Chest injuries ch.27

You arrive at the scene of a major motor vehicle crash. The patient, a 50-year-old female, was removed from her vehicle prior to your arrival. Bystanders who removed her state that she was not wearing a seatbelt. The patient is unconscious, tachycardic, a

laceration of the aorta

Common signs and symptoms of a chest injury include all of the following, EXCEPT:


Following a stab wound to the left anterior chest, a 25-year-old male presents with a decreased level of consciousness and signs of shock. Which of the following additional assessment findings should increase your index of suspicion for a cardiac tamponad

engorged jugular veins

Subcutaneous emphysema is an indication that:

air is escaping into the chest wall from a damaged lung.

Patients with rib fractures will commonly:

breathe rapidly and shallowly

Very young children tend to breathe predominantly with their diaphragm because:

their intercostal muscles are not fully developed.

A spontaneous pneumothorax would MOST likely occur as the result of:

exertion of a person with a congenital lung defect.

Pneumothorax is defined as:

accumulation of air in the pleural space.

Immediate death from blunt chest trauma following a motor vehicle crash is MOST often the result of:

traumatic aortic rupture.

The MOST critical treatment for a tension pneumothorax involves:

inserting a needle through the rib cage into the pleural space.

A spinal cord injury at the level of C7 would MOST likely result in:

paralysis of the intercostal muscles.

While jogging, a 19-year-old male experienced an acute onset of shortness of breath and pleuritic chest pain. He is conscious and alert with stable vital signs. Your assessment reveals that he has diminished breath sounds over the left side of the chest.

administer oxygen and transport to the hospital.

In order to avoid exacerbating a patient's injury, it is especially important to use extreme caution when providing positive-pressure ventilation to patients with a:


You respond to a residence for a 40-year-old female who was assaulted by her husband; the scene has been secured by law enforcement. Upon your arrival, you find the patient lying supine on the floor in the kitchen. She is semiconscious with severely labor

immediately request ALS support

Elevation of the rib cage during inhalation occurs when

the intercostal muscles contract.

A 37-year-old male was pinned between a flatbed truck and a loading dock. On exam, you find bruising to the chest, distended neck veins, bilaterally diminished breath sounds, and bilateral scleral hemorrhaging. You should:

aggressively manage his airway.

A 28-year-old male was struck in the chest with a baseball bat during an altercation. He is conscious and alert and complains of severe chest pain. Your assessment reveals a large area of ecchymosis over the sternum and a rapid, irregular pulse. In additi

prepare for immediate transport.

A flail chest occurs when:

a segment of the chest wall is detached from the thoracic cage.

A rapid, irregular pulse following blunt trauma to the chest is MOST suggestive of a:

myocardial contusion.

During your assessment of a patient with blunt chest trauma, you note paradoxical movement of the left chest wall. As your partner is administering oxygen to the patient, you should:

stabilize the chest wall with a bulky dressing.

Which of the following organs or structures does NOT reside within the mediastinum?


If a person's tidal volume decreases, but his or her respiratory rate remains unchanged:

minute volume will decrease.

If a person's tidal volume decreases, but his or her respiratory rate remains unchanged:


A 19-year-old male is unresponsive, apneic, and pulseless after being struck in the center of the chest with a softball. Based on the mechanism of injury, what MOST likely occurred?

Ventricular fibrillation when the impact occurred during a critical portion of the cardiac cycle

When assessing a patient with a hemothorax, you will MOST likely find:

signs and symptoms of shock.

Pleural fluid is contained between the:

visceral and parietal pleurae.

A flail chest occurs when

a segment of the chest wall is detached from the thoracic cage.

The ________ nerves control the diaphragm.


