EMT Test Practice 5

Which portion of the heart, when weakened by a heart attack, is responsible for causing fluid to back up in and fill the lung tissue?

Left ventricle

The EMT's patient has swollen lips and hives. Which one of the following scene size-up observations supports the EMT's suspicion that the patient is having an allergic reaction?

A new container of penicillin is on a table with two pills missing.

Five minutes after you assist a patient with her epinephrine auto-injector, the patient states that she feels much better and would like to refuse additional care and transport to the hospital. What statement would be most appropriate given the situation?

The epinephrine will wear off in 10 to 20 minutes. Let's see how you are doing then before thinking about refusing transport.

The wife of a 43-year-old male has called 911 because her husband was difficult to wake up and now has garbled speech. She reports a history of diabetes, stroke, renal failure, and high blood pressure. His airway is patent, respirations tachypneic but ade

Administer high-flow oxygen.

Which medications are included in the EMT's scope of practice?

Activated charcoal, oral glucose, and oxygen

What is the most common cause of cardiac arrest in infants and children?

Respiratory compromise

Which one of the following patients is losing body heat by the mechanism of convection?

30-year-old male in cool temperature and exposed to a light breeze

An EMT is transporting a restrained patient who is trying to spit on him. Which one of the following would the EMT be justified in doing?

Placing a surgical mask over the patient's mouth

A patient is breathing eight times per minute with poor chest rise and fall. What instruction would you give your partner about the respiratory care of this patient?

Ventilate him at 12 times per minute and superimpose your ventilations over his.

You have been dispatched to a pool party for a 19-year-old male with shoulder pain. He states that he dove off the diving board and hit the bottom of the pool with his right shoulder and back. Although there is alcohol at the party, he has not been drinki

Establish manual in-line spinal stabilization.

Which one of the following statements about cardiac compromise or acute coronary syndrome should the EMT recognize as true?

Cardiac compromise should be suspected for any patient with chest discomfort.

An alert but confused diabetic patient is complaining of weakness. Your service carries oral glucose, which has been authorized through off-line medical direction. In this case you should:

prepare and administer the oral glucose.

A 36-year-old patient has overdosed on an unknown drug and is unresponsive. He is breathing shallowly at six times per minute. He has cyanosis around his lips and to his fingertips. His skin is cool to the touch, and his radial pulse is rapid. His breath


A four-year-old boy in respiratory distress is sitting upright in bed and drooling. His mother states that he has been complaining of a sore throat throughout the day and tonight became severely short of breath and started drooling. He is alert with adequ

Apply high-flow oxygen via nonrebreather mask.

An intoxicated 24-year-old female has been struck by lightning and is conscious but confused. Which one of the following assessment findings should the EMT investigate first?

Irregular heart beat

The EMT would recognize which of the following as true regarding poisoning?

A poison is any substance that impairs a person's health by its chemical action.

Which one of the following accurately describes insulin?

Hormone that enables glucose to move into the cells

Your partner is assessing a patient who has a history of antisocial disorder and who just got into a heated verbal exchange with his neighbor. He threatened to kill his neighbor and 911 was called. As you observe the patient, which one of the following is

Clenching of both fists

A football player in full uniform has been stung by a bee. Your assessment reveals him to be confused. He also has stridorous respirations and weak radial pulses. His skin is warm and flushed and covered with hives. Vital signs are: pulse 144, respiration

Administer the epinephrine through a padless area of the pants over the side of his thigh.

Prior to assisting a patient with his epinephrine auto-injector, the EMT must ensure that:

on- or off-line medical direction exists.

A young boy tells you that his twin brother suffers from seizures and asks what he can do if he sees his brother convulsing. You should give him which one of the following instructions?

Move any moveable objects and furniture away from him.

Family members have called EMS after finding their brother in a highly agitated state. When assessing this patient, which of the following findings would raise your suspicion that the patient took a stimulant?

