EMT-B Chapter 36 - Transport Operations

Ambulances today are designed according to strict government regulations based on ___________ standards.
a. local
b. state
c. national
d. individual


Features of the modern ambulance include all of the following except:
a. a self-contained breathing apparatus
b. a patient compartment
c. two-way radio communication
d. a driver's compartment


The first thing you do each day when you arrive at work is to make sure all equipment and supplies are functioning and in their assigned place. This is the __________ phase of transport operations.
a. preparation
b. dispatch
c. arrival at scene
d. transpo


The type _________ ambulance is a standard van with a forward-control integral cab body.
a. I
b. II
c. III
d. IV


Which of the following items are needed to care for life-threatening conditions?
a. equipment for airway management
b. equipment for artificial ventilation
c. oxygen-delivery devices
d. all of the above


Oropharyngeal airways can be used for:
a. adults
b. children
c. infants
d. all of the above


When attached to oxygen supply with the oxygen reservoir in place, a bag-mask device is able to supply almost _________ oxygen.
a. 100%
b. 95%
c. 90%
d. 85%


Oxygen masks, with and without nonrebreathing bags, should be transparent, disposable, and available in sizes for:
a. adults
b. children
c. infants
d. all of the above


Basic wound care supplies include all of the following except:
a. sterile sheets
b. an OB kit
c. an assortment of adhesive bandages
d. large safety pins


Your supervisor approaches you and tells you he wants you to make up jump kits for each ambulance. He has told you that he will leave it up to you as to what goes into the kit. You would want to include everything that you might need within the first ____


Deceleration straps over the shoulders prevent the patient from continuing to move _________ in case the ambulance suddenly slows or stops.
a. forward
b. backward
c. laterally
d. down


The ambulance inspection should include checks of:
a. fuel level
b. brake fluid
c. wheels and tires
d. all of the above


You are hired at the local EMS service. During your orientation, you are given a tour of the station and the ambulances you be riding on. Your duties include station cleanup and checking the unit for mechanical problems. You should also check all medical


For every emergency request, the dispatcher should gather and record all of the following except:
a. the nature of the call
b. the patient's location
c. medications that the patient is currently taking
d. the number of patients and possible severity of th


During the _______ phase, the team should review dispatch information and assign specific initial duties and scene management tasks to each team member.
a. preparation
b. dispatch
c. en route
d. transport


Basic requirements for the driver to operate an ambulance safely include:
a. physical fitness
b. emotional fitness
c. proper attitude
d. all of the above


The ________ phase may be the most dangerous part of the call.
a. preparation
b. en route
c. transport
d. on scene


To operate an emergency vehicle safely, you must know how it responds to _________ under various conditions.
a. steering
b. braking
c. acceleration
d. all of the above


You must always drive:
a. offensively
b. defensively
c. under the speed limit
d. all of the above


When driving with lights and siren, you are _______ drivers to yield the right-of-way.
a. requesting
b. demanding
c. offering
d. none of the above


Vehicle size and _________ will greatly influence braking and stopping distances.
a. length
b. height
c. weight
d. width


When on an emergency call, before proceeding past a stopped school bus with its lights flashing you should stop before reaching the bus and wait for the driver to:
a. make sure the children are safe
b. close the bus door
c. turn off the warning lights


The ________ is probably the most overused piece of equipment on an ambulance.
a. stethoscope
b. siren
c. cardiac monitor
d. stretcher


The ________ is the most visible, effective warning device for clearing traffic in front of the vehicle.
a. front light bar
b. rear light bar
c. high-beam flasher unit
d. standard headlight


If you are involved in a motor vehicle collision while operating an emergency vehicle and are found to be at fault, you may be charged:
a. civilly
b. criminally
c. both civilly and criminally
d. neither civilly nor criminally


________ crashes are the most common and usually the most serious type of collision in which ambulances are involved.
a. t-bone
b. intersection
c. lateral
d. rollover


You respond to a multiple-vehicle collision. You and your partner are reviewing dispatch information en route to the scene. You will be at a major intersection of two state highways. As you approach the scene, you review the guidelines for sizing up the s


