Econ Money and Banking Final (exam 4)

The separation of the money market from the capital market is based on the ______ of the instruments traded there.

length of term

A stock index tells you

the average price of a collection of stocks.

Preferred stockholders

are paid a fixed dividend before common stock holders have been paid a dividend.

Who regulates all the publicly listed companies?

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

Which of the following is true?

Previously issued shares of stock are traded either on organized exchanges or over-the-counter.

Secondary stock offering is in the

primary market.

An Initial Public Offering (IPO) is an offering of

stocks to the public by a company that has not previously sold securities to the public.

In general, as current and expected future earnings of a corporation rise

the stock's price also rises.

The S&P 500 stock index is an index of

500 major companies whose shares trade in U.S. markets.

An investment company that pools the funds of many small investors and buys a large number of different stocks or other securities is called

a mutual fund.

An investor buys stock for $10,000 and earns dividends of $250 during the course of the year. At the end of the year, the stock is worth $9,300. The dividend yield for the year is

2.5 percent. ($250 is 2.5% of $10000. div yield is what was earned)

The idea that stock prices fully reflect all available information is called

the efficient markets hypothesis.

The Wilshire 5000 stock index is

an index of all the companies with U.S. headquarters whose shares trade in the U.S.

A theory that investors use all the information available to them in determining their decisions is called ________ expectations.


In the CAPM, the risk to a stock's return that is associated to the fluctuations in the overall stock market

is known as systematic risk.

_________________ is where the repayment of the principal on a mortgage is generally spread out over the life of the loan.


Asymmetric information exists when

one party to a transaction knows more than another.

Moral hazard occurs when

the existence of a contract changes the behavior of a party to the contract.

The possibility that a bank's loan customers might not repay their loans is known as

default risk.

Adverse selection occurs when

people or firms that are worse-than-average risks are most likely to enter a contract that is offered to everyone.

When a bank's assets and loans are mainly long term but deposits are short term, the bank faces

interest rate risk. (borrow short, lend long)

Securitization is mainly used by the banks to manage_________ risk.

interest rate (when banks sell mortgages to other banks to protect themselves)

____________ caused the mortgage related losses in the US housing market to spread across and affect not only the entire US economy but also the international investors.


Credit crunch results in

higher interest rates and tight credit requirements

When there is a run on a bank, this bank is facing ____________ risk


Which of the following are considered liabilities for a bank?


Accounting rules require that a bank's ______ equals its ______.

assets; liabilities plus equity capital.

A bank's reserves equal its

vault cash plus deposits at the Federal Reserve.

The market in which banks with excess reserves lend them to banks that desire additional reserves is known as the ________ market.

federal funds

A bank's excess reserves equal its

total reserves minus required reserves.

A bank's spread equals

the average interest rate on the bank's assets minus the average interest rate on its liabilities.

The funds used to pay for FDIC insurance coverage come from

insurance premiums paid by banks.

The law that created the Financial Stability Oversight Council is the

Dodd-Frank Act

In the CAMELS rating system, the letter C stands for

capital adequacy.

The law that created national banks chartered by the federal government was the

National Bank Act 1864

Which of the following is NOT a reason that the government regulates banks?

To keep the number of banks constant

The law that prohibited banks from engaging in investment banking was the

Glass-Steagall Act 1933.

Contagion occurs when

a bank run spreads from one bank to another.

In its role as a lender of last resort, the government lends to banks that are

solvent and illiquid.

A system in which a bank may choose whether to be chartered by federal government authorities or by a state government is called a ________ banking system.


FDIC insurance covers a depositor up to


Systematic risk

the risk to a stock's return that is attributable to the fluctuations in the market; also called market risk

rational expectations

the notion that people use all available information in making their economic decisions

unsystematic risk

the risk to a stock's return that is not explained by movements in the market; also called idiosyncratic risk

irrational expecations

a theory that investors do not have rational expectations, so the stock market goes through periods in which stock prices rise higher than their fundamental value and other periods in which stock prices fall below their fundamental value

adverse selection

the problem that people or firms that are worse than average risks are more likely to seek out loans than borrowers that are better than average risks
hidden characteristics before the contract

asymmetric information

situation in which one party in a transaction knows more than another (adverse selection and moral hazard)

moral hazard

situation in which the existence of a contract changes the behavior of a party to the contract.
hidden action, after the contract

credit crunch

situation in which banks do not lend money as they ordinarily would but rather have much higher requirements for borrowers to qualify for loans than normal

discount rate

interest rate bank pays on a loan from the fed's discount window

discount window

place where banks can request loans from the federal reserve

federal funds rate

interest rate charged on bank-to-bank overnight loans

federal funds market

the market in which banks with excess reserves lend them to banks that desire additional reserves


the risk of a change in the price of a security in the secondary market because of a change in the market interest rate


the difference between the average interest rate on a bank's assets and the average interest rate on its liabilities

CAMELS rating system

C: capital adequacy
A: asset quality
M: management
E: earnings
L: liquidity
S: sensitivity to risk
system used by banking supervisors in which banks are rates

