Postal Operations

FM 1-0 for Postal Operations 4-10

Postal Operations

Difference between Official Mail, accountable mail, personal mail, and redirect

Official mail orginates from mil or gov sources, accountable mail is (R,I,C, DC,RR, EMMS), personal mail is addressed to individuals and civlians, redirect services : cover official, accountable, and personal mail. Redirect is either individual redirect o

Official Mail

Official mail is mail that orginates from military or gov sources. Official mail is delievered from Postal PLT to official mail manager

Accountable Mail

Accountable mail is registered, insured, certified, delivery confirmation, and return receipt for merchandiseor express military mail service

Personal Mail

Personal mail is addressed to individual soldiers and civilians. Postal platoons receive and dispatch personal mail to appointed unit mail clerks

Redirect Services

Two types of redirect: individual and unit redirect. Done by unit mail clerk. Redirect services cover official, personal, and accountable mail

What AR covers postal operations?

AR 600-8-3 Covers postal operations

In FM 1-0, what are the roles and responsibilites of the Unit Mail Clerk?

The Unit Mail Clerk role is to.... the responsibility of the Unit Mail Clerk is to: Unit Mail clerks deliver mail to addresses, UMR level of sorting, Mail clerks coordinate with S-1s to maintain a accountability roster

Who appoints the unit mail officer on orders?

The CDR appoints the unit mail officer on orders

What are the Time frames for setting up postal operations?

48 hours it takes at least 48 hours to setup a postal platoon

What is the minimum time frame required for postal operations?

48 hours minimum to setup a postal platoon

As a unit mail officer, what are the requirements for inspections? How often? Do we do them?

Requirements are done once a month; AR 600-8-3, DOD 4525.6-M

What is the form to appoint mail clerks?

Form 285. The CDR Appoints mail clerks

What is casualty mail?


What are the Rules of Allocation?


What's required for an HR company to get X amount of postal platoons?



Military Mail Terminal Team provides postal support by receiving and dispatching mail. MMTs have mission command, hopes to establish JMMT, theater level postal mission


Joint Military Postal Activity 4-52:
JMPA is the single DOD point of contact POC with the USPS
JMPA coordinates: in host nation mail, mail movement, mail routing, supply requests, informs majors commands, and assists the US postal inspection

Mail Flow Figure 4-1, articulate


The Military Postal Service (MPS) serves as an extension of the

USPS United states postal service

What are unit mail clerks?

Unit mail clerks are appointed in writing by the CDR to ensure all mail is properly delivered to correct organization

Unit Mail clerks role and responsibilities

1. Proper delivery, 2. Receive from APO and sort to unit level, 3. Deliver mail to addresses, 4. Maintain an accountability roster of unit Soldiers, 5. Process and label redirect mail 6. Collect and deliver outgoing mail to APO 6. Establish directory card

Standard Mail Delivery Time from CONUS to JOA (Joint Operations Area) MMT (Military Mail Terminal) is 14 days

CONUS to JOA MMT team is 14 days

Rules of Allocation: ROA Postal PLT

1 per 6000 personnel, 4 per MMT team

MMT team

1 MMT per intertheater APOD, 1 per additional MMT beyond theater APOD

HR Company Postal Plans and Ops

1 Per HQ Co HQ with 1 or more Postal platoons

ROA Army post office

above 2500 personnel

Sattelite APO


Mobile Postal Mission

1,000 and below

JP 1-0 Soldier Work Load

1 soldier per 300 personnel


MPSA Military Postal Service Agency