theology unit 2 quiz

Know the significance of the terms and titles Immanuel, Incarnation, and Christ

Immanuel means god with us, incarnation means in the flesh, Jesus, yeshua meaning god saves, christ means anointed one,

Know why calling some one the son of god was scandalous and against roman rule.

because it was unlawful to call a man son of god. It was a political threat.

Know that the term "Son of God" is a theologically scandalous claim for Muslims

because god can not begotten nor can he beget. He can not reproduce

Know the parallel between God's creating the world without recourse sexual reproduction, and his decision to enter the world in a similar manner

Note that just as God creates the world w/o using sexual reproduction (unlike many other ancient creation myths), God also 're-creates' the world through Jesus, who is born of the virgin Mary (and thus also aside from sexual reproduction)

Be able to identify the figures and the significance of the drawing of Eve and Mary

Eve is looking at Mary because she is carrying the person who will save the world. She is stepping on the snake which means she is killing the evil. They are in the garden of eden. eve is sorrowful because she brought in the evil.

Know that Mary is referred to as

God-bearer" and that this title implies that Jesus is God

Know that the term "passion

refers to the last moments of Jesus' life - especially his crucifixion - and that it literally means "suffering

know who pontius pilate was, and why the jewish leaders had to rely on pilate's permission to crucify Jesus

Roman governor and he was the supreme judge. he was the one who had the authority to execute crimminals

Know the two main purpose of a crucifixion

(to maximize pain, and make a public example of someone considered to be a threat to the empire)

know the term "harrowing of hell

he descended into hell, Jesus was one of the only people to be said that actually went to hell. It symbolized baptism

know the four pieces of evidence for christ's resurrection

Facts report that jesus's tomb was empty, there are recorded accounts that say Jesus was seen after his death, the gospel says the first people to see was women, all of the apostles died for the claim that Jesus was resurrected

know why the resurrected jesus is not a zombie or a ghost (seriously!)

zombie is a living death jesus is everlasting life and has a body

know the significance of the ascension

it is when jesus became our intercessor, he entered the most holy place of all to stand before God for us

know where Jesus is right now, according to christian faith

in heaven at the right hand of god

Poetry line:

He met the devil as a roaring lion
And still refused to turn these stones to bread,
Choosing instead, as Love will always choose

Know the four things that distinguish the Genesis creation account from others

God does not make humanity through sexual reproduction. God created it out of speech. He doesn't need sexual reproduction. He created it.
The creation of earth is peaceful there is no violence
This shows that the humans are meant to be working the humans

Know that the term "the fall

often designates the moment when the early humans decided to determine what good and evil was for themselves, instead of relying on God's judgment Adam and eve eat the forbidden fruit.

Be able to identify the term "original sin

The fancy theological phrase which indicates that this moment of rebellion is something that all of humanity gets caught up in is

Be able to identify how the term "exile" connects the result of the fall with the universal condition of humanity and Jesus' ministry

exile is a human condition. it is that feeling of alienation and longing for something more no matter where you live. we keep repeating this pattern of human corruption leading to a Babylon that we can't escape

Know that it's theologically wrong to refer to the church like

it's a building or event (e.g. "going to church") instead of as a person

Know how the church can be called "holy" even when it doesn't look or act holy all the time

(because it belongs to Jesus, who makes it holy)

Know that the church is "catholic

because it is united and whole geographically, sociologically, and historically

Be able to identify the four views on hell we covered today in class

External conscious punishment. It is forever and that we are aware of it and painful.
Purgatory: it is like a not permanent holding cell so that they can get ready to go to heaven, like cleaning oneself. temporary holding cell to work out problems.

Know that there are more than four different words for "hell" in the Old and New Testaments

Gehenna, hades, Tartarus, and sheol (lake of fire?)

Know that - according to the Apostle's Creed Jesus did what

Jesus visited hell between his crucifixion and resurrection

Be able to identify and explain your own view on hell in relation to the four views above

Purgatory: I believe that we all go to purgatory after we die and that we get a chance to better ourselves so that we may be in heaven with god. I believe that we get a chance to prove ourselves to god and by spending time in purgatory I see that we will

Be able to identify the definition of the word pneumatology

Doctrine or Study of the Holy Spirit. Pneuma means spirit and wind or breath. So does Ruach

Know that the Hebrew and Greek word for "spirit

ruach can also mean "wind" or "breath

Know that the sacrament of baptism signifies

the Holy Spirit entering into the individual Christian, attaching them to Christ's own resurrected life

Know that the Holy Spirit is

God's Presence dwelling in the individual believer, making them a "mini-temple

Be prepared to compare and contrast TWO of these soteriologies in a short-essay response. (Hint: you should probably go back and read one of the other readings that you weren't assigned in your group)

soteriologies = atonement
Ireneaus: Jesus is the reason that we have a relationship with God. He uses obedience. The cross. He is like the middle man that gave use the connection to God. Put away the old disobedience. Label: recapitulation (do-over) to su

Know that the word "gospel" means

good news

Be able to identify the four metaphors for sin

Depth. Sin is in the state of owing something to God. State of owing something to something else. Not a fun position. You can inherit dept.
Cancer. It just spreads and spreads in a way that is unsee. It grows in a really hidden way that makes it destructi

Be able to explain how one of these metaphors illustrates "original sin" (or in other words: how does this metaphor show how sin is something that an indivudal can inherit and get "caught up" in?), repentance

(acknowledging the condition you're in, and asking for help), AND grace (in other words, what is the free gift that would be involved in relation to the 'sin' of debt, cancer, addition, slavery - and what would a grateful response entail if someone restor

Be able to identify what I'm suggesting in this class in order to replace notions that Jesus wants you to "believe in him" and let him operate as your "personal savior

He wants you to believe that he is the true king and live you life out of loyalty. He talks about how the kingdom is on earth rather than dying and going to heaven.

know that in the gospels jesus' crucifixion is depicted as

his enthronement (or coronation) as king, and that it invites people's allegiance to him

Explain the difference of the gospel and religion according to Tim keller. Find it in the book

religion is salvation through moral effort, i obey therefore i am accepted by God.
gospel is salvation through grace, i am accepted by God because of what Christ has done therefore i obey.

Be able to identify the three ways that language is significant for theology

1) God creates the world through his speech (Genesis 1) 2) Jesus is called the Word 3) The Bible is also called God's word

know the two different ways of conceiving of the relationship between language and theology, and the words for these

______cataphatic________: a term that is used to refer to a style of theology which stresses the "positive" view of language's ability to describe God; it is sometimes called "the way of affirmation"
_______apophatic_______: a term used to refer to a styl

Be able to fill out the diagram on p.53 of your Gonzalez and Perez textbook.


Be able to identify the definition of the word heresy

A _____heresy_______ is a belief the church community has deemed to be an inconsistent, insufficient, or erroneous interpretation of God's revelation

Be able to identify the word "eschatology

The study of the last thing. revelation.

Be able to explain and/or identify that the Christian hope is not about

dying and going to heaven", but about anticipating and preparing for Christ's Kingdom to reign "on earth as it is in heaven

Know how today's lesson connects with the theme of temple

There is no need for a temple because god is here, gods desire to be with the people called isreal

the three aspects of faith?

it has to be in something, it has to lead to action and it doesn't take much