Mid Term - Theology 9

The first two books of law are

Genesis and Exodus

The historical books tell us of the Israelite's

arrival in the promised land, the judges who protected them, and the first kings

Who were the sons of Adam and Eve

Cain and Able

The Catechism defines sin as

an utterance, a deed or desire contrary to eternal law.

God promised ________ that his descendants would be as numerous as the stars in the sky.


The Genesis accounts of Creation reveal God's infinite wisdom and his loving goodness, which was

ultimately fulfilled in Christ, the New Creation - The Incarnation

Who murders Abel out of resentment and jealousy?


To save her infant son from death, Moses' mother places him in a basket and floated it down the

Nile River

In Genesis, we learn that Jacob's family came to Egypt in search of ....

food during a famine

The Israelites followed Moses into the wilderness, only to experience ________ years of hardship on their journey to the Promised Land.


Challenging the forces of the Egyptian pharaoh, Moses was able to lead the Israelites through

the waters of the Red Sea

The Israelites reached Mount Sinai where God presented them with the

Ten Commandments

At some point, pharaoh orders the death of all ________________, hoping to eventually eradicate the Israelite people.

male Israelite babies

Sent by God and assisted by his brother Aaron, Moses stands up to Pharaoh and says,

Let my people go

After escaping Egypt, the Israelites had to cross a desert where their fate seemed uncertain. Food and water were

scarce and the natives were hostile

God promises that after the Israelites agree to the terms of the covenant, they will dwell in the

Promised Land

Like Moses, Jesus delivered the law from a

mountain in the Sermon on the Mount

Incarnation is described as

the Word of God became flesh in the person of Jesus Christ

Who proposed five proofs of God's existence?

St. Thomas Aquinas

The following are an effect of __________
- led to the loss of original holiness
- made humans subject to death
- made sin universally present in the world

Original Sin

What is the goal of scholastic theology?

to present the understanding of revealed truth in a logical and organized form

According to Saint Augustine, what are the four objects we should love?

God, our neighbors, ourselves, and our bodies

This history of how God's saving hand has been at work in and through human history refers to ______

salvation history

What do we call the process by which the original Apostles have passed on their authority to their successors, the bishops of the church?

Apostolic Succession

The following describes ________
- God's greatest invitation to us
- the perfect image of the Father
- the fullness of Divine Revelation

Jesus Christ

Who or what works in us and helps us to believe by preparing us to receive the gift of faith?

the Holy Spirit

What two senses of Scripture did Saint Thomas Aquinas identify?

literal and spiritual

The following are categories of ____________
- Acts of the Apostles
- Book of Revelation
- Pauline lteters

New Testament Books

What do we call the early Greek translation of the Old and New Testaments, used for many centuries in the early church?


If science and faith conflict, what does that mean, according to the church?

As humans we have an inadequate understanding of faith, science or both

The handing on of the message of God's saving plan through spoken words and deeds defines

oral tradition

Criteria used by early Church to determine whether to a book in Sacred Scripture

- community acceptance
- use in early Christian worship
- apostolic origin

Which approach interprets Sacred Scripture based on the most literal meaning of the Bible's words?

fundamentalist approach

The following are categories of the ___________________
- historical books
- prophetic books
- books of law

Old Testament Books

The spiritual sense of Scripture can be broken down into which three categories?

allegorical, moral and analogical

The following Hebrew people are described in the Old or New Testament?
- descendants of Abraham and Sarah
- people who became known as the Israelites after the Exodus
- people who became known as Judeans of Jews


God made his first covenant, promising Abraham's descendants ......

as numerous as the stars in the sky

What does the word Passover refer to?

the feast that celebrates the deliverance of the Chosen People from bondage and the Exodus from Egypt to the Promised Land; the night the Lord passed over the houses of the Israelites marked by the blood of the lamb, and spared the firstborn sons from dea

Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are fathers to a people in faith, also called what?


Which strong leader had served Moses and was commissioned by God to lead the Israelites into the promised Land?


What finally convinced Pharaoh to allow the Israelites to leave Egypt?

his son died as part of the tenth plague, the deaths of all firstborn males.

When the people were hungry, God rained down little flakes that the people could collect and then could bake into a substance like break. What were these little flakes called?


Why did the Israelites, Jacob's descendants, first come to Egypt?

they came in search of food during a famine

What is God's sacred, divine name, as revealed to Moses?


On what sacred ground dd God from a covenant with his Chosen People?

Mount Sinai

Sacred Tradition

the handing on , or transmission, of the truths Jesus Christ taught

Paschal Mystery

the work of salvation accomplished by Jesus Christ mainly through his Passion, Death, Resurrection and Ascension


God's manifestation of himself in a visible form to enrich human understanding of him. God's appearance to Moses in the form of a burning gush is an example.

Doctor of the Church

A title that the Church officially bestows on those saints who are highly esteemed for their theological writings, as well as their personal holiness

Deposit of Faith

The heritage of faith contained in Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition


Teachings recognized as central to Church teaching, defined by the Magisterium and accorded the fullest weigh and authority

Natural Revelation

The process by which God makes himself known through the natural and created order

Church Fathers

Teachers in the early centuries of the Church whose writings extended the Tradition of the Apostles and who continue to be important for the Church's teachings

Divine Revelation

God's communication about himself and his saving plan for us


Refers to the Pope and all the bishops in union with him under the guidance of the Holy Spirit

Acts of the Apostles

tells us about the early Christian community under the leadership of Saints Peter and Paul, guided by the Holy Spirit

Apostolic Origin

is one of the four standards used to determine whether to include a book in Sacred Scripture


the approach to studying Sacred Scripture taking into account the various contexts for understanding

In the historical books, the saving action of god can be traced to the



Saint Jerome's translation of the Bible, used by the Church for more than a thousand years


something is said to be like something else in an attempt to communicate a hidden or symbolic meaing

Dead Sea Scrolls

the most important modern discovery of ancient biblical texts, which contain copied fragments from nearly every book in the Old Testament

Hebrew is one of the three original ______________ of the bible



is the book in the Bible that explains our origins as people of faith

Messianic Hope

the Jewish belief and expectation that a savior would come to protect, unite, and lead Israel to freedom


a term referring to Semites, a number of peoples of the ancient Near east

Primeval history

the time before the invention of writing and recording of historical data


includes the five books: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy

New East

the region commonly known today as the Middle East, including counties of Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Israel and Jordan

Through Original Sin the first humans and all their descendants lost their original ____ and became subject to death



God changed Jacob's name to this, which means "God-wrestler," after Jacob spent a night wrestling with God's messenger

Promised Land

The land Canaan God promised to the children of Abraham


a name that means "God with us


describes God's creative activity, structured as a seven-day week, and the second account describes the first man and woman

Original Sin

the lasting influence of this can be seen in the Genesis accounts of the brothers, Cain and Abel, of Noah and the Flood, and of the building of the Tower of Babel

The goal of _________ is to present the understanding of revealed truth in a logical and organized form

Scholastic Theology

The important theologian _____________ proposed five proofs of God's existence

St. Thomas Aquinas

Vatican Council I affirmed the Church's teaching that God can be known in and through creation, informed by ________________

human reason

Historical conditions and the consequences of _____________ often diminish our ability to fully know God's truth through natural revelation alone

original sin

Cardinal Newman's theory, known as __________, says that a number of probable hints point to the existence of God.

Convergence of probabilities

In the Bible, the book called the __________ details the growth of the early church under the direction of the Holy Spirit

Acts of Apostles

If things that lack intelligence still fulfill their purpose, there must be a/an ____________________ that directs all things to their appropriate conclusion

intelligent being

The process by which the original Apostles have passed on their authority to their successors the bishops of the church is called _________

Apostolic Succession

______________ is one single, transforming Word; the perfect image of the Father; the fullness of Divine Revelation

Jesus Christ

__________________________ tells us how God's saving hand has been at work in and through human history.

Salvation History

A biblical _______________ is someone who attempts to interpret the meaning of biblical texts.


The Ecumenical Council of Trent declared an infallible definition regarding the _________ of Sacred Scripture, the collection of books that the Church recognizes as the inspired Word of God.


One way to study Sacred Scripture is to consider its ______________ - that is, different kinds of writing, determined by their literary technique, content, tone and purpose.

literary forms

____________ refers to the divine assistance the Holy Spirit gave the authors of the books of the Bible so the authors could write in human words the message of salvation that God wanted to communicate

Divine Inspiration

We look forward to the _________, the Second Coming of Christ at the end of time, when God's plan will be realized and humanity will be glorified.


___________ refers to the doctrine that the books of Sacred Scripture are free from error regarding the truth God wishes to reveal through Scripture for the sake of our salvation.

Biblical Inerrancy

Interpretation and explantation of a biblical text is called _____________

biblical exegesis

The first five books of the Old testament are called the Torah, or the __________, a Greek word meaning "five books


The ___________________ refers to the coherence among the truths of faith, so that understanding one truth helps us to better understand the others

analogy of faith

The term ________________ refers to the synthesis in written form of the message of salvation the has been passed down by word of mouth. This is made possible under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

Written tradition

The Decalogue

another term for Ten Commandments


the wife of Moses who was a daughter or Reuel, a priest of Midian

The Sinai Covenant

covenant established with the Israelites that renewed God's covenant with Abraham's descendants

Chosen People of God

a holy nation governed by God's law


means "I am who am

Who discovers Moses in a basket and adopts him?

Pharaoh's daughter

The Torah are

books of law

The Book of Exodus

covers the period of 1500 BC and tells of a people, the Israelites, who were enslaved by the Egyptians

Where does God address Moses from a burning bush?

Mount Horeb

The Gospel

the New Law, revealed by Jesus