Ch 44: MCI

As the AEMT responsible for triage at a motor-vehicle collision, you find a patient who is breathing 18 times per minute and has a radial pulse. Which one of the following should you do next?

Check the mental status

You are in charge of triage at a scene involving 30 patients exposed to carbon monoxide. You find a six-year-old boy who is not breathing. You open his airway and find that breathing does not return. Furthermore, you cannot locate a radial pulse. You shou

Place a black tag on the patient and move to the next

At the scene of a multiple-casualty drill, you have been assigned to role of Transport Unit leader. As such, your responsibility is:

Distributing patients to each medical facility

An unrestrained female patient who was involved in a minor motorvehicle collision refuses EMS care or transport. She is seven months pregnant and is alert and oriented. When asked, she denies any complaint. Your BEST action would be to:

contact medical direction for instructions

A natural gas explosion has destroyed an apartment building. At least five occupants have been killed and another 12 injured. You are in charge of triage and are presented with a young woman who is breathing at a rate of 40 breaths per minute. Using the S

Place a red tag on the patient and move on to the next patient

A car swerved to miss a deer in the road and hit a utility pole at a low rate of speed. Damage to the car was minimal, but the 82-year-old male passenger was not wearing a seatbelt and hit his head on the dashboard. He presents as confused and mildly diap

Did he eat anything today?

When conducting the size up of a MCI, you will identify:

The estimated number of patients & The need for additional resources

At the scene of a multiple-casualty incident, you are triaging a patient using the Simple Triage and Rapid Transport (START) system. You are presented with a patient who is not breathing. Which one of the following should you do next?

Open the airway

You have been assigned to the triage unit at a multiple-casualty incident. A patient with a yellow triage tag arrives. Your immediate action should be to:

Re-triage the patient

You are using the Simple Triage and Rapid Transport (START) system of triage. Which one of the following patients should have a yellow tag applied prior to being moved to the treatment area?

Woman with a respiratory rate of 22, palpable radial pulse, and squeezes your fingers when instructed

You are dispatched to an auto collision. Because of very heavy traffic, your response time is 25 minutes. The closest hospital is 40 miles from the accident site. You should:

call for air transport

You are teaching a group of AEMTs about multiple-casualty incidents and the Incident Command System (ICS). Which one of the following statements about ICS is TRUE?

Plain English is used for all communications.

The public health approach to injury prevention is an effective way to address problems within the community. Which of the following questions is NOT asked about a specific injury to aid in the development and implementation of an injury prevention progra


The mechanism of injury that suggests transport to a trauma center is:

Ejection from a vehicle

While responding to an MCI drill involving an explosion, you pass a dozen ambulances sitting in a parking lot three blocks away from the incident. You should recognize this area as the:

Staging unit

A problem with the Simple Triage and Rapid Transport (START) system of triage is it:

Is difficult to apply to young children

As a member of the emergency medical services team, an AEMTs role includes all of the following EXCEPT to:

Dispatch equipment

Which level of trauma center commits resources to address all types of specialty trauma 24 hours a day, 7 days a week?

Level I

When treating a pediatric trauma patient at the scene of a MCI, which one of the following is it important for the AEMT to remember?

The flexibility of the chest wall in a child can allow for internal injury without obvious external signs

An 89-year-old woman with dementia who is being cared for by her daughter after a pipe-bomb explosion and exhibits deformity to her left upper arm. As you attempt to splint her arm, she continually screams and pulls away from you. After several attempts,

Have the daughter help apply the splint

Your EMS system uses the Simple Triage and Rapid Transport (START) system for triaging patients at a multiple-casualty incident. Which one of the following should you include in your triage assessment to determine the order in which patients will receive

Respiratory and perfusion status

At a drill involving the rollover of a tourist bus, you have been assigned to the transport area. Which one of the following activities will you perform within this section of the disaster response?

Transfer patients to ambulances for transport to the hospital

The National Incident Management System (NIMS) is beneficial in an emergency response to a disaster or terror attack because it provides for:

a consistent approach to managing a disaster by many different responders and agencies.

The AEMT shows he is correctly using the Jump START triage system on a three-year-old male trauma patient when he:

Quickly determines the perfusion status and mental status

A large bus with 52 passengers overturned on a busy highway. On-scene 12 people were dead and 23 others were taken to various hospitals, many with life-threatening injuries. As commander of the incident, which one of the following is MOST appropriate afte

Encourage rescuers to talk amongst themselves about their feelings

A young child involved in a multiple-casualty incident is found lying on the ground with obvious deformity to the left thigh. Using the Jump START system for triage, you note that he is not breathing. Which one of the following should you do next?

Open the airway, and then check for a radial pulse

At a multiple-casualty incident, a crew brings you a patient with a red tag tied to his wrist. You should recognize which one of the following?

Immediate care and transport are necessary

A second-story deck has collapsed. Several patients have fallen and are lying on the ground below. As the first emergency personnel to arrive on the scene, your initial priority is to determine:

If the scene is safe to enter

Which of the following BEST describes the goal of a trauma system?

Getting the right patient to the right facility in the right amount of time

The AEMT correctly defines a multiple-casualty incident (MCI) when he states:

It is any event that places an excessive demand on rescue personnel and equipment.

You are on the scene of a multiple-casualty incident where a church van carrying 15 parishioners has overturned. You and your partner are in charge of the treatment unit and are presented with the following four patients. Who will you treat first?

A confused 69-year-old man with a respiratory rate of 40 and a rapid and weak radial pulse

Approximately 15 trucks and cars have been involved in a "chain-reaction" collision. You are the first ambulance on the scene and begin going from vehicle to vehicle to determine the type and severity of each injury. This would be an example of what kind


The trauma system is based on the principle that serious trauma is a:

surgical disease

You have responded to a bar for a fight involving approximately 20 patrons. Weapons were used and all the patrons have varying degrees and types of injuries. You are in charge of triage and must use the Simple Triage and Rapid Transport (START) system. Yo

Check for a radial pulse

An 83-year-old woman has fallen down the basement stairs. She complains of left hip pain and rates it 10/10. Since the patient is downstairs, you immediately recognize the need for assistance in extricating her to the ambulance. As you start the primary a


In the case of MCI trauma patients, the ideal goal for completing on-scene triage procedures are:

A quick sorting process

the AEMT correctly identifies the primary benefit of triage when she states:

Triage is used to determine the order in which patients will receive medical care and transport.

Which of the following physical assessment findings would make your patient a candidate for rapid transport to a trauma center?

Unstable pelvic girdle

The fifth leading cause of death in persons of all age groups is:

unintentional injury

You are teaching some EMRs to use the Jump START system of triage. Which one of the following comments made by an EMR requires you to intervene and provide corrective instruction?

The Jump START system is very effective since it allows me to take two minutes to assess the patient.

Which one of the following patient triage tags indicates the lowest priority for care and transport on the scene of a multiple-casualty incident?


A bleacher at a college has collapsed, and you are the first EMS unit to arrive on the scene. As you enter the gym, several patients are walking around with various injuries. Which one of the following instructions is MOST appropriate for these ambulatory

Go outside and wait by the red fire truck in the parking lot and stay there.

In most EMS systems, a multiple-casualty incident occurs when the number of patients is:

3 or more.

You have been selected to represent EMS on a disaster planning committee involving many different agencies. Regarding preparation for a possible disaster, which one of the following is most beneficial to stress in the meeting?

The lay community will need to become involved by learning basic first aid and CPR

Which one of the following statements made by an EMT shows a proper understanding of the EMT's role at the scene of a multiple-casualty incident?

The role of the EMT will vary depending on the exact situation