theology midterm


The tendency of all human beings toward sin, as a result of Original Sin.


A story that explains something's cause or origin

The Fall

Also called the Fall from Grace, the biblical Revelation about the origins of sin and evil in the world, expressed figuratively in the account of Adam and Eve in the book of Genesis

Literal Sense

A form of biblical interpretation that considers the explicit of the text. It lays the foundation for all the other senses of Sacred Scripture

Literary Forms (genres)

Different kinds of writings determined by their literary techniques, content, tone, and purpose

Original Holiness

the original state of human beings in their relationship with God, sharing in the divine life in full communion with him

Original Justice

the original state of Adam and Eve before the Fall, a state of complete harmony with themselves, with each other, and with all of creation

Original Sin

From the Latin "origo", meaning beginning or birth. This term has two meanings: (1) the sin of the first human beings, who disobeyed God's command by choosing to follow their own will and thus lost their original holiness and became subject to death, (2) the fallen state of human nature that affects every person born in to the world except Jesus and Mary

Paschal Mystery

The work of salvation accomplished by Jesus Christ mainly through his Passion, death, Resurrection and Ascension


The fallen angel or spirit of evil who is the enemy of God and a continuing instigator of temptation and sin in the world

Spiritual Sense

A form of biblical interpretation that goes beyond the literal sense to consider what the realities and events of Sacred Scripture signify and mean for salvation


An invitation or enticement to commit an unwise or immoral act that often includes a promise of reward to make the immoral act seem more appealing


A Hebrew word meaning "law", referring to the first five books of the Old Testament

Ark of the Covenant

A sacred chest that housed the tablets of the Ten Commandments, placed within the sanctuary where God would come and dwell

New Covenant

the Covenant or Law established by God in Jesus Christ to fulfill and perfect the Old Covenant or Mosaic Law. It is a perfection here on earth of the Divine Law. The law of the New Covenant is called a law of love, grace, and freedom. The New Covenant will never end or diminish, and nothing new will be revealed until Christ comes again in glory


The second coming of Christ as judge of all the living and the dead, at the end of time, when the Kingdom of God will be fulfilled


Based on the word "messenger", a personal and immortal creature with intelligence and free will who constantly glorifies God and serves as a messenger of God to humans to carry out God's saving plan


The act, required by Jewish Law, of removing the foreskin of the penis. Since the time of Abraham, it has been a sign of God's covenant relationship with the Jewish people


An alliance of tribes or nations with no central authority

Holy Spirit

The Third Person of the Blessed Trinity, the personal love between the Father and the Son, who inspires, guides, and sanctifies the life of believers


A government or a state headed by a single person, such as a king or a queen. As a biblical term, it refers to the period of time when the Israelites existed as an independent nation


the father or leader of a tribe, clan, ar tradition. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob were the patriarchs of the Israelite people


the belief in many gods

Primeval History

the time before the invention of writing and recording of historical data

Sacred Scripture

the Sacred writings of the Old and New Testaments, which contain the truth of God's Revelation and were composed by human authors inspired by the Holy Spirit

Sacred Tradition

Tradition comes from the Latin "Tradere", meaning to hand on. Sacred Tradition refers to the living process of passing on the Gospel message. It began with the oral communication of the Gospels by the Apostles, was written down in Sacred Scripture, and is interpreted by the Magisterium under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Both Sacred Tradition and Sacred Scripture have as their common source in the revelation of Jesus Christ and must be equally honored


Our spiritual principle, it is immortal, and it is what makes us most like God. Our soul is created by God at the moment of our conception. It is the seat of human consciousness and freedom


God's manifestation of himself in a visible form to enrich human understanding of him. An example is God's appearance to Moses in the form of a burning bush


From the Latin, "trinus", meaning threefold, referring to the central mystery of the Christian faith that God exists as a communion of three distinct and interrelated Divine Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The doctrine of the Trinity is a mystery that is inaccessible to human reason alone and is known through Divine Revelation only

Analogy of Faith

the coherence of individual doctrines with the whole of Revelation. In other words, as each doctrine is connected with Revelation, each doctrine is also connected with all other doctrines

The Eucharist

Also called the Mass or The Lord's Supper; Based on a word for "thanksgiving", it is central Christian liturgical celebration, established by Jesus at the Last Supper. In the Eucharist, the sacrificial death and Resurrection of Jesus are both remembered and renewed. The term sometimes refers specifically to the consecrated bread and wine that have become the body and blood of Christ


The act of atoning for sin and wrongdoing


latin for "Let It Be Done, the words that mary spoke to the Angel Gabriel at the Annunciation

Immaculate Conception

The dogma that the Virgin Mary, from the moment of her conception, by a singular grace of God, was free of Original Sin and remained free from personal sin throughout her entire life

Kingdom of God

The culmination or goal or God's plan of salvation, the Kingdom of God is announced by the Gospel and present in Jesus Christ. The Kingdom is the reign or rule of God over the hearts of people and, as a consequence of that, the development of a new social order based on unconditional love. The fullness of God's Kingdom will not be realized until the end of time. Also called the Reign of God or the Kingdom of Heaven


The night the Lord passed over the houses of the Israelites marked by the blood of the Lamb and spared the firstborn sons from death. It is also the feast that celebrates the deliverance of the Chosen People from bondage in Egypt and the Exodus from Egypt to the Promised Land

Son of Man

A Messianic title from the Book of Daniel, used to describe a figure who receives authority over other nations from God; The only messianic title in the Gospels used by Jesus to describe himself


A Greek title for Mary meaning "God Bearer

Paschal Lamb

In the Old Testament, the sacrificial lamb shared at the Seder Meal of the Passover on the night the Israelites escaped from Egypt; In the New Testament, The Paschal Lamb is Jesus, the Incarnate Son of God who dies on a cross to take away the sin of the world


The sufferings of Jesus during his final days of life; his agony in the garden at Gethsemane, his trial, and his Crucifixion


From the Latin redemptio, meaning a "buying back"; to redeem something is to pay the price for its freedom. In the Old Testament, it refers to Yahweh's deliverance of Israel and, in the New Testament, to Christ's deliverance of all Christians from the forces of sin. Christ our Redeemer paid the price to free us from the slavery of sin and bring about our redemption


the biblical event in which the Archangel Gabriel visits the Virgin Mary to announce that she is to be the Mother of the Savior


Specially prepared priests to whom the spiritual care of a group of people, such as hospital patients, military personnel, or migrants, is entrusted


The virtue by which people are able to successfully and healthfully integrate their sexuality into their total person; recognized as one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit; Also one of the vows of religious life


Having to do with the branch of theology called Christology. Christology is the study of the divinity of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and the second Divine Person of the Holy Trinity and his earthly ministry and mission


The "inner voice", guided by human reason and divine law, that enables us to judge the moral quality of a specific action that has been made, is being made, or will be made. This judgement enables us to distinguish good from evil, in order to accomplish good and avoid evil. To make good judgements, one needs to have a well formed conscience


The act of freeing someone from demonic possession. Exorcisms are also a part of the Church's worship and prayer life, calling on the name of Christ to protect us from the power of Satan


to represent or prefigure a person before his or her life or an event before it occurs


From the Latin meaning "to become flesh", referring to the mystery of Jesus Christ, the Divine son of God, becoming man. In the Incarnation, Jesus Christ became truly man while remaining truly God

Poverty of Heart

The recognition of our deep need for God and the commitment to put God above everything else in life, particularly above the accumulation of material wealth

Synoptic Gospels

From the Greek for "seeing the whole together", the name given to the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke because they are similar in style and content


the "going up" into Heaven of the Risen Christ forty days after his Resurrection


A state of eternal life and union with God, in which one experiences full happiness and the satisfaction of the deepest human longings


The state of permanent separation from God, reserved for those who die in a state of mortal sin, that is, who freely and consciously choose to reject God to the very end of their lives

Particular Judgement

the judgement that occurs immediately at the time of our death, when our immortal souls will be judged as worthy or unworthy of Heaven


A state of final purification or cleansing, which one may need to enter following death and before entering heaven


the bodily rising of Jesus from the dead on the third day after his death on the cross; the heart of the Paschal Mystery and the basis of our hope in the resurrection from the dead

Resurrection of the dead

The raising of the righteous on the last day, to live forever with the Risen Christ. The resurrection of the dead means that not only will our immortal souls live on after death, but also our transformed bodies


to be sinless and without guild; those who are in such standing before God

Sanctifying Grace

the grace that heals our human nature wounded by sin and restores us to friendship with God by giving us a share of the Divine Life of the Trinity. It is a supernatural gift of God, infused into our soul by the Holy Spirit, that continues the work of making us holy

Theological Virtues

The name for the God-given virtues of faith, hope, and love. These virtues enable us to know God as God and lead us to union with him in mind and heart

Doctor of the Church

A title officially bestowed by the Church on saints who are highly esteemed for their theological writings, as well as their personal holiness

Biblical exegesis

the critical interpretation and explanation of Sacred Scripture


Speech or actions that show disrespect or irreverence for God; also, claiming to have the powers of God or to be God


A group of heretical religious movements that claimed salvation comes from the secret knowledge available only to the elite initiated in that region

Beatific Vision

Directly encountering and seeing God in the Glory of Heaven


a habitual and firm disposition to do good


the state of being holy. This means to be set apart for God's service. To live a morally good life, to be a person of prayer, and to reveal God's love to thte world through acts of loving service


The free and undeserved gift that God gives us to empower us to respond to his call and to live as his adopted sons and daughters. Grace restores our loving communion with the Holy Trinity lost through sin


to declare or set apart as sacred or to solemnly dedicate to God's service; to make holy