Blood pressure of 196/104

An alert and oriented patient presents with shortness of breath, crackles in both lungs, jugular venous distention, and edema to the feet and ankles. Her pulse is 132, respirations 24, blood pressure 160/86, and SpO2 at 88%. Based on this, the EMT should

The correct answer is: congestive heart failure.

You arrive on scene to find that the police have subdued a violent man with a history of behavioral problems. They state they will put the patient on the stretcher. Which one of the following should cause the EMT to take immediate and corrective action?

The correct answer is: Patient is placed and restrained in a prone position on the stretcher.

On entering an apartment for a confused elderly female, you note that the air conditioner is running on high and the room is extremely cold. What other clue obtained during the scene size-up would best indicate that the patient may be hypothermic?

The correct answer is: Fan blowing directly onto the patient

For which of the following patients would activated charcoal be indicated?

The correct answer is: 27-year-old who intentionally took a large amount of Tylenol 45 minutes ago

After assisting a patient with her EpiPen, she states that it is much easier for her to breathe. However, her heart rate has increased from 92 to 118 beats per minute. In relation to the epinephrine, the EMT recognizes the increased heart rate as a(n):

The correct answer is: side effect.

As a certified EMT, you may assist the patient in taking which one of the following prescribed medications?

The correct answer is: Inhalers for difficulty breathing

During transport, a female patient who is restrained begins to cry and states that she is sorry for becoming violent and will not behave in that manner anymore. She requests that the restraints be removed because they are hurting her arms and legs. Which

The correct answer is: Free one arm from the restraint, but leave the rest in place.

You have been called for a 63-year-old woman with slurred speech and right-arm weakness. On arrival, the patient informs you that the slurred speech and weakness have resolved. Since your assessment reveals no deficits, the patient insists on signing a re

The correct answer is: "You really need to be evaluated in the hospital. You are at significant risk for a future stroke.

Which one of the following medications should be administered by the EMT only if the patient has a prescription for it?

The correct answer is: Nitroglycerin

You are called to an alcoholic crisis center to transport a patient experiencing delirium tremens. When assessing the patient, which signs or symptoms would the EMT associate with this condition?

The correct answer is: Loss of memory, hallucinations, fever, dilated pupils

You have been called to a residence for a patient with altered mental status and shortness of breath. On scene an Emergency Medical Responder meets you and states that he believes the patient had a stroke and is unresponsive. As you enter the room, you se

The correct answer is: perform the head tilt-chin lift.

A 14-year-old female has taken an excessive amount of Tylenol with codeine. Family states that they were asleep when they heard a crash and found her at the bottom of the stairs. When they asked her if she was okay, she told them that her boyfriend broke

The correct answer is: take manual in-line spinal stabilization.

The EMT shows that she understands the danger posed by status epilepticus when she states:

The correct answer is: "The longer the seizure continues, the greater the opportunity for permanent brain damage.

You have gathered and written down all of the medications that a confused 46-year-old male patient is taking. The patient is placed on the stretcher for transport. What should the EMT do with the medications?

The correct answer is: Transport the medications with the patient.

Medical command has ordered you to administer activated charcoal to a patient who ingested a large amount of poison. When looking in your medical kit, which of the following medications would you prepare and administer?

The correct answer is: Actidose

You are caring for a patient who intentionally drank a compound with a high percentage of methanol. He is confused and lethargic, but has no obvious deficits to his airway, breathing, or circulation. En-route to the hospital, he states that he is very nau

turn him on his side.

After restraining a patient on the stretcher, what action is it essential that the EMT perform first?

The correct answer is: Check the tightness of the chest strap.

On arrival to a parking lot tailgate, you observe a crowd around a young man who is seizing. As you get equipment from the ambulance and make your way to the patient, his friends tell you that the patient has been up all night "partying" by drinking alcoh

The correct answer is: Open the airway, provide oxygen, and give rapid transport to the hospital.

A 42-year old patient weighs 154 pounds (70 kg). How much activated charcoal would you administer to him?

