

able to (be)

-ac, -iac

pertaining to

-acy, -cy

state, quality, act of


state, quality, act of

-al, -an, -ane

like, pertaining to


one who


one who, that which

1. -ar, ary

like, pertaining to

2. -ar, -ary

one which


one who

1. -ate

to make, to act, etc. (forms verbs)

2. -ate

having the quality of

3. -ate

one who, that which

-ence, -ance, -ency,-ancy

state, quality, act of

1. -ent

one who, that which

2. -ent

like, pertaining to

-er, -yer

one who, that which

-ery, -ry

state, quality, act of


state, quality, act of


to do, to make, etc.


one who


able to (be)

-ic, -ical

like, pertaining to


state, quality, act of

-id, -ile, -ine, -ish

like, pertaining to


state, quality, act of


one who


one who; pertaining to, having the quality of


state, quality, act of

1. -ive

tending to, having the quality of

2. -ive

one who, that which

-ize, -ise

to make, to act, to subject to

-logy, -ology

discourse, study

1. -ly

like, having the quality of

2. -ly

in the manner of


that which; state, quality, act of


state, quality, result of


one who, that which; state, quality of

1. -ory

like, pertaining to

2. -ory, orium

place where, thing which


pertaining to, having the quality of

-ous, -ose

having the quality of

-tion, -ion

state, quality, act of


state, quality, act of


state, quality, act of


state, quality, act, result of


state, quality, act, result of