English unit 10th

media bias

unfair reporting and selection of stories


the style and level of language a media message uses


A(n)________is the voice of an unseen narrator, and it is often used to explain a product in a commercial or introduce the action in a television show.

media literacy

the ability to understand, analyze, and evaluate media message

camera angle

determines the perspective from which the audience views the subject in a media message.

it makes the subject appear smaller

what is the effect of a high-angle shot in a media message?


the selection of a camera shots to use in motion picture is called________.


A___________is a created or enhance sound added to a media message to make the action more realistic and to convey meaning and emotion


the process of analyzing a media message

print media

media that use text and images to convey messages by means of printed material.

internet media

media that includes websites, blogs, and social media sites that can be accessed through an internet connection


a general term that refers to the means of distributing information to large audiences

broadcast media

messages that are transmitted electronically over a wide area.

disadvantage of broadcast media

only received by those who tune in at a particular time.

bias by omission

involves excluding particular information that does not support the author's viewpoint.

special effect

A computer-generated image that is manipulated to enhance a motion picture.

bias by spin

media occurs when a media producer states his or her own opinion about objective facts.


A________is a catchy song used to advertise a product in a commercial


An illustration or picture of an object that shows the object's parts or how it works is called a__________.

an owner's manual for a car

procedural text example


what kind of tone should you use when communicating in the workplace?

to clarify the content and make it more understandable

what is the main purpose of using graphics in a procedural text?


the key to communicating effectively in a workplace is___________.

clear, direct language

Which of these should characterize the language you use to communicate in the workplace?


A(n)______is a printed message written for employees within an organization


A(n)________is message sent electronically through the internet

procedural text

A(n)_________ ______gives instruction for performing a task

a statement persuading the audience to complete the task

Not one of the most common features of a procedural text


your workplace communication should show an awareness of________and purpose

project plan

A document that maps the course of an upcoming project is called a(n)_______

to give instructions or explain a process to the audience

what is the purpose of a procedural text?


listening with the goals of evaluating what you hear is listening to________

presents information that expresses personal bias

Not describe an effective speaker


____________listening is casual listening that does not require any special effort


listening to_________involves listening to understand a person's thoughts, feelings, and situation


when giving a speech, use___________and interesting stories to keep your audience engaged


to_________means to work positively together on a project


__________listening requires your mind to be engaged while another person is speaking.


a good speaker looks for verbals and nonverbal reaction, or___________, from the audience and adjusts his or hers speaking accordingly.


a speech in which the speaker demonstrates how to do something.


a speech given to commemorate or honor a person or event


a speech that requires little preparation; nor rehearsed or memorized


a speech that aims to change the audience's mind or convince the audience to do something


a speech that has the purpose of giving information

Establish eye contact with the speaker and use appropriate facial expressions.

When listening to a speech, how can you let the speaker know you are listening?


When giving a speech you should _____ your words, or pronounce every syllable of a word clearly and precisely.


Listening to _____ is listening to understand and make sense of what you hear.

passive listening

Jada flips through a magazine while her little brother tells her about his class trip to the zoo. What kind of listening is she doing?

listening to comprehend

Brandon listens to his supervisor at work explain how to use a new computer program. What kind of listening is he doing?

Every group member has an opportunity to speak and contribute opinions.

Which of these describes a principle for positive group dynamics?

gain information

Listening to _____ is listening to gather facts about a person, event, thing, idea, or situation.