Series 6 Annuities/ Taxation and Economics

General Account

Is the investment account of an insurance company which is uses to fund its traditional (not variable) insurance products. The investments in the general account are owned by the insurance company

Expense Ratio

An investor is able to compare the costs of different funds by examining each ________. Factors that influence the expense ratio include the fund's size (small funds often charge higher ratios since they spread expanses among a smaller number of investors

When a customer wants income from an annuity and chooses the option of life with 20-year period certain, how will distributions be taxed?
A) As ordinary income based on LIFO accounting
B) As ordinary income based on an exclusion ratio
C) As capital gains

Answer: B As ordinary income based on an exclusion ratio
Life with 20-year period certain is an annuitization option. When an annuity is annuitized, ordinary income taxes are paid based on an exclusion ratio (cost basis divided by expected return = how mu

A registered representative elected to terminate her registration while raising her child. She would be able to re-affiliate with a FINRA member in the same license capacity without re-examination if she filed a Form U-4 within:

2 years of the effective date of her Form U-5 filing.
Once a registered person leaves the business, they can return without having to re-test as long as the new Form U-4 is filed no later than 2 years after the effective date filing of the Form U-5 to ter

FINRA (Financial Industry Regulatory Authority)

-Is the self-regulatory organization (SRO) for the over-the-counter markets and for NYSE members.
- It enforces the Conduct Rules, provides mediation and arbitration services, and promotes self-discipline among members, all with the end in view of protect

Deferred compensation

Is a promise made by an employer to defer a certain amount of an employee's salary (that he or she will receive) upon retirement. The employee has no rights to the money until retirement, death, or disability, and thus cannot use it as collateral.

Deferred Compensation Plan

A type of non-qualified retirement plan under which participants agree to defer compensation until retirement, disability, termination , or death. The theory is that by deferring some of their compensation, employees may pay taxes on that compensation whe

Office of Supervisory Jurisdiction (OSJ)

A designated office of a member firm where certain management reviews take place, including reviews of customer orders, approval of new accounts and approval of retail communication. Contrast with Branch office.

Branch Office

An office of a member firm in which securities business is conducted.

The NYSE is an auction market, i

The NYSE is an auction market, in which the highest bids and the lowest ask prices represent the current best market for a security.

The Central Registration Depository (CRD)

Is an automated database that contains information regarding the employment and disciplinary histories of registered persons. This system may also be used to process applications for agent registrations at the state-level as well as for processing withdra

Contributions to IRAs can be made up to April 15 of the year following the year for which the contribution is being made.


Coverdell Education Savings Account (ESA)

A tax-deferred account that provides tax-free withdrawals to cover educational expenses. Formerly referred to as an Education IRA.
-provides that any withdrawal made for qualified education expenses is free of income tax. Contributions are made with after


When employee becomes entitled to benefits in a retirement plan

1035 Exchange

As described with annuities, ________ of the Internal Revenue Code provides a person with the ability to exchange an insurance policy that he owns for a new life insurance policy which insures the same person without tax on the investment gains that he ha

Section 529 College Savings Plans

Similar to Coverdell Education Savings Accounts, _______ are NOT retirement accounts. Instead, they are a form of tax-advantaged account and are used to specifically save for higher education expenses.
- There are two types of Section 529 College savings

Non-Qualified Retirement Plans

Are not required to meet IRS standards regarding employee coverage, contribution limits, and vesting. In addition, they are not required to be made available to all employees. The money being contributed to these plans is not tax-deductible to the employe

Payroll Deduction Plan

A type of non-qualified Retirement Plan that allows employees to use after-tax deductions from their paychecks to purchase life insurance, mutual funds, and variable annuities. Employers may also choose to match their employees' contributions. For employe


Employee Retirement Income Security Act

The contribution in a defined benefit plan will:

vary with the actual requirements to fund a certain benefit.
The contribution in a defined benefit plan will vary with the actual requirements to fund the specified benefit. These requirements are determined actuarially based upon a number of factors. Old

Modified Endowment Contract (MEC)

A life insurance policy which has been funded with more money than is allowed under federal tax laws. If a life insurance policy becomes an MEC, it is no longer considered life insurance by the IRS.

Defined Contribution Plan

A qualified retirement plan in which the level of contributions is based on a percentage of the employee's compensation. The money is invested by the employee according to the options available. The benefit at retirement depends on the performance of the

Several customers have failed to make payment for their trades within the time period required under Regulation T, and the broker-dealer is faced with selling out their securities. Which of the following customers need NOT have their positions closed out?

Answer: D II and IV.
II) Joe Bennett, who owes $850 on a closed-end fund purchase.
IV) Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Wilson, who owe $540 on a zero-coupon bond trade.
If a customer has not made payment in accordance with Regulation T (2 business days af

Gains or losses are said to be "realized" when a stock is sold. This is especially important from a tax perspective as, in general, capital gains are taxed only when they are realized. Unrealized gains and losses are also commonly known as "paper" profits



Tax penalty on excess IRA contributions (those above the maximum)


Early withdrawal tax penalty for certain retirement plans


The 50% penalty would apply if he did not take the distribution according to his life expectancy by April 1 of the year following the year he turned 70?.

Regulation U

is the regulation governing banks and the amount of money they can lend to customers using securities as collateral.

Unrealized gains in portfolio securities result from the assets' appreciation in value and is reflected in an appreciation of the mutual fund shares themselves. A shareholder may cash in on this appreciation only by selling the shares and realizing the ga


SIPC (Securities Investor Protection Corporation)

________________ for each separate customer is $500,000, with cash coverage not to exceed $250,000.

Last-In, First-Out (LIFO)

(1) An inventory valuation method that assumes the newest inventory (last-in) is sold first (first-out) (vs. FIFO).
(2) The method of determining the taxable portion of a random withdrawal from an annuity. Taxable earnings are treated as being withdrawn b

all or none.

The type of underwriting where the deal is cancelled if the underwriter is unsuccessful at placing the entire issue is known as:
-The all or none underwriting is unique in that it requires that the entire issue be subscribed to or the deal is called off.

All-or-None (AON)

(1) A type of order where the client wants the entire order executed or none of it.
(2) A type of best efforts underwriting in which the issuer will sell the entire amount, or cancel the entire issue.

Best Efforts

An offering in which the investment banker agrees to distribute as much of the offering as possible to return any unsold shares to the issuer. See also: All-Or-None (AON)

Firm Commitment

A type of underwriting in which the underwriters agree to purchase the entire issue from the issuer. If they do not sell the entire issue, they are prohibited from returning the unsold portion to the issuer.

