NREMT - Everything you need to know.

Medical Direction

Oversight of the patient-care aspects of an EMS system by the Medical Director.


lists of steps, such as assessments and interventions, to be taken in different situations. Protocols are developed by the Medical Director of an EMS system

Offline Direction

consists of standing orders issued by the medical director that allows EMTs to give certain medications or perform certain procedures without speaking to the medical director or another physician.

Online Direction

consists of orders from the on-duty physician given directly to an EMT-B in the field by radio or telephone.

Standing Orders

A policy or protocol issued by a Medical Director that authorizes EMT-Bs and others to perform particular skills in certain situations.


High Efficiency Particulate Air respirator; used for patients with suspected TB; worn by the EMT provider to prevent airborne transmission

Hepatitis B

infectious inflammation of the liver caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV) that is transmitted sexually or by exposure to contaminated blood or body fluid

Hepatitis C

inflammation of the liver caused by the hepatitis C virus, transmitted by exposure to infected blood (rarely contracted sexually)


Infectious disease caused by the tubercle bacillus, Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Most commonly affects the respiratory system and causes inflammation and calcification of the system.

Acute Stress

short term ; fight or flight response ; effects disappear quickly after it is over

Scope of Practice

What we are allowed to do or trained to do

Standard Care

the degree of care that a reasonably prudent person should exercise under the same or similar circumstances

Duty to Act

an obligation to provide care to a patient

Good Samaritan

a person who voluntarily offers help or sympathy in times of trouble

Expressed Consent

Permission that must be obtained from every conscious, mentally competent adult before emergency treatment may be provided

Implied Consent

The consent it is presumed a patient or patient's parent or gaurdian would give if they could, such as for an unconscious patient or a parent who cannot be contacted when care is needed.

Treatment of a Minor

Must be given by legal guardian


Mentally incompetent person

Advanced Directive

a legal document prepared by a living, competent adult to provide guidance to the health care team if the individual should become unable to make decisions regarding his or her medical care; may also be called a living will or durable power of attorney fo


Physicians orders for life sustaining treatment. May include order for DO NOT RESUSCITATE


Prehospital care report

Emergency Move

a move made when there is an immediate danger to the patient.

Urgent Move

Move used if a scne factor causes a decline in patient's condition, or if the treatment of a patient requires a move.

Non urgent move

No immediate threat to life, are carried out in such a way as to prevent injury and to avoid discomfort and pain.

bariatric stretcher

Stretcher for obese patients

scoop stretcher

this cot splits in tow or four sections, so it can be used where larger stretchers cannot fit.

basket stretcher

designed to surround and protect the patient, this stretcher is used to move a patient from one level to another to over rough terrain.

flexible stretcher

made of canvas or rubberized or other flexible material, often with wooden slats sewn into pockets and three carrying handles on each side. can be useful in restricted areas or narrow hallways

anatomical planes

1. coronal (vertical cut into front and back halves) 2. transverse (horizontal cut into upper and lower) 3. sagittal (vertical cut into left and right halves)

fowler position

a bed sitting position with the head of the bed raised to 45 degrees

semi fowler position

the head of the bed is raised 30 degrees; or the head of the bed is raised 30 degrees and the knee portion is raised 15 degrees

shock position

feet elevated 12 inches higher than head


Toward the Front


Toward the back


toward the head or above point of reference


away from the head or below point of reference


Toward the back/spine


Toward the front/ belly


Toward center of body


Away from center of body


Both sides


One side


Same side


opposite side


Near the point of reference


Far from point of reference

mid clavicular

the line through the center of the clavical

mid axillary

line drawn veritcally from the middle of the armpit to the ankle


Sole of foot


Palm of hand

quadrants of the abdomen

Describing where an abdominal organ or pain is located is made easier by dividing the abdomen into four imaginary quadrants.
*Right upper quadrant (RUQ)
*Left upper quadrant (LUQ)
*Right lower quadrant (RLQ)
*Left lower quadrant (LLQ)


the 33 bones of the spinal column


Vertebrosternal = 'True ribs" -ribs 1-7 attach directly to the sternum through their costal cartilage. Vertebrochondral = "False ribs" =ribs 8-10 costal cartilage articulate indirectly with the sternumb by joing the costal cartilages of ribs above. Verteb

upper airway

(Nose, mouth, pharynx, larynx)FUNCTION:
Conducts air to lower airway
Protects lower airways *Warms, filters & humidifies air

lower airway

trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, and aveoli (gasses travel through the structers to and from the blood)

cricoid cartilage

the ring-shaped structure that forms the lower portion of the larynx


muscular partition that separates the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity and aids in respiration by moving up and down

phrenic nerve

stimulates the diaphragm




The supply of oxygen to and removal of wastes from the cells and tissues of the body as a result of the flow of blood through the capillaries.

hypo perfusion

Also known as shock (decreased blood flow through an organ, as in hypovolemic shock; if prolonged, it may result in permanent cellular dysfunction and death.)


large part of the brain that controls the senses and thinking


the "little brain" attached to the rear of the brainstem; its functions include processing sensory input and coordinating movement output and balance

brain stem

the part of the brain continuous with the spinal cord and comprising the medulla oblongata and pons and midbrain and parts of the hypothalamus


adrenaline; activates a sympathetic nervous system by making the heart beat faster, stopping digestion, enlarging pupils, sending sugar into the bloodstream, preparing a blood clot faster


A neurotransmitter from nerve endings and a hormone from the adrenal gland. It is release in times of stress and is involved in hunger regulation, blood glucose regulation and other body processes.

alpha1 and Alpha2

Alpha1 vessels constrict and release sweat
Alpha2 try's to regulate alpha1

beta 1

increases HR, inotrophy (forced contraction of heart) increases electrical impulse in heart

beta 2

relaxes smooth muscle such as bronchioles and some vessels

pulse pressure

difference between systolic and diastolic pressure no more than 25%


..., the bodily process of inhalation and exhalation

pulmonary ventilation

..., Movement of air into and out of the lungs

internal respiration

..., exchange of gases between the blood and the cells of the body

external respiration

..., exchange of gases between the lungs and the blood

cellular respiration

..., process that releases energy by breaking down glucose and other food molecules in the presence of oxygen


..., the fork at the lower end of the trachea where the two mainstem bronchi branch.


..., smallest branches of the bronchi


..., membrane surrounding the lungs

visceral pleura

..., inner layer of pleura that surrounds each lung

parietal pleura

..., pleura that lines the inner chest walls and covers the diaphragm

pleural space

..., the small potential space between the parietal and visceral layers of the pleura

intercostal muscles

..., Muscles which move the rib cage during breathing

signs of mild hypoxia

Pale cool clammy skin ( early)
Elevation of blood pressure
Disorientation and confusion ( from high carbon dioxide levels)

signs of severe hypoxia

Tachycardia may lead to dysrhythmias and eventually bradycardia
Loss of coordination
sleepy appearance
Head bobbing
Slow reaction time
Altered mental status


..., difficult or labored respiration


..., A bluish discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes

patent airway

..., An airway that is open and clear of obstructions.

snoring sounds

..., airway blocked, open patients airway promt transport


..., A breathing sound similarto the cawing of a crow; may indicate that muscles around the larynx are in spasm.


..., indicates presence of fluid in the upper airway, need for suctioning


..., a whistling sound when breathing (usually heard on inspiration) upper airway


..., Mask used for a patient with TB

tonsil tip

... Rigid suction

french tip

...Soft suction


..., -curved plastic device used to establish an airway in a patient by displacing the tongue from the posterior wall of the oropharynx
-used in unconscious patients who do not have a gag reflex


..., flexible airway inserted through the patients nose


..., Movements in which the skin pulls in around the ribs during inspiration.

respiratory failure

..., a condition in which the level of oxygen in the blood becomes dangerously low or the level of carbon dioxide becomes dangerously high

respiratory arrest

..., When breathing completely stops.

agonal respiration

..., Shallow, slow or infrequent breathing


..., fast breathing, an abnormally rapid rate of respiration, usually >20 breaths per minute


..., slow respiratory rate, usually below 10 respirations per minute

methods of artifical ventilation

...Mouth to mask
Two person bag valve
One person bag valve

cricoid pressure

..., Pressure on the trachea, prevents air from entering the esophagus/stomach and vomiting


..., flow-restricted, oxygen-powered ventilation device: a device that uses oxygen under pressure to deliver artifical ventilations. Its trigger is placed so that the rescuer can operate it while still using both hands to maintain a seal on the face mask.


