Social Justice Ch.1

The dignity and worth of a person is determined by what he or she contributes to society.


The breakdown of God's original plan for us to create a just community occurred when Adam and Eve were disobedient and wanted to be like God.


Overcome by anger toward his brother, Abel could not resist the temptation to kill Cain, thus committing the first murder.


The foundation of Catholic social teaching is based in Scripture alone.


According to Old Testament Law, when the ownership of natural resources becomes unbalanced, those resources must periodically be redistributed.


God's self-communication through which he makes known the mystery of his divine plan of salvation is called the Incarnation.


We are called to participate in God's work of building the Kingdom of God here on earth.


That which benefits all members of a given community.

Common good

Charitable actions that respond to people's physical needs.

Corporal works of mercy

The free and undeserved gift of God's loving and active presence in the universe and in our lives.


State of complete harmony of our first parents with themselves, with each other, and with all of creation.

Original justice

The sin by which the first human disobeyed God and thereby lost original holiness and became subject to death

Original sin

The Passion, death, Resurrection, and Ascension of Jesus Christ.

Paschal Mystery

Reveals God's presence and saving actions throughout history.

Salvation history

The Old and New Testaments recognized as the Word of God.


Ensuring that essential human needs are met and that essential human rights are protected for all people.

Social justice

From the Latin word meaning "to hand on.


Pope Bendict said that the essentials of the faith are _.

a. proclaiming the Word (Gospel)
b. celebrating the Sacraments
c. charity for the poor and the sick (POWS)

In the image of the cross there is a horizontal and a vertical aspect. The horizontal dimension represents _.

Intimacy with the Lord.

The call to love the POWS is fundamental to the teachings of Jesus.


The initial state of human beings in their relationship with God, symbolized by Adam and Eve's sharing in the divine life in full communion with God, is called _.

Original holiness

_ is an important truth about social justice taught through the Exodus event.

God is always on the side of the oppressed.

The social dimension of Abraham's Covenant is that as the Jews follow the Covenant they will show others how to _.

Live in just and peaceful societies

The account of Cain and Abel demonstrates that because of Original Sin _.

Injustice and evil pervades many societies

Each one of us is called to use to the fullest all of our talents and gifts. This is called _.

Authentic human development

For Maslow the most basic needs in the first two steps are __.

Food, water, shelter and safety

Using Maslow, what is the tragedy of poverty (on an individual level).

The person does not reach their potential (their AHD)

In SPICES, what does a humanist (and understand we are not speaking of an integral humanism) leave out.


Using the umbrella as a model for social justice, who in the USA culture is NOT under the umbrella?

Virtually all McNick families

Who said this: "At the center of universe and the soul is God?

St. John of the Cross

Authenitc Human Developmet is focused primarily on the devlopment of ___.

One's talents and abilities

People "under the umbrella of social justce" all have this in common.

They all are vulnerable

According to the "looking glass self" our self-image originally is most shaped by ___.

Our parents

What is needed in a child (teen) in order to evaluate the many "messages" received about life, values and self?

Critical consciousness

In the Johari Window, when a person, although sinful, allows the "love of Christ" to shine through them to others we would say that they are __ to the Christ within.


For Blessed John Paul, we come to discover our true self by ___. (Our class notes)

Giving love to others

On the other hand, when someone is so filled with virtue and love, that almost all (Mother Teresa) of the "love of Christ shines through to others," we would say that they are virtually __ to the Christ within.


Based on Merton we reaize our true self by __. (class notes)

Discovering the Christ within and developing a relationship with this Christ.

For Merton, one of the main effects of The Fall is tha we have become alienated from the __.

The Christ within

If I am to become my "true self" I must begin with a relationsip with ___ (Catholic view)

The Lord

As we grow older and become adults (in age) we will definitely discover our "true self.


The corporal works of mercy are really about reaching out to the vulnerable.


In Matthew 25, Jesus teaches that our eternal life is affected by ___.

Our use of our God-given talents and abilities

In the Johari Window, the love of Christ shines through the window that is ____.

Open to the world and others

Authentic Human Development is similar to Maslow's self=actualization, but in the Catholic sense AHD will include the spiritual.


The "looking glass self" is not such a problem because the complete "mirror" (which includes society's values) that teaches me, "Who I Am" is really similar to what Christ teaches me about myself.


Catholics are to help build a world in which all men, women and children have the opportunity to reach their AHD.


In the rectangle (not Johari) which of these are included?

a. The vulnerable
b. God's creation (nature)
c. The Unborn
d. The college educated with good jobs
e. The POWS

In the rectange (not Johari) the lesson is that we are _. (This is the "spiritual paradigm for the 21st century)

Our relationship with the Lord is connected to our relationship with the vulnerable(POWS) and nature

For Catholics all types of humanism are inconsistent with our faith.


