Of Mice and Men Study Questions (Whole book)

Slim and George have a long conversation. Slim says it's funny how George and Lennie go around together. What is George's answer? (Chapter 3)

Georges responds by explaining to Slim that Lennie has no other person to take care of him; hence George is responsible for Lennie's well-being. George admits that at times Lennie can be a burden at times but assures Slim that, "...you kinda get used to g

Identify Candy. (Chapter 3)

The character Candy, is basically a "swamper." He is an older man -worker on the ranch-that is missing a hand. He has an old dog that he raised from a small puppy. A significant moment of Candy's character is when he is urged to shoot his dog and put it o

What did Carlson do with his Luger? Why? (Chapter 3)

Carlson used his Luger to shoot Candy's old smelling dog. Carlson was fed up with watching the dying dog mope around and stink up everything. He felt it was time to put it out of its misery. (Chapter 3)

What card game does George play?

George plays the individual card game: solitaire.(Chapter 3)

Describe Curley's wife. What's the problem about her? How do the rest of the ranch hands view her? (Chapter 3)

Curley's wife dresses and acts like a prostitute and flirts with the men, according to the men. She does this because she is lonesome since Curley won't let her talk to anyone. She consistently coming around the bunkhouse and barn to flirt to the men. Typ

What will Lennie's job be when he and George get their land? (Chapter 3)

Lennie's job will be tending to the rabbits. (Chapter 3)

What does Candy want when he hears about George's and Lennie's plans? (Chapter 3)

Candy wants to be a part of George and Lennie's plan to find their own place and live independently. He feels he is not cared for and respected in the bunkhouse and wants to get out (especially after the death of his companion dog). (Chapter 3)

What is he (Candy) willing to contribute ( to George and Lennie's plans)? (Chapter 3)

Candy is willing to contribute three hundred and fifty dollars he has saved to the three of them finding their own place. He also promised to leave a will to Lennie and George (if they let umm come) that they could have if he "kicked off." (Chapter 3)

Why did Curley fight with Lennie? (Chapter 3)

Lennie is smiling, thinking about the land and the rabbits, at the same time Carlson and Candy were antagonizing Curley. Curley sees Lennie smiling and assumes he is laughing at him. (Chapter 3)

What happened ( in Curley's and Lennie's fight)? (Chapter 3)

Curley immediately begins punching Lennie, who remains with his hands at his sides until George commands him multiple times fight back. Lennie grasps Curley's hand, and although he wasn't intentionally trying to hurt him, crushes the hand severely, breaki

What "bad thing" did Lennie do at the beginning of chapter 5? What is he concerned about because of this? (Chapter 5)

At the beginning of the Chapter, Lennie accidentally killed Slims puppy. The puppy tried to bite Lennie so he "jokingly" slapped him in the face- accidently using too much strength and killing it. Lennie is concerned, because he is afraid that he did "som

What does Curley's wife tell Lennie that she never told anyone before? Why do you think she tells him this? (Chapter 5)

Curley's wife explains to Lennie that a man once told her that she could been actress in movies. She tells Lennie this I what she wants to do, and could have done it. Furthermore, Curley's wife reveals that she doesn't like Curley; and she only married hi

Lennie also confides in Curley's wife. What does he tell her about himself? What event does this cause to happen? (Chapter 5)

Lennie, probably feeling comfortable after Curley's wife revealed personal things to him, tells her that he likes to pet soft things. Feeling understanding, Curley's wife let Lennie feel her hair. As Lennie touches her hair, Curley's wife complains that h

What is Carlson missing at the end of chapter 5? (Chapter 5)

At the end of Chapter 5, Carlson is missing his gun and Curley believes Lennie stole it. (Chapter 5)

Describe what Curley's wife looked like after she died (page 93). (Chapter 5)

Curley's wife looked pretty and simple. The impulse and ache for attention were gone from her face. Her face looked sweet and young. Curley's wife's lips are parted, and her thick-curled hair lies behind her head. She has color in her cheeks and her lips,

