chapter 8


the passageway by which air enters or leaves the body: the structures of the airway are the nose, mouth, pharynx,larynx, trachea, bronchi,bronchioles, and aveoli. p. 173

patent airway

an airway that is open and clear and will remain open and clear, without interference to the passage of air into and out of the lungs p. 174

head-tilt, chin-lift

a method of correcting blockage of the airway by the tongue by tilting the head back and lifting the chin: this method is indicated when no trauma, or injury, is suspected. p. 181

jaw-thrust maneuver

a method for correcting blockage of the airway by moving the jaw forward without tilting the head or neck: this method is indicated when trauma, or injury, is suspected to open the airway without casuing further injury to the spinal cord in the neck p.182

Oropharyngeal airway

a curved device inserted through the patient's mouth into the pharynx to help maintain an open airway. p183

Nasopharyngeal airway

a flexible breathing tube inserted through the patients nose into the pharynx to help maintain an open airway. p.183

gag reflex

vomiting or retching that may result when something is placed in the back of the pharynx: this is tied to the swallow reflex. p.184


use of a vacuum device to remove blood, vomitus, and other secretions or foreign materials from the airway. p.188

During respiraton, the movement of air into and out of the lungs requires that:

air flow be unobstructed and move freely

when a patient inhales, air enters the throat, which is divided into the:

nasopharynx,oropharynx, and laryngopharynx.

The hypopharynx is also called the:


The large leaf-life structure that protects the opening to the trachea is called the:


When we say that a patient is experiencing lower airway obstruction, it is likely that:

his bronchial passages or alveoli are congested.

signs of a potentially inadequate airway include all of the following.

-absent air movement.
-unusual hoarse or raspy sound quality to the voice.
-abnormal noises such as wheezing,crowing,or stridor.

an inadequate airway in a child is defined as:

retractions above the clavicles and between and below the ribs.

When you question an elderly woman with a respiratory complaint, she speaks in short, two- or three-word sentences. is this signifacant.

yes, she is probably very short of breath.

Your patient was the driver of a car that stopped suddenly when she hit a pole. She was not wearing her seatbelt and has a bruise on her neck. When you question her, she speaks very softly and seems to have a raspy voice. Is this significant or just a sig

yes, low volume and raspy tone could be due to airway swelling from neck or laryngeal trauma.

One indication that a child is experiencing inadequate breathin is that she:

has nasal flaring when breathing.

The very first step to aid a patient who is not breathing is to:

open the airway.

What is the importance of mechanism of injury (MOI) to airway care?

The procedure for opening the patient's airway is different in trauma.

To open the airway of a patient with a suspected head, neck, or spine injury, the EMT should use a ________ maneuver.


When performing the head-tilt, chin-lift maneuver, the EMT should:

position himself at the top of the patients head.

When performing the jaw-thrust maneuver, the EMT should:

-kneel at the top of the patient's head
-stabilize the patient's head with the forearms.
-use the index fingers to push the angles of the patient's lower jaw forward.

when in doubt:

suspect spine injury

The main purpose of the jaw thrust maneuver is to:

open the airway without moving the head or neck

An oral or nasal airway should be

used to keep the tongue from blocking the airway

If something is placed in the patients throat, the gag reflex causes the patient to:

vomit or retch.

An oropharyngeal airway of proper size extends from the:

corner of the patients mouth to the tip of the earlobe.

In an adult patient the oral airway should be inserted:

upside down, with the tip toward the roof of the mouth, then flipped 180 degrees over the tongue.

A nasopharyngeal airway should be:

measured from the patients nostril to the earlobe.

When inserting a nasopharyngeal airway, lubricate the outside of the tube with

a water based lubricant.

The purposes of suctioning may include removal of:

blood,vomitus, and other secretions.

When a patient begins to vomit, it is essential that you have a

suction unit.

You are treating a 29 year old female who has major airway problems. she has thick secretions and blood in her upper airway that needs to be suctioned wit ha Yankauer. What is true about the Yankauer suction tip?

it is used most successfully with responsive patients.

Of the Abnormal sounds that patients make when the airway is partially obstructed, which sound is typically high-pitched?

stridor is typically a high pitched upper airway sound.

Which sound may be due to a swelling airway or a developing respiratory burn?

hoarseness often develops due to partial airway swelling, such as from a respiratory burn of the airway.

Which primarily soft tissue can create impedance to flow of air?

snoring is a noise of the upper airway due to soft tissue creating impedance to the flow of air.

6 signs of inadequate airway.

-No signs of breathing or air movements.
-Evidence of foreign bodies in the airway, including blood, vomit, or objects such as broken teeth.
-No air can be felt or heard at the nose or mouth, or the amount of air exchanged is below normal.
-inability to s

Identify five indications for using airway adjuncts.

-Only use an OPA on patients who do not exhibit gag reflex.
-Open the patient's airway manually before using an adjunct device.
-When inserting the airway, take care not to push the patients tongue into the pharynx.
-Have suction ready prior to inserting

if the patient had no gag reflex what airway adjunct would you consider using how would you insert it?

An oropharyngeal Airway. Try inserting one of the appropriate size starting upside down and then flipping it 180 degrees over the tongue into the proper position.

If the patient vomits during ventilation with a bag mask device, what should you do?

Quickly turn the patient onto his side, remove the airway adjunct and BVM, and allow him to vomit. Make sure you clear out the airway so he does not aspirate vomitus into his lungs.

If the patient's pulse had not rapidly increased, should you have called for an ALS intercept.

Yes, consider an ALS unit. If one is not on scene when you are ready to transport, arrange an intercept en route to the hospital. ALS providers can intubate the patient and administer medication as needed.