history sem 1 final SG


tells where a place is on on the surface of earth. Locate by using longitude and latitude.


describes places by using physical features and human characteristics. landforms, bodies of water, soil quality, and resources.

Human Environment Interaction

How humans have shaped their environment. Rivers to irrigate crops, clear trees, ect.


the movement of people, goods, and ideas. people following herds for food or relocating because of jobs.


Dividing up the world in to many types. Maybe political, economic, or cultural.

organized government

complex systems to issue laws, collect taxes, and organize defense

complex religions

people believed in a gods, goddess, spirit that controlled the natural forces


Belief in many gods


Belief in one God

Job Specialization

individuals specialize in certain jobs; artisans, craft workers, metal workers, etc.

social classes

people who were ranked according to their jobs

Arts and Architecture

expressed the beliefs and values of the people who created them. temples, palaces, ect

public works

rulers built irrigation systems, roads, bridges, and defensive walls


pictograms, records, treaties, tax rolls, and marriage contracts


rose independently around river valleys, ex, tigris and Euphrates, nile. Water supplied the city along with livestock. Usually had to control the river and then defense systems were built


up and down


side to side

What is the difference between Paleolithic (Old stone age) vs. Neolithic Age?

Paleolithic is nomadic people searched for their food. Neolithic is when farming life began to produce food.

what is prehistory ?

time before writing

What is cultural diffusion?

The spread of ideas, customs, and technologies from one people to another. Usually happens through migration, trade, and warfare.

what is the difference between Archelogy and Anthropology?

Archelogy is the study of artifacts and fossils as anthropology is is the study of culture, beliefs, and practices of various civilizations of the past and present

what is the link between geography and history?

the link between the connections between people, places, and events.

How did the development of agriculture improve living conditions?

It gave more people more dependable sources of food and housing.

describe the role of women vs. men in the paleolithic age

Men were hunters and food providers
Women were worked with children gathering necessary food items naturally provided from the Earth.

What is the Fertile Crescent?

Arc of land that curves from the Persian Gulf to the Eastern Mediterranean Coast. River Valleys

Africas three distinct regions/climates consists of what?

Savana, Sahara, and fertile farmland

The Aztecs were able to change their environment by?

They were able to create aqueducts to transport water, the developed Chinampas and causeways to link to the mainland

What is the difference between the Mayas and the Incas?

The jungle isolated Mayan cities and kept them from developing a single, Mayan identity.

What is domestication?

is the process of taming wild animals and adapt crops for the purpose of civilization

what is the difference between hieroglyphics and cuneiform

hieroglyphics is a form of picture writing in egypt and cuneiform is wedged shaped writing by the ancient sumerians (Mesopotamia)

what is significant about the code of hammurabi?

it was the first set of written laws

what is the difference between polytheistic and monotheistic

Polytheistic is believing in many gods
Monotheistic is belief in one god

describe the geography of the Indus river valley

It is a subcontinent, with diverse geography of fertile land, deserts, and coastline

Judaism is practiced by whom and what made it different?

Is practiced by Hebrews/Jews and is Monotheistic . (belief in one god)

The monsoon season had the biggest impact on whom?


How did geography influence the development of China?

They have mountains and deserts around them created natural barriers of isolation.

How did geography influence the development of Greece?

They have mountains that made them become isolated in city states.

what is the differences between sparta and athens?

Athens was devoted to its laws and government.
Sparta was devoted to its military state and strict lifestyle

How is Hinduism different from other world religions?

It does not have one central figurehead or leader of the faith

when did the edict of milan end?

It ended christen persecution in rome.

What is the significance of Mecca to the Islamic Faith?

is is the original place of meditation and religious discovery of Muhammad

what are the five pillars of islam?

declaration of faith ,daily prayer, giving to charity, Fasting for ramadan, hajj or pilgrimage to Mecca

After death of Muhammad the muslin world split into what two factions?

sunni and shiites

describe the five relationships according to confucius

Father to son = not equal
ruler to subject = not equal
elder brother to younger brother= not equal
husband to wife = not equal
friend to friend= equal


due to desertificaton leading to a need for better farmland

Rosetta Stone

used to decipher hieroglyphics

oracle bones

bones used to predict the future

golden age

period of great cultural achievement


government in which officials elected by the people


government where people hold the ruling power


government headed by a privileged minority or upper class


government with a king or queen with central power


ruler who has complete control of the government


A city-state in ancient Greece.


in Buddhist belief, union with the universe and release from the cycle of rebirth


Leader during the golden age and had a democracy style of government


lead the hebrews/jews out of egypt


taught christianity


the angel that spoke to muhammad


The prophet and founder of Islam

Siddhartha Gautama

reformer and founder of Buddhism


Legendary founder of Rome


founder of the philosophy confucianism


founder of daoism


First female pharaoh in egypt


in Hindu belief, the ultimate goal of existence, achieving union with brahman


members of the landholding upper class in ancient rome


a member of the lower social classes in ancient rome


group of states or territories controlled by one ruler


In Ancient Rome, bridge like stone structure that carried water from the hills into the cities


person who suffers or dies for his or her beliefs


the books of jewish scriptures and other sacred jewish writings


the christian scriptures, consisting of the 66 books of the old and new testaments


the islamic sacred book, believed to be the word of god as dictated to muhammad by the archangel Gabriel and written down in Arabic


power to block or reject