What does the acronym GEMS diamond stand for?

M-medical assessment
S-social network

Why was GEMS diamond created?

It serves as an acronym for the issues to be considered when assessing every older patient. It is not intended to replace the ABC's of care.

What is polypharmacy?

The use of multiple medications by a patient as typically seen in elderly people. It refers to the negative effects of taking multiple medications.

Define unilateral pedal edema.

Pedal edema is a swelling of the foot and ankle caused by fluid overload; unilateral would present in only one extremity.

What questions are important to ask when assessing why an elderly patient fell?

Do you know what happened that caused your fall?
Did you lose your balance first?
Did you become dizzy before the fall?
Do you remember the fall?
Did you have a fainting episode prior to falling?
Did you injure yourself first and then fall?
Are you taking

Why are older patients more likely to sustain closed head injuries such as subdural hematomas?

Because brain tissue shrinks with age. In elderly people, the veins are often already stretched because of brain atrophy(shrinkage) and are more easily injured.

In an elderly patient with a hip fracture why is it important to use blanket rolls?

Blanket rolls maintain the leg in a static position so that further injury does not occur.

Why is it sometimes difficult to determine if an elderly patient is in shock based on their blood pressure?

Drugs such as beta-blockers inhibit the heart from becoming tachycardiac as you would expect in shock. Therefore, a heart rate in the normal range may be high for a person who is taking beta-blockers.

Patient care for a pulmonary embolism should focus on what?

Focus on airway, ventilatory, and circulatory support. Suction any blood from the airway. Place patient in a position of comfort and assist breathing using high-flow oxygen and a nonrebreathing mask. If aggressive airway management is necessary, ventilate

Geriatric patients are at risk for atherosclerosis resulting in:

heart attack and stroke.

Specific legal documents that direct relatives and care providers about the extent of treatment that may be given for patients who cannot speak for themselves is known as:

Advance Directive

An examination of the geriatric patient's residence for steep stairs, missing handrails, adequate food, and the overall appearance of the home would fall under which aspect of the GEMS diamond?

Environmental assessment

Determining the chief complaint in the older medical patient is:

difficult compared to other patients because their symptoms may be vague or atypical.

Sudden unconsciousness in the older patient from standing too quickly, bearing down for a bowel movement, diabetic shock, or heart attack is called:


Symptoms such as difficulty breathing, toothache or arm cramps, and syncope in the older patient often indicate:

cardiovascular disease

Children may have experienced a serious injury, even though there may be little or no outward signs, because:

their bodies can compensate better for significant blood loss.

Which of the following is a considerations when immobilizing a small child with a suspected head and neck injury?

Children should be secured to a backboard with padding under the shoulders.

In the pediatric patient when immobilization is necessary what part of the body should be secured to the immobilization device first?

Secure the pediatric patient's torso to the immobilization device first.

Immobilization is necessary for all children who have what possible injuries?

Head or spinal injuries after a traumatic event.

What are the 6 steps in order when immobilizing a pediatric to an immobilization device?

1. Maintain the child's head in neutral position by placing a towel under the shoulders and torso.
2. Place an appropriately sized cervical collar on the pediatric patient.
3. Carefully log roll the child onto the immobilization device.
4. Secure the pedi