Unit 3 - Middle Ages

The new capital of the Byzantine Empire was the city of:


The Byzantine Empire flourished under this Emperor


This law code included Roman law, legal writings, and was the basis of the Roman Catholic Chuirch

Justinian Law Code

Constantinople prospered because

It controlled key trade routes

The divide between the Eastern and Western Church was known as

Great Schism

The decline of the Byzantine Empire was due to which of the following

All of the above

What modern country is influenced due to the location along key trade routes?


People learned to farm; build cities; domesticate animals; and developed civilizations during

Neolithic Revolution

What was the vast trade network of caravan routes from China to Central Asian known as?

Silk roads

What is the beief in many Gods?


Which is a charateristic of a civilization?

Advanced cities

After the fall of the Roman Empire the time betweeen 500 to 1300 was known as?

Dark Ages

One result of the fall of the Roman Empire was

Europe was divided into Germanic Kingdoms

After Clovis united the Franks, what did he do that affect Europe for centuries?

Converted the Germanic peoples to Christianity

Charles Martel's victory at Tours in 732 was critical because

It stopped the spread of Islam

Charlemagne's being named Roman Emperor was significant becuase

It united Church and State into the Holy Roman Empire

After Charlemagne's death, the Treaty of Verdun

Divided Charlemagne's Empire into thirds

Feudalism is a political and economic system based on

Land holding and protective alliances

The system of behavior that included protecting the weak ,loyalty to a feuda Lord and chosen lady was known as

Code of Chivalry

Epic poems and songs were used to

Tell of a hero's deeds and adventures

Siddhgartha Gautama founded this relion the believes The Four Noble Truths


The Old and New Testaments are the sacred texts for this religion


This was the first major religion to embrace montheism


This Religion is based on the Five Pillars


In this religion Karma, the totality of a person's good and bad deeds affect their fate in the afterlife


The concept of democratic government began in this city-state


The lasting influence of Alexander the Great was

Hellenistic culture, which spread over the areas Alexander conquered

How is the influence of ancient Greece seen in today's world?

Buildings and architecture

What does the word "democracy" mean?

Rule by the people

An archaeologist studes

Things people have left behind

Why was a period of the Roman Era called "Pax Romana

It was a time of peace and prosperity

England's King Henry II issued the "Constitutions of Clarendon", why were the important?

It spelled out the KIng's traditional rights

The Magna Carta (Great Charter)

Was a written agreement that limited the Kings power and strengthend the Nobel's rights

With decline of Feudalism political power shifted to

Common people

What were the Crusades?

A series of attempts to gain Christian control of the Holy Land

What is the Holy Land?

Jerusalem and the area around it

What was the economic effect of the Crusades?

Returning Crusaders broght back good s the Europeans wanted, so trade imcreased

What social changes did the Cursades Create?

People became intolerant, non-Christians were viewed as enemies and Jews were persecuted

What was the Black Death

The bubonic Plague

Why was the Black Death so widespread?

It was fleas on rats

What impact did the Black Death Have?

So many people died it created a labor shortage so serfs got more rights

What two countries fought the 100 years war?

England and France

What is nationalism?

Pride andsense of belonging to one's country

What is the Renaissance?

Rebirth of interest and learning

Why did the Renaissance being in Italy?

It had been the ceter of the Roman Empire

What history chaging invention helped the Renaissance movement?

The printing press

What was the Reformation?

Movemnt in Christianity known as Protestantism

Why did Marin Luther object to selling Indulgences?

He did not think people shoud be able to buy their way into heaven

What were Martin Luther's 95 Theses?

95 arguments against indulgenes

Why did King Henry start the English Reformation?

He wanted to divorce his wife and the Pope would not let him