Introduction to the Bible Nomenclature


Sacred Scripture, tells the story of God and humankind, written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit to reveal God's saving plan for humanity and all creation


a category of art or literature and music

Historical context

information presented through the bible


the Bible, source of revelation, accurate source of knowledge about God and the human race


word meaning will


a solemn agreement between human beings or between God and a human being in which mutual commitments are recognized.

Salvation History

The pattern of events in human history that exemplify God's presence and saving actions. In Catholics thought, all of history is salvation history, even though God's presence may not be recognized

Religious Truth

The deeper meaning that God reveals to us through historical events or texts; an interpretation of historical events or texts.

Oral Tradition

Storage colors preserved sacred wisdom, parables, regulations, in rules of life revealed to the ancestors and passed down across the ages

Canon (of Scripture)

is a list of books considered to be authoritative scripture by a particular religious community


This is God's self-communication and disclosure of the divine plan to humankind through creation, events, person's, and most fully, in Jesus Christ

Word of God

God's Word is the power through which God created all that is. the Bible is called the word of God because it has the power to create new life within a soul to renew spirits, to teach, and to give hope.

Biblical Inspiration

Refers to the guidance of the holy spirit in development of scripture, where by the spirit guided the human authors to teach without error those truths of God that are necessary for our salvation

Parts of the Old Testament

1. Introduction to the Pentateuch
2. Introduction to the Historical book
3. Introduction to the Biblical Novellas


this term comes from the Hebrew word Torah meaning law or instruction.Refers to the Pentateuch or the Mosaic Law


this word comes from the Greek word pente meaning five and teuchos meaning "vessels" or containers


this is the name given to the official teaching authority of the Church, whose task is to interpret and reserve the truths of the Church.

Biblical Scholars

searches and cross-references it to see everything that reflects the full truth of a subject

Covenant of the Old Testament

agreement between God and the Israelite's

Covenant of the New Testament

fulfillment of the promise between God and the people through Jesus

Intent for studying scripture

To fully understand what God is trying to say to us trough scripture

Relationship between the Old and New Testaments

the Old Testament prepare for the New Testament; the New Testament fulfills the Old Testament

Person who is ultimate revelation of God

is to help us fully see and understand God