diagnosed with preeclampsia and is currently hypertensive. Which one of the following statements made by the patient indicates she may be transitioning from preeclampsia to e

I feel like I am going to have a seizure.

You are assessing a 29-year-old who has signs of imminent delivery. Her past medical history includes HIV infection. Compared to a patient with no infectious disease, how will standard precautions differ for this patient?

Gloves, a gown, and goggles must be worn for both the patient with HIV and the noninfectious patient.

When treating a patient you believe to be suffering from an ectopic pregnancy, you know that the primary threat to the patient's life is:


Which one of the following statements regarding the placenta after the baby has been born is accurate?

The placenta typically delivers itself within 20 minutes of the birth of the baby.

When asked, a young female with abdominal pain replies that she is not sure if she is pregnant or not. Which one of the following questions provides the best opportunity to determine if the patient is pregnant?

When was your last menstrual period?

When should the EMT use the APGAR scoring system on a newborn?

One and five minutes after the baby has been delivered

A 31-year-old female in her third trimester of pregnancy lost her balance and fell down a flight of stairs. When treating her, the EMT should:

immobilize her, and then tilt the long spine board to the left.

You have been called for a 27-year-old female who is 32 weeks pregnant. She states that she is experiencing uterine contractions but feels no pain with them, just a tightening in her abdomen. She states that these began three days ago and seem to be incre

probable false labor, but have the patient transported to the hospital for evaluation.

You have been called for a 35-year-old female who is experiencing vaginal spotting. The patient states that she has noted the discharge of blood from her vagina and is concerned because she is 36 weeks pregnant. She also states that she noted some abdomin

administer high-concentration oxygen and immediately transport.

You have determined that you will need to perform a field delivery. What instructions to the patient show that the EMT is properly positioning her?

Please lie on your back, draw your knees upward, and spread your legs apart.

A female patient who is eight and a half months pregnant states that she does not feel well and is weak with clammy skin. She denies chest pain, shortness of breath, and dizziness. She states that she did vomit earlier in the morning and still feels somew

oxygen at 15 lpm via nonrebreather face mask.

A woman informs you that she is eight months pregnant and fatigues easily. She is apprehensive because when she lies down, she gets dizzy and feels as though she is going to vomit. Which one of the following is the best response?

Check with your obstetrician, but you may want to rest and sleep on your left or right side.

The EMT would recognize which one of the following babies as premature?

A baby weighing 7 pounds 4 ounces born at 37 weeks

If the placenta attaches over the cervix, the patient and baby would be at risk for what condition?

Placenta previa

The components of the APGAR scoring system include:

heart rate, activity, respirations.

Assessment of a newborn indicates that his heart rate is 120 beats per minute. How many points should he be awarded according to the APGAR scoring system?


Which of the following lists the stages of labor in the order in which they occur?

Dilation, expulsion, and placental

Which one of the following statements made by a pregnant patient in labor should be of most concern to the EMT?

My water broke two days ago.

Which one of the following actions shows that the EMT is properly caring for the cord after delivery?

There is a 6-inch segment of cord still connected to the baby.

You are in the process of a field delivery and have just delivered the baby's head. Which one of the following should you do next?

Check the neck for the umbilical cord.

You are responding to a low-income apartment complex for a 16-year-old who is five weeks pregnant with vaginal bleeding. When mentally reviewing possible causes of hemorrhage for this patient, which of the following should you be prepared to encounter?

Spontaneous abortion

You are caring for an emotionally distraught female who just suffered a miscarriage. During transport, which one of the following statements is most appropriate?

I really do not know what to say, but let me know how I can help you.

Which one of the following statements about the umbilical cord is true?

It contains one vein and two arteries.

You are delivering a baby in the patient's house. As the baby's head appears at the opening of the vagina, you notice that the amniotic membrane is still intact. You would:

break open the amniotic sac with your fingers.

Which statement indicates an understanding of the relationship between seizures and pregnancy?

Prolonged seizures can easily cause the mother and baby to become hypoxic.

