Geriatric Emergencies ch 36

Starting at about age 30, our organ systems lose about.....of their function each year

1 percent "1 percent rule" . (Limmer & O'keefe pg 931)

Demineralization of bones (loss of calcium); accumulated "wear and tear" of joints may show as...

Stooped posture, joint deformities. (Limmer & O'keefe pg 932)

Diminished sensitivity of senses, slower cognitive processing, slowed movement and reflexes is caused by

Loss of central nervous system neurons. (Limmer & O'keefe pg 932)

Reduced stroke volume and cardiac output may lead to orthostatic hypotension, decreased brain perfusion, and reduced tolerance for activity

Degeneration of the valves and the muscle of the heart. (Limmer & O'keefe pg 933)

Due to changes in the cardiovascular system of the elderly, dysrhythmias may be noticed, you may notice...

Irregular heart rhythm. (Limmer & O'keefe pg 933)

A heart attack in the elderly may not present with....

Chest pain. (Limmer & O'keefe pg 933)

Due to decreased elasticity of lungs; decreased lung volume; and decreased activity of cilia, the elderly may experience...

Increased risk of pneumonia. (Limmer & O'keefe pg 933)

Elderly develop diminished cough and gag reflex, may show a possibility for

Increased risk for aspiration. (Limmer & O'keefe pg 933)

Changes in gastrointestinal lining, increased risk of cancers, relaxation of sphincters may lead to...

Increased risk of GI bled, heartburn, and fecal incontinence. (Limmer & O'keefe pg 933)

Changes in liver and kidneys decreased breakdown and clearance of medications; decreased production of clotting factors and other proteins, should make you suspicious of...

Drug toxicity and prone to uncontrolled bleeding. (Limmer & O'keefe pg 934)

Diminished thyroid function may lead to ......even in mild temperatures

Heat and cold related emergencies. (Limmer & O'keefe pg 934)

Myocardial infarction may not have typical pain patterns in elderly or may not result in a complaint of pain at all, due to changes in

Nervous system, decreased pain sensation . (Limmer & O'keefe pg 934)

When communicating with the elderly you should call patient by

Title and last name. (Limmer & O'keefe pg 935)

You may get clues to the patient's physical and mental abilities as you...

Approach the residence. (Limmer & O'keefe pg 936)

Form your general impression by looking at the patient's

Level of distress, positioning. (Limmer & O'keefe pg 936)

When interviewing the patient, you should position yourself

Where the patient can easily see you. (Limmer & O'keefe pg 937)

A risk for depression in elderly is....

Having serious health problems. (Limmer & O'keefe pg 938)

When patient replaces lost circumstances with imaginary ones is called

Confabulation. (Limmer & O'keefe pg 938) commonly fractured in a fall in the elderly

Hip, proximal femur. (Limmer & O'keefe pg 942)

Often the chief complaint of an elderly patient having a myocardial infarction is...

Shortness of breath. (Limmer & O'keefe pg 942)

An abnormal widening of a blood vessel, usually an artery is an

Aneurysm. (Limmer & O'keefe pg 942)

The pain form a thoracic aortic aneurysm as it dissects is classically described as...

Tearing and radiates to the back. (Limmer & O'keefe pg 942)

The fourth leading cause of death in the elderly

Pneumonia. (Limmer & O'keefe pg 943)

One of the most serious causes of abdominal pain in the elderly population is

Abdominal aortic aneurism . (Limmer & O'keefe pg 943)

another common cause of abdominal pain in the elderly is

bowel obstruction (Limmer & O'keefe pg 943)

a condiiton in which an outpouching of the intestine provide a puch for food can lodge and became inflamed and infected...common in elderly

Diverticulosis (Limmer & O'keefe pg 943)

may be the only indication that a patient is experiencing significant internal bleeding

dizziness, especially upon standing
(Limmer & O'keefe pg 943)

Weakness in the elderly can be the result of...

Cardiac dysrhythmias (Limmer & O'keefe pg 943)

very common in the elderly, sometimes because of medical conditions, medications, loss of friends or spouse, or chemical imbalances

Depression(Limmer & O'keefe pg 943)

the segment of the population most likely to be successful in a suicide attempt

elderly males (Limmer & O'keefe pg 943)

this coniditon is much more common in the older population caused by the same virus that causes chicken pox

herpes zoster or shingles (Limmer & O'keefe pg 943)

often, a fall is just an indication of a more serious problem. A number of older people fall because of

abnormal heart rhythms, stroke, or internal bleeding from an ulcer. (Limmer & O'keefe pg 944)

There are essentially three ways in which elders can be abused or neglected

pphysically, psychologically, and financially. (Limmer & O'keefe pg 944)