DENT 520 - Class II Amalgam Restorations: Matrix Systems, Amalgam Placement and Carving

purposes of matrix (5)

1. provide external wall to confine the amalgam so that adequate condensation forces can be applied
2. provide physiologic contour for the proximal surface of the restoration
3. reestablish contact with the adjacent tooth
4. restrict extrusion of the amal

what are the three matrix systems available at UM?

Tofflemire metal matrix
Compsi-Tight (Garrison Dental Solutions)

what is the most common matrix system used for class II amalgams?


2 parts to Tofflemire Matrix

1. retainer - reusable, resterilizable apparatus that holds the band
2. matrix band

4 parts of Tofflemire retainer

1. Head
2. Slide
3. Rotating Spindle
4. Set-Screw


U shaped end


diagonal slot

rotating spindle

adjust distance between the slide and head, increasing or decreasing the size of the band loop

set screw

tightens the band in the slide

head of tofflemire has what options for extension of matrix in what directions?

1. straight forward
2. 90 right
3. 90 left

the open side of the "U" must face

towards the gingiva when placed on the tooth to allow removal from an occlusal direction

the ends of the band extend ____ beyond the slot

1-2 mm

where should the slide be when inserting the band into the retainer slit?

near the head

function of the rotating spindle

adjusts the distance between the slide and the head which increases or decreases the size of the loop of the matrix band

function of set-screw

tightens/locks or loosens/unlocks the matrix band in the slide

original Tofflemire bands made out of

- stainless steel
- flat (various shapes and sizes)

what other type of bands can be used in Toffelmire retainer

1. dead-soft metals (no memory, retains shape)
2. precontoured (rounded)

what are the three thicknesses of Tofflemire bands

.0010, .00150, .0020

thicker bands ---

resist condensation better, but are harder to get into proximal contacts

what does contouring tofflemire do?

avoids flat, straight proximal contour and pinpoint contact area

No. 1 toffelemire

- universal
- most frequently used
- 6mm wide occlusogingivally

No. 2 tofflemire

MOD bands
- 2 humps on gingival side
- 10 mm wide occluso-gingivally

purpose of 2 humps on gingival side of MOD bands?

allow greater width of matrix band for deep proximal boxes where universal band would not extend past gingival margin

contraindications for use of No. 2 and No. 3 bands

do not use unless extra width band is needed for deep box
- is used inappropriately, band extends too high above marginal ridge and obscures access
- shape of band creates "funne" shaped proximal contour

Dixieland Bands fits into ____

Tofflemire retainer

benefits of dixieland bands: final contours

- more physiologic, less funnel-shaped
- thin and dead soft -- hold shape and do not spring back

indications for using Dixieland Bands

- difficult proximal contact
- cinches tighter at gingival margins better than No. 1 band when minimal tooth structure remains
- works well for class 2 composites

concave side of tofflemire is always oriented ____

towards gingiva, towards open end of the retainer head

open side of "U" shaped retainer is always oriented

towards the gingiva

wider circumference of the loop is oriented

towards the occlusal

smaller circumference of the loop is oriented towards

the gingiva

the retainer is always positioned on the tooth so that the set-screw is aimed

towards the anterior of the mouth, buccal side of the tooth

when would lingual placement of the retainer be indicated?

when the buccal surface of the tooth is being restored

orienting the loop at ____ is most common


what adjusts the size of the loop?

rotating spindle

options when matrix band will not slide through the contact on the unrestored side of the tooth

- new band
- thicker band
- wedge
- sectional matrix


- Garrison dental
- sectional matrix
- class 2 composites
- can also be used for amalgam

indications for composi-tight

- improves tightness of proximal contacts
- when opposite contact will not allow circumferential band to pass


- no retainer
- requires other equipment
- more expensive
- cut band to remove

indications for automatrix

- useful when tofflemire retainer prevents proper application, such as extensive missing tooth structure

two types of wedges


colored (anatomic) wedge sizes

Largest --> smallest
Natural wood
Natural wood
Now Put Big Yellow Gloves On Noam

wedge selection

pick a size and shape that corresponds to the size and shape of the gingival embrasure

if wedge is too small

may not seal margin well

if wedge is too large

may not fit in embrasure far enough to seal margin and may not stay in place

4 purposes of wedging

1. adapt and seal the matrix band against the gingival margin of the preparation
2. help stabilize the matrix band assembly on the tooth
3. establish shape of gingival embrasure
4. separate the teeth slightly to compensate for the the thickness of the mat

wedges are inserted from the ____

side of the tooth with the widest embrasure
- usually the lingual side
- can be inserted on both sides if necessary