The dignity and worth of a person is determined by what he or she contributes to society.


The breakdown of God's original plan for us to create a just community occurred when Adam and Eve were disobedient and wanted to be like God.


Overcome by anger toward his brother, Abel could not resist the temptation to kill Cain, thus committing the first murder.


The foundation of Catholic social teaching is based in Scripture alone.


According to Old Testament Law, when the ownership of natural resources becomes unbalanced, those resources must periodically be redistributed.


God's self-communication through which he makes known the mystery of his divine plan of salvation is called the Incarnation.


We are called to participate in God's work of building the Kingdom of God here on earth.


That which benefits all members of a given community.

Common good

Charitable actions that respond to people's physical needs.

Corporal works of mercy

The free and undeserved gift of God's loving and active presence in the universe and in our lives.


State of complete harmony of our first parents with themselves, with each other, and with all of creation.

Original justice

The sin by which the first human disobeyed God and thereby lost original holiness and became subject to death

Original sin

The Passion, death, Resurrection, and Ascension of Jesus Christ.

Paschal Mystery

Reveals God's presence and saving actions throughout history.

Salvation history

The Old and New Testaments recognized as the Word of God.


Ensuring that essential human needs are met and that essential human rights are protected for all people.

Social justice

From the Latin word meaning "to hand on.


Pope Bendict said that the essentials of the faith are _.

a. proclaiming the Word (Gospel)
b. celebrating the Sacraments
c. charity for the poor and the sick (POWS)

In the image of the cross there is a horizontal and a vertical aspect. The horizontal dimension represents _.

Intimacy with the Lord.

The call to love the POWS is fundamental to the teachings of Jesus.


The initial state of human beings in their relationship with God, symbolized by Adam and Eve's sharing in the divine life in full communion with God, is called _.

Original holiness

_ is an important truth about social justice taught through the Exodus event.

God is always on the side of the oppressed.

The social dimension of Abraham's Covenant is that as the Jews follow the Covenant they will show others how to _.

Live in just and peaceful societies

The account of Cain and Abel demonstrates that because of Original Sin _.

Injustice and evil pervades many societies

Each one of us is called to use to the fullest all of our talents and gifts. This is called _.

Authentic human development

For Maslow the most basic needs in the first two steps are __.

Food, water, shelter and safety

Using Maslow, what is the tragedy of poverty (on an individual level).

The person does not reach their potential (their AHD)

In SPICES, what does a humanist (and understand we are not speaking of an integral humanism) leave out.


Using the umbrella as a model for social justice, who in the USA culture is NOT under the umbrella?

Virtually all McNick families

Who said this: "At the center of universe and the soul is God?

St. John of the Cross

Authenitc Human Developmet is focused primarily on the devlopment of ___.

One's talents and abilities

People "under the umbrella of social justce" all have this in common.

They all are vulnerable

According to the "looking glass self" our self-image originally is most shaped by ___.

Our parents

What is needed in a child (teen) in order to evaluate the many "messages" received about life, values and self?

Critical consciousness

In the Johari Window, when a person, although sinful, allows the "love of Christ" to shine through them to others we would say that they are __ to the Christ within.


For Blessed John Paul, we come to discover our true self by ___. (Our class notes)

Giving love to others

On the other hand, when someone is so filled with virtue and love, that almost all (Mother Teresa) of the "love of Christ shines through to others," we would say that they are virtually __ to the Christ within.


Based on Merton we reaize our true self by __. (class notes)

Discovering the Christ within and developing a relationship with this Christ.

For Merton, one of the main effects of The Fall is tha we have become alienated from the __.

The Christ within

If I am to become my "true self" I must begin with a relationsip with ___ (Catholic view)

The Lord

As we grow older and become adults (in age) we will definitely discover our "true self.


The corporal works of mercy are really about reaching out to the vulnerable.


In Matthew 25, Jesus teaches that our eternal life is affected by ___.

Our use of our God-given talents and abilities

In the Johari Window, the love of Christ shines through the window that is ____.

Open to the world and others

Authentic Human Development is similar to Maslow's self=actualization, but in the Catholic sense AHD will include the spiritual.


The "looking glass self" is not such a problem because the complete "mirror" (which includes society's values) that teaches me, "Who I Am" is really similar to what Christ teaches me about myself.


Catholics are to help build a world in which all men, women and children have the opportunity to reach their AHD.


In the rectangle (not Johari) which of these are included?

a. The vulnerable
b. God's creation (nature)
c. The Unborn
d. The college educated with good jobs
e. The POWS

In the rectange (not Johari) the lesson is that we are _. (This is the "spiritual paradigm for the 21st century)

Our relationship with the Lord is connected to our relationship with the vulnerable(POWS) and nature

For Catholics all types of humanism are inconsistent with our faith.