Standby Underwriting

An arrangement in which a securities firm is used to underwrite any unsubscribed shares of a rights offering. See also: Rights


A form that is completed and submitted to the Securities and Exchange Commission in order to apply for registration as a securities broker-dealer, including for government securities. The form requires that the firm disclose background information, includ

Coverdell Education Savings Accounts

allow after-tax contributions of up to $2,000 per student, per year, for children until their 18th birthday. If the accumulated value in the account is not used by age 30, the funds must be distributed and subject to income tax and a 10% penalty, or rolle

Roth IRA

With a ___________, the contributions are not deductible from current income. Withdrawals after age 59? are tax free, provided the money has been in the account for at least five years beginning with the first tax year for which a contribution was made to

TSA (Tax Sheltered Annuity) [403(b) Plan]

What does TSA stand for?

A 403(b)(7) plan is a

-type of tax-sheltered annuity available through mutual fund companies.
-A 403(b)(7) plan, a type of tax-sheltered annuity, allows employees to set up retirement plans directly with mutual fund companies.

Tombstone Ad

Ad advertisement of a new issue of securities. It is placed by the underwriters and gets its name from the fact that is has a black border. It includes the name of the issuer, the price of the security, and the name of the underwriter from whom it can be

profit-sharing plan

Distributions from a _______ plan are made from the individual's account, reflecting the accrued amount of contributions and earnings on the contributions.

Distributions from a profit-sharing plan made to an employee after retirement are from the:

amount allocated to the individual's account plus accumulated earnings during the employee's participation in the plan.

Any offer or advertisement of mutual fund shares must be preceded or accompanied by a prospectus. However, generic advertisements, such as those permitted under Rule 482, or purely informational material are exempted from this requirement. A prospectus mu


If a customer has securities worth $250,000 in a cash account, $150,000 worth of fully-paid-for securities in a margin account, and $195,000 worth of securities in a joint account with his wife, what is the total SIPC coverage?

Combined $400,000 in the cash and margin account and $195,000 in the joint account.
The cash and margin account are combined for SIPC purposes. Since the combined balances do not exceed the maximum coverage limits, both balances are covered. The joint acc

A customer has $250,000 in securities and $200,000 in cash with his brokerage firm. If the brokerage firm were forced to liquidate, how much of the account would SIPC cover?
A) There is no coverage, SIPC insurance protects investors against fraud, theft,

Answer B) All of the securities and all of the cash.
SIPC covers cash and securities up to $500,000 total, with cash losses not to exceed $250,000. SIPC protects investors when broker-dealers become insolvent.

A retired public school teacher, age 65, has deposited a total of $10,000 into a nonqualified variable annuity, and her account's current value is $16,000. If she wishes to take a lump-sum withdrawal of the full amount, how much of this withdrawal is taxe

D) $6,000.00
Contributions to a nonqualified annuity represent cost-base dollars. When the contributions are paid out, cost base represents a return of capital and is not subject to tax. The growth in an annuity is tax-deferred and is taxable upon receipt

Your customer has applied for a social security number but has not received it yet. An account was opened and mutual fund shares were purchased. If the fund distributes a dividend, what will happen?

In the absence of a tax ID number (social security number) for a customer, funds must withhold a percentage of distributions.

Qualified plans

may not discriminate between eligible employees. They must have a set vesting schedule, the plans must be in writing, not voice recorded, and an employer must update the status of all employees at least annually.

The Securities and Exchange Commission

The___________- was created by the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 as a federal commission with the power to enforce the Securities Act of 1933 and all subsequent federal securities acts. If a security is being offered in only a single state, however, it

Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999 - GLBA

was a regulation that Congress passed on November 12, 1999, which attempts to update and modernize the financial industry. The main function of the Act was to repeal the Glass-Steagall Act that said banks and other financial institutions were not allowed

The over-the-counter market

The over-the-counter market is a negotiated market. Within it, market makers are broker-dealer firms that provide a source for stock that customers wish to buy and a repository for stock that customers wish to sell.

ACE, an open-end investment company, operates under the conduit, or pipeline, tax theory. Last year, it distributed 91% of all net investment income as a dividend to shareholders. Therefore, which of the following statements is TRUE?

B) ACE paid taxes on 9% of its net investment income last year.
ACE pays taxes on any portion of income it does not distribute, as long as it distributes at least 90%; ACE paid taxes on 9%.

Your customer has his own sole proprietorship. He and his wife are the only full-time employees. He would like to start a retirement plan for his business but would like to have access to the funds in the account by means of loans. You would recommend:

A) a solo 401(k) plan.
The solo, or self-employed, 401(k) plan offers flexible contributions and loans on the principal. It is for sole proprietorships that have no full-time employees but proprietor and spouse.

Simplified Employee Pension Plan

A type of pension plan that combines a corporate pension plan and an IRA. Under a SEP, the employer makes a contribution to the employee's IRA.

Customers of financial institutions must be given the opportunity to opt out of information sharing with nonaffiliated third parties. Which of the following opt-out procedures would be unacceptable under Regulation SP?
A) Providing an email address to opt

C) Requiring a written letter to opt out.
Regulation SP under the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act requires that all firms providing privacy notices make it as easy as possible for their customers to opt out. Requiring the client to write a letter is considered too

Answer: D I and II
Hedge funds and Exchange-traded fund
Hedge funds, which commonly use far riskier strategies for profits than may be used by conventional investment companies, are mostly off-shore limited liability companies that do not register with th

Which of the following funds may NOT be sold by a Series 6 registered representative?
I) Hedge fund.
II) Exchange-traded fund.
III) Fund of hedge funds.
IV) Speculative bond mutual fund.
A) II and IV.
B) I and III.
C) III and IV.
D) I and I


The use of a security (e.g., an option) to reduce the market risk of a current holding. The hedging security (the option) is expected to perform well under market conditions in which the other security would perform poorly.

If a member firm is notified by FINRA that it must begin tape-recording the phone calls of its assistant representatives and registered representatives to existing and potential customers, it must do so within how many days of notification?

A firm has 60 days to secure the equipment and begin recording.

One of your clients owns a small business. She would like to start an employer-sponsored qualified IRA. A SIMPLE plan might be appropriate as long as her firm:

does not already have a qualified plan
has 100 or fewer employees
To have a SIMPLE plan, the employer may not have any other qualified plan in place and must have 100 or fewer employees.

Savings Incentive Match Plan for Employees (SIMPLE IRA)

SIMPLE IRAs allow small employers to establish traditional IRAs for their employees into which both employers and employees may contribute. These plans are ideally suited as start-up retirement savings plans for employees that do not currently sponsor any

If a registered representative left her firm three years ago but is ready to return to the industry, which of the following statements is NOT true?
A) Her new firm must file a Form U-4.
B) Her previous firm filed a Form U-5.
C) She is not required to requ

C) She is not required to requalify by examination.
After a leave of absence of more than two years, a registered representative must requalify by examination. When the representative left the old firm, her registration was terminated and the firm filed a

Money market instruments guaranteed by a bank that are used to provide capital for exporters to foreign countries are called:

banker's acceptances.
BAs provide short-term financing for importers and exporters.

