Chapt 10 post

What medical procedure is performed that often results in the patient having a stoma permanently? placed?


If you suspect that your patient has excessive gastric inflation during the management of a cardiac? arrest, what piece of equipment would you want to have? available?

The suction unit

Which of the following is a TRUE statement regarding the use of the? NPA?

It should be lubricated with a? water-soluble lubricant before insertion.

When ventilating the adult patient who has a? pulse, the? bag-valve-mask should be used with supplemental oxygen to achieve visible chest rise? every:

5 to 6 seconds.

Which of the following steps is NOT correct when using the? jaw-thrust maneuver to open your? patient's airway?

Tilt the head back by applying pressure to the forehead.

The EMT is administering positive pressure ventilations? (PPV) for a patient who is breathing at a rate of 40 breaths per minute. Which should the EMT include when performing this? technique?

Sync respirations with the? patient's breathing

You are establishing CPAP on a patient with respiratory distress. What would be an appropriate initial pressure setting if the patient has acute pulmonary? edema?

5 to 10 cmH20

Which patient population is most likely to become hypoxic from poor oxygen reserves during periods of hypoventilation or? apnea?


You are treating a patient who was seriously injured in an automobile accident. You decide to start as high a concentration of oxygen as you can. You therefore select which oxygenation delivery? adjunct?

Nonrebreather mask

When using a soft catheter to suction the mouth and? oropharynx, you? should:

measure the catheter from the corner of the mouth to the tip of the ear.

Your patient in cardiac arrest has dentures. As you prepare to establish and maintain an? airway, what should you do with the? dentures?

Leave them in place if they are firmly seated.

What would be the expected clinical change to your unresponsive trauma patient who had ineffective spontaneous breathing if you are overventilating the patient during positive pressure ventilation? (PPV)?

The blood pressure will decrease.

Insertion of a nasopharyngeal airway? includes:

measuring the airway from the tip of the nose to the tip of the earlobe.

You encounter a patient who was at a dorm party and was found unresponsive in an upstairs bedroom. The patient presents with a gurgling sound in his upper airway. What problem does this? indicate?

The airway is partially occluded by fluid.

You respond to the scene of an industrial accident. As you approach the unconscious? middle-aged male? patient, bystanders tell you that he was struck in the face by a large metal beam being transported by a crane. He is unconscious and cyanotic with gurg

clear the oropharynx.

What should you do? if, during the ventilation of an adult patient who is? apneic, you notice the? patient's abdomen getting larger with ongoing? ventilations?

Ensure your ventilations are only enough to provide visible chest rise.

?Blood, vomitus, or other substances that occlude the nasopharynx may drain and lead? to:

airway occlusion.

When ventilating with a? bag-valve-mask device, the EMT should do each of the? following, EXCEPT:

hyperventilate the patient

The oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange takes place in what structure prior to the carbon dioxide being exhaled into the? environment?


In a newborn? patient, what is considered to be an early sign of? hypoxia?


Which of the following drugs administered by an EMT is? inhaled?


During the provision of compressions and ventilations for an adult patient in cardiac arrest who has an endotracheal tube? (advanced airway)? inserted, the ventilation rate should? be:

8 to 10 per minute.

What color is oxygen as it flows through the supply tubing to the oxygenation? device?


What is the BEST way for the EMT to avoid the occurrence of gastric? inflation?

Do not overventilate the patient.

You are caring for a patient with the following? findings: history of? COPD, clinical findings of? dyspnea, SpOF1 94? percent, HR? 110, B/P? 180/86, skin diaphoretic with ashen fingers and? toes, bilaterally diminished breath sounds with slight expiratory

Mild hypoxemia present

If you determine that your patient has an adequate respiratory rate but has an inadequate tidal? volume, this will lead? to:

inadequate breathing.

If a gurgling sound is heard during the provision of artificial ventilation with a? bag-valve mask? (BVM), the EMT? should:

immediately apply suction to remove the liquid from the airway.

The EMT documents the patient has difficulty taking breaths after sustaining a motor vehicle collision. Which term should be used in the documentation of this? problem?


You are caring for a? 17-year-old male patient who was bitten by a dog. Although the patient has some soft tissue trauma to his? leg, you notice that the pulse oximeter is reading only 90 percent saturation. The heart rate is? 76/min, BP is? 128/80, and r

Initiate? low-flow oxygen and reassess the patient.

Which clinical finding would indicate the need for the EMT to use positive pressure ventilation? (PPV)?

Agonal respirations with periods of apnea

Which of the following vital sign changes is consistent with pediatric hypoxia that may necessitate airway? and/or ventilatory? assistance?


The EMT is providing care for a patient with a low oxygen level of? 85% on room air but a high carbon dioxide? (CO2) content. The patient is breathing normally and is in no acute distress. Which term should the EMT use to document this? abnormality?


While looking at your therapy? regulator, you see the pressure in the tank reads? 1,000 psi. What does that information? mean?

The tank is half empty.

Which of the choices is the BEST reason to administer? low-flow oxygen on a patient with a suspected myocardial infarction rather than high? flow?

To avoid reperfusion injuries to the ischemic heart

In what part of the lower airway are the conducting airways wrapped in smooth muscle and have the capability to either constrict or relax in response to a? stimulus?


Your patient was found unconscious at the bottom of a dark stairway. The BEST method to use to open his airway would be? the:

?jaw-thrust maneuver.

You are attending an? in-house CE program on CPAP use because your EMS system has just purchased new units for each ambulance. During the? class, the instructor asks you which of the following four patients could benefit from CPAP. Which one would you? se

Patient with pulmonary edema

Low oxygen content in arterial blood is? called:


What is the primary smooth muscle that participates in normal inhalation? called?


You are suctioning the oral cavity of a patient who has food poisoning and is vomiting profusely. You are using a soft catheter to help clear the oral? cavity, but it keeps getting clogged. What should the EMT consider doing? NEXT?

Switch to a rigid tip catheter.

What can a pressure regulator for a portable oxygen tank do that a therapy regulator? cannot?

Be used with an ATV

Why should a portable oxygen tank never be allowed to stand upright in the ambulance or in a? patient's home?

It may fall and crack the neck or break the valve.

The EMT is listening to lung sounds of a child and hears a? harsh, high-pitched sound during inspiration. Which should the EMT document in the clinical? findings?


Which of the situations would allow artificial ventilation to provide better alveolar ventilation than spontaneous? breathing?

A patient with a large flail chest

Which of the following assessment findings would be considered abnormal in determining the quality of a? patient's respiratory? status?

Light expiratory wheezing

Why should the EMT prohibit anyone from smoking around oxygen that is in? use?

Oxygen is an accelerant.

Which of the following patients are particularly sensitive to the detrimental effects of?

Cardiac arrest patients

Which of the following is the most desirable outcome in the ventilatory management of a patient in cardiac? arrest?

Providing appropriate ventilations