The correct answer is: 70 grams

Which one of the following offers the best explanation of why a patient experiencing a syncopal episode regains consciousness after falling?

The correct answer is: The supine position allows more blood to perfuse the brain.

You have been called to a residence for an 18-year-old female with shortness of breath and a history of cystic fibrosis. On scene you find the patient to be very thin and sick looking. Her airway is patent and breathing adequate, although slightly labored

The correct answer is: oxygen via nonrebreather face mask at 15 liters per minute.

Following a large wedding, health authorities announce that some of the food was contaminated with salmonella. Consequently, your EMS service receives notice that there may be a significant number of calls involving food poisoning. A new EMT asks you how

The correct answer is: "You should treat the patient based on his or her signs and symptoms, just like any other ingested poison.

A 36-year-old patient has overdosed on an unknown drug and is unresponsive. He is breathing shallowly at six times per minute. He has cyanosis around his lips and to his fingertips. His skin is cool to the touch, and his radial pulse is rapid. His breath

The correct answer is: Hypoxia

A 71-year-old female patient is lying in bed and complaining of respiratory distress. She exhibits moderate dyspnea, crackles in both lungs, and edema to the abdomen and lower extremities. High-flow oxygen is being provided to the patient by Emergency Med

The correct answer is: Position the patient upright.

On scene you assisted a patient with his epinephrine auto-injector after he was stung multiple times by bees. You are now transporting the patient to the hospital. As you reassess the patient, which one of the following signs would best indicate that the

The correct answer is: Decreasing wheezing

You have been called to a hotel swimming pool for a confused adult male. Patrons state that the man has been drinking most of the afternoon and has been in and out of the pool. The man is very confused and noncompliant with your requests. His airway is op

The correct answer is: Take in-line spinal stabilization and apply a cervical collar.

You have gathered and written down all of the medications that a confused 46-year-old male patient is taking. The patient is placed on the stretcher for transport. What should the EMT do with the medications?

The correct answer is: Transport the medications with the patient.

The EMT would recognize which of the following as true regarding poisoning?

The correct answer is: A poison is any substance that impairs a person's health by its chemical action.

The tricuspid valve prevents blood from:

The correct answer is: flowing from the right ventricle into the right atrium.

The EMT should recognize heat cramps as the probable cause of a patient's problem when the patient states:

The correct answer is: "I have pain in my belly and legs.

You have been called to a hunting camp for a patient with a severe localized cold injury to his hand and fingers. The patient is suffering no life-threatening conditions and you elect to rewarm the affected areas. Which one of the following would be appro

The correct answer is: Thaw and rewarm the tissue as quickly as possible.

Which one of the following actions is it essential that the EMT take prior to assisting the patient in taking his nitroglycerin tablet?

The correct answer is: Evaluate the patient's blood pressure.

When assessing a patient complaining of shortness of breath in the prehospital setting, which one of the following actions should the EMT perform first?

The correct answer is: Assess the adequacy of a patient's breathing.

The EMT shows she understands the basic concept of the mammalian diving reflex when she states:

The correct answer is: "It may provide benefit to the patient by diverting oxygen-rich blood to the brain and heart.

A young boy complains of pain to his fingers after spending several hours outside riding a sled in cold winter temperatures. After ensuring he has no life-threatening conditions, you turn your attention to his hands and note that the fingers are cold to t

The correct answer is: Skin on the fingers that is soft but numb

Friends of a patient who suffered a generalized seizure are extremely worried because the patient cannot remember the seizure. You should inform them that this is a(n):

The correct answer is: normal finding common among those who suffer this type of seizure.

The EMT should recognize which one of the following patients as suffering from generalized hypothermia?

The correct answer is: 21-year-old female who was trapped in cold water for 10 minutes before being rescued

You are called to an out-patient surgery center for a patient who developed an allergic reaction while receiving an intravenous (IV) antibiotic. What should the EMT recognize and document as the route of exposure?

The correct answer is: Injection