Dual banking system

system in which a bank may choose whether to be chartered by federal government authorities or by a state government

lender of last resort

the service provided by the government that lends funds to a bank when needed

too-big-to-fail policy

a policy under which bank regulators will not close a bank that is deemed to be so large that its closure would affect the financial system and cause other banks to fail; instead, the government will make loans to the bank to keep it afloat

primary stock

guaranteed dividends, no voting rights

common stock

dividends not guaranteed, can change, voting rights

IPO (initial public offering)

first time a stock is on the market, not available to general public just investors

primary market

where IPO's are sold

secondary market

where investors from primary market purchases can sell stock of other companies; no benefit to the the company-just the buyer/seller

secondary stock offering

new stocks in a company already on the market; still sold in the primary market

DOW Jones

30 largest companies
An average of the daily closing prices

S&P 500

500 top companies in the US
Better measurement of the nation's economy


Electronic/new companies
Stock listed either here or NYC Stock Exchange

Wilshire 5000

Every company publicly traded in the US headquartered in the US
Broadest measure of US stock market

When stock prices RISE,

company is growing, economy expanding. bond prices go down, interest rates go up

When stock prices go DOWN,

company is no longer growing, economy is contracting. bond prices go up, interest rates go down.

Fundamental value of a stock

present value of expected earnings of a company

overvalued stock

higher cost than yield

undervalued stock

higher yield than cost

bank balance sheet: assets

Other assets

bank balance sheet: liabilibites

-Deposits: transactional: checking deposits / non-transactional: cd/savings deposits
-Borrowings: Federal chartered bank @ discount rate

bank balance sheet: equity

assets must equal liabilities plus equity

Glass-Stegall Act 1933

-Established FDIC
-Prohibits commercial banks from investment banking activities
-Prohibits banks from owning commercial firms and vice versa
-Prohibits interest payments on demand deposits
-Repealed by Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act 1999

Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act 1999

Repealed Glass-Stegall act

Dodd Frank Act 2010

-Established Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection
-Financial Stability Oversight Council
-Stricter rules for capital requirement etc, stress tests and living wills
-Expanded federal supervisory responsibility to non-bank financial institutions

Dow Jones Industrial average is the stock index of

30 major us companies whose shares trade in markets

An index fund is

A mutual fund that invests all the stocks in a particular stock index

An investor buys a stock for $10,000 and earns dividends of $150 during the course of the year. At the end of the year, the stock is worth $9,500. The
capital gains yield
on this stock for the year is...


The model that proposes that 'stock prices move randomly and fully reflect all available information' is the _____________

Efficient market hypothesis

A preferred stock pays a _________ dividend ______________ voting rights.

fixed, without

A common stock pays a ____________ dividend ___________ voting rights.

variable, with

Financial assets with an original maturity of year year or less are traded in the ______________________.

money market

Who regulates all the publicly traded companies?

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

Fundamental value of a stock is the __________ value of expected earnings of the company.


Banks check credit history and credit score of their customers to reduce ________________

default risk

In the CAPM, the risk to a stock's return that is associated to the fluctuations in the overall stock market is known as

systematic risk

The first electronic stock exchange in the world is


When the Federal Reserve conducts open market sales, what changes on the bank balance sheet?

Securities increase, borrowings increase

Are deposits to the Federal Reserve a liability or an asset on their balance sheet?


Are deposits to the Federal reserve a liability or an asset on the BANK balance sheet?


If a bank has $1 million in transaction deposits, how much is their reserve requirement?


If a bank has $1 million in transaction deposits and $150,000 in reserve, how much is the bank holding in excess reserves?


Banks hold excess reserves to reduce

liquidity risk

The average interest rate on a bank's assets minus the average interest rate on it's liabilities is known as the bank's


Rapid increases in home prices from 2000 to 2006 was problematic because

disposable personal income was not increasing rapidly

Losses in subprime mortgage market magnified and extended to the entire economy because of

rapid increase in securitization earlier

When people or firms that are worse-than-average are most likely to enter a contract that is offered to everyone, the problem is called

adverse selection

If Apple Inc., an already listed company, wants to sell new equity shares, it is considered a ______________ stock offering in _____________ market.

secondary, primary

If Askor Inc., a newly listed company, wants to sell new equity shares, it is considered an ________________ in the _______________ market

initial public offering, primary

If Misty is selling her shares in Apple Inc., it is sold in the ___________________ market


Which of the following is an asset for depository institutions?

Reserve deposits at the federal reserve (part of reserve requirements)

If Bank Spread increases for a bank, it will

increase its profits

Contagion occurs when

a bank run spreads from one bank to another

The law that allowed banks to form financial holding companies and enter securities and insurance industries is the

Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act 1999

The law that separated commercial and investment banking was the

Glass-Stegall Act 1933

The law that brought mortgage lenders, credit card companies, investment banks, and other non-bank financial institutions under the supervision of the Federal Reserve is the

Dodd-Frank Act 2010

A bank is exposed to interest rate risk if

it has short term liabilities and long term assets (borrow short, lend long)