A meeting between the issuer and underwriter to ensure that the prospectus is true and accurate is called:

due diligence meeting.
The final meeting before the end of the cooling-off period is known as a due diligence meeting and is always held before the effective date of the new offering.

Which of the following is a characteristic of bearer bonds?

They have interest coupons attached to the bond certificate.
Bearer bonds, which are not registered to a specific holder, must have the interest coupons attached to the bonds.

Bearer bonds

_______________, which are not registered to a specific holder, must have the interest coupons attached to the bonds.

Under which of the following conditions does the Investment Company Act of 1940 require a written statement disclosing the source of a dividend payment?

Whenever all or part of the dividend payment comes from a source other than current income or accumulated undistributed net income.
The Investment Company Act of 1940 requires disclosure when all or part of the dividend payment comes from a source other t

With a Roth IRA, the contributions are not deductible from current income. Withdrawals after age 59? are tax free, provided the money has been in the account for at least five years beginning with the first tax year for which a contribution was made to an


Series EE bonds

are nonnegotiable or nonmarketable securities. They may only be purchased from the government or a bank (acting as their agent) and they cannot be resold; only redeeme

The federal act that regulates securities markets and broker-dealers is the:

Securities Exchange Act of 1934.
The Securities Exchange Act of 1934, often called the People Act because the investing citizenry came under protection with this act, requires the registration of broker-dealers and their employees who deal with securities

a principal and charges a mark-up
A broker dealer that purchases securities for, or sells securities from, its inventory is acting in the capacity of a principal. Principals charge mark-ups on sales from inventory. When acting in the capacity of agent (fa

When a brokerage firm sells stock from its own inventory, it is acting in the capacity of

ABC Corporation has a 10% noncumulative preferred stock outstanding at $100 par value. Two years ago, ABC omitted its preferred dividend, and last year, it paid a dividend of $5 per share. To pay a dividend to common shareholders, each preferred share mus

Because this is noncumulative preferred stock, the company must pay only this year's full stated dividend of $10 per share before paying dividends to the common shares.

The Securities Act of 1933

The __________________ requires a prospectus and registration statement disclosing the relevant facts concerning a new issue to be filed with the SEC. The act further requires a prospectus to be distributed before or during a solicitation for sale so that

A customer purchased a variable annuity from an agent five years ago with an initial investment of $200,000. The annuity's surrender fee will expire in year seven, which coincides with the customer's anticipated need for the funds. In the fifth year of th

D) unsuitable because of surrender fees.
Incurring the surrender fee for the 1035 exchange of one contract and initiating a new long-term contract is inappropriate for a customer in general, and particularly for this customer considering her need to acces


__________ are used primarily by small businesses because they are easier and less expensive to set up than other plans. They are also used by self-employed persons. The employer sets up and administers the SEP IRA through an account held by a bank or ano

Which of the following statements are NOT true concerning revenue bonds?
I) They are secured by a specific pledge of property.
II) They are a type of general obligation bond.
III) Generally, their interest is tax-exempt at the federal level.
IV) They are

D) I and II.
Revenue bonds are not secured by a specific pledge of property and are not a type of general obligation bond. They are secured by user fees, such as tolls.

Revenue bond

A bond issue that is secured by pledge of the revenues of a specific project.


are sold at a discount by auction and mature at par in less than one year.

All of the following statements about a bond selling above par value are true EXCEPT:
A) the yield to maturity is lower than the nominal yield.
B) the nominal yield always stays the same.
C) the current yield is higher than the yield to maturity.
D) the n

D) the nominal yield is lower than the current yield.
Nominal (i.e., coupon) yield is fixed and stays the same with all bonds. A bond selling above par is selling at a premium, so the yield to maturity is lower than the current yield, which, in turn, is l

The discount rate is set by:

the Federal Reserve Board.
The discount rate is set by a vote of the Federal Reserve Board. Member banks borrow from the Fed at the discount rate.

Which of the following statements about FINRA are TRUE?
It has authority to regulate the OTC market in nonexempt securities.
I)It has authority to regulate the OTC market in nonexempt securities.
II) All branch offices of a member broker-dealer must be re

D) I and II.
Firms transacting business in the over-the-counter market and/or members of the New York Stock Exchange must register with the SEC and are eligible for membership in FINRA. If a broker-dealer is a member, each branch office of the broker-deal

Which of the following transactions may be made on margin?
A) The purchase of listed stock in a custodial account.
B) The purchase of option contracts.
C) The purchase of open-end funds.
D) The purchase of NYSE-listed closed-end fund shares.

Answer: D) The purchase of NYSE-listed closed-end fund shares.
Closed-end company shares may be purchased on margin like other listed securities that trade in the secondary market. Open-end shares (mutual funds), are continuous primary offerings, and new


(1) On Margin: The use of credit to finance securities transactions.
(2) Account: An account established by a broker-dealer to extend credit to a customer

Excess IRA contributions are subject to a penalty of:

Excess IRA contributions are subject to a yearly penalty of 6% until they are either withdrawn together with associated growth or applied to the following year's contribution limit.

Because the employee contributes to a 401(k) with his own money, there is no vesting period for the employee's contributions. Any contributions made by the employer are optional and may carry a vesting requirement.


If a company starts a pension plan for an employee who already has an IRA, this employee:

may continue to contribute to his IRA, but the contributions may not be 100% deductible, depending on his level of compensation.
The employee is still allowed contributions to an IRA up to the indexed maximum per year. However, because the employee is cov

Under the Insider Trading and Securities Fraud Enforcement Act of 1988, which of the following are insiders for purposes of insider trading?
I) Attorney who writes an offering circular for a company.
II) An investor holding 4% of the company's stock.

B) I and IV.
Attorney who writes an offering circular for a company.
Brother of a company's president.
The Explanation:
The Securities Exchange Act of 1934 defines an insider as an officer, director, or stockholder owning more than 10% of a company's outs

Which of the following is a debt instrument that pays no periodic interest?
A) Treasury note.
C) Treasury bond.

STRIPS are Treasury bonds with the coupons removed. STRIPS do not make regular interest payments. Instead, they are sold at a deep discount and mature at par value.

A bond is convertible at $25. The market value of the stock is $30. What is the parity price of the bond?
A) $750.
B) $1,200.
C) $1,100.
D) $800.

B) $1,200.
If a bond is convertible at $25, each $1,000 bond will convert to 40 shares.
40 shares ? $30 =$1,200 parity of the bond.

Which of the following changes to a U-4 form must be communicated to the registered representative's broker-dealer and to FINRA?
A) Purchase of property.
B) Marital status.
C) Birth of a child.
D) Bankruptcy.

D) Bankruptcy.
The broker-dealer and FINRA must be notified if a registered representative files for bankruptcy; the other occurrences listed do not require FINRA notification.

