Ch 44

Your EMS system uses the Simple Triage and Rapid Transport (START) system for triaging patients at a multiple-casualty incident. Which one of the following should you include in your triage assessment to determine the order in which patients will receive

Respiratory and perfusion status

You are teaching some Emergency Medical Responders (EMRs) to use the Jump START system of triage. Which one of the following comments made by an EMR requires you to intervene and provide corrective instruction?

The Jump START system is very effective since it allows me to take two minutes to assess the patient.

You have responded to a bar for a fight involving approximately 20 patrons. Weapons were used and all the patrons have varying degrees and types of injuries. You are in charge of triage and must use the Simple Triage and Rapid Transport (START) system. Yo

Check for a radial pulse.

At the scene of a multiple-casualty drill, you have been assigned to role of Transport Unit leader. As such, your responsibility is:

distributing patients to each medical facility.

In most EMS systems, a multiple-casualty incident occurs when the number of patients is:

3 or more.

You are teaching a group of EMTs about multiple-casualty incidents and the Incident Command System (ICS). Which one of the following statements about ICS is true?

Plain English is used for all communications.

Approximately 15 trucks and cars have been involved in a "chain-reaction" collision. You are the first ambulance on the scene and begin going from vehicle to vehicle to determine the type and severity of each injury. This would be an example of what kind


The National Incident Management System (NIMS) is beneficial in an emergency response to a disaster or terror attack because it provides for:

a consistent approach to managing a disaster by many different responders and agencies.

You have been selected to represent EMS on a disaster planning committee involving many different agencies. Regarding preparation for a possible disaster, which one of the following is most beneficial to stress in the meeting?

The lay community will need to become involved by learning basic first aid and CPR

Which one of the following statements made by an EMT shows a proper understanding of the EMT's role at the scene of a multiple-casualty incident?

The role of the EMT will vary depending on the exact situation

You are using the Simple Triage and Rapid Transport (START) system of triage. Which one of the following patients should have a yellow tag applied prior to being moved to the treatment area?

Female with a respiratory rate of 22, palpable radial pulse, and squeezes your fingers when instructed