EMT - Brady Chapter 24 (Abdominal Emergencies)


Carries food from mouth to stomach


Begins breakdown of food using acids

Small Intestine

Takes stomach contents and removes nutrients

Large Intestine (Colon)

Absorbs fluids, creating waste


No function in digestion


Regulating levels of carbohydrate and other substances in the blood. Bile secretion for digestion of fats and detoxification of blood.


Stores bile before release into intestine


Removes abnormal blood cells and is involved in the immune response.


Releases enzymes that assist in breaking down food in the small intestine into absorbable molecules. It also secretes hormones into the blood that regulate blood sugar levels.


Filter and excrete waste. Regulate water, blood, and electrolyte levels and assist the liver with detoxification.


Collects urine from kidney prior to urination.


Membrane that lines the abdominal cavity (parietal) and covers the organs within it (visceral)

Retroperitoneal Space

Area posterior to the peritoneum, between the peritoneum and the back. Houses the kidneys, pancreas, and the aorta.

Upper Right Quadrant

Liver, Right Kidney, Gallbladder, Pancreas, Colon

Upper Left Quadrant

Liver, Left Kidney, Spleen, Pancreas, Colon, Stomach

Lower Right Quadrant

Colon, Small Intestine, Ureter, Appendix

Lower Left Quadrant

Colon, Small Intestine, Ureter

Visceral Pain

A poorly localized, dull, or diffuse pain that arises from the abdominal organs or viscera

Parietal Pain

A localized, intense pain that arises from the parietal peritoneum, the lining of the abdominal cavity.

Tearing Pain

Sharp pain that feels as if body tissues are being torn apart. Felt mainly during an expanding abdominal aortic aneurysm in the back.

Referred Pain

Pain that is felt in a location other than where the pain originates.


Nausea, vomiting, pain in the RLQ


Ridigity of the peritoneum due to irritation (gastric juices, bowel contents, or blood)


Inflammation of the gallbladder - pain the RUQ with radiation to the shoulder.


Central pain - may radiate to the back or shoulders

GI Bleeding

Coffee-ground" vomit - upper GI bleeding. Often times, no symptoms until much later presenting with symptoms of shock.

Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA)

Gradually developing abdominal pain - tearing pain that may radiate to the back. Rupture presents with excruciating back and abdominal pain with signs of shock.


Hole in the muscle layers of the abdominal wall - allow tissue to protrude up against the skin. Onset of pain after lifting.

Renal Colic

Kidney stones descending down the ureter - severe flank pain that radiates to the groin area.

Cardiac Involvement

Pain from myocardial infarction can be felt in the epigastric region (upper center of abdomen). Often described as indigestion.

HPI of Patient with Abdominal Complaint

Use OPQRST using more words than just pain - discomfort, pressure, bloating, cramping, etc. Ask about menstrual cycle, lateness, bleeding, pain, pregnancy.