Your customer is 61 years old. He would like to take a lump-sum distribution from his SIMPLE plan. What is the tax treatment of this distribution?

B) Taxed as ordinary income
The distribution is taxed as ordinary income. A 10% penalty would apply if the customer were younger than age 59?.

A corporation needs shareholder approval for which of the following?
Cash dividend.
10% stock dividend.
Four-for-one split.
Repurchase of 100,000 of the company's own shares.

C) Four-for-one split.
Shareholders have a right to vote on such items as mergers, reorganizations, recapitalizations, and stock splits. Shareholders never vote on payment or size of dividends. Repurchase of shares for the treasury is a decision for the b

The FRB is likely to implement a tight or restrictive monetary policy when inflation is rising rapidly. The consumer price index measures inflation; when it is rising, inflation is on the increase.


A standby underwriting

allows a corporation to sell as much of a new issue to current stockholders as possible, backed by the underwriter's promise to purchase any unsold rights. Remember that a standby underwriting agreement is associated with a rights offering.

Your client calls you to inform you that he has recently sold his home and is in the process of constructing a new one. He has approximately $150,000 in proceeds from the sale on which he would like to earn a return. The funds must be available in about s

II and III.
This client's needs are best met by placing the funds into the money market, defined as high-quality debt securities with one year or less to maturity. The banker's acceptance and the Treasury Bond meet those criteria.

If reassociation occurs within two years, the cycle date remains associated with his original registration date. If it occurs after two years have elapsed, the new cycle is based on the reassociation date.


C) The exercise price of a right is generally above the market value at issue; the exercise price of a warrant is generally below the market value at issue.
The exercise price of a right is typically below the market value of the stock at the time of issu

Which of the following statements regarding rights and warrants is NOT true?
Warrants are frequently issued in bond offerings to improve the marketability of the bond; preemptive rights are offered to existing stockholders to maintain proportionate own

Money converted from a traditional IRA into a Roth IRA is subject to ordinary income taxes, not capital gains taxes. There is no 10% penalty on the conversion, regardless of age; and moving money from one IRA to another has no impact on the ability to mak


Which of the following concerning Section 529 plans are TRUE?
Qualified withdrawals are exempt from federal income tax.
Contributions are made with pre-tax dollars.
Contribution limits are set at the state level.
Qualified withdrawals may be used for pre

I and III.
Contribution amounts vary from state to state. Only "qualified" withdrawals are tax exempt when used for post-secondary education. Contributions are always made with after-tax dollars

Which of the following is covered by the Securities Investor Protection Corporation?
Fraudulent transaction.
Issuer default.
Market risk.
Broker-dealer failure.

SIPC protects customer accounts against broker-dealer failure-not market risk, issuer default, or losses due to fraud.

The Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) is aimed at private sector qualified plans. Deferred compensation and payroll deduction plans are not qualified, and a county employee plan is not private sector. A defined benefit plan, on the o

Which of the following retirement plans would have to conform to the requirements of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act?
A corporate deferred compensation plan.
A corporate defined benefit plan.
A retirement plan for county employees.

A mutual fund shareholder purchases no-load shares at the beginning of an investment period and, at the end of the investment period, sells the shares for a gain. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
The total assets of the fund could have been h

D)The NAV per share was lower at the beginning.
For a shareholder to have realized a gain on the sale of the mutual fund shares, the NAV of the shares would have been lower at the initial purchase compared to the NAV at the sale of the shares.

C) a back-end sales charge that decreases the longer the investor holds the shares.
contingent deferred sales charge, assessed with Class B shares, is a back-end load that decreases over time. Typically, CDSCs begin at 5% or 6% and decrease at the rate of

A contingent deferred sales charge is best described as:

When an annuitant dies during the accumulation period of a nonqualified annuity, the proceeds exceeding the annuity's cost basis are taxable as ordinary income to the beneficiary.

A customer establishes a nonqualified periodic payment deferred annuity and makes payments for three years. If the customer suddenly dies, which of the following statements correctly identifies the tax consequences to the beneficiary?
The beneficiary m

Baa bonds may yield more than Aaa bonds because

A) Baa bonds carry more default risk than Aaa bonds
Baa bonds carry a greater default risk, so they will most likely pay greater interest to induce investors to purchase them.

Your client inherits 1,000 shares of ABC mutual fund when the NAV is 9.50 and POP is $10.00. Two years later, the client sells all of the shares when NAV is 14.25 and POP is 15.00. What are the tax consequences?
Capital gain of $4,250
Capital gain o


Common stockholders of publicly traded companies have a residual claim to assets of a corporation at dissolution and are entitled to receive an annual report containing audited financial statements. Stockholders never get to vote on dividends.

Common stockholders of a publicly traded corporation have which of the following rights and privileges?
Residual claim to assets at dissolution.
Right to a vote for stock dividends to be paid.
Right to receive an audited financial report on an annual basi

Remember that the Federal Reserve has no authority over taxing and spending. Making it easier for business to obtain funding would require lowering interest rates. To help bring this about, a monetary policy step the Federal Reserve can take is lowering t


A customer purchases $50,000 worth of 10% corporate bonds at par. At the end of the day, the bonds close down a half point. The customer has a loss of:
The customer holds 50, $1,000 bonds. One bond point


Depending on the issuer of the variable annuity, the charges described can be called surrender charges or contingent deferred sales charges (CDSC). The charges include but are not limited to fees, commissions paid to agents and brokers, and other costs as


Although nonqualified, a 457 plan is a type of deferred compensation plan for state and local governments and tax-exempt employers for their employees. As such, the money in the plan has never been taxed, therefore all of the distributions will be taxed a

An investor who works for the city is ready to retire. The city has operated a Section 457 plan for its employees, in which he has participated. What portion of his withdrawals will be taxable?
Growth and earnings only
The entire amount

All of the following statements regarding 529 plans are true EXCEPT:
states impose very high maximum contribution limits.
the income level of the contributor can affect the annual contribution amount.
the assets in the account are controlled by t


A qualified profit-sharing plan offered by a corporation to its employees has all of the following features EXCEPT:
A) the amount of the contribution is tax deductible to the employee.
the corporation may elect to omit or reduce contributions in years

the amount of the contribution is tax deductible to the employee.
The amount of the contribution to the plan is deductible to the employer, not the employee. A major difference between a profit-sharing plan and a pension plan is that contributions to the

According to the Conduct Rules, a FINRA member firm may give certain selling concessions to which of the following?

Other member firms.
Members may give other members selling concessions, but sales to the public and to nonmember firms must be made at the public offering price.

When the stock is called, dividend payments are no longer made. With callable preferred stock, to compensate for that possibility, the issuer pays a higher dividend than with straight preferred. Cumulative and convertible preferred have positi

If all other factors are equal, an investor would expect which type of preferred stock to pay the highest stated dividend rate?


a bond issue, all or part of which may be redeemed before maturity by the issuer under specified conditions. The term also applies to preferred shares that may be redeemed by the issuing corporation.

