Med Surg 30 - Oxygen - Delivery Systems

Oxygen Delivery Systems

type of delivery system used depends on: oxygen concentration required by pt, oxygen concentration achieved by a delivery system, importance of accuracy and control of the oxygen concentration, patient comfort, expense to the patient, importance of humidi

Low Flow Oxygen Systems

do not provide enough flow of oxygen to meet the total oxygen need and air volume of pt; part of tidal volume Is supplied by breathing room air; total level of oxygen inspired depends on respiratory rate and tidal volume; Types: nasal cannula or prongs, s

Low Flow Oxygen Systems - Nasal Cannula or Prongs

used at rates 1-6 L/min; O2 concentration of 24% (1L)- 44% (6L); greater than 6 does not increase oxygenation because of anatomic dead space; often used for chronic lung disease and for and pt needing long-term oxygen therapy

Low Flow Oxygen Systems - Simple Facemask

used to deliver O2 concentrations of 40-60% for short-term oxygen therapy or in emergency; min flow of 5 L/min is needed to prevent rebreathing of exhaled air; care for skin under mask and strap to prevent skin breakdown

Low Flow Oxygen Systems - Partial Rebreather Mask

provide O2 concentrations of 60-75% with flow rates of 6-11 L/min; mask has reservoir bag but no flaps; with each breath, pt rebreathes 1/3 of exhaled tidal volume which is high in O2 and provides a higher fraction of inspired air; be sure bag remains sli

Low Flow Oxygen Systems - Non-Rebreather Mask

provides highest oxygen level of low-flow and can deliver O2 greater than 90% depending on pt breathing pattern; often used when resp status is unstable or who may require intubation; has one-way valve between mask and reservoir and 2 flaps over the exhal

High Flow Oxygen Systems

have flow rate that meets the entire oxygen need and tidal volume regardless of the patient's breathing patter; used for critically ill patients and when delivery of precise levels of oxygen is needed; delivers oxygen 24-100%; Types: venture mask, face te

High Flow Oxygen Systems - Venture Mask

delivers most accurate O2 w/o intubation; works by pulling proportional amount of room air for each liter flow of O2; adaptor located between bottom of mask and oxygen source; each adaptor uses different flow rate; humidification not needed; best used wit

High Flow Oxygen Systems - Face Tent

fits over chin, with tip extending halfway across face; oxygen level delivered varies, but tent is useful for facial trauma or burns

High Flow Oxygen Systems - Aerosol Mask

used when high humidity is needed after extubation or upper airway surgery or for thick secretions

High Flow Oxygen Systems - Tracheostomy Collar

used to deliver high humidity and the desired oxygen to the pt with tracheostomy

High Flow Oxygen Systems - T-Piece

special adaptor used to deliver any desired FiO2 to pt with tracheostomy, laryngectomy, or endotracheal tube

Noninvasive Positive-Pressure Ventilation

uses positive pressure to keep alveoli open and improve gas exchange without the need for airway intubation; used to manage dyspnea, hypercarbia and acute exacerbations of COPD, cardiogenic pulmonary edema, and acute asthma attacks; mask must fit tightly

Noninvasive Positive-Pressure Ventilation - CPAP

continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP); used to open collapsed alveoli; used for those with atelectasis after surgery or cardiac-induced pulmonary edema, COPD or sleep apnea