theology 1030 test 1

ask questions

to be human is to...

the mystery of evil, the mystery of good, and the riddle of the challenges facing us today

what prompts or forces people to ask questions?


human existence is a...


the deepest question of all is the question we are to...

Karl Rahner

what theologian said "To be human... is ever to be a seeker of answers"?


what is an example of a challenge we face today?

Blaire Pascal

what French philosopher / scientist said that humans are caught between grandeur and misery?


what belief holds that there is no God?

Albert Camus, Karl Marx, Friedrich Nietzsche, and Sigmund Freud

who were the four modern thinkers who caused reason and denied the existence of God?

Albert Camus

which atheist thinker said that everyone experiences existence as a stranger in the world, the whole of existence as a death-dealing plague, and the most appropriate response to the human condition as out - and - out rebellion?

Karl Marx

which atheist thinker saw the Christian religion of his culture as the principal obstacle to justice for all?

Friedrich Nietzsche

which atheist thinker believed that God was oppressive and that atheism was the only way to be free?

Sigmund Freud

which atheist thinker viewed "God" as a mere projection of human need?


the position in which someone is unsure of the existence of God?

the sinfulness of the churches

a common reason for atheism and agnosticism is what?


the belief in God

John Henry Newman

which 19th century philosopher was familiar with former proofs of the existence of God and arrived on a theory of the convergence of probabilities as well as his claim that theism is an illative sense?

signs of transcendence

this massive mystery of a world, the experience of beauty and goodness, the testimony of conscience, the trustworthiness of reality, the testimony of time, the witness of outstanding human beings, the spiritual power of faith-filled lives, and our own rel

prominent contemporary figures

Karl Rahner (God at the edge of consciousness) Paul Tillich (God in the depth of things), and Hans Kung (God in the trustworthiness of reality)

Old Testament

Hebrew Bible

New Testament

Jesus's word

Bible vs. nature

direct vs. indirect


books"; the source of God's revelation


revelation because with who?


revelation came to an end in and through who?


spoke on behalf of God

masculine or feminine

personal images in the Bible can be what?


Jesus's favorite name for God is...


who introduced the image of God as husband or lover?


daddy or papa

our maturity, the maturity of society, and our access to revelation

our knowledge on revelation is based on...

Christian designation

the Old and New Testaments are what?

3 times

how many times longer is the OT than NT?

Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek

original languages of the Bible

divine inspiration

God inspired the people who wrote the Bible and gave them insight


primary author


secondary authors

verbally (oral tradition)

before the Bible was written, they were told...


mark, luke, matthew, and john

get insight of God

stories and images are used to...


Greek for "way of being


one God, three ways of being

because bad things happen to good people

why do many deny the existence of God?

late 50s

scientific reason for denying the existence of God


historical but cannot be historically verified


no definition or final description of God

Genesis 1


Genesis 2