If interest rates are increasing and the market prices of bonds are decreasing, what happens to the value of straight preferred stock during this period?
A) Its value remains the same.
B) Its value decreases.
C) Its value increases.
D) Interest rates and

Its value decreases.
Preferred stocks are interest-rate sensitive, as are other fixed- income investment securities, such as bonds. Thus, if interest rates increase, the fixed return may be surpassed by the return provided by other investments. The value

An investor purchases $10,000 of the Class B shares of the KAPCO Growth Fund. Two years later, the client redeems the shares. The redemption charge is a percent of the:

lesser of the NAV or purchase price.

Contingent Deferred Sales Charge (CDSC)

A method of assessing a sales charge in a variable annuities and mutual funds where the actual percentage of the sales charge is dependent upon the length of time that the investor holds the contract and is payable upon redemption of the shared (Also, ref

Class B Shares

Shares of a mutual fund that generally assesses a contingent deferred sales charge if the shares are sold within a certain period. Class B shared generally have higher 12b-1 fees than Class A shares.

created the Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC) to protect securities investors against losses resulting from the financial failure of broker-dealers. SIPC does not provide protection against securities losses arising from decreases in marke

The Securities Investor Protection Act of 1970

The investor in a corporate zero-coupon bond receives the return in the form of growth of the principal amount over the bond's life. The bond is purchased at a deep discount and redeemed at par at maturity. The discount from par represents the interest th


Money market securities are high-quality debt issues with maturities of one year or less. BAs have a maximum maturity of 270 days, and Treasury bills have a maturity of less than one year. Both common and preferred stock are equity, not debt.


Which of the following securities are exempt from the 1933 Act?
Federal and state governmental issues.
Stocks being issued in more than one state.
Nonprofit organizations.
A 20-year corporate bond being offered nationwide.
II and III.
I and III.

I and III.
Federal and municipal issues are exempt from registration. Corporate securities being offered in more than one state are not.

Which of the following transactions may be made on margin?

The purchase of NYSE-listed closed-end fund shares
Closed-end company shares may be purchased on margin like other listed securities that trade in the secondary market. Open-end shares (mutual funds), are continuous primary offerings, and new issues of se

Commercial paper is a:

promissory note issued by a corporation.
A corporation issues commercial paper as a short-term, unsecured promissory note.

A preliminary prospectus:

may be used to gather indications of interest.
A preliminary prospectus, or red herring, is prepared after the filing of a registration statement with the SEC. It is the only item allowed to be given to prospective investors while gathering indications of

Which of the following would be considered money market instruments?
A Treasury bond with 11 months to maturity.
Ten shares of preferred stock sold within 270 days.
An American depositary receipt (ADR) held for less than one year.
A $200,000 negotiable ce

Money market securities are high-grade debt securities with one year or less to maturity. Preferred stock and ADRs are equity securities.

One of the most important functions of a banker's acceptance is its use as a means of:

facilitating trades in foreign goods.
A banker's acceptance is a time draft typically used to facilitate an overseas trading venture. It is guaranteed by a bank on behalf of a corporation in payment for goods or services.

TCB wants to offer $7 million worth of common stock in its home state and in three other states. To clear the offer for sale, TCB must file a(n):
preliminary prospectus.
offering circular.
registration statement.
letter of notification.

registration statement.
TCB must file a standard registration statement because it is a nonexempt issuer selling securities interstate.

Which of the following concerning Section 529 plans are TRUE?
Qualified withdrawals are exempt from federal income tax.
Contributions are tax qualified.
Some states will tax the withdrawals as income.
Withdrawals may be used for any expenses incurred by a

I and III.
The withdrawals from Section 529 plans are federally tax exempt, but they may be taxed as income in some states. The money that is invested in a Section 529 plan is always after tax. The withdrawals must be used for qualified education expenses

On February 14, an investor purchases 1,000 shares of ACE Bond Fund, with an objective of providing the highest possible level of income on a monthly basis. On August 15, the investor informs his agent that he has changed his mind and wishes to exchange h

D) As a short-term gain because the bond fund was held for less than 12 months.
Because the investor held the bond fund shares for less than 12 months, the gain is short term. An exchange privilege does not exempt the transfer of funds from taxation. The

ADRs are used to facilitate the:

domestic trading of foreign securities.
An ADR is a negotiable security that represents an ownership interest in a non-U.S. company. Because they trade in the U.S. marketplace, ADRs allow investors convenient access to foreign securities.

American Depository Receipt (ADR)

A security issued by a U.S. bank in place of the foreign shares held in trust by that bank, thereby facilitating the trading of foreign shares in the U.S. markets

Flexible premium payments are a feature of:

universal variable life.
Only universal and universal variable life policies have flexible premium payments.

Universal Life Insurance

Another type of permanent life insurance which also allows policy owners to accumulate cash values is the _________. For policyholders, the major advantage of _________ is that is more flexible than traditional whole life insurance. Policy owners are able

Term insurance

is a policy with a set duration limit on the coverage period. Once the policy is expired, it is up to the policy owner to decide whether to renew the term life insurance policy or to let the coverage end. This type of insurance policy contrasts with perma

If a corporation's investment account received $100,000 in dividends and $20,000 in interest; how much of the $120,000 received would be subject to taxation?
A) $20,000
B) $90,000
C) $120,000

Corporations that receive dividends from investments have a 70% dividend exclusion. This means that out of the $100,000 received, only 30%, or $30,000 is subject to taxation. No such exclusion exists for interest received. Therefore, $30,000 plus

Easing of Credit

The ultimate approach to be taken by the FRB will be based on the evaluation of the economy's current growth rate and whether it considers that growth rate inflationary. If the FRB believes that it needs to stimulate the economy because growth is sluggish

Dividend Exclusion

A rule that allows corporations to subtract dividends received from income for tax purposes. Dividend exclusion is permitted for domestic corporations in the United States and allows for the exclusion of a percentage of dividend income received from other

Fees such as mortality and risk expenses are deducted from the:
I) premium payment for flexible premium policies.
II) premium payment for scheduled premium policies.
III) separate account cash value for flexible premium policies.
IV)separate account cash

III and IV.
III) separate account cash value for flexible premium policies.
IV)separate account cash value for scheduled premium policies.
Expenses are deducted from the separate account cash value for both scheduled and flexible premium Variable Lifer co


is a provision or feature that may be purchased separately from an insurance policy to provide additional benefits at additional cost.

Death Benefit

The ___________ (face value) of an insurance policy is the amount of money that a beneficiary receives at the time of the insured's death

Mortality Risk

is the risk that an insurance company assumes to provide the death benefit. The risk is tied to the possibility that the insured will die earlier than expected.

