Lifespan Development ch 13

intimacy vs isolation & generativity vs stagnation
love and belonging & success and esteem

psychological stages in adulthood
maslow's hierarchy of needs

psychosocial, chronological

adults can be in many different stages of ________ development, stages are not necessarily _________

midlife crisis

a supposed period of unusual anxiety, radical self-reexamination, and sudden transformation that was once widely associated with middle age but that actually had more to do with developmental history than with chronological age

35-50, Levinson

middle age, no data to suggest midlife crisis is an actual phenomenon, data by _______ was an effect of cohort and case studies

big five personality traits, Big Five

the five basic clusters of personality traits that remain quite stable throughout adulthood. They appear in every culture and era, all human personality traits can be grouped in the ______

education, marriage, divorce, fertility, IQ, verbal fluency, political views

factors linked to the Big Five include:

Openness: imaginative, curious, artistic
Conscientiousness: organized, deliberate, conforming
Extroversion (where you get your energy): outgoing, assertive, active
Ex. social butterfly vs reading a book at home
Agreeableness: kind, helpful, easygoing, gen

Big Five Personality Traits

ecological niche Ex. vocations, hobbies, mates, neighborhoods

the particular lifestyle and social context that adults settle into because it is compatible with their individual personality needs and interests Ex.

Erik Erikson, intimacy vs isolation, adults seek someone with whom to share their lives in an enduring and self-sacrificing commitment, without such commitment, they risk profound aloneness and isolation

psychosocial stage in adulthood, 6th stage

social convoy

collectively, the family members, friends, acquaintances, and even strangers who move through life with an individual

improve, close, problematic, mental, physical

friends provide practical help and useful advice when serious problems occur, friendships _______ w/ age, by adulthood, most friendships are rated as _______ and not _________, friendships help w/ ________ & _______ health, health suffers in adulthood if

consequential strangers

people who are not in a person's closest friendship circle but nonetheless have an impact

the parent of your child's friend, the street vendor, the postman that you see everyday, the person who cuts your hair; decreases

examples of consequential strangers, with age the number of peripheral friends ________

less, 20%, 11%

research shows that relationships between parents and adult children tends to be ______ affectionate if they live together; as people age, they develop closer relationships with their siblings; percentage of adults living with the parents = _____% in 2008

because they find them toxic

why do some adults stay distant from their blood relatives?

fictive kin, kin, fictive

someone who becomes accepted as part of a family to which he or she has no blood relation, adults benefit from _____, _____ or not

10%, health, wealth and happiness

recent data suggