Chapter 6


persons who are 3 to 6 years of age

Anxious avoidant attachment

bond between an infant and his/her caregiver in which the infant is repeatedly rejected and develops an isolated lifestyle


basic filtering units in the kidneys


persons who are 1 to 3 years of age


cholesterol and calcium buildup inside the walls of the blood vessels that forms plaque

School age

a person who is 6 to 12 years of age

Conventional Reasoning

a type of reasoning in which a child looks for approval from peers and society

Early adults

persons who are 19 to 40 years of age

Moro Reflex

an infant reflex in which the infant opens his or her arms wide, spreads the fingers, and seems to grab at things

Postconventional Reasoning

a type of reasoning in which a child bases decisions on his or her conscience

Rooting Reflex

infant reflex that occurs when something touches an infants cheek, and the infant instinctively turns his or her head toward the touch


areas where the infants skull has not fused together

Secure attachment

bond between an infant and his or her parents in which the infant understands that the parents will be responsive to his or her needs

Middle adults

persons who are 41 to 60 years

Kidney function declines by ____ between the ages of 20 and 90 years.


An adolescent is a person between the ages of:

12 and 18 years.

Stealing money from a parents wallet and denying it when caught is an example of ____ reasoning


One consequence of the loss of neurons among elderly persons is a(n).

change in sleep patterns

Maturation of the reproductive system usually takes place during.


From birth to 1 month old, a person is called a(n).


The maximum life expectancy for humans is estimated to be ___.


What do middle adults tend to focus their time and energy on?

achieving life goals

When encountering a patient with depressed fontanelles, you should suspect:


What is "vital capacity"?

the volume of air moved during the deepest points of respiration

Clingy behavior and the fear of unfamiliar people or places are normal among 10- to 18-month-old children and are commonly caused by ____ anxiety.


Diastolic blood pressure tends to ___ with age.


In what age range do toddlers and preschoolers fit into?

1 to 6 years

Work, family, and stress best describe the life stage known as:


At what age can an infant normally start tracking objects with her/her eyes and recognizing familiar faces?

2 months

___ adults are those who are age 19 to ___ years.

Early, 40

In toddlers, the pulse rate is ___ to ___ beats/min and the respiratory rate is __ to ___ breaths/min.

90, 150, 20, 30

Middle adults tend to focus on achieving their ___ ___

lifes goal.

Most elderly individuals can hear ___ and are able to see ___.

well, clearly

Explain why breathing can become more labor intensive among the elderly.

airway incrases, surface area of the alveoli decreases, lung elacity decreases

Describe conventional reasoning

child looks for approval from peers and society

Explain the stage of development known as "trust and mistrust".

stage from birth to 18 months; infants gain trust of parents if their world is planned, organized, routine based

What is the terminal drop hypothesis?

theory that a persons mental function declines in the last 5 years of life

List the 9 basic stages of life:

neonate, infant, toddler, preschool, adolescent, early adult, middle adult, late adult