Expense Risk

Is the risk that an insurance company assumes by guaranteeing that the charges involved in administering the contract will not increase beyond a certain level. Most variable life insurance policies include an expense guarantee provision. This provision li

U.S. Treasury bills

_________ are issued with 4, 13, 26, and 52-week maturities. There are no 39-week T-bills.


measures growth in the economy. To retain an accurate comparison of one year to the next, it must be measured with constant dollars (inflation-adjusted dollars).

All of the following are characteristics of convertible bonds EXCEPT:
the price of the bond can be affected by the price of the underlying stock.
the coupon is invariably lower than similar nonconvertible corporate bonds.
the coupon is invariably higher t

C) III and IV.
the coupon is invariably higher than similar nonconvertible corporate bonds.
at issue, the conversion price is set lower than the market value of the underlying stock.
The coupon on convertible bonds is invariably less than the coupon of si

Your father purchased $10,000 of ABC stock 10 years ago and purchased an additional $5,000 on April 1. On September 1, when the current market value of the stock is $25,0000, your father passes away and you inherit the ABC stock. On November 1, you sell t

$5,000 long-term capital gain
The holding period for stock inherited is always long-term, no matter when the stock was purchased. The cost basis of the stock is automatically stepped up to the current (fair) market value at the time of death. Therefore, t

Section 529 plans

The features of _____________, including their contribution limits and fees, vary widely from state to state. Section 529 plans have no age limits as to participation; they are open to both children and adults who plan to attend college or graduate school

Which of the following statements regarding a two-for-one stock split are TRUE?
The share price is reduced by half.
The total market value of the outstanding stock decreases.
The total market value of the outstanding stock may increase or decrease as a re

D) I and IV.
The share price is reduced by half.
The number of shares outstanding doubles.
In a two-for-one stock split, the number of outstanding shares is doubled and the price is halved. The total market value of the issuer's stock therefor

No-load Funds

_____ are mutual funds that are sold to the public at their net asset value, without any sales charges assessed. In other words, these funds have a net asset value and a public offering price that are the same.
For a fund to marker itself as a no-load fun

Contractual Plan

_________ are established when an investor agrees to invest a specified amount at regular intervals for a number of years (usually 10 to 15 years).
-Are sold by companies that have entered into an agreement which gives them the ability to buy a mutual fun

Front-End Contractual Plans

The difference between the two types of Contractual Plans is the method by which the sales charge is collected. With front-end load plans, up to 50% of the year's payments may be deducted for sales charges. However, the maximum cumulative sales charge for

Spread-Load Contractual Plans

With a spread-load plan, the plan company may not deduct more than 20% in sales charges during any one year and, for the first four years, the sales charges may not exceed an average of 16%.
-Must receive an informational letter that details the plan's sa

two-for-one stock split

In a _________________, the number of outstanding shares is doubled and the price is halved. The total market value of the issuer's stock therefore remains the same.

A resident of Georgia purchases an Albany, New York general obligation bond. If the investor is in the 28% federal income tax bracket and the 6% state income tax bracket, which of the following statements relating to this bond's interest are TRUE?
It is f

It is free of federal income tax.
It is taxable as ordinary income on the state level.
The interest paid to an investor on a municipal general obligation bond is always free of federal income tax. In most cases, there is no state income tax if

B) Thursday, January 15
The record date for corporate securities is 2 business days after the ex-(dividend)date or, in this case, Thursday, January 15.

If the ex-date for a stock is Tuesday, January 13, what is the record date?
Friday, January 9
Thursday, January 15
Saturday, January 17
Monday, January 19

The insurer must extend a free-look period to the owner of a variable life policy for 45 days from the execution of the application, or for 10 days from the time the owner receives the policy, whichever is longer. During the free-look period, the policy o

How long is the free-look period for a variable life insurance policy?
10 days after delivery.
10 days after issue.
45 days after delivery.
45 days after application.
A) I and IV
B)II and III
C) I and III
D) II and IV

If an investor pays 95.08 for a Treasury bond, how much did the bond cost?
A )$95.08.
B) $952.50.
C) $950.80.
D )$9,508.

B) $952.50.
Treasury bonds are quoted as a percentage of par plus 32nds. In this case, the price is $950 plus 8/32 (i.e., ?) of $10, for a total of $952.50.

Mutual fund shareholders are not taxed on:

unrealized capital gains.
Interest, dividends, and realized capital gains are all taxed. However, unrealized capital gains are not taxed. Unrealized gains contribute to NAV appreciation and to a shareholder's capital gain upon redemption.

Jack Smith, in the 35% tax bracket, has an opportunity to buy a 5.3% municipal bond. What corporate yield would provide an equivalent return?

To determine the taxable equivalent yield, divide the tax-free yield by the complement of the individual's tax bracket (1 ? the tax bracket %). 5.3% / 65% = 8.153. Note: the corporate bond would have to yield more than the municipal bond to provide

Index Funds

seek to duplicate the price and yield performance of a selected index.


1) A statistical benchmark expressed in terms of percentages of a base year or years. For instance, the Federal Reserve Board's index of industrial production is based on 1967 as 100. An index is not an average.
2) A statistical measure of a group of stoc

If a member firm is notified by FINRA that it must begin tape-recording the phone calls of its assistant representatives and registered representatives to existing and potential customers, it must do so within how many days of notification?

A firm has 60 days to secure the equipment and begin recording.

A defensive investment strategy would be best described as one where the investor builds a portfolio consisting largely of:

public utilities, food manufacturers and tobacco companies.

Defensive stock

A stock that is resistant to changes in general economic activity. Examples include food, utility, and tobacco stocks

An investor sells EGH common stock that she has owned for six months at a loss of $2,500 on February 16. Two weeks later, she purchases preemptive rights to EGH common stock at a price of $1.50, exercisable at a price of $35. Which of the following best d

B.) The purchase of the rights, according to IRS rules, represents the reestablishment of the investor's position in substantially identical securities, and any potential losses will be disallowed under wash sale rules.
IRS rules do not allow an investor

Wash Sale

A sale of securities at a loss with the subsequent disallowance of the loss by the IRS. If an individual sells a security at a loss and, within 30 days, repurchases substantially the same security, the IRS with consider it a wash sale and will disallow th

The management fees

paid by an investment company are part of the operating expenses of the fund. Custodial fees are also part of the operating expenses. A sales load is a selling cost contained within the underwriting agreement.

The management fees paid by an investment company are part of:

the operating expense of the fund.

majority vote of the outstanding shares.
The Investment Company Act of 1940 requires the fund to have a clearly defined investment objective. The only action that can be taken to change the investment objective is a majority vote of the outstanding shares

If an open-end investment company wishes to change its investment objective, it may only do so with a:

Profit-Sharing Plan

A tax-deferred retirement account that allows employers to make flexible, non-mandatory contributions that are typically based on corporate profitability.