..., abnormal crackling sound made during inspiration


..., lower-pitched sounds like snoring or rattling, secretions in larger airways (pneumonia, bronchitis, aspiration)

paradoxus pulsus

blood pressure declines as one inhales and increases as one exhales

capillary refill

..., tested by pressing the nail tip briefly and watching for color change. A normal finding is the pink tone returns immediately when pressure is released. An abnormal finding is slow (greater than 2 seconds) return of pink tonewith respiratory or cardio

Penetrating truma

Made a cut through

Blunt force trauma

No cut but internal problem


Too much carbon dioxide

Flexion posturing

(Formerly known as decorticate posturing). Client flexes one or both arms on the chest and may extend the legs stiffly. Indicates nonfunctioning cortex. Lesions of cerebral hemispheres or internal structures of brain cause this posturing.

Extension posturing

A posture in which the pt arches the back and extends the arms straight out parallel to the body. A sign of serious head injury


closed off


difficult or labored respiration


inadequate perfusion also known as shock

Secondary assessment

after immediate life- or limb-threatening injuries/illnesses have been identified, this more thorough evaluation is performed to identify more subtle, yet still important, injuries

Physical exam, Baseline vitals, History

Three major steps in secondary assessments

Cerebrospinal fluid

clear liquid produced in the ventricles of the brain

Jugular vein distention

the visible bulging of the jugular vein when the Pt is in semi-fowlers position or full fowlers position. this is indicative of inadaquate blood movement through the heart and/or lungs

Tension pneumothorax

a pneumothorax with rapid accumulation of air in the pleural space causing severely high intrapleural pressures with resultant tension on the heart and great vessels

Pericardial tamponade

filling of the pericardial sac with fluid, which in turn limits the filling and function of the heart.


material expelled from the lungs by coughing

What is PMS

motor function

MOI falls

Adults 20 feet
children/infants more than 10 feet or 2or3 times their height

Glasgow coma scale

Used for head trauma- Score 3-15, based on Eye opening, Verbal response and Motor response.

less than 13

Rapid transport (what's the number on the GCS)

Brain herniation

Increasing intracranial pressure related to the presence of lg pocket of blood (hematoma)


contains majority of liver, gallbladder, small portion of pancreas, right kidney, small intestines, and colon.


left lobe of liver
body of pancreas
L kidney and


contains parts of the small and large intestines, left ovary, left fallopian tube, left ureter


contains parts of the small and large intestines, right ovary, right fallopian tube, appendix, right ureter


beneath the tongue




breathing in


into the muscle

Right date, right patient, right drug, right dose, right route

the 5 rights


Inadequate tissue perfusion
Also know as hypoperfusion

Types of shock


Hypovolemic shock

shock caused by severe blood or fluid loss

Distributive shock

less distribution of blood to areas = venous pooling, most common in general anesthesia and spinal cord injuries and septic shock (bacterial infection where toxins in blood). cause: general anesthesia and spinal cord injuries and septic shock

Cardiogenic shock

shock that results from failure of the heart in its pumping action.

Obstructive shock

mechanical obstruction or compressing that prevents blood from reaching the heart

Tension pneumonthorax

A type of pneumothorax in which air can enter the pleural space but cannot escape via the route of entry. This leads to increased pressure in the pleural space, resulting in lung collapse. The increase in pressure also compresses the heart and vena cavae,

Pericardial tamponade

filling of the pericardial sac with fluid, which in turn limits the filling and function of the heart.

Stages of shock

1. Compensatory Shock 2. Decompensatory Shock 3. Irreversible Stage

If patient been in cardiac arrest for more than 5 min and no CPR has been done what do you do

Provide 2 min of CPR before ard

aed shock then pulse check?