Despite positive pressure ventilation, a newborn's heart rate has fallen from 80 beats per minute to 40. He is breathing 40 breaths per minute and has a mottled appearance. Your next action would be to:

start cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

You arrive at the residence of a physician who informs you that his pregnant wife requires immediate transport to the hospital because she is bleeding and has a history of abruptio placentae. As a knowledgeable EMT, you should recognize that the greatest


The EMT shows that he understands the seriousness of a prolapsed umbilical cord when he states:

A prolapsed cord can stop the flow of oxygen to the baby and must be addressed immediately.

You have completed the assessment of a 32-year-old patient who is starting her seventh month of pregnancy. Which one of the following assessment findings should the EMT be most concerned about?

Intermittent vaginal bleeding

Assessment of a pregnant patient in labor reveals what appears to be the baby's buttocks presenting at the vaginal opening. The EMT would immediately:

place the mother in a supine, head-down position with hips elevated and administer high-concentration oxygen.

You have been called for a 16-year-old female with vaginal bleeding. On scene you determine the patient to be pregnant and bleeding for 3 hours. What statement would indicate proper care of the patient?

I am going to put this sanitary napkin between your legs to try to slow the bleeding.

A patient is 7 cm dilated and complaining of painful contractions. What stage of labor should the EMT identify?

First stage

The EMT would use the sterile scissors found in the OB kit to cut which of the following?

Umbilical cord

The EMT shows he understands care of the post-delivery mother when he states:

Allowing the baby to nurse immediately after delivery can help to control uterine bleeding.

A young female is complaining of sharp pain to the left lower quadrant of her abdomen. She states that her last period was seven weeks ago. With this information, the EMT should be suspicious of:

ectopic pregnancy.

When assessing a 27-year-old patient who is eight months pregnant, which one of the following statements should the EMT be most concerned about?

I have not been able to see the doctor this pregnancy.

The EMT should recognize a full-term pregnancy in which one of the following patients?

21-year-old who is 39 weeks pregnant and feeling dizzy

A 31-year-old is in labor. After ensuring her airway, breathing, and circulation, you assess her perineum and observe the umbilical cord protruding from the vagina. However, the baby is not visible. Your next action would be to:

place the patient in a knee-chest position.

It has been 30 minutes and the placenta has yet to deliver. The EMT should:

continue to monitor the patient and baby.

The EMT recognizes the underlying pathophysiology associated with an ectopic pregnancy as a fertilized egg that is:

lodged in a fallopian tube.

While delivering a baby in the field, the EMT notices that the baby is covered with a green-brown liquid. The EMT should immediately recognize that:

the baby was distressed and may be hypoxic.

The mother is 34 weeks along, and you are delivering the baby. As soon as the baby is completely delivered, you should immediately:

dry the baby with a warm towel.

When should the EMT instruct his partner to cut the umbilical cord?

Following delivery and after the baby has been dried and suctioned

You are transporting a young female who just had a miscarriage at home. During the transport the woman weeps continually. What statement is most appropriate given the situation?

Is there anything that I can do to help you right now?

You are by the side of a 19-year-old female who is 36 weeks pregnant. When assessing this patient, which one of the following findings best indicates that she is in preterm labor?

Rupture of the amniotic sac

After positive pressure ventilation, a newborn's heart rate increases from 80 to 120 beats per minute. The EMT should:

provide blow-by oxygen.

Prior to delivery, the EMT prepares to create a sterile field around the patient's vaginal opening. This is best accomplished by:

placing a sheet from the OB kit under the patient's hips and another over her abdomen and legs.

After delivery, you note some blood oozing from the mother's vagina. The sanitary pads that you placed between her legs continue to become soaked. Your next action would be to:

perform a uterine massage.

The EMT is performing CPR on a neonate. Which one of the following is the correct compression-to-ventilation ratio?

3 compressions to every 1 ventilation

Five minutes after delivering a baby, the mother feels the sudden urge to push and a gush of blood comes from the vagina. Given that the mother is not delivering twins, what stage of labor should the EMT recognize?


A newborn's first APGAR score was 6. His second APGAR score is 9. This indicates which one of the following?


What patient should the EMT be most suspicious of having a spontaneous abortion?

21-year-old, six weeks pregnant, passing vaginal blood clots

A 25-year-old female presents with abdominal pain. She appears thin and healthy, but in obvious distress. What question should the EMT ask first?

Is there any possibility you are pregnant?

The EMT recognizes which one of the following to be a normal respiratory rate for a newborn?

56 breaths per minute

The EMT shows that he can accurately differentiate placenta previa from abruptio placentae when he states:

Bleeding associated with abruptio placentae is typically associated with abdominal pain; bleeding associated with placenta previa is painless.

You have been called to a crisis shelter for a patient possibly having a baby. On scene you find an older female patient who is mentally retarded and cannot communicate normally. Staff states that the patient just came to the shelter and they know nothing

The mother's abdomen remains large after delivery of the baby.

Which of the following statements best indicates that the patient is in the second stage of labor?

I feel like I have to move my bowels.

After successfully delivering a baby, the EMT notes that the protruding umbilical cord is lengthening and a small gush of blood came out of the vagina. The appropriate action would be to:

prepare for delivery of the placenta.

You have been dispatched to a residence for a female patient who is dizzy and "passing out." An Emergency Medical Responder meets you at the door and reports that the patient is lying in bed and is nine months pregnant. Her pulse rate is 112 and her blood

Roll her onto her side.

An EMT is presenting a continuing education class on the care of the pregnant female. When discussing the amniotic sac, he is correct to emphasize which of the following points?

It protects and insulates the baby during pregnancy.

The EMT should recognize that a newborn is stable when assessment shows:

heart rate of 120 beats per minute.

You have been called to a home for a female patient in labor. On scene the family tells you that the 37-year-old patient is 42 weeks pregnant and wanted to have her baby at home naturally. They tell you that she has been in labor for over 24 hours and sud

Ruptured uterus

Which one of the following actions indicates that the EMT is properly suctioning the newborn?

He squeezes the bulb syringe prior to placing it in the baby's nose.

A patient has acute onset of right-sided abdominal pain, describes it as sharp, and rates it a 9/10. Her ABCs are intact, but her skin is cool and diaphoretic. She states that she has been going to the bathroom more and is worried because her father is a

Last period nine weeks ago

A 22-year-old female, who is eight months pregnant, calls 911 for vaginal bleeding. Your assessment reveals no threats to the ABCs, but she does have some evidence of blood in her underwear. The patient denies pain. Her vital signs are normal. Given these

placenta previa.

You have been called to a residence for a 21-year-old female in labor. On location you immediately see that the head of the baby is out of the vagina. While delivering the head, the mother screams that she is having twins. The EMT should immediately:

call for another EMT crew.

The APGAR scoring system is useful in determining:

status of overall condition.

You arrive at the side of a pregnant patient in her third trimester who has been vaginally bleeding for several hours. Observation reveals several blood-soaked towels on the bed. She is alert and oriented with a patent airway and adequate breathing. Her p

collect all towels with blood and transporting them with the patient.

You have arrived at the side of a 35-year-old who is 37 weeks pregnant and in labor. Your exam reveals crowning with contractions 60 seconds apart. Your immediate action would be to:

place the patient on her back, and then open and prepare the OB kit.

Why is the uterus essential to a healthy pregnancy?

Powerfully contracts to force the fetus from the mother's body

Which statement regarding the role and function of the cervix during pregnancy is true?

The cervix becomes plugged with mucus to prevent contamination of the uterus.

You have been called to assist another crew with the birth of a baby. On scene another EMT informs you that the mother's perineum tore and is bleeding heavily. You would:

place a sterile dressing between the mother's vagina and rectum.

When faced with the possibility of delivering twins, the EMT must remember that:

a significant number of the second infants are born breech.

While en route for a pregnant patient who is seizing, an Emergency Medical Responder (EMR) on scene contacts you and reports that the patient is actively seizing. He continues by stating that she is seven months pregnant and has not been feeling well for

Supply oxygen at 15L per min