Vocabulary Weeks 7/8


(v) 1a. to insult especially to the face by behavior or language b. to cause offense to laws that ___________ society 2a. to face in defiance to encounter face-to-face 3. to appear directly before


(adj) 1a. warm air is more __________ than cool air: such asa: capable of floating b. cheerful, gay in a _________ mood c. capable of maintaining a satisfactorily high level


1. proper or rightly pertinent 2. having requisite or adequate ability or qualities 3. legally qualified or adequate a _________witness 4. having the capacity to function or develop in a particular way; specifically : having the capacity to respond (as by


(n) 1. the quality or state of disagreeing or being at variance 2. an instance of disagreeing or being at variance 3. a difference especially between things that should be the same 4. a difference between things that are expected to be the same


(adj) 1. of or relating to ethics __________ theories 2. involving or expressing moral approval or disapproval __________ judgments 3. conforming to accepted standards of conduct __________ behavior 4. restricted to sale only on a doctor's prescription


(vt) 1. to dispose or appoint in advance : predestine


(adj) 1. apprehensible by the intellect only 2. capable of being understood or comprehended jargon __________ only to the initiated 3. able to be understood; especially : clear enough to be heard, read, etc.


(adj) 1. variegated in color a __________ coat 2. made up of many different people or things a __________ crowd a __________ collection of junk 1. a woolen fabric of mixed colors made in England between the 14th and 17th centuries 2. a garment made of ___


(n) 1. a colored spot 2a. a surface having colored spots or blotches b. the arrangement of such spots or blotches on a surface 3. mosaic (spotted, having colored spots)


(adj) 1. present at all seasons of the year 2. persisting for several years usually with new herbaceous growth from a perennating part __________ asters 3a. persistent, enduring __________favorites b. continuing without interruption : constant, perpetual


(v) 1a. to restore to friendship or harmony b. settle, resolve __________ differences 2. to make consistent or congruous __________ an ideal with reality 3. to cause to submit to or accept something unpleasant was __________ to hardship 4a. to check (a fi


(adj) 3. singularly evil or productive of evil 4a. of relating to, or situated to the left or on the left side of something; especially : being or relating to the side of a heraldic shield at the left of the person bearing it


(adj) 1a. of or relating to the earth or its inhabitants __________ magnetism: mundane in scope or character : prosaic 2a. of or relating to land as distinct from air or water __________ transportation (1) : living on or in or growing from land __________


(adj) 1a. fatty, oily b. smooth and greasy in texture or appearance 2. plastic fine __________ clay 3. full of unction; especially: revealing or marked by a smug, ingratiating, and false earnestness or spirituality


(v) 1. to overcome in battle : subdue completely 2. to defeat in a conflict or contest 3. to gain mastery over (an emotion, passion, or temptation) __________ your fear


(adj) 1. governed or characterized by caprice : impulsive 2. unpredictable changing often and quickly; especially : often changing suddenly in mood or behavior 3. not logical or reasonable : based on an idea, desire, etc., that is not possible to predict


(vt) 1. to subject to severe punishment, reproof, or criticism 2. to criticize (someone) harshly 3. to punish or criticize harshly


(n) 1. secret agreement or cooperation especially for an illegal or deceitful purpose acting in __________with the enemy 2. secret cooperation for an illegal or dishonest purpose


(adj) 1. capable of existing together in harmony 2. capable of cross-fertilizing freely or uniting vegetatively 3. capable of forming a homogeneous mixture that neither separates nor is altered by chemical interaction 4. capable of being used in transfusi


(adj) 1a. existing at or dating from birth __________ deafness : constituting an essential characteristic : inherent : acquired during development in the uterus and not through heredity 2. being such by nature


(adj) 1. secret, occult 2a. having or seeming to have a hidden or ambiguous meaning : mysterious : marked by an often perplexing brevity 3. serving to conceal : exhibiting __________ coloration 4. not recognized 5. employing cipher or code


(n) respect and esteem due a superior or an elder; also: affected or ingratiating regard for another's wishes in __________ to 1. in consideration of


(adj) 1a. recurring every day __________ tasks : having a daily cycle __________ tides 2a. of, relating to, or occurring in the daytime : active chiefly in the daytime : opening during the day and closing at night


(adj) 1. sweet to the taste 2. pleasing to the ear 3. generally pleasing or agreeable


(n) 1. shameless boldness : insolence 2. a very confident attitude or way of behaving that is shocking or rude


(n) the quality or state of being agile : nimbleness, dexterity


(v) 1. to send forth new growth (as buds or branches) : sprout, bloom 2. to grow and expand rapidly : flourish


(n) 1a. something that fills up, completes, or makes perfect b. the quantity, number, or assortment required to make a thing complete c. one of two mutually completing parts : counterpart (v) to complete or enhance by providing something additional : to b


(n) 1. the act of making or perceiving a difference 2. the quality or power of finely distinguishing


(v) 1. to remove the contents of 2. to discharge from the body as waste 3. to remove something (as a gas or water) from especially by pumping


(n) 1. a furnace or a shop with its furnace where metal is heated and wrought 2. a workshop where wrought iron is produced or where iron is made malleable (v) produce a copy or imitation of (a document, signature, banknote, or work of art) for the purpose


(adj) 1. done by intention or design (intent - to plan, to do on purpose) 2. having external reference


(adj) 1. a very liberal in giving or bestowing 2. characterized by great liberality or generosity


(adj) 1. expressive of suffering or woe : melancholy


(v) 1. to set right : remedy 2. to make up for : compensate (to __________ grievances)


(v) 1. archaic: subside, abate 2. to become __________d : crumble (__________ing thirst)


(adj) 1. smoothly elegant : polished 2. USING FEW WORDS


(adj) 1. courageously resolute especially in the face of danger or difficulty


(adj) 1. lacking liveliness, empty headed


(adj) 1. marked by keen caution, cunning, and watchfulness especially in detecting and escaping danger


(adj) 1. subject to two or more interpretations and usually used to mislead or confuse 2. uncertain as an indication or sign 3. of uncertain disposition toward a person or thing : undecided


(n) 1. extensive knowledge acquired chiefly from books : profound, recondite, or bookish learning


(v) 1. to select (a passage) for quoting : extract 2. to take or publish extracts from (as a book) (n) a passage (as from a book or musical composition) selected, performed, or copied : extract


(v) 1. to creep with the face to the ground : crawl 2. to abase oneself


(adj) 1. hatefully or shockingly evil


(n) 1. extravagant 2. exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally


(adj) 1. not foreseeing and providing for the future


(n) 1. exemption or freedom from punishment, harm, or loss


(adj) 1. characterized by resolute fearlessness, fortitude, and endurance


(adj) having or exhibiting iridescence (iridescence - a lustrous or attractive quality or effect)