No aed shock then 2min CPR then pulse check


completely erratic rhythm with no identifiable waves; fatal


Ventricular tachycardia (an increased ventricular heart rate).


the absence of a heartbeat


pulseless electrical activity. Heart is doing something but not pumping

Stop ambulance when using aed

True and shut off engine

Can I aed on 1-8 year olds

Yes but prefer to use less electrical dose
If u can't it is ok

How many shocks can I give

2-3 with CPR in-between

Common diseases from wheezing

Chronic bronchitis

Common diseases from rhonchi

Chronic bronchitis

Common diseases from crackles

Pulmonary edema


difficult or labored respiration


absence of breathing


deficient amount of oxygen in tissue cells

Respiratory Distress

Indicates that a patient is breathing but is having trouble doing so. May lead to respiratory arrest.

Respiratory Failure

The reduction of breathing to the point where oxygen intake is not sufficient to support life

Respiratory arrest

When breathing completely stops.


chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; chronic bronchitis - bronchiole lining inflamed, excess mucus formed; emphysema - walls of alveoli break down; HYPOXIC DRIVE (not in asthma)


obstructive pulmonary disease characterized by overexpansion of the alveoli with air, with destructive changes in their walls resulting in loss of lung elasticity and gas exchange

Chronic bronchitis

obstructive pulmonary disease characterized by excessive production of mucus and chronic inflammatory changes in the bronchi, resulting in a cough with expectoration for at least 3 months of the year for more than 2 consecutive years.


acute inflammation and infection of alveoli, which fill with pus or products of the inflammatory reaction

Pulmonary embolism

blockage of the pulmonary artery by foreign matter or by a blood clot

Acute pulmonary edema

occurs when an excessive amount of fluid collects in the spaces between the alveoli and capillaries, disturbs normal gas exchange


Acute infectious disease characterized by a cough that has a "whoop" sound; also called whooping cough

Sinoartrial node

located in the upper portion of the "R" atrium. Has its own rhythm. Sets the basic pace for the cardiac rate.

Atrioventricular node

located in the lower wall of the right atrium; delays impulses from the SA node to allow the atria to completely empty before the ventricles contract

Pulmonary arteries

carry deoxygenated blood out of the right ventricle and into the lungs

Pulmonary veins

deliver oxygen rich blood from the lungs to the left atrium

Coronary arteries

the two arteries that supply blood to the heart muscle


a blood clot formed within a blood vessel and remaining attached to its place of origin


the most common form of CVD; a disease characterized by plaques along the inner walls of the arteries.

Acute coronary syndrome

sudden symptoms of insufficient blood supply to the heart, sudden symptoms of insufficient blood supply to the heart indicating unstable angina or myocardial infarction

Angina pectoris

chest pain caused by a temporary loss of oxygenated blood to heart muscle often caused by narrowing of the coronary arteries

How long does angina pain last

2-15 min


acute myocardial infarction (heart attack)

Aortic aneurysm

congenital or developed weakness in wall of lower lumbar region (aorta), balloons out, anterior abdominal wall pulses, untreatable if ruptures

Aortic Dissection

damage may result in fatal bleeding, dissection is a condition where the inner layer of the wall of the aorta begins to tear; patient may complain of pain in the chest, abdomen or back will exhibit signs of shock


Congestive Heart Failure failure of the heart to pump blood away from the heart causing accumulation of fluid in the tissues and lungs

Cardiac arrest

The heart and breathing stop suddenly and without warning

Neurological deficit

any deficiency in the nervous system's functioning, typically exhibited as a motor, sensory, or cognitive deficit


A medical injury to brain that is not related to truma

Ischemic stroke

the most common kind of stroke

Hemorrhagic stroke

stroke caused by the rupture of a blood vessel in the brain

Thrombotic stroke

type of stroke caused by a blood clot blocking an artery in the brain

Embolic stroke

a type of ischemic stroke that causes a clot to travel to the brain, mostly from the left side of the heart


transient ischemic attack; temporary interference with the blood supply to the brain


sudden, transient disturbances in brain function resulting from abnormal firing of nerve impulses (may or may not be associated with convulsion)


chronic brain disorder characterized by recurrent seizure activity

Status epilepticus

a condition in which there are continuing attacks of epilepsy without intervals of consciousness

Grand mal

generalized tonic-clonic (it is sudden cry, fall, rigidity, followed by muscle jerking; shallow, irregular breathing; possible loss of bladder or bowel control; usually lasts seconds to minutes, followed by some confusion, a period of sleep (postical leth

Simple partial seizures

begins in one area can move, patient aware and conscious, expreience change in taste/smell cause nausea

Complex partial seizure

impairment of consciousness for a few min or less; usually has rhythmic movements of face or extremities

Petit mal

milder form with loss of consciousness for a few seconds. Common in children. May disappear by late adolescence

Febrile seizure

convulsions brought on by a fever in infants or small children. During a febrile seizure, a child often loses consciousness and shakes, moving limbs on both sides of the body.


a sudden, and generally temporary, loss of consciousness and postural tone, due to inadequate flow of oxygenated blood to the brain (fainting)

Glucose and sodium bring what with them?



