20th cen us his final questions (chps 15, 16, 26, 27)

Who was the known as the "Father of Containment?

George F. Kennan

When World War II ended, Americans hoped for:

the "American dream" and the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of a consumer society

During his famous "iron curtain" speech, Winston Churchill:

called for a "fraternal association" of the English-speaking peoples to halt the Russans

The United States based postwar credit and loans on:

ideology and geography

By early 1946, Soviet officials

pictured the United States as globally aggressive and keeping a monopoly on atomic technology

George F. Kennan, American charg� d'affaires in Moscow, believed the Soviets:

needed a Western enemy to stay in power

After WWII, how did both Democrats and Republicans end any possibility of a return to isolationism?

They insisted that American troops remain deployed in a massive numbers throughout the world

The first place that the British and Americans confronted the Soviets was in


In March 1947, President Truman asked Congress to send military aid to:

Greece and Turkey

The Truman Doctrine commits the United States to:

stopping the spread of communism

When the United States presented a plan for an economically integrated Europe, the Soviet Union:

rejected the idea and refused to participate

Which statement best describes the Marshall Plan along with the Soviet's reaction to it?

The Soviet Union created its own version to incorporate Eastern European economies into the Soviet system

What led the Soviet Union to blockade land traffic to and from Berlin?

The United States began the process of creating a West German state

From 1945 to 1950, American foreign policy focused:

On rebuilding Western Europe and containing Soviet power there

The Rio Pact:

is considered the first Cold War alliance

What was President Truman's position on the creation of the state of Israel?

He actively supported it

Who won the 1950 Nobel Peace Prize for negotiating an end to the 1948 Arab-Israeli War?

Ralphe Bunche

What happened in China shortly after World War II?

The United States unsuccessfully tried to prevent a civil war

The United States responded to the Communist victory in China by:

refusing to recognize the Communist regime

In 1950, the National Security Council recommended:

increasing military spending by 400%

What was the situation in Korea when World War II ended?

The Soviets and Americans agreed to a temporary division of Korea

When the United States sent troops to Korea, it did so after:

it asked the UN Security Council to intervene

In June 1950, in infusion of American troops into Korea:

failed to halt the North Korean advance

Why did President Truman fire General MacArthur?

MacArthur had challenged Truman's presidential powers

By 1951, George Kennan's objection to the growing number of American commitments abroad:

was countered by policymakers stressing a global struggle against communism

By 1951, after fighting in Korea for nearly 3 years, most Americans:

wanted it to end

After World War II, President Truman:

called for expanding Social Security and re-energizing the New Deal

What happened to workers immediately after World War II?

Their incomes fell while their expenses rose dramatically

The Taft-Hartley Act:

legalized state-sponsored right-to-work laws

What did President Truman do in the area of civil rights?

He issued an executive order asking the military to integrate its forces

What happened during the 1948 presidential election?

The Democrats won even though they were divided

What did southern Democrats do in 1948 when their party endorsed civil rights?

Ran a separate "Dixiecrat" ticket

In 1949, what happened to the proposed creation of a national health system?

It was widely attacked for being "Communist

How did President Truman respond to charges that there were Communists within the government?

He instituted a loyalty program that fired 3,000 people for their political beliefs

Which statement best describes the House Un-American Affairs Committee investigation of Hollywood?

The Screen Actors Guild president testified that Hollywood unions were full of Reds

Alger Hiss was a:

former State Department official accused of being a Communist spy

The Smith Act:

made it a crime to belong to the Communist Party

During the Red Scare, the Supreme Court:

upheld a law that made it a crime to be a member of the Communist Party

Which statement best describes the Julius and Ethel Rosenberg spy case?

FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover opposed the death penalty for Ethel Rosenberg

Prior to embarking on his anti-Communist crusade, Senator Joseph McCarthy had:

invented a glorious war record for himself

Joseph McCarthy:

released faked photographs to attack his political enemies

Why did President Truman withdraw from the presidential race in 1952?

He lost the opening presidential primary to Senator Estes Kefauver

Which statement best describes suburbs after World War II?

Developers used building techniques developed during the war to produce prefabricated homes

Shelley v. Kraemer (1948):

barred the lower courts from enforcing restrictive covenants

Which statement best describes minorities' experiences after World War II?

Black Americans broke the color barrier in major league baseball (this is likely incorrect but I got no clue on this one fellas)

The American GI Forum:

attacked discrimination throughout the West and Southwest

Following World War II, Eleanor Roosevelt was most noted for her

role in creating the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights

[quote from the truman doctrine] The program described in this quotation was part of the foreign policy of


The Truman Doctrine was originally designed to

contain communism by giving aid to Greece and Turkey

Information provided by the graph indicates that the Marshall Plan tried to prevent the spread of communism in Europe by

restoring economic stability throughout Western Europe

[cartoon of eisenhower flying over stalin, mocking him] Which event of 1948-1949 is illustrated by this cartoon?

Berlin Airlift

The primary reason for the formation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in 1949 was to

protect Western Europe from the Soviet Union

[quote from the truman loyalty order] President Harry Truman issued this Executive order in response to the

fear of Communist Party influence in government

What was a cause for the investigations of the House Un-American Activities Committee in the late 1940s and the investigations of a Senate committee headed by Joseph McCarthy in the early 1950s?

the belief that there were Communist agents in the federal government

Which situation resulted from Senator Joseph McCarthy's search for Communists within the United States during the 1950s?

The reputations of many people were ruined by false accusations of disloyalty

Since the 1950s, the term McCarthyism has been applied to events that are related to

reckless accusations unsupported by evidence

In foreign affairs, the domino theory was mainly applied to

the Communist threat in Southeast Asia

The Eisenhower Doctrine (1957) was an effort by the United States to

counter the influence of the Soviet Union in the Middle East

In 1957, the United States government responded to the even described in this headline [sputnik launch] by

providing funds to improve the educational system in the United States

Which development following World War II caused the urban-suburban pattern shown in the diagram?

expansion of highways and automobile ownership

In a farewell message to the American public, President Eisenhower warned of the growth of the "military-industrial complex." This term refers to the

influence of defense contractors on Congress

Which constitutional idea was the basis for this Supreme Court decision [brown v board]?

equal protection of the law

Rosa Parks was honored at the March on Washington for her part in

bringing about the Montgomery bus boycott

The situation described in this statement [eisenhower sending troops to little rock] grew out of efforts to

enforce the decision in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka

What was the significance of the use of Federal marshals to protect African-American students in Little Rock, Arkansas, in 1957?

It showed that the Federal Government would enforce court decisions on integration

The information on the map supports the conclusion that African-American migration between 1940 and 1970 was mainly from the

South to the North