CIS461 Test Practice

______ are data visualizations that display the current status of key performance indicators in easy to understand formats.


_____ is the scanning and review of the political, social, economic, and technical environments of an organization

Strategic analysis

The field of ______ involves managing and analyzing massive sets of data for purpose such as target marketing, trend analysis, and the creation of individually (tailored) products and services.

Data Science

______ is the migration of privately owned mobile devices into enterprise IT environments

IT consumerization

Routine formal processes are referred to as_____.

Standard operating procedures (double check)

______ means having the ability to quickly integrate new business functions or to easily reconfigure software or apps.


Which of the following is not a goal of business process reengineering?

Increase innovation

______ means being able to respond quickly in order to take advantage of opportunities faster or better than competitors.


Examples of ______ that can be facilitated by digital technologies are credit approval opening a new account, order fulfillment, and shipping a product

Business processes

What are the basic components of business processes?

Inputs, activities, and deliverables.

Companies have always faced the challenges of managing physical documents. Which of the following is the most significant challenge associated with managing physical documents?

The volume of documents that must be reviewed to determine if they should be retained or destroyed.

Which of the following is not a risk associated with cloud-based BI?

Increased Costs

The primary disadvantage of centralized database systems is _____

transmission delay when users are geo-dispersed

Machine-generated sensor data from _____ are becoming a much larger proportion of big data analytics.

Physical Objects

______ processes move data from databases into data warehouses or data marts, where the data are available for access, reports, and analysis

Extract, transformation, Load (ETL)

What is the key advantage of an active data warehouse compared to a traditional data warehouse?

Data in a ADW is constantly updating, providing more current data than a traditional data warehouse.

All of the following are factors contributing to the increased use of BI, except:

Proprietary Information systems

_______ systems consist of hardware and software that manage and archive electronic documents and image paper documents; then index and store them according to company policy.

Electronic Records Management (EMR)

Big data volumes that exceed the processing capacity of conventional infrastructures are processed using the _____ platform.


According to the _____. A majority of data is seldom accessed after a 3 month period.

Principle of 90/90 data use.

______ are documentation of business events, actions, decisions, or transactions


With text analytics, information is extracted out of large quantities of various types of textual information. Which of the following is not one of the steps involved in text analytics described in your text?


_____ enables managers to predict how customers would behave and use that knowledge to be prepared to respond quickly.

Big data analytics

After data are extracted from a database and processed to standardize their format, they are then loaded into a _____ and are ready for analysis

Data Warehouses

When customer x calls an organization's customer service center, the service representative has access to a complete history of X's previous calls, as a list of the services X has purchased, and customer profitability score. All of this information is up-

Active Data warehouse

Improperly managed or destroyed business records become _____.


The supply of oranges used by Coca-Cola has a three-month growing season. But orange juice production is a year-round. Therefore, producing orange juice with a consistent taste year-round is complex. How does Coca-Cola deal with this complexity and keep t

An orange juice decision model was developed that combines detailed data on the 600+ flavors that make up an orange

______ must ensure that their companies comply with legal and regulatory duties by managing electronic records.

Senior Management

With _____, voice and data transmission travel in packets over telephone wires.


______ is the method by which data are sent from one device to another via a network.


________ is older technology for transmitting signals that originated with telephone calls, and is inefficient for digital transmission

Circuit Switching

Network_____ are devices that transmit _____ from their source to their destitution based on IP addresses.

Switches and routers; data packets

Enterprises are moving away from ad hoc adoption of mobile devices and network infrastructure to a more strategic planning build-out of their mobile capabilities. Factors to be considered when planning the build out include all of the following except ___

Impact of mobile technology on organizational culture

_____________ is a location-aware system that transmits the identity (in the form of a unique serial number) of an object or person using radio waves. It is used to track items in a supply chain or equipment in a production facility.


Which of the following trends or transformations was not forecast in Cisco's Mobile Data Traffic Forecast Update, 2013-2018?

Average mobile connection speed will reach up to 1 Mbps by 2016.

All generations of networks are based on ________.


Networking standards "802.11b", "802.11a", and "802.11g" are different types of _____________


Which of the following represents the primary perspective of people who oppose Net Neutrality?

They argue that there have always been different levels of Internet service and that a two-tiered system would enable more freedom of choice and promote ecommerce.

Which of the following is not true about the Net Neutrality debate?

Almost all business organizations favor a two-tiered system whereas most individual users favor Net Neutrality.

Efficient Auto Parts is a wholesale distributor. They purchase auto parts in bulk from manufacturers and sell in smaller quantities to regional retail outlets. They understand that carrying excess inventory can be expensive. On the other hand, running out


Dr. Garcia is a business professor at a large state college. At the start of each workday, he opens a Web browser on his office computer and accesses the university's Web site. From there, he logs into his institution's "MyCollege" portal with his usernam


Mobile infrastructure consists of the integration of all of the following factors except ________.


Different CPUs, operating systems, storage media, and mobile platform environments characterize the mobile device marketplace. This creates significant challenges for

Mobile software developers

In April 2014, ARIN reported that ________ were running out�making it urgent that enterprises plan to move to ________.

IPv4addresses; IPv6

Various types of wireless high-speed Internet connections that use portable modems, telephones or other devices are called _________ broadband.


IT developers use ________ to quickly and easily connect diverse data and services to each other and as gateways to popular apps such as Twitter, Facebook, and Amazon.


____________ is older technology for transmitting signals that originated with telephone calls; and is inefficient for digital transmission.

Circuit Switching

Which of the following about IPv4 is false?

It is easy to configure and to change ISP.

The director of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) bureau of consumer protection warned that the agency would bring enforcement action against small businesses that ________

lacked adequate policies and procedures to protect consumer data.

Most information security incidents will occur because of _________.

Users who do not follow secure computing practices and procedures.

4. According to cybersecurity experts, most data breaches go unreported because corporate victims fear that disclosure would damage their stock price, or because ________.

a. They never knew they were hacked in the first place

________ is the supervision, monitoring, and control of an organization's IT assets.

IT Governance

When it comes to fraud committed by an organization's employees, the single most effective fraud prevention technique is_____.

Creating the perception that fraud will be detected and punished.

Cybersecurity is ___________.

An ongoing unending process

In Cybersecurity terminology, a threat is defined as ________.

Something or someone that can damage, disrupt, or destroy an asset

The single-most effective fraud prevention tactic is making employees know that ________.

Fraud will be detected by IT monitoring systems and punished by the legal system

The IT security defense-in-depth model ends with ________.

Hardware and software selection

The three key cybersecurity principles are:

Confidentiality, integrity, availability

A(n) ________ attack bombards a network or website with traffic to crash it and leave it vulnerable to other threats.

Distributed Denial-of-service

IT professionals work hard to protect key characteristics of an asset from security breaches. One of these characteristics is ____________, or the property that data or files have not been altered in an unauthorized way.


_______ tactics are used by hackers and corporate spies to trick people into revealing login information or access codes

Social engineering

A defense strategy requires several controls. _________are established to protect the system regardless of the specific application.

General Controls

In the United States, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX), Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLB), Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA), and USA Patriot Act all require businesses to ____.

Protect personally identifiable information

Crime can be divided into two categories depending on the tactics used to carry out the crime: ________.

Violent and nonviolent

Most organizations use software or hardware devices to control access to their private networks from the internet by analyzing incoming and outgoing data packets. These devices are called _____.
