chapter 23

A 26-year-old female is complaining of abdominal pain. She states that the pain is generalized to her abdomen and worsens when walking. She also tells you that she is having a foul smelling yellow colored vaginal discharge. The primary assessment reveals

Pelvic inflammatory disease

A 56-year-old male informs you that he has gastric ulcers. He states that he has had them for several months, but just recently the pain has been steadily increasing. If the cause of the abdominal pain is the gastric ulcers, how would you expect him to de

Burning pain located to the left upper quadrant

A middle-aged female patient has dialed 911 for an abdominal emergency. On scene, she informs you she has a bad gall bladder and it has been increasingly bothering her, thus she needs transport to the hospital for further care. Your assessment reveals ten

referred pain

A patient complains of severe and sharp pain to the right lower abdominal quadrant. Based on location, what organ or structure is most likely involved?


A patient has a tumor that has compressed and obstructed her left ureter. Which of the following is true?

The urine will back up into the left kidney.

A patient informs you that he has had a large portion of his small intestine removed due to cancer. You recognize that with the removal of small intestine, the patient is less able to:

absorb nutrients.

A patient informs you that he was recently diagnosed with an abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA). He states that the surgeon did not want to operate on it immediately because he felt it was stable and not worth the risks that surgery posed. Tonight the patien

Tearing" pain located to the back

A patient states that after dinner, she suddenly developed right upper quadrant abdominal pain that radiated to her shoulder. As a knowledgeable EMT, you would recognize this characteristic pain pattern as most suggestive of:

gall bladder inflammation.

A patient suffering from a kidney stone would most likely have which of the following complaints?

It hurts so bad!

A patient that has just been raped states that she will not go with you to the hospital until she showers and cleans herself up. As an EMT, you would make which of the following statements:

If you shower, you will destroy evidence needed to identify the rapist.

A patient with a history of upper gastrointestinal bleeding is complaining of weakness and abdominal pain. He informs you that he vomited 5 minutes before you arrived. Which of the following questions is it most important that the EMT ask first regarding

Was the vomit red or did it look like coffee grounds?

An alert but confused patient called 911 with the complaint of abdominal pain. Assessment reveals her to be nauseated with pain that she localizes to the right lower quadrant of the abdomen. She states that she was not able to take her blood pressure medi

tell her that she should not take her medication or drink juice.

For a normal pregnancy, within what structure must the sperm and egg come together for fertilization?

Fallopian tube

In the human body, the urethra:

passes urine from the bladder to the outside of the body.

On scene, you have a 57-year-old female with profuse hemorrhage coming from her dialysis graft located on her left arm. To control the bleeding, you would immediately:

apply direct pressure to the graft.

Pelvic inflammatory disease is best described as a(n):

infection of the female reproductive organs.

The EMT has an accurate understanding of the solid organs contained within the abdomen when she states:

Solid organs are very vascular and may bleed excessively if injured.

The EMT understands that the most common cause of urinary tract infections is:

bacterial invasion.

The EMT would recognize that the pain associated with a kidney stone is caused by:

passage of the stone through the ureter.

The EMT would recognize which of the following patients as suffering from an acute abdomen?

62-year-old male with no medical history with sudden pain to the lower abdomen

The spleen of a patient has ruptured. Because it is a solid organ, the EMT recognizes that the primary threat to life is:

blood loss.

When he enters the room of a 62-year-old female with an unknown medical complaint, which of the following clues observed during the scene size-up would most increase the EMT's suspicion that the patient is suffering from an acute abdominal condition?

The patient is lying on her side with her knees drawn to her chest.

When palpating the anterior portion of a patient's abdomen, you note tenderness to the left upper quadrant. As a knowledgeable EMT, you would recognize that which organ may be involved?


When you are obtaining information for the medical history, which of the following items would be significant for a patient with suspected cholecystitis?

Fried chicken and potato salad for dinner

Which of the following assessment findings is of most concern regarding a 36-year-old male with severe abdominal pain?

Blood pressure of 90/64 mmHg

Which of the following assessment findings on a patient complaining of abdominal and back pain would the EMT be most concerned about?

Pulsating mass above the umbilicus

Which of the following assessment findings would increase the EMT's suspicion of a gastrointestinal bleed?

Black semi-formed stool

Which of the following best describes the structure and function of the stomach?

A hollow organ that secretes digestive enzymes and fluids

Which of the following complaints would raise the EMT's suspicion that a female patient has a urinary tract infection (UTI)?

Burning sensation every time she urinates

Which of the following conditions would the EMT recognize as an acute abdominal emergency?

Rupture of the bladder

Which statement regarding abdominal pain would lead the EMT to suspect appendicitis?

The pain started around my belly button and slowly spread down to the right side of my belly.

While performing the secondary assessment on a patient's abdomen, you note a pulsating mass just above the umbilicus. Your next action would be to:

palpate the remainder of the abdomen gently.

You are by the side of a patient who states that he thinks he has a kidney stone. After assessing the patient, which of the following would force you to consider another cause of the patient's pain?

Tearing pain in the abdomen

You are providing continuing education for a group of EMTs. The topic is acute abdominal pain. What point would you stress when discussing the EMT's treatment of the patient with acute abdominal pain?

Definitive care for patients with abdominal pain is hospital evaluation and possible surgical intervention.

You are treating a woman with heavy vaginal bleeding. When estimating the blood loss, which of the following will be most useful to the EMT?

Total number of sanitary napkins used

You have been called for a 31-year-old male who experienced sudden left lower quadrant pain while lifting and moving a friend's couch to an upstairs bedroom. The EMT would recognize this history as suggestive of what type of abdominal injury?


You have been called for a patient with abdominal pain. The patient states that he recently had his gall bladder removed. As an EMT, you realize that:

his ability to digest fats is impaired.

You have been called to transfer a male patient from an out-patient clinic to the hospital. The patient has been diagnosed with peritonitis and requires transport to the hospital for definitive care. As a knowledgeable EMT, you would recognize which of th

The lining of the patient's abdominal cavity is inflamed.

You have been dispatched for a patient with severe abdominal pain. On scene, a 57-year-old male informs you that he has a past medical history of chronic pancreatitis, which has "flared up." Which of the following precipitating factors would the EMT ident

Consumption of 8 beers this afternoon

You have been dispatched to a residence for a patient experiencing an exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis. Which of the following chief complaints do you anticipate the patient having?

Severe pain

You suspect a patient with right lower quadrant pain may have appendicitis. The patient states that he has no health insurance and wants to refuse care and transport. He asks you what can happen if it is appendicitis and he does not go to the hospital. Yo

Your appendix could rupture, causing a major infection and shock.