Lifespan & Development Chapters 3 & 4

How would you respond to a telephone operator who claims that her eight-month-old fetus gets excited every time she says, "What city, please?

You may be correct,because by that age, the fetus may actually be hearing your voice.

?Two-month-old Chucky does not exhibit the Moro reflex. What kind of problem will hemost likely exhibit?

?He will be less able to cling to his mother

Two-month-old Joanne is lying quietly with her eyes wide open and appears very interested in a toy dangling in front of her face. Joanne is exhibiting

alert inactivity

?Stewart is a 10-year-old boy growing up in England, and Moe is a 10-year-old boy growing up in the United States. What difference in handedness would you expect?

Both are likely to be right-handed

?Which person is most likely experiencing the most rapid physical growth?

Jose, who is 18 months old

Who is at greatest risk of falling victim to sudden infant death syndrome?

Tina, who is 3 months old

What criterionisused to indicate malnourishment in children under age five?

Small size

A visual cliff is designed to assess

depth perception.

After a one-year checkup, your physician comments, "There has been virtually no development of the cones in your daughter's visual system." What impact would this have?

Your daughter would have difficulty distinguishing colors

During an experiment, you record the brain activity of a child using an EEG. As a result of reading your text, you would predict that the left hemisphere would exhibit the most electrical activity when the child is

?listening to someone talk

The Babinski reflex is evidence that infants

perceive touch

What infant response did Gibson and Walk (1960) measure in their visual cliff research?

Heart rate

At its peak, the brain forms neurons at the rate of around 4,000 per


Cher offers her 10-day-old daughter, Chastity, a taste of some juiceshe is drinking. Based on the fact that Chastity makes a terrible face when she tastes the juice, you would suspect that it was


Malnutrition seems to be most damaging if it occurs during


?____ are chemicals that transmit information from one neuron to another.


?Newborn crying typically involves

agitation and uncoordinated movements

?Pain cries can usually be differentiated from basic or mad cries by their

sudden onset

A ____ is best described as any unlearned response triggered by a specific form of stimulation.


?What response would you expect if you attempted to hand toys to a typical 13-month-old infant?

They would first grasp the object with their right hand

Experts define a mad cry as a

more intense version of a basic cry.

While viewing a picture of a three-week-old embryo, Dr. Pecoraro points to something and says, "This structure will soon become a tube from which the brain and spinal cord will develop." Dr. Pecoraro is pointing at

the neural plate

Adults tend to be able to hear ____ sounds better than infants.


Dr. Lewinski decides that she wants to perform a complete evaluation of the health of a newborn infant she has just delivered. Which of these is most likely to provide the most thorough assessment of the infant's health?


Dr. Ramone is interested in studying how babies are different in terms of their behavior toward other people, how energetic they are, and how easily they are upset. It is most likely that Dr. Ramone is studying


While counting four objects, Yoshiko says "1, 2, 4, 8" one time and "2, 1, 4, 8" the next time. This demonstrates that Yoshiko has failed to master the ____ principle of counting.


Nolan has a scheme for throwing baseballs that he can apply successfully to throwing small rocks or other types of balls. This successful application would best be described as


Which is the best example of a question designed to assess autobiographical memory?

Who taught you how to ride a bike?

Barry walks up to his nine-month-old son and says (very slowly and with major fluctuations in his voice's pitch and loudness), "Ohhhhhhhhh, are you Daddy's little baaaaaaaby?" Barry is illustrating

infant-directed speech

Which statement by a 17-month-old best represents telegraphic speech?

Go store.

By definition, attention determines

which sensory information receives additional cognitive processing.

When five-year-old Monarch says, "Butterflies exist to make the world more beautiful for people to look at," she is providing a great example of

a teleological explanation

Piaget used the term ____ to describe the process by which new experiences are easily incorporated into existing schemes.


The ____ principle of counting states that number names must be counted in the same sequence


While attempting to correctly answer this question, you notice that you are mentally commenting to yourself about its level of difficulty. Vygotsky would refer to these internal mental remarks as

private speech

How would a parent utilize guided participation to improve the math skills of her child?

Have him or her play a series of math games with a more math-skilled sibling

?Which number illustrates the fact that in English, numbers do not all follow a regular naming pattern, thus making learning to count more difficult in English than in some other number systems?


Preoperational thinker Blake has edged his way close to the top rim of the Grand Canyon. His mother then asks him, "What do you think someone at the bottom of the canyon looking up would see?" Given the egocentric nature of his thought, Blake's most likel

the same thing I see.

?Donny's mother has just poured two glasses of orange juice, one for Donny and one for his sister. After they are poured, Donny becomes very upset that he got less juice than his sister. Their mother points out that while Donny's glass is short, it is als


The processes in which children acquire new words at such a speed that they cannot be considering all meanings for the new word is called


?The fundamental premise of teleological explanations is that living things

exist for a purpose

?Although the sound is unfamiliar, when six-month-old Cagney sees the flashing lights on the police car, she keeps her eyes locked on the lights. She also begins to show a decrease in heart rate. Which concept best explains Cagney's reaction?

An orienting response

Michael, who is a preoperational thinker, watches as a movie character appears to turn from a nice teenager into a werewolf. What is Michael's most likely reaction?

Terror, since he likely believes that the individual has actually become a werewolf

Orienting responses tend to occur to ____ stimuli.

strong and unfamiliar

According to Vygotsky, ____ speech is another term for thought.


When discussing the acquisition of grammar, which type of theorist would be most likely to say, "Context and genetics are overrated, what really matters is imitation and reinforcement?

A behaviorist

?In the children's television show Pee Wee's Playhouse, the floor, globe, and chair could talk, move, and had their own personalities. The fact that many young children view such objects as being "alive" is consistent with the Piagetian concept of


When a word is used too broadly, ____ is taking place


Salvador has a scheme for drawing with a crayon that had to be changed in order to learn how to paint a picture with a brush. This adaptation is an example of


A grammatical morpheme is a word or word ending that makes a sentence grammatically
