Corrections Chapter 9


Probation centers are where persistent probation violators reside for short periods of time.?


A day fine lets wealthier offenders off easier than it does the poor since those who have the means can escape formal punishment


Community service requires the offender to provide hours of free labor in a public place.?


Most correctional clients in the United States are under federal correctional authority. ?


Administrators of traditional correctional agencies (e.g., jails, prisons, probation) often argue that they should also administer intermediate sanctions. ?


A majority of Americans approve intermediate sanctions for most forms of nonviolent crime. ?


Judges may use a range of sanctions from those exerting a low level of ?control to those exerting a high level of control.

performance at each level of sentencing accountability.

Offender movement within the continuum of sanctions is contingent upon:?

different nets

Implementing intermediate sanctions has had three consequences. They include wider nets, stronger nets, and:?`


refers to a condition that establishes a sum of money that must be paid by the offender either to the victim or to a public fund for victims of crime.?


Proponents of boot camps argue that young offenders get involved in crime because they lack:?

reduce reliance on prisons

The concept of community corrections is best understood as a goal to:?


Americans have traditionally tended to equate which of the following with punishment??

intermediate sanctions.

The new movement that seeks to establish correctional programs falling between standard probation and prison is referred to as:?

low-risk offenders with relatively stable residences

Home confinement is best suited to:?

1 billion

Over dollars in fines is collected annually in the United States.?


Most sanctions in Western democracies do not involve: ?


__________ measurement makes sure programs are having their intended effects.?


________ practice is an approach to develop supervision and services-based initiatives based on ?studies of "what works" to reduce recidivism.

Community service restitution

_________________ is a type of sanction that requires the offender to provide a specified number of hours of free labor in some public service (e.g., volunteer work clean-ups). ?


The most widely used techniques of surveillance and control are established elements of _____ programs.?


In the United States is the most common criminal sanction used.?


Community service is for an injury to society by performance of service.?

day fine

refers to a criminal penalty based on the amount of income an offender earns in a day's work. ?