The rules for ensuring that money will be available in a retirement plan (for paying out to participants during their retirement) are covered by which of the following types of requirements?


You have a client who is in the 30% tax bracket. She has an opportunity to purchase a 9% corporate bond. This would be tax-equivalent to a municipal bond with a coupon of:

A) 6.3%
The corporate bond is fully taxable, while the municipal bond is tax-free. The formula to use is:
Corporate yield ? (1?tax bracket) = municipal equivalent.
9% ? (1?.30) = 6.3%.

Each of the following is a defined contribution plan EXCEPT:
a 401(k) plan.
a stock option plan.
a money-purchase pension plan.
a profit-sharing plan (qualified).

a stock option plan.
Money-purchase pension plans, 401(k) plans, and qualified profit-sharing plans are all examples of defined contribution plans.

anti-dilution provision

a provision in an option or a convertible security, and it is also known as an "anti-dilution clause." It protects an investor from equity dilution resulting from later issues of stock at a lower price than the investor originally paid. These are common w

DMF Company has convertible bonds (convertible at $50) outstanding. The current market value of DMF's stock is $42. The bond indenture contains an antidilution feature. If DMF declares a 10% stock dividend, the new conversion price will be
the stock's

With an antidilution feature, the issuer will increase the number of shares available upon conversion if the company declares a stock split or stock dividend. This is done to keep the bondholder whole. Originally, the bond converts to 20 shares ($1,000 �

Which of the following debt instruments pays no current interest?
Treasury notes.
Series EE
Series HH bonds.
Treasury bonds.


Which of these interest rates is the most volatile?
A) Prime
B) Federal funds
C) Broker call loan
D) Discount

Federal funds
Short-term interest rates are more volatile than longer-term rates. The federal funds rate, which changes at least daily, is the most volatile of the rates given.

In May, an investor bought 100 shares of ABC for $16 per share. If he decides to give the stock to his nephew in December when the stock is selling for $25 per share, what is his nephew's cost basis?
A)$41 per share.
B)$16 per share.
C)$9 per share.

$16 per share.
The donor of securities will pass his cost basis to the recipient if the market value at the time of the gift is greater than the donor's cost.

broker call loan rate.

When investors purchase stock and other securities on margin, the broker-dealer borrows part of the purchase price from a bank. The interest rate charged the broker-dealer is known as the

Coverdell Education Savings Accounts allow after-tax contributions of up to $2,000 per student, per year, for children until their 18th birthday. If the accumulated value in the account is not used by age 30, the funds must be distributed and subject to i


If a customer intends to invest an amount just below a breakpoint threshold, he should be informed of the breakpoint discount, as well as the various methods by which he can receive it.
place the order as instructed.

A customer with no other mutual fund investments wishes to invest $47,000 in the XYZ Technology Fund. If the Class A shares are eligible for a breakpoint sales charge discount at the $50,000 investment level, the action least appropriate for an agent is t

Principal-Protected Funds

These funds predominately or exclusively invest in securities that offer principal protection (e.g., zero-coupon bonds), which means that the owners are guaranteed to receive back at least what they originally invested if they remain invested for the guar

In a period of deflation, corporate bond prices are:


A regulated investment company:

acts as a conduit for dividend distributions.
If an investment company distributes at least 90% of its net investment income to shareholders, it is considered to act as a pipeline or conduit for the distribution; it will receive special tax treatment and

If an investor pays 95.08 for a Treasury bond, how much did the bond cost?

B) $952.50.
Treasury bonds are quoted as a percentage of par plus 32nds. In this case, the price is $950 plus 8/32 (i.e., ?) of $10, for a total of $952.50.

A standby underwriting

allows a corporation to sell as much of a new issue to current stockholders as possible, backed by the underwriter's promise to purchase any unsold rights. Remember that a standby underwriting agreement is associated with a rights offering.

ABC is engaged in a stock rights offering with the help of Alpha Securities as managing underwriter. If Alpha Securities agrees to purchase the unused rights for any stock that ABC cannot sell to current stockholders, and use them to purchase stock for re

D) Standby.
A standby underwriting allows a corporation to sell as much of a new issue to current stockholders as possible, backed by the underwriter's promise to purchase any unsold rights. Remember that a standby underwriting agreement is as

To charge an 8.5% sales load, a mutual fund must offer all of the following rights and privileges EXCEPT:
I) conversion (exchange)
II) breakpoints
III) rights of accumulation
IV) redemption checks sent within 7 days of request
A) I and II
B) I and IV
C) I

B) I and IV
conversion (exchange)
redemption checks sent within 7 days of request
Did you miss the word EXCEPT? Offering conversion privileges is not a must in order to charge 8.5%. Redemption checks must be sent within 7 days of request no matter what th

The gross domestic product (GDP)
The Consumer Price Index (CPI)

_________________ (__) is the total productive output of a country in a year. It includes exports, government spending, and a host of other quantities and is a direct measure of productivity. __________________ (___) compares prices for representative com

Shareholders have a right to vote on such items as mergers, reorganizations, recapitalizations, and stock splits. Shareholders never vote on payment or size of dividends. Repurchase of shares for the treasury is a decision for the board of directors.


For most investors, the primary feature of investing in preferred stock is its fixed dividend. Consequently, it is purchased for income and is more sensitive to changes in interest rates than common stock is. Warrants are not affected by interest rate mov


Convertible Preferred Stock

_____________ - appeals to investors who want higher, more secure income than common stocks typically provide, but also want the higher potential for capital appreciation that is usually offered by common stocks. The trade-off is that this type of preferr

Cumulative Preferred Stock

all of the preferred dividends that are in arrears (unpaid) must be paid before common stockholders are paid any dividends.

Non-Cumulative Preferred Stock

If preferred stock is ____________ than any missed dividends are not paid to stockholders. In any given year, only the current dividend is required to be paid before common stock dividends may be paid.

SEC Rule 482, the omitting prospectus rule, deals with mutual fund tombstone ads and allows them to contain far more detailed information than a traditional stock or bond tombstone. However, these ads may not be used in place of a prospectus. A customer w


A first year broker-dealer posts an ad in the newspaper to recruit series 6 registered representatives on May 5, 2010 and again on August 14, 2010. How long must the broker-dealer maintain records of this?
Three years from August 14, 2010
Until Dece


Which of the following describes the price of a Class A mutual fund share paid by a dealer on contract with the fund's underwriter?
Public offering price minus the underwriter's concession.
Public offering price minus the sales charge.
Net asset


BAs provide short-term financing for importers and exporters


The Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the people and places act) regulates the secondary market. The Securities Act of 1933 (the paper act) regulates the primary market.


The final meeting before the end of the cooling-off period is known as a due diligence meeting and is always held before the effective date of the new offering.


Stocks pay dividends quarterly


The phrase employer matching is commonly used when referring to which type of retirement plan


The result of dollar cost averaging is to:
obtain a lower average cost per share than average price per share.
take advantage of a bullish market by buying more shares in a rising market.
obtain a lower average price per share than average cost p

obtain a lower average cost per share than average price per share.
The result of dollar cost averaging is to obtain a lower average cost per share than the average price per share. This is accomplished by making regular investments of a fixed amount when

A customer would like to know which of the following mutual funds has the highest potential for capital growth. Which would you choose?
Long-term bond fund.
Small-cap technology stock fund.
Blue-chip growth stock fund.
Blue-chip preferred stoc

Bond funds and preferred stock funds offer income and little, if any, potential for growth. A blue-chip stock fund offers conservative growth potential. A technology fund invests in risky stocks and has the highest potential for growth. The customer shoul

Which of the following forms of written communication must a principal approve before use?
Interoffice memorandum
Letter to a customer confirming an annual account review appointment
Letter sent this month to 50 prospective customers offering adv

Letters sent to more than 25 retail investors within any 30-calendar-day period are considered retail communication and must be approved by a principal before use. Letters sent to fewer than 26 retail investors within a 30 calendar-day period

Selling Dividends

A violation of the Conduct Rules. If a registered representative convinces a client to purchase shares of common stock or a mutual fund because of an impending dividend, the representative can be cited for this action. Since both common stock and mutual f

A defensive strategy

is one that concentrates investments into those industries that are less likely to suffer during an economic decline. Regardless of current economic conditions, people still eat, smoke and use their utilities.

The Department of Enforcement is an arm of FINRA; it is the first body to hear and judge complaints.


From which of the following is the 12b-1 fee deducted?

Assets of the fund.
A 12b-1 fee is charged quarterly as a percentage of the average annual assets.

Which of the following is classified as an independently prepared reprint (IPR)?
Wall Street Journal article on investing
article on investing produced by the member firm
market letter

Wall Street Journal article on investing
An IPR consists of any article reprint that meets certain standards designed to ensure that the reprint was issued by an independent publisher (like the Wall Street Journal) and was not materially altered by the me

Code of Procedure

describes the disciplinary process that is used in the event that a member firm or any of its associated persons violate FINRA rules, SEC rules, or fail to pay dues to assessments

Modified endowment contract (MEC)

A life insurance policy which has been funded with more money than is allowed under federal tax laws. If a life insurance policy becomes an MEC, it is no longer considered life insurance by the IRS.


A term that refers to a bonds that are traded without accrued interest. Bonds that are in default income bonds, and zero-coupon bonds usually trade with interest, where the buyer pays to the seller the market price plus interest accrued since the last pay

Accrued Interest

The interest due on a bond since the last interest payment was made. The buyer of the bond pays the market price plus accrued interest .


A method of adjusting a taxpayer's cost basis of a bond bought at an original issue discount. The annual accretion is treated as interest for tax purposed

Market risk

(the risk that investors may lose principal due to price volatility of the overall market) is a systematic risk. This type of risk cannot be diversified away.

The difference between a bond's par (or face) value and a market price lower than par is known as the bond's discount from par.

The difference between par and a lower market price on a bond is called the:

Class C shares.

Mutual fund shares that carry a level load are:

Under the Investment Company Act of 1940, which of the following are considered management companies?
Open-end companies.
Closed-end companies.
Unit investment trusts.
Face-amount certificate companies.
I and III.
II and IV.
I and II.
III and

Management companies are subclassified into open-end companies (mutual funds) and closed- end companies. Unit investment trusts are a type of investment company that is not managed, as are face-amount certificate companies.

A conversion ratio of 20 means that one bond can be exchanged for 20 shares of common stock. Since the par value of the bond is $1000, this corresponds to a conversion price of $50 per share.


Which of the following are characteristics of exchange-traded funds (ETFs)?
They are redeemable securities.
They are priced by supply and demand.
They are designed to track an index.
They try to diversify within a particular industry.
II and IV.
I a

II and III.
ETFs trade on an exchange and, like all securities traded there, are priced based upon supply and demand. Virtually all ETFs track a specified index.

An investor purchased 200 shares of ACE Fund when the POP was $11.60 and the NAV was $10.60. ACE Fund's current POP is $12.50, and current NAV is $11.50. If the investor liquidates his 200 shares now, he will have a:
loss of $200.
loss of $20.


You have a client who is in the 30% tax bracket. She has an opportunity to purchase a 9% corporate bond. This would be tax-equivalent to a municipal bond with a coupon of:
The corporate bond is fully taxable, w


Which of the following interest rates would be of most direct concern to a business enterprise looking to borrow money for next year's business operations?
The federal funds rate.
The prime rate.
The discount rate.
The broker call loan rate.

The prime rate is the rate charged by large commercial banks to their most creditworthy commercial customers for business, commercial, and industrial loans. The published prime rate is an average of prime rates from representative regions around the count

Each of the following are characteristic of a mutual fund voluntary accumulation plan EXCEPT:
minimum initial purchase.
declining sales charges on new investment as money accumulates.
obligatory purchase goal.
minimum but optional additional p

A voluntary accumulation plan is just that-voluntary, not binding. The company may require that the initial investment meet a certain minimum dollar amount. It may also specify that any additions meet set minimums (e.g., $50). The plan may qualify for bre

A broker dealer that purchases securities for, or sells securities from, its inventory is acting in the capacity of a principal. Principals charge mark-ups on sales from inventory. When acting in the capacity of agent (facilitating a transaction between a


An appreciation in value of fund assets, without a corresponding increase in liabilities, leads to an increase in the fund's net asset value (total assets minus liabilities equals net assets).

If the value of securities held in a fund's portfolio increases, and the amount of liabilities stays the same, the fund's net assets:
stay the same.
are more liquid.

A subscriber to a front-end load contractual plan is investing $100 a month for 10 years. What is the maximum sales charge that she will pay?
No maximum sales charge; rule only states it must be reasonable
The ma


Mutual fund performance statistics must show results for one, five, and ten years, or the life of the fund, whichever is shorter.


If ZB Invest Fund seeks capital appreciation, has a low dividend yield, and invests chiefly in the stock of large, well-performing companies that have earnings momentum; it is probably a:

ZB Invest Fund's objective describes a growth fund.

If a variable annuity has an assumed interest rate of 5% and the annualized return of the separate account is 4%, the value of the:
accumulation unit will rise.
annuity unit will rise.
accumulation unit will fall.
annuity unit will fall.
I and II.

The accumulation unit will increase in value because the portfolio earned 4%. However, the annuity unit value will decrease because the actual return of the portfolio (4%) was less than the assumed interest rate of 5% necessary to maintain payment amount.

During the pay-in period of a variable annuity, an individual owns accumulation units. These units will be owned until the money is to be withdrawn. Once a person wishes to begin receiving benefit checks, the accumulation units are exchanged for annuity u