What word best describes George as he is talking to Lennie in chapter 6? (Chapter 6)

When George is talking to Lennie before he kills him, it is clear that George is talking forcibly calm, slowly, carefully, and emotionally. In the same sense, George exhibits a shaky tone that represents his uneased feelings. George is frightened, and hes

Who finds Curley's wife? What does he immediately do? Why do you think he does this? (Chapter 5)

Candy is the first one to find Curley's wife. Immediately, Candy gets George because he knows George is his and Lennie's friend and he anticipate that Lennie probably had something do with this. Ultimately Candy probably asks this because this was his dre

What important question does Candy ask George? What is George's answer? Why do you think George answers as he did? (Chapter 5)

Candy immediately asks George if they can still get and live the house and ranch. George explains that he initially thought it was possible because he talked about it so much. But in reality, he knew they'd never actually do it. I think George created thi

At the end of the chapter, what is each character doing? (Candy, Curley, Carlson, Whit, George) (Chapter 5)

Candy is watching over Curley's wife while the other men are after Lennie.
Curley has a gun, is really angry and is trying find Lennie and shoot him.
Carlson went with Curley to find Lennie and kill him. Carlson took Crooks' gun with him.
Whit, listening

What lie does George tell Slim? Why do you think he tells Slim that lie even after he tells Candy that he knew what would have to happen to Lennie? (Chapter 5)

George tells that Slim that Lennie would probably go south even though Lennie is hiding in the brush, which is north. George does not want to give up where Lennie is. George might have the hope that they can try to run away again. It seems as though Georg

Practice Time: Put the following events in order (1-8)
_____Lennie shakes Curley's wife so that she stops screaming.
_____Lennie runs away to hide under the brush.
_____Curley's wife tells Lennie to stop and he won't.
____Lennie takes the dead puppy to hi

(Chapter 5)

Write down 1 quote from the beginning of chapter 6 that shows that Lennie does not realize how severe his actions in chapter 5 really were. (Chapter 6)

I di'n't forget, you bet, ********. Hide in the brush an' wait for George" (100) Lennie does not realize how seriously he messed up. After Lennie murders Curley's wife, he simply believes that if he hides in the brush and waits for George to come, everyt

What is Aunt Clara symbolic of in Chapter 6? (Chapter 6)

In chapter six, Aunt Clara appears from Lennie's imagination and explains to Lennie that he doesn't appreciate George. She tells Lennie that George does all these nice things for him and in return Lennie is unappreciative and does bad things. In this situ

What is the talking rabbit symbolic of in Chapter 6?(Chapter 6)

Throughout the story, Lennie reverts to thoughts of rabbits whenever he fears that he messed up. The talking rabbit from Lennie's imagination tells Lennie that George is going to leave him. The rabbit is essentially mocking Lennie for all the times he mes

On page 106, George explains something to Lennie, something that he has never told him before. What does he tell him, and why is this an important statement for George to make?
(Chapter 6)

George tells Lennie that he's not mad and he's never been mad at Lennie. It is important for George to tell this to Lennie because he wants Lennie to be calm and he wants Lennie to be happy. However, George also uses this reassurance to calm himself down,

What lie does George tell to Carlson at the end of chapter 6? Why do you think George tells this lie? (Chapter 6)

George tells Carlson that Lennie had his gun, indicating that Lennie stole the Lugar from Carlson. In reality, George took Carlson's gun and used it to kill Lennie. Most likely, George lies initially to justify his act of shooting Lennie (it would be most

Looking back now, what does Candy's dog symbolize? Complete the following chart: (Chapter 6)
Comparison (Candy's Dog and Lennie)
What do they look like?
Why are they loved?
How did they end? **comment on whose ending was better
Why did they have to die?

(Chapter 6)
Candy's Dog and Lennie
What do they look like?
Old, shaggy, unhealthy
Smells awful
Blind, pale, old eyes
Big, huge man
Large, pale eyes
Strong, not bright
Compared to a bear, an animal
Why are they loved?
-Candy has had the dog sinc