The main objectives in directing traffic include:
a. warning other drivers
b. preventing additional crashes
c. keeping vehicles moving in an orderly fashion
d. all of the above


Transferring the patient to a receiving staff member occurs during the ________ phase.
a. arrival
b. transport
c. delivery
d. postrum


Cleaning the vehicle inside and out, refueling the vehicle, disposing of contaminated waste, and replacing equipment and supplies all are accomplished during the __________ phase.
a. preparation
b. transport
c. delivery
d. postrum


You have called for an air ambulance. While your partner is monitoring the patient, he tells you to go set up a landing zone for the helicopter. When clearing a landing site for an approaching helicopter, look for:
a. loose debris
b. electric or telephone


T/F Equipment and supplies should be placed in the unit according to their relative importance and frequency of use.


T/F A CPR board is a pocket-sized reminder that the EMT carries to help recall CPR procedures.


T/F Having the ability to exchange equipment between units or between your unit and the emergency department decreases the time that you and your unit must stay at the hospital.


T/F The en route or response phase of the emergency call is the least dangerous for the EMT.


T/F When the siren is on, you can speed up and assume that you have the right-of-way.


T/F Use the "4 second rule" to help you maintain a safe following distance.


T/F Always approach a helicopter from the front.


T/F Fixed-wing air ambulances are generally used for short-haul patient transfers.


T/F A clear landing zone of 50 ft x 50 ft is recommended for EMS helicopters.


A(n) _______ _________ is a portable kit containing items that are used in the initial care of the patient.

jump kit

The six-pointed star that identifies vehicles that meet federal specifications as licensed or certified ambulances is known as the _________ ________ ___________.

star of life

For many decades after 1906, a(n) __________ was the vehicle that was most often used as an ambulance.


________ _________ __________ respond initially to the scene with personnel and equipment to treat the sick and injured until an ambulance can arrive.

first-responder vehicles

An ambulance call has ________ phases.


Devices should either be disposable or easy to clean and _________, which means to remove radiation, chemicals, or other hazardous materials.


You are requested out to County Road 93 for a vehicle collision at a rural area known for serious crashes. After driving with lights and sirens for nearly 20 minutes to reach the scene, you arrive at the intersection at the east end of the county. As you


You are requested out to County Road 93 for a vehicle collision at a rural area known for serious crashes. After driving with lights and sirens for nearly 20 minutes to reach the scene, you arrive at the intersection at the east end of the county. As you


You are requested out to County Road 93 for a vehicle collision at a rural area known for serious crashes. After driving with lights and sirens for nearly 20 minutes to reach the scene, you arrive at the intersection at the east end of the county. As you


Ambulances today are designed according to strict government regulations based on ___________ standards.
a. local
b. state
c. national
d. individual


Features of the modern ambulance include all of the following except:
a. a self-contained breathing apparatus
b. a patient compartment
c. two-way radio communication
d. a driver's compartment


The first thing you do each day when you arrive at work is to make sure all equipment and supplies are functioning and in their assigned place. This is the __________ phase of transport operations.
a. preparation
b. dispatch
c. arrival at scene
d. transpo


The type _________ ambulance is a standard van with a forward-control integral cab body.
a. I
b. II
c. III
d. IV


Which of the following items are needed to care for life-threatening conditions?
a. equipment for airway management
b. equipment for artificial ventilation
c. oxygen-delivery devices
d. all of the above


Oropharyngeal airways can be used for:
a. adults
b. children
c. infants
d. all of the above


Suction tubing must reach the patient's ________, regardless of the patient's position.


A(n) ________ _________ provides a firm surface under the patient's torso so that you can give effective chest compressions.