Storage form of glucose


a hormone secreted by the pancreas

Normal glucose


Glucose after meal


Glucose after 8-10hr of no food


Hypoglycemia symptoms

hunger, fatigue, weakness, sweating, headache, dizziness, low bp, cold or clammy skin

Hyperglycemia symptoms

lots of eating, peeing, drinking. blurred vision, fatigue, weight loss

Type 1

this type of diabetes mellitus is an autoimmune situation. The pancreas produces and releases NO insulin, so no glucose transport.

Type 2

Diabetes mellitus initially begins with INSULIN RESISTANCE, where the cells are not able to use the insulin properly and pancreas loses its ability to produce adequate quantities of insulin.

Where do I put epipen when done

Sharp object container

Acute abdomen

sudden, sever abdominal pain that is less than 24 hours in duration


Double-layered membrane surrounding the abdominal organs

Soild organs

Spleen liver pacreas kidneys

Hollow organs

-stomach, small intestine, colon, bladder, gallbladder



Visceral pain

Pain is less severe and poorly localized because of lack of pain receptors on the organ pain is generalized

Parietal pain

More severe pain and more localized


a neural structure lying below the thalamus; directs eating, drinking, body temperature; helps govern the endocrine system via the pituitary gland, and is linked to emotion


Body heat lost to surrounding air, which becomes warmer then rises and is then replaced by cool air and then repeat the cycle


Body heat is lost to the atmosphere or nearby objects without physically touching them


Body heat is lost through direct physical touch of other objects

5 Stages of hypothermia

Apathy and decreased muscle function
Decreased level of responsiveness
Decreased vital signs

Heat cramp

muscle pain or spasm due largely to the loss of salt from the body from sweating, or inadequate intake of salt

Heat exhaustion

Occurs when the body's cooling mechanism have been expended
Skin is normal to cool in temp
Pale or Gregory in color
And sweaty

Heat stroke

The failure of the heat-regulating ability of an individual under heat stress.
Skin will be hot and red possibly not sweating

What temp and humidity are bad for the body to regulate temp

90 degrees and 75 humidity

Low velocity injuries

A knife or other impailed object in the body exerts damage to the immediate area of impact and it's underlying structures. The length of the object used is important

Medium and high velocity injuries

Med/High velocity projectiles are from pellets or bullets. The damage caused, depends on the Trajectory and the dissipation of energy. Dissipation of energy is affected by Drag,Profile,Cavitation, & Fragmentation.

Primary phase injuries

Are due to the pressure wave of the blast. Injuries primarly effect the gas-containing organs, such as the lungs, stomach, intestines, inner ears and sinuses. Death may occur from this stage w/o any sign of external injury


Is the cavity that is formed by a pressure way

Secondary phase injuires

Are due to flying debris propelled by the blast
They are usually lacerations fracture burns

Tertiary phase injuries

Are due to being throw and then landing on the ground similar to being ejected out of a car

A loss of 15% of blood volume is

Significant and can lead to shock

When can I apply a splint on scene

To extremity fractures only if the patient is stable and there is no life threat


bleeding from the nose

Good indicator of internal blood loss

Weak pulse the into fast pulse
Also no radial pulse body brings blood to core

Narrow pulse pressure indicates

Significant loss of blood

Factors that may increase bleeding

Low body temp clotting less effective
Medication anticlotting like aspirin
Intravenous fluids
Removal of bandages


an outer layer of cells designed to provide protection


second layer of skin, holding blood vessels, nerve endings, sweat glands, and hair follicles


tissue layer beneath the dermis; contains adipose tissue, a connective tissue that includes fat-storing cells and blood vessels

Superficial burn

a burn that involves only the epidermis, the outer layer of the skin. It is characterized by reddening of the skin and perhaps some swelling. An example is a sunburn. Also called a first-degree burn.

