Christology test: chapter 4

What is the essential relationship between the two testaments?

The New Testament fulfills and completes the old.

According to the author of the letter of the Hebrews, who speaks throughout the Bible?

God speaks throughout.

What is the difference in quality of God's messengers between the old and new testaments?

In the Old Testament, God spoke through the prophets; in the new he speaks through the son.

What is the analogy of faith?

Because of the absolute unity among the truths contained in the Bible, each truth can help understand the other truths and the total plan of revelation.

How is the church prefigured in the Old Testament?

The Old Testament chosen People prefigure the New Testament people of God, the church.

What is the importance of the first five books if the Old Testament?

The first five books of the old Testament are books of law that contain the mosaic covenant, which a God made with the chosen people.

How many books are in the Old Testament?


What did the pontifical bible commission observe in 1948?

The books that exist today are the inspired scriptures, therefore one need not worry if scholars can locate or perfectly trace their sources.

Who is the principal author of sacred scripture?

The Bible, consisting of two testaments, the old and the new, each containing many individual books written over a long period of time- is one book whose principal author is God.

How is Christ the basis of the unity of sacred scripture?

The inner unity of Scripture is found in Christ and his covenant, which are hidden in the Old Testament and revealed in the New Testament.

Why is rue Bible a book of the Catholic Church?

The Catholic Church assembled the Bible.

Does the church in any way reject the Old Testament?

No, Christians venerate the Old Testament ad the word of God

What are the four genres of books found in the Old Testament?

The Old Testament contains books of law history, wisdom, and prophecy.

Which is the greatest book of religious poetry and to whom is it attributed?

The psalms are attributed to David.

What is a didactic work?

The primary purpose of a didactic work is to teach.

To what extent is it true to say the prophets warned, comforted, and predicted?

Often the prophets warned of coming disaster of people of Israel would not return to God. When distasteful struck, the prophets gave the people messages of comfort. Many prophets also predicted the coming of the Messiah.

How many OT prophetic books are there?


What is a prophet?

Called by god to speak on his behalf announcing his message.

How does our dating system put Christ at the center of time?

The yearly designations BC and AD date events before or after Christ's birth.

What are three major divisions of prophetic books?

Major, minor, post exhilic

What are the four genres of books in New Testament?

NT mirrors OT w books of law, history, wisdom, and prophecy.

What are the basic features of the gospels of saint Matthew, mark, Luke, and John?

Matthew shows Christ as David kingdoms.
Mark shows Christ as leader of new exodus.
Luke composed his gospel for gentile Christians.
John completes other three gospels, emphasizing Christ as incarnate word of God.

What is the OT w the NT?

It is the story of the gradual unfolding of Gods plan of salvation, which reached its climax in the Death of resurrection of Christ.

Which were the first written Christian works?

Epistles of st. Paul

Why are gospels the heart of all scripture?

They are our principal source of knowledge regarding the life and teaching of Jesus Christ.

What is an Evangelist?

Author of one of the gospels. Comes from Latin evangelium, which means glad tidings.

What were the personal relationships between the evangelists and Christ?

St Matthew and John were disciples of Christ and eyewitnesses of the events the narrate. St. Mark and Luke were disciples of the apostles.

Why are the first three gospels synoptic?

Synoptic means seeing together. These three Gospels present Christ in a similar way.
Matt, mark, luke

Why are synoptic Gospels so similar?

Scholars have speculated on the relationship between the three gospels. St. Matthew and Luke may has used st. Marks gospel as a source.

When were the synoptic gospels written?

They were written before Jerusalem's destruction (AD 70), between AD 50 and 62.

Who was st. Matthew?

He was an apostle, aka Levi, and originally a tax collector.

What were the original audience and primary aim of st. Matthews gospel?

St. Matthew wrote for Jewish Christians living in Palestine to show Christ is the messiah.

Who was st marks original audience?

He probably wrote to gentile Christians in Rome.

What seems to be st marks main interest?

He seems to emphasize what Christ did more than what he said.

When was the Gospel of st Luke written?

Most likely after those of st Matthew and mark

When was saint johns gospel written?

His was the last written, close to ad 100.

What is the relationship between St. John's gospel and the Synoptics?

St. John's gospel presupposes the other gospels existence and was written to complete them.
St. John gospel uses a different, more theological language, and it includes events not contained in other gospels.

What is the message of the book of revelation?

The book of revelation promises the fulfillment of the new covenant.

With what element of suspense does each gospel end?

Each gospel ends with Christ risen from the dead and instructing his disciples to spread the Gospel, but they had not yet received the Holy Spirit.

What have archeologists and historians confirmed about the acts of apostles?

Every detail of st Luke's narrative that can be verified has turned out to be exactly accurate. Therefore he is an extraordinary reliable record keeper.

How are the epistles of St. Paul arranged?

Generally from longest to shortest as opposed to order they were written.

What were the catholic epistles?

They are letters written to the entire church rather than to a particular church or individual.

How does the book of revelation convey its message?

It uses symbols, allegories, and metaphors.

Who is the author of revelation?

St. Paul.

What is the Septuagint?

Greek translation of the Old Testament made in Alexandria in the second century bc.

W( do modern day Jews have a different canon than the Old Testament in Catholic bibles?

The Jewish synod of Jamaica about AD 110 decided to exclude those books of the Septuagint not found in Hebrew Scriptures, I.e, tobit, Judith, wisdom, Sirach, Baruch, 1 and 2 Maccabees, and fragments of Esther and David.

When were the New Testament books written?

They were written between AD 40 and 100.

When was the canon of New Testament defined?

It was defined at a synod in Rome. This was confirmed by pope innocent 1 and reaffirmed by the excummenicak councils of Florence and Vatican 1. The fathers of the council of Trent solemnly defined it.

What is the King James Version?

Standard English Protestant edition of sacred scripture for four centuries.

What was the first Catholic Bible in English?

The douay-Rhein's Bible was completed about the year 1600.