CPR board

You are requested out to County Road 93 for a vehicle collision at a rural area known for serious crashes. After driving with lights and sirens for nearly 20 minutes to reach the scene, you arrive at the intersection at the east end of the county. As you


You are requested out to County Road 93 for a vehicle collision at a rural area known for serious crashes. After driving with lights and sirens for nearly 20 minutes to reach the scene, you arrive at the intersection at the east end of the county. As you


You are requested out to County Road 93 for a vehicle collision at a rural area known for serious crashes. After driving with lights and sirens for nearly 20 minutes to reach the scene, you arrive at the intersection at the east end of the county. As you


You are requested out to County Road 93 for a vehicle collision at a rural area known for serious crashes. After driving with lights and sirens for nearly 20 minutes to reach the scene, you arrive at the intersection at the east end of the county. As you


What attribute should an emergency vehicle operator possess?

diligence + caution
positive attitude

What factors should you consider before responding to a scene?

know where you are going + notify dispatcher en route
weather, physical barriers

What equipment and supplies are typically taken from ambulance to the patient's side?

portable treatment bag or JUMPkit.
trauma shears, bleeding control supplies, vital signs equipment blood pressure cuff, stethoscope, penlight, pulse oximeter, airway ventilation equipment oral/nasal airways
medications glucose, activated charcoal, aspirin

What actions should be taken before you depart the scene?

jumpkit should be put in outside compartment or secured.
Oxygen cylinder should be secured properly.

Should lights + siren be used while transporting this patient?

STABLE patient lights + sirens not required.
Psychological effect unnecessary anxiety, motorists drive faster, ambulance driver increases speed.

What factors should be considered when operating an ambulance in inclement weather?

inclement weather
safe distance between your vehicle + one in front of you.

What should the emergency operator do is she is tailgated?

slow down, if tailgater persists call police.

Where do most serious ambulance crashes occur? What should the emergency vehicle operator do to help avoid a collision?

intersections come to complete stop/look around for motorists or pedestrians then proceed.

Are there any special privileges given to emergency vehicle when driving through a school zone?

must follow school zone laws, keep lights + sirens on to alert motorists, but slow down.

What are today's ambulances designed by?

governmental regulations based on national standards

What are the 9 phases of an ambulance call?

preparation for call
en route
arrival @ scene
transfer of patient to ambulance
en route receiving facility - transport
at the receiving facility - delivery
en route to station
post run

What should be available on ambulance at all times?

sterile gloves

How many EMT's should be in patient compartment?

usually 2

What should daily equipment be?

oxygen supplies
dressing + bandages
stabilization equipment
emergency obstetric kit

What do you do during post run phase?

complete file additional written reports
inform dispatch status/location/availability
perform routine inspection

What is the 1st rule for safe driving?

speed does not save lives, good care does.
driver + all passengers must wear seat belts + shoulder restraints

What are air ambulances used for?

evacuate medical + trauma patients
fixed wing
rotary wing - helicopters
medical evacuation = MEDIVAC performed by helicopters

air ambulance

fixed wing aircraft + helicopters that have been modified for medical care. life threats


specialized vehicle fro treating + transporting sick + injured patients

blind spots

ars of the road that are blocked from your sight


process of removing dirt, dust, blood + other contaminants from surface

CPR board

device that provide a firm surface under the patient's torso

cushion of safety

safe distance between your vehicle + other vehicles on any side of you


remove or neutralize radiation, chemical or other hazardous material from clothing, equipment, vehicles, personnel


killing of pathogenic agents by direct application of chemicals

first responder vehicles

specialized vehicles used to transport EMS equipment + personnel

high level disinfection

killing of pathogenic agent by using potent means of disinfection


tires of vehicle may be lifted off road surface as water piles up under them making the vehicle feel like its floating

jump kit

portable kit containing items used for initial care


medical evacuation of a patient by helicopter


person who assists driver in backing up an ambulance to compensate for blind spots at back of vehicle.

Star of Life

6 pointed star that identifies vehicle that meet federal specifications as licensed or certified ambulances.


process such as heating, that removes microbial contamination

What are features of a modern ambulance are defined by what agency?

National Research Council of the
National Academy of Sciences

Equipment + supplies in an ambulance should be stored according to

frequency of use

Items contained in a JUMPkit should include


Portable floodlights, hard hats, fire extinguishers are examples of


What minimum information should you gather from dispatcher?

location of call

Mass Casualty Incident what is the first thing you should do?

additional resources

What is a heat process that removes microbial contamination?


What is the minimum size of a helicopter land zone?


What should you do to properly position patient if you do not have a CPR board?

use a short or long board
rolled up towel to raise shoulders

You worked 24 hours shift of school bus mass casualty. You had 2 hours sleep. Supervisor asks you to work overtime, how should you answer?

explain the hours you already worked + that your tired.

A portable oxygen cylinder should have a capacity of a minimum of ______ of oxygen.

500 L

General guidelines for safe ambulance driving include all of the following, EXCEPT:

Regularly using the siren as much as possible.

Immediately upon arriving at the scene of an emergency call involving a traumatic injury, you should notify the dispatcher of your arrival and then:

Observe the scene for safety hazards

Common activities that occur while you and your partner are en route to the scene of an emergency call include all of the following, EXCEPT:

apprising the medical director of the nature of the call

The main objective of traffic control at the scene of a motor vehicle crash is to:

warn oncoming traffic and try to prevent another crash

While en route to a call for a patient in cardiac arrest, you approach a stopped school bus with its red warning lights flashing. You should:

stop and wait until the warning lights stop flashing

The six-pointed Star of Life emblem identifies vehicles that:

meet federal specifications as licensed or certified ambulances

Common safety equipment carried on the ambulance includes all of the following, EXCEPT:

hazardous materials gear

As soon as you leave the hospital and are en route back to your station, you should inform the dispatcher:

whether you are back in service

Characteristics of a safe ambulance operator include:

a positive attitude about the ability to tolerate other drivers

When being tailgated by another vehicle while responding to an emergency call, you should:

slow down and allow the driver to pass you.

The process of removing dirt, dust, blood, or other visible contaminants from a surface or equipment is called:


When parking your ambulance at the scene of a motor vehicle crash, you should position the ambulance:

100? past the scene on the same side of the road

For every emergency request, the dispatcher should routinely gather and record all of the following information, EXCEPT the:

patients medical history

You are en route to an emergency call when you approach a slow-moving vehicle on a two-way road. You can see oncoming traffic in the other lane. The driver has his windows up and does not realize that you are behind him. You should:

remain at a safe distance until it is safe to pass

When approaching a helicopter, whether the rotor blades are moving or not, you should:

never duck under the body or the tail boom because the pilot cannot see you in these areas

When a helicopter must land on a grade (uneven ground), you should

remain at a safe distance until it is safe to pass

When a helicopter must land on a grade (uneven ground), you should

approach the aircraft from the downhill side

A disposable oxygen humidifier should be considered for ambulance services that often transport patients on runs longer than:

1 hour

Minimum airway and ventilation equipment that should be carried on every ambulance include all of the following, EXCEPT:

Combitubes or laryngeal mask airways

A type _____ ambulance features a conventional, truck cab-chassis with a modular ambulance body that can be transferred to a newer chassis as needed.


Upon returning to your station following a run, you should disinfect the ambulance as needed. Disinfection is MOST accurately defined as:

killing pathogenic agents with a chemical made for that purpose.

While using lights and siren, most state laws permit an ambulance to:

carefully exceed the posted speed limit

In general, medivac helicopters should be utilized when:

a patient has a time-dependent injury or illness and traffic conditions would cause a significant delay in definitive care.

When transporting a patient to the hospital, you should:

be safe and get the patient to the hospital in the shortest practical time

When driving an ambulance on a multilane highway in emergency mode, you should:

remain in the extreme left hand lane

Which of the following is an example of regional equipment or supplies?

snake bite kit

Portable and mounted suction units must be powerful enough to generate a vacuum of at least ____ mm Hg when the tubing is clamped.


You have just delivered a major trauma patient to the hospital. Shortly after departing the hospital, dispatch advises you of another call. The back of the ambulance is contaminated with bloody dressings and is in disarray, and you are in need of airway e

advise the dispatcher that you are out of service and to send another unit

Hydroplaning of the ambulance on wet roads would MOST likely occur at speeds of greater than _____ mph.


You are dispatched to a residence for a patient with chest pain; however, you are unfamiliar with the address and cannot find the location in your map book. A nearby police officer radios you and tells you that he knows how to get to the scene. You should

turn off your lights and carefully follow the police officer to the scene

A folding or portable stretcher is MOST beneficial when:

a second patient must be transported on the squad bench of the ambulance.

Upon arriving at the scene of a motor vehicle crash, you find a single patient still seated in his car. There are no scene hazards. As you approach the vehicle, you note that the patient is semiconscious and has a large laceration to his forehead. You sho

direct your partner to apply manual in-line support of the patient's head.

It is essential that you ____________ your equipment to prevent the spread of disease.


Delivering a patient to the hospital involves all of the following activities, EXCEPT:

giving a verbal report to the triage clerk

Other than personal safety equipment, which of the following should be the MOST readily accessible item in the back of an ambulance?

bleeding control supplies

Which of the following items would MOST likely require special protocols in order to be carried on the ambulance?

PASG pneumatic anti shock garment

Regardless of where portable and mounted oxygen cylinders are stored in the ambulance, they must:

be capable of delivering oxygen 1-15 liters per min

If you properly assess and stabilize a patient at the scene, driving to the hospital with excessive speed:

will decrease the drivers reaction time

When transporting a patient who is secured to a backboard, it is important to

place deceleration straps over the patient's shoulders

Typically medivac helicopters fly between:

130 to 150 mph

If hydroplaning of the ambulance occurs, the driver should:

gradually slow down without jamming on the brakes

Aggressive ambulance driving may have a negative effect on other motorists because

it may not allow for their reaction time to respond to your vehicle.

Phases of an ambulance call include all of the following activities, EXCEPT

emergency care provided at the scene

Minimum staffing in the patient compartment of a basic life support (BLS) ambulance includes:

at least one EMT

Your unit and a fire department vehicle are responding to the scene of a patient in cardiac arrest. As you approach an intersection that is highly congested, you should:

use a different siren tone than the fire department vehicle

During the transport phase of an ambulance call, it is MOST important to:

converse with the patient and provide reassurance

Maintaining a cushion of safety when operating an ambulance means:

keeping a safe distance between your ambulance and the vehicle in front of you and remaining aware of vehicles potentially hiding in
your mirror's blind spots.

Which of the following statements regarding the use of the warning lights and siren on the ambulance is correct?

If it is necessary to use the siren, you should tell the patient beforehand

Equipment and supplies that are carried on an ambulance should be stored?

According to the urgency and frequency of their use

When arriving at the scene of an over turned tractor-trailer rig, you notice that a green cloud is being emitted from the crash vehicle. The driver is still in the truck; he is conscious but bleeding profusely from the head. After notifying the hazardous

Position the ambulance upwind

It is 10:30pm and you have requested air medical transport for a critically injured patient. When you arrive at the designated landing zone, you should?

Survey the area for power lines or other hazards

The purpose of a Jump Kit is to?

Contain anything that you might need during the first 5 minutes of patient care

The most common and usually the most serious ambulance crashes occur at?


Immediately upon arriving at the scene of an emergency call involving a traumatic injury, you should notify the dispatcher of your arrival and then?

Observe the scene for safety hazards

After assessing your patient, you determine that his condition is stable. You provide the appropriate treatment and then load him into the ambulance.
While en route to the hospital, you should:

turn your emergency lights off and obey all traffic laws.

When working at the scene of a motor vehicle crash at night, you should NOT use:

road flares

vehicle that is used for treating and transporting patients who need emergency medical care to a hospital


vehicles that respond initially to the scene with personnel and equipment to treat the sick and inured until an ambulance can arrive

first responder vehicles

Fixed-wing aircraft and helicopters that have been modified for medical care; used to evacuate and transport patients with life-threatening injuries to treatment facilities

air ambulances

areas of the road that are blocked from your sight by your own vehicle or mirrors

blind spots

The use of lights and siren on an ambulance:

signifies a request for other drivers to yield the right of way.

a process, such as heating, that removes microbial contamination