Partial thickness burn

a burn in which the first layer of skin (epidermis) is burned through and the dermis (second layer) is damaged. Burns of this type cause reddening, blistering, and a mottled appearence. (Also called second-degree burn).

Full thickness burn

a burn in which all the layers of the skin are damaged. There are usually areas that are charred black or areas that are dry and white. Also called a third-degree burn.

Rule of nines

A system that assigns percentages to sections of the body, allowing calculation of the amount of skin surface involved in the burn are, a method of estimating the extent of a burn. For an adult, each of the following surfaces represents 9% of the body sur


the cup-shaped hollow in the hipbone into which the head of the femur fits to form a ball-and-socket joint

What are two critical fractures

Femur and pelvis

Subdural hematoma

pertaining to below the dura mater, tumor of blood

Epidural hematoma

temporoparietal skull fracture; tear middle meningeal artery

Secondary assessment for trauma major injury

Rapid trauma assessment

Secondary assessment for trauma minor injury

Focused on injury
Then detailed exam in the back of truck

Secondary assessment for medical unresponsive

Rapid trauma assessment

Secondary assessment for medical responsive

Focused on injury

Glasgow scale

This is an assessment tool used to determine consciousness in clients. The Score of 15 reveals a fully oriented person. 3 is deep coma., Used for head trauma- Score 3-15, based on Eye opening, Verbal response and Motor response.

Rhyme for glasgow

Evm 456
Eye 4
Verbal 5
Motor 6

Hollow organ in abdominal

Urinary bladder
Internal urethra
Fallopian tubes

Solid organs in abdominal


Examples of hypovelemic shock

loos whole blood
Non hemmorrhgagic
Fluid loss and burns


a transparent membrane that lines the abdominal cavity in mammals and covers most of the viscera

Abruptio placentae

a disorder of pregnancy in which the placenta prematurely separates from the wall of the uterus

Examples if distributive shock

Infection that causes the vessels to dilate
Spinal cord injury cause vessels to dilate
Body wide vessel dilation

Example of obstructive shock

Pulmonary edema
Blood can't move forward
Pericardial tamponade
Tension pneumothorax
Both put pressure on Herat and can't fill appropriately

Example of cardiogenic shock

Heart attack
Congenital heart failure
Abnormal rhythm
Beta blockers

Bloody show

the pink-tinged secretions that follow the loss of the mucous plug b/c of exposed cervical capillaries. this is a sign that labor will begin within 24-48 hours.

Umbilical cord blood vessels

Unique cause they do opposite
Veins bring oxygen blood
Arteries bring deoxygenated blood

Red blood cell


White blood cell

blood cell that functions in defending the body against infections and cancer cells; also called a leukocyte


occurring or existing before birth

What should I do with someone had a spontaneous abortio.

Transport because there is lots of blood that may be lost

Placenta previa

pregnancy in which the placenta is implanted in the lower part of the uterus (instead of the upper part)

What is a sign of placenta previa

Bleeding but no pain

Ruptured uterus sign

Searing or tearing feeling in abdomen

Ectopic pregnancy

pregnancy resulting from gestation elsewhere than in the uterus


a toxic condition characterized by convulsions and possibly coma during or immediately after pregnancy


abnormal state of pregnancy characterized by hypertension and fluid retention and albuminuria

Supine hypertensive syndrome

Pressure on the vena cava by baby when mother is in supine position


the number of the pregnancy that a woman is in


(obstetrics) the number of live-born children a woman has delivered

Three stages of labor

1) dilation 2) expulsion 3) placenta

Dilation stage

first stage of labor; the uterine muscle contracts strongly to expel the fetus; the fetus presses on the cervix and causes it to dilate or expand

Expulsion stage

When the baby is expelled from its mother's body

Placenta stage

placenta is expelled-afterbirth


the general region between the anus and the genital organs

Nuchal cord

Umbilical cord around the neck; assess by as soon s the head is out of the vagina, run index finger around the neck; if unable to stretch over the babies head, clamp cord 2" apart and cut, then deliver as normal.