Chapter 14

What are the four phases of anesthesia?

~pre-induction, induction, maintenance, emergence and recovery

Intravascular monitoring

Fluid and electrolyte balance

Pulmonary artery catheter

Direct (invasive), Body temperature




Renal failure


Ventilation, Perfusion


Level of consciousness

Pulse oximetry

Ventilation, Perfusion

Malignant hyperthermia

Body temperature, Neuromuscular response

Intravascular volume

Fluid and electrolyte balance


Perfusion, Indirect (noninvasive)

Arterial blood pressure monitoring

Indirect (noninvasive)


Level of consciousness

Transesophageal monitoring

Perfusion, Indirect (noninvasive)

97 degrees to 99.5 degrees F

Body temperature


Body temperature, Neuromuscular response

Peripheral nerve stimulator

Neuromuscular response

__is an invasive airway that extends from the mouth to the trachea.

ET tube (Endotracheal tube)

__ provides passage between the nostril and the nasopharynx.

NPA (Nasopharyngeal airway)

__ is inserted over the tongue to prevent the tongue or epiglottis from falling back against the pharynx.

OPA (Oropharyngeal airway)

__ is inserted without the aid of a laryngoscope and fits snugly over the larynx.

LMA (Laryngeal mask airway)

The most crucial time for the patient with a difficult airway is during __

Intubation and extubation

The __ phase involves continuation of the anesthetic agent.


Post anesthesia care is provided in the __ phase.


During the __ phase, general anesthesia begins with loss of consciousness.


The __ phase is the cessation of the anesthetic.


During __ the patient is relaxed, and protective reflexes are lost.

Stage 3

__ begins with the administration of induction drugs and ends with loss of consciousness.

Stage 1

During what stage can anesthesia overdose resulting in severe respiratory and circulatory collapse occur?

Stage 4

During __ delirium ensues, marked by unconsciousness and exaggerated reflexes.

Stage 3

__ includes minimal, moderate, and deep sedation.

Conscious sedation

__ is induced with the drug ketamine.

Dissociative anesthesia

__ provides reversible loss of sensation in a specific area of the body without affecting consciousness.

Regional anesthesia

MAC stands for:

Monitored anesthesia care

A __ anesthetic is an injection into superficial tissue to produce a small area of anesthesia.


A __ anesthetic provides anesthesia to a specific area of the body supplied by a major nerve or nerve plexus.


A __ anesthetic is used on mucous membranes and on superficial eye tissue during ophthalmic surgery.


A(n) __ is injection of anesthetic into the intrathecal space.

Spinal block

A __ is a also known as Bier block.

Intravenous Block

A __ is produced when the anesthetic agent is injected into the epidural space.


When the body is in a balanced physiological state, it is in __.


Deep unconsciousness, such as that achieved during general anesthesia, results in the absence of protective mechanisms, such as __.

Blinking and shivering

The __ is responsible for management of postoperative pain.


Hospitals have individual check-in protocols, which may include all of the following details, except:

Religious preference

Which of the following is not considered part of the preoperative routine?

Sedative medication

Which of the following describes physiologic monitoring in the operating room?

A preoperative assessment of the patient's vital metabolic functions

Which of the following is not considered protective reflexes?


Electrocardiography (ECG) measures the:

Electrical activity of the heart

Normal body temperature is __

36 degrees to 37.5 degrees C

Which of the following would not be needed for a Bier block procedure?
