Human Growth and Development (mid-term) chapter 2 (?)

Evolutionary Psychology

emphasizes the importance of adaptation, reproduction, and survival of the fittest in shaping behavior. Favors behavior that increases reproductive success.


units of hereditary info composed of DNA. Genes help cells to reproduce themselves and assemble proteins that direct body processes.


threadlike structures made up of deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA.


cellular reproduction in which the cell's nucleus duplicates itself; two new cells are formed, each containing the same DNA as the original cell, arranged in the same 23 pairs of chromosomes.


a specialized form of cell division that occurs to form eggs and sperm (or gametes).


a stage in reproduction when an egg and a sperm fuse to create a single cell, called a zygote.


all of a person actual genetic material

Klinefelter syndrome

males have an extra x chromosome, undeveloped testes, large breasts and are very tall - usually not diagnosed till adulthood.

fragile x syndrome

broken x chromosome, mental deficiency is usually the outcome, more common in males because females have the extra X chromosome.

cystic fibrosis

glandular dysfunction that interferes with mucus production, breathing and digestion hampered

Huntington's disease

central nervous system deteriorates, producing problems in muscle coordination and mental deterioration

behavioral genetics

the field that seeks to discover the influence of heredity and environment on individual differences in human traits and development

Heredity-Environment Correlations

passive (inherited) , evocative elicits), active (seeks out)

musically inclined parents have musically inclined children

Passive Heredity-Environment Correlation

happy outgoing child elicits smiles and friendly response from others

Evocative Heredity-Environment Correlation

children seek out their own interests

Active Heredity-Environment Correlation

Epigenetic View

perspective that emphasizes that development is the result of an ongoing, bidirectional interchange between heredity and environment.

Gene x Environmental Interaction

the interaction between a specific measured variation in DNA and a specific measured aspect of the environment

germinal period

takes places the first two weeks after conception, includes the zygote, cell division and the attachment of the zygote to the uterine wall.

embryonic period

2-8 weeks after conception, organs appear


inner layer of cells - digestive and respiratory


outermost layer of cells - nervous systems, eyes, ears, nose


middle layer - circulatory system, bones. muscles, reproductive system, skin, hair nails

A fetus that has a chance to survive outside the womb at _____________________________

six months or 24-25 weeks

Fatty tissues develop and the functioning of various organ systems - heart and kidneys, for example - happens during the ______________________________.

last two months of fetal development

The germinal and embryonic stages occur during the______________.

first trimester

The fetal period lasts about____________________.

seven months

The forming of the neural tube is the beginning of the___________________.

nervous system

Apgar Scale

widely used method to assess the health of a newborn at one and five minutes after birth

The five parts of an APGAR:

heart rate, respiratory effort, muscle tone, body color and reflex irritability

Infants that weigh less than 5 and a half pounds are considered_____________________________.

low birth weight infants

A generation of new neurons is called___________________.


At about the 23rd prenatal week connections between ______________________ begin to form.


Chorionic callus sampling (CVS) is a procedure where a tiny tissue from the _______________ is removed and analyzed.


How a mother metabolizes a particular drug can influence the degree to which the drug effects are transmitted to the fetus is an example of_______________.

genetic susceptibility

After_____________________ is complete, teratogens are less likely to cause anatomical defects.


Most children with____________________________have learning problems, and many are below average intelligence.

fetal alcohol syndrome

Conditions, such as phenylketonuria or sickle cell anemia, are produced by _____ abnormalities.

gene linked

____________________are both genetic disorders that are both caused by the presence of an extra chromosome.

Down syndrome and Turner syndrome

The cellular clock theory holds that our cells divide:

75-80 times

Facial deformities, defective limbs, learning problems, below-average intelligence, and impaired memory development are all linked to which teratogen?


The epigenetic view of development states that development is:

the result of an ongoing, bidirectional interchange between heredity and the environment.

Most people who have hemophilia or fragile-X syndrome are:
