Chapter 23: Poisoning and Overdose Emergencies


Any substance that can harm the body by altering cell structure or functions


A poisonous substance secreted by bacteria, plants, or animals

What should be kept in mind in relation to how poison affects people?

The reaction is far more serious in the ill, very young, and elderly

Ingested poisons

Poisons that are swallowed

Inhaled poisons

Poisons that are breathed in

Examples of ingested poisons

Common household and industrial chemicals, medications, improperly prepared or stored foods, plant materials, petroleum products, and agricultural products made specifically to control rodents, weeds, insects and crop diseases

Examples of inhaled poisons

Gases, vapors, sprays. Many are commonly used in the home, industry and agriculture. Carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, ammonia, chlorine, insect sprays, and gases produced from volatile chemicals

Acetaminophen poisoning signs and symptoms

Nausea, vomiting, Jaundice is a late sign. There may be no signs or symptoms.

Acid and alkali poisoning signs and symptoms

Burns on or around the lips. Burning in the mouth, throat, and abdomen. Vomiting

Antiarrhythmic poisoning signs and symptoms

Bradycardia, hypotension, decreased consciousness, respiratory depression

Antidepressant poisoning signs and symptoms

Tachycardia, hypertension, nausea, tremors

Antihistamine/cough and cold poisoning signs and symptoms

Hyperactivity or drowsiness, rapid pulse, flushed skin, dilated pupils

Antipsychotic poisoning signs and symptoms

Drowsiness, coma, tachycardia

Aspirin poisoning signs and symptoms

Delayed signs and symptoms include: ringing in the ears, deep and rapid breathing, bruising

Food poisoning signs and symptoms

Different types of food poisoning have different signs and symptoms of varying onset. Most include abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, sometimes with fever.
Common with raw meat, poultry and fish

Ibuprofen and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAIDs) poisoning signs and symptoms

Upset stomach, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, abdominal pain, gastrointestinal bleeding

Insecticide poisoning signs and symptoms

Slow pulse, excessive salivation and sweating, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, difficulty breathing, constricted pupils

Petroleum product poisoning signs and symptoms

Characteristic odor of breath, clothing, vomitus. If aspiration has occurred, coughing and difficulty breathing.

Plant poisoning signs and symptoms

Wide range of signs and symptoms, ranging from none to nausea and vomiting, to cardiac arrest

Absorbed poisons

Poisons that are taken into the body through unbroken skin

Injected poisons

Poisons that are inserted through the skin; for example, by needle, snake fangs, or insect stinger

Examples of absorbed poisons

Insecticides, agricultural chemicals, plant materials, and certain forms of marine life

Examples of injected poisons

Illicit drugs injected with a needle, venoms from snake fangs or insect stingers

Pt assessment for most poisonings

1. What substance was involved?
2. When did the exposure occur?
3. How much was the pt exposed to?
4. Over how long a period did the exposure occur?
5. What interventions has the pt, family, or well-meaning bystanders taken?
6. What is the pt's estimated

Activated charcoal

A substance that absorbs many poisons and prevents them from being absorbed by the body

Activated charcoal trade names

SuperChar, InstaChar, Actidose, Liqui-Char, others

Activated charcoal indications

Poisoning by mouth

Activated charcoal contraindications

1. Altered mental status
2. Ingestion of acids or alkalis
3. Ingestion of gasoline
4. Food poisoning
5. Inability to swallow

Activated charcoal medication form

1. Premixed with water, frequently available in plastic bottle containing 12.5 grams of activated charcoal
2. Powder - should be avoided in the field

Activated charcoal dosage

1. Adults and children: 1 gram activated charcoal/kg of body weight
2. Usual adult dose: 25 to 50 grams
3. Usual pediatric dose: 12.5 to 25 grams

Activated charcoal administration

1. Consult medical direction
2. Shake container thoroughly
3. Since medication looks like mud, the pt may need to be persuaded to drink it. Providing a covered container and straw will prevent the pt from seeing the medication and so may improve pt compli

Activated charcoal actions

1. Absorbs (binds) certain poisons and prevents them from being absorbed into the body
2. Not all brands of activated charcoal are the same. Some absorb much more than others, so consult medical direction about the brand to use

Activated charcoal side effects

1. Some pt's have black stools
2. Some pt's may vomit, particularly to those who have ingested poisons that cause nausea. If the pt vomits, repeat the dose once.


Thinning down or weakening by mixing with something else. Ingested poisons are sometimes diluted by drinking water or milk.


A substance that will neutralize the poison or its effects.
There are only a few genuine antidotes, for a very small number of poisons.

Carbon monoxide poisoning signs and symptoms

CO prevents the normal carrying of oxygen by the red blood cells. Death may occur as hypoxia becomes more severe. Usually associated with motor-vehicle exhaust and fire suppression.
1. Headache, especially "a band around the head"
2. Dizziness
3. Breathin

Smoke inhalation poisoning signs and symptoms

Associated with fire scenes, often associated with thermal burns as well as with the effects of chemical poisons within the smoke.
1. Reddened, watering eyes
2. Difficulty breathing
3. Coughing
4. Breath that has a "smoky" smell or odor of chemicals invol

Detergent suicides

Mixing two chemicals to release toxic hydrogen sulfide gas. Usually a strong household cleaner and bath salts, or a pesticide. Best known for the rotten egg odor.
Hydrogen sulfide takes the place of oxygen, and bonds to the iron in cells, preventing oxyge

Phone number for poison control


What should you consider when you have a pt with alcohol intoxication?

1. Take it seriously
2. Provide care to them the same you would for any other pt, treat them with dignity and respect
3. Consider possibilities of trauma injuries, or other medical emergencies that the pt doesn't realize they have, or can't tell you about

What other trauma and medical issues can give the appearance of intoxication?

1. Diabetes
2. Epilepsy
3. Head injuries
4. High fevers
5. Hypoxia

Alcohol abuse signs and symptoms

1. Odor of alcohol on the pt's breath or clothing
2. Swaying and unsteadiness of movement
3. Slurred speech, rambling through patterns, incoherent words or phrases
4. A flushed appearance to the face, often with the pt sweating and complaining of being wa


Referring to alcohol and drug withdrawal in which the pt's body reacts severely when deprived of the abused substances

Delirium tremens (DTs)

A severe reaction that can be part of alcohol withdrawal, characterized by sweating, trembling, anxiety, and hallucinations. Severe alcohol withdrawal with this can lead to death if untreated.

Delirium tremens signs and symptoms

1. Confusion and restlessness
2. Unusual behavior, to the point of demonstrating "insane" behavior
3. Hallucinations
4. Gross tremor (obvious shaking) of the hands
5. Profuse sweating
6. Seizures (common and often very serious)
7. Hypertension
8. Tachycar

Substance abuse

A chemical substance being taken for other than therapeutic (medical) reasons


Stimulants such as amphetamines that affect the central nervous system to excite the user. Can relieve fatigue or create feelings of well-being

Examples of uppers

Amphetamines, biphetamines, cocaine, desoxyn, dextroamphetamine, methamphetamine, methylphenidate, preludin


Depressants, such as barbiturates, that depress the central nervous system, which are often used to bring on a more relaxed state of mind

Examples of downers

Barbiturates, amobarbital, pentobarbital, phenobarbital, secobarbital


A class of drugs that affect the nervous system and change many normal body activities. Their legal use is for their relief of pain. Illicit use is to produce and intense state of relaxation

Examples of narcotics

Codeine, demerol, dilaudid, fentanyl, heroin, methadone, morphine, opium, oxycodone/oxycontin, paregoric, acetominophen with codeine


Mind-affecting or mind-altering drugs that act on the central nervous system to produce excitement and distortion of perceptions

Examples of hallucinogens

DMT, LSD, mescaline, morning glory seeds, PCP, psilocybin (magic mushrooms), STP

Non-hallucinogenic mind-altering drugs

Hash, marijuana, THC

Volatile chemicals

Vaporizing compounds such as cleaning fluid, that are breathed in by the abuser to produce a high

Examples of volatile chemicals

Amyl nitrate, butyl nitrate, cleaning fluid, furniture polish, gasoline, glue, hair spray, nail polish remover, paint thinner, white-out fluids

Uppers signs and symptoms

1. Excitement
2. Increased pulse and breathing rates
3. Rapid speech
4. Dry mouth
5. Dilated pupils
6. Sweating
In repeated high doses the pt may have a complaint of having gone without sleep for long periods, restlessness, hyperactivity, and be apprehens

Downers signs and symptoms

1. Sluggish
2. Sleepy
3. Lacking of typical coordination of body and speech
4. Pulse and breathing rates are low, often to the point of a medical emergency

Narcotics signs and symptoms

1. Reduced pulse rate
2. Reduced depth of breathing
3. Lowering skin temperature
4. Constricted pupils (pinpoint)
5. Muscles are relaxed
6. Profuse sweating
7. Sleepy and no drive to do anything
In overdoses, coma is common; and respiratory or cardiac arr

Hallucinogens signs and symptoms

1. Fast pulse rate
2. Dilated pupils
3. Flushed face
4. Seeing or hearing things
5. Little concept of real time
6. May not be aware of the true environment
7. Often speaking nonsense
8. May become aggressive or be timid

Volatile chemicals signs and symptoms

1. Pt appears dazed
2. Shows temporary loss of contact with reality
3. May develop a coma
4. Linings of the nose and mouth may show swollen membranes
5. Pt may complain of a funny numb feeling, or tingling inside the head
6. Changes in heart rhythm may oc

Drug withdrawal signs and symptoms

1. Shaking
2. Anxiety
3. Nausea
4. Confusion and irritability
5. Hallucinations
6. Profuse sweating
7. Increased pulse and breathing rates