Heating With Renewable Energy Chapter 2 Review

The daily usage of domestic hot water depends on which factors?

occupancy, type of water fixtures, water pressure, and time of year

What is the first step in designing a space heating system?

Calculate the design heating load of each room.

Where does domestic water heating rank in terms of largest energy consumption in a typical North American home?


A typical slab-on-grade foundation loses more heat to the ground below than to the air at the exposed edges of the slab.


What is the standard unit for representing the heat transfer characteristics of a window, door, or skylight?

unit U-value

Materials with higher R-values conduct heat more slowly than materials with lower R-values.


What is the typical effect of framing members that span across insulation cavities?

Framing members reduce the effective total R-value.

What is the maximum air leakage rate permitted in an Energy Star-certified house?

4 air changes per hour at 50 Pascals

What assumption can be made when using heating degree days to estimate seasonal energy consumption?

Heating is needed if outside air temperature drops below 65� F.

All building surfaces that separate heated space from unheated space are known as the thermal barrier.


What is a practical method to measure the air tightness of an existing or partially-constructed building?

blower door testing

An advantage of using heating load estimating software is that calculations may be saved for future use.


What is the best way to estimate peak hourly water demand in a household?

Discuss or monitor hot water usage patterns with the occupants.

When applying the degree day method, what correction factor is used to compensate for the effect of internal heat gains and warm-weather degree days?


Which term refers to the temperature contour lines found on a typical finite element analysis diagram?


Air film resistance represents the insulating effects of thin layers of air that cling to all surfaces.


How do you determine the total R-value of a composite (made up of several materials) assembly?

Add the individual R-values.

Which method is typically used to determine infiltration heat loss?

air change method

What measurement is directly proportional to the R-value of a material?

thickness of the material

What rating is assigned to all electric, gas, and oil-fired storage type water heaters sold in the United States

first hour rating