chapter 21

A panicked and anxious patient informs you that he is allergic to peanuts and thinks he may have accidentally eaten some. He states that the last time he ate peanuts he needed to have a "tube put in his throat" and almost died. When assessing the patient,

Hives on his chest

A patient has been stung by a bee. Which one of the following findings would be present in anaphylaxis, but not in a mild allergic reaction?


A patient informs you that he found out he is allergic to certain molds and was prescribed an epinephrine auto-injector. He asks you how the epinephrine will help him the next time he is exposed to mold. Which one of the following would be the most approp

It will cause the blood vessels to constrict and increase your blood pressure.

A patient who is responsive to painful stimuli is covered with hives. He has labored respirations and a weak pulse that is tachycardic. His vital signs are: pulse 128, respirations 24, and blood pressure 80/50 mmHg. Given this presentation, the EMT should

Anaphylactic reaction

A patient with an allergy to bees and a prescribed Epi-pen was working in the garden when she noted swelling to the right side of her face. Assessment reveals swelling that is red and hot to the right cheek area. Her airway is patent, respirations easy an

Perform a secondary assessment.

After assisting a patient with the use of an epinephrine auto-injector, you note that the patient's blood pressure has improved. As a knowledgeable EMT, you realize that this has occurred due to epinephrine's ability to:

constrict blood vessels.

An alert but confused patient experiencing an allergic reaction begins to exhibit stridorous respirations. The EMT should recognize:

swelling to the upper airway.

During the primary assessment, which one of the following findings would most lead the EMT to suspect an allergic reaction?

Hives to the face and neck

Five minutes after you assist a patient with her epinephrine auto-injector, the patient states that she feels much better and would like to refuse additional care and transport to the hospital. What statement would be most appropriate given the situation?

The epinephrine will wear off in 10 to 20 minutes. Let's see how you are doing then before thinking about refusing transport.

For the EMT to achieve the best results when assisting with epinephrine, the medication should be placed into:


The EMT exhibits an understanding of allergic reactions and anaphylaxis when she makes which one of the following statements?

Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction that will lead to death without emergency care.

The EMT shows he understands the use of an epinephrine auto-injector for treating a patient with an anaphylactic reaction when he makes which one of the following statements?

Epinephrine administered through an auto-injector can be used for all severe allergic reactions, regardless of the cause.

The EMT's patient has swollen lips and hives. Which one of the following scene size-up observations supports the EMT's suspicion that the patient is having an allergic reaction?

A new container of penicillin is on a table with two pills missing.

What is the most common cause of an allergic reaction?


What is the most severe form of an allergic reaction called?


When assessing a patient with an anaphylactic reaction, which one of the following assessment findings should be expected?

Weak radial pulse

Which one of the following assessment findings would indicate that the patient is suffering from an anaphylactic reaction and requires immediate intervention?

Swollen lips with a blood pressure of 84/50 mmHg

Which one of the following does the EMT recognize when the onset of signs and symptoms of an allergic reaction is very rapid?

The reaction tends to be more severe.

Which one of the following explains why patients experiencing an allergic reaction have difficulty breathing?

The bronchioles constrict and spasm.

Which one of the following statements indicates that the EMT understands airway management in a patient suffering a severe allergic reaction?

If we have to provide positive pressure ventilation, it may be difficult to pass air through the swollen tissues.

Why would the patient experiencing an allergic reaction tell you that it is easier to breathe following administration of epinephrine?

Dilation of the bronchioles

You are responding to a call for an allergic reaction. Your partner is a new EMT and this is his first call. Which one of the following instructions to him about assessment and treatment of an allergic reaction would be correct?

Our first priority will not be to determine what caused the allergic reaction, but to treat the patient according to his symptoms.

You are staffing an information booth at the county fair when a mother and her 15-year-old son approach. The mother informs you that her son is severely allergic to bee stings and had an epinephrine auto-injector prescribed to him when he was five years o

Call your doctor to get a new injector and ask him if he wants to change the dose.

You have been summoned to an apartment for a 58-year-old female complaining of swollen lips and hives to her chest. When asked, she states that she has had episodes of the hives and swollen lips over the past six months, but allergy testing has not been a


You have just assisted a patient with his epinephrine auto-injector. The patient states that he has never taken epinephrine before. You would inform him of which one of the following?

You may feel a little shaky, but that is normal and will pass.