Final Exam review (Unit 1), Unit 2 Final Exam, Unit 4 Final exam


The collection of Christian sacred writings, or Scripture, accepted by the Church as inspired by God and composed of the Old and New Testaments.

Biblical Inerrancy

The doctrine that the books of Scripture are free from error regarding the truth God wishes to reveal through Scripture for the sake of our salvation.

Biblical Inspiration

The gift of the Holy Spirit, which assisted human beings to write biblical books, so they have God as their author and teach faithfully and without error the saving truth that God willed to give us.


The entire People of God thoughout the world.


The diocese, which is also known as the local Church.


The assembly of believers gathered for the celebration of the liturgy, especially the Eucharist.


To declare or set apart as sacred or to solemnly dedicate to God's service; to make holy.


A solemn agreement between human beings or between God and a human being in which mutual commitments are made.

Deposit of Faith

The heritage of faith contained in Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition.

Divine Revelation

God's self-communication through which he makes known the mystery of his divine plan.


The celebration of the entire Mass.


A non-Jewish person.


Translated from a Greek word meaning "good news" referring to the four books attribute to Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, "the principal source for the life and teaching of the Incarnate Word", Jesus Christ.


From the Latin, meaning "to become flesh," referring to the mystery of Jesus Christ, the Divine Son of God, becoming man.


The Church's living teaching office, which consists of all bishops, in communion with the Pope.

synoptic Gospels

From the Greek for "seeing the whole together," the name given to the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke because they are similar in style and content.


From the Latin "tradere," meaning "to hand on," referring to the process of passing on the Gospel message.

Vatican Council II

The Ecumenical or general Council of the Roman Catholic Church that Pope John Paul XXIII convened in 1962 and that continued under Pope Paul VI until 1965.

Word of God

The entire deposit of the truth revealed by God throughout history and transmitted through Scripture and Tradition, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Dei Verbum

Vatican Council II's "Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation


The official liturgical book containing the readings of the Mass, the Gospels, the Responsorial Psalms, and the Gospel Acclamations.


In the ________, Jesus Christ became truly man while remaining truly God.


At Mass the _________ takes place during the Eucharistic Prayer when the priest recites Jesus' words of institution, changing the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ.

apocalyptic literature

A literary form that uses highly dramatic language to offer hope to a people in crisis.

biblical exegesis

The critical interpretation and explanation of a biblical text.


A biblical scholar attempting to interpret the meaning of biblical texts.

ideological criticism

A methodology that enables us to analyze a scriptural text by examining how our own worldview shapes our interpretation of Scripture.

literary convention

A defining feature of a particular literary form. An example would be beginning a letter with the greeting "Dear.

literary criticism

A methodology that enables us to analyze a scriptural text by examining its genre, plot. characters, and symbolism.

literary forms (genres)

Different kinds of writing determined by their literary technique, content, tone, and purpose (how the author wants the reader to be affected).

moral truth

A truth dealing with the goodness or evil of human acts, attitudes, and values.

sociohistorical criticism

A methodology that enables us to analyze a scriptural text by examining the culture and world in which a scriptural text was written.


A Hebrew word that expresses agreement.


The teachings of Jesus that begin the Sermon on the Mount and that summarize the New Law of Christ.


A song of God's praise


To _______ someone is to send him or her on a mission.


Latin for "let it be done," words Mary spoke to the angel at the Annunciation.

infancy narrative

The accounts of Jesus' birth and early life.

Koine Greek

The dialect of the Greek language most commonly used from around 300 BC to AD 300, and the language in which the New Testament books were originally written.


The Three Wise Men who were sent by King Herod to find the Infant Jesus.


The canticle of Mary.

synonymous parallelism

A device used in Hebrew poetry in which the same idea is expressed in two adjacent lines but in different words, thus expanding and emphasizing the idea in a balanced composition.