
adult breathing rate in breaths/min


child breathing rate in breaths/min


infant breathing rate in breaths/min


percentage of oxygen delivered during mouth-to mouth without supplemental oxygen


percentage of oxygen delivered during mouth-to-mask with supplemental oxygen


percentage of oxygen delivered via a bag-valve mask without supplemental oxygen


percentage of oxygen delivered via a bag-valve mask with supplemental oxygen


percentage of oxygen delivered via a FROPVD


rate at which oxygen flows out of a FROPVD, in Lpm


the amount of pressure in a FROPVD, in cm


pressure oxygen is kept at in a cylinder, in psi


residual pressure in an oxygen cylinder, in psi; should change oxygen cylinder at this pressure


L in a D oxygen cylinder


L in an E oxygen cylinder


L in an M oxygen cylinder


rate at which oxygen should be delivered via a nonrebreather mask, in Lpm


rate at which oxygen should be delivered via a nasul cannula, in Lpm


percentage of oxygen delivered via a nonrebreather mask


percentage of oxygen delivered via a nasal cannula


how often a breath should be administered to an adult, in s


how often a breath should be administered to a child or infant, in s



Respiratory distress

increased work of breathing; a sensation of shortness of breath

Respiratory failure

the reduction of breathing to the point where oxygen intake is not sufficient to support life

Respiratory arrest

when breathing completely stops

Minute volume

the amount of air breathed in during each respiration multiplied by the number of breaths per minute

Dead space

areas of the lungs outside the alveoli where gas exchange with the blood does not take place


a blue or gray color resulting from lack of oxygen in the body


the passageway by which air enters or leaves the body; structures are the nose, mouth, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, and lungs

Patent airway

an airway that is open and clear and will remain open and clear without interference to the passage of air into and out of the body

Head-tilt, chin-lift manuever

a means of correcting blockage of the airway by the tongue by tilting in the head back and lifting the chin; used when no trauma is suspected

Jaw-thrust maneuver

a means of correcting blockage of the airway by moving the jaw forward without tilting the head or neck; used when trauma is suspected to open the airway without causing further injury to the spinal cord in the neck


the breathing in of air or oxygen or providing breaths artificially

Artificial ventilation

positive pressure ventilation; forcing air or oxygen into the lungs when a patient has stopped breathing or has inadequate breathing

Pocket face mask

a device, usually with a 1-way valve, to aid in artifical ventilation; can be used with supplemental oxygen when fitted with an oxygen inlet

Bag-valve mask

a handheld devisce with a face mask and self-refilling bag that can be squeezed to provide artificial ventilations to a patient; can deliver air from the atmosphere or oxygen from a supplemental oxygen supply system


a permanent surgical opening in the neck through which the patient breathes


flow-restricted, oxygen-powered ventilation device; a device that uses oxygen under pressure to deliver artificial ventilations; has automatic flow restriction to prevent overdelivery of oxygen to patient

Automatic transport ventilatior

a device that provides positive pressure ventilations; includes settings designed to adjust ventilation rate and volume, is portable, and is easily carried on an ambulence

Oropharyngeal airway

a curved device inserted through the patient's mouth into the pharynx to help maintain an open airway

Nasopharyngeal airway

a flexible breathing tube inserted through the patient's nose into the pharynx to help maintain an open airway

Gag reflex

vomiting or retching that results when something is placed the back of the pharynx; tied to the swallow reflex


use of a vacuum device to remove blood, vomitus, and other secretions or foreign materials from the airway


an insufficiency of oxygen in the body's tissues

Oxygen cylinder

a cylinder filled with oxygen under pressure

Pressure regulator

a device connected to an oxygen cylinder to reduce cylinder pressure to a safe amount for delivery of oxygen to the patient


a valve that indicates the flow of oxygen in liters per minute


a device connected to the flowmeter to add moisture to the dry oxygen from an oxygen cylinder

Nonrebreather mask

a face mask and reservoir bag device that delivers high concentrations of oxygen; patient's exhaled air escapes through a valve and is not rebreathed

Nasal cannula

a device that delivers low concentrations of oxygen through prongs that rest in the patient's nostrils

Venturi mask

a face mask and reservoir bag that delivers specific concentrations of oxygen by mixing oxygen with inhaled air