MOD wedge situation

both mesial and distal

wedge must be positioned so its base is ____ to the gingival margin of the prep

- if the wedge is above the margin, it will not seal the margin and it will cave in the matrix band

if a precontoured matrix is not used, the band may be contoured with

a convex instrument before or after placement
- ball burnisher

bad must extent past and seal the

gingival margin of the preparation (by at least 1 mm)

band must extend a minimum of 1 mm higher than

the highest point occlusally (marginal ridge or cusps)
- allows overpacking

band should be properly contoured to reestablish

physiological tooth contours

band should establish

proximal contact with the adjacent tooth

band should be properly ____ and secure


if band is hung up on the gingival margin of the preparation

amalgam will be short of the true margin, leaving margin unsealed and improperly contoured

if matrix band is short of the gingival margin of the preparation

gap will be present while condensing; amalgam will extrude through opening creating an overhang
- if daylight, gingiva, or RD is visible between band and margin, it is NOT sealed

if rubber dam or gingiva is caught between the band and gingival margin of the prep

will leave open, unsealed marginal gap

if band does not completely seal the gingival margin of the prep

will create an amalgam overhang if not carved away

if the matrix band does not completely seal the gingival margin of the prep, what can be be done to correct it?

- different wedging technique
- different matrix band
- "buttering" wedge with warm compound

if wedge is placed improperly, it may leave

- margin unsealed
- matrix band unstable and may dislodge
- matrix improperly contoured

if band is not tall enough occlusogingivally to allow for overpacking of the amalgam

- insufficient occlusal height of amalgam, poor anatomical result
- fracture of MR upon band removal or carving
- correction by using a wider band

if band is placed upside down on tooth

- will be difficult to seal gingival margin
- poor anatomical contours

if band becomes loose or dislodges during condensation...

remove it and start over
- internal fractures of amalgam

rubber dam clamps to be used with matrix bands

- wingless clamp
- flat, pronged, W3
NOT "A" clamp - has downward projecting prongs, makes clamp sit higher on the tooth and interferes with matrix placement

danger of restoring adjacent surfaces at the same time

overbulking the contours of the one restored without a contact present

restoring multiple teeth in one area of the mouth at the same time

- saves multiple anesthetic injections
- saves multiple RD applications

if restoring a quadrant, prep and restore

every other tooth to maintain uncut adjacent tooth

if two adjacent proximal surfaces are prepared...

restore one first, then the other
- do not apply two matrix bands

restore the ____ prep first to maintain open proximal contacts for the second one

smallest (B-L width)

after matrix is placed on smallest prep to be restored, what should be done to to the adjacent proximal box?

pack cotton pellets in there to provide some resistance against displacement of the matrix band during condensation

before restoring the second tooth, what must be done?

carve the first restoration to establish proper proximal contour

when are liners and varnish placed in Class II amalgams?

prior to placing the matrix band
- avoids inadvertent application to the matrix band
- avoids pooling at cavosurface margins

bonding agents are placed in Class II amalgams

AFTER matrix band placement to prevent contamination, and so they do not set up before amalgam is placed

when should gross carving of the occlusal surface begin?

while the matrix band is still on and you are waiting for the amalgam to set enough to safely remove the band

what is the explorer used for in class II amalgam restoration?

removing excess amalgam bulk from the matrix band and MR area

if matrix band is removed too soon

amalgam may fracture upon removal

if matrix band is removed too late

amalgam may get too hard to carve

wedges should be removed

before removing matrix band

do NOT attempt matrix band removal before

removing excess bulk from MR, proximal margins, and matrix band
- may fracture upon removal

steps to matrix band removal

1. stabilize matrix with thumb, while loosening the set-screw and the rotating spindle with the other
2. once retainer is loose, gently pull the retainer occlusally to remove it, leaving band on tooth
3. stabilize MR of the restoration with a large conden

while stabilizing the marginal ridge with a large condenser

gently tease the band out of the restored contact area

pull band

facially or lingually, rather than occlusally to remove
- fingers/hemostat may be used

immediately after matrix band removal start carving ____

the hardest-to-reach areas/margins before the amalgam sets
- gingival margin
- buccal and lingual margins of the proximal box

what should be used to remove flash on the gingival margin?


if amalgam sets, what can be used to carve the gingival margin?

perio scalers
#12 blade

usually, lingual embrasure will be ____ than buccal


in normal occlusion, occlusal height should be

at same level as adjacent MR

ridge should be

concave in the center from BL

Class II restoration, what surface should be carved LAST?


how do we check proximal contact

floss should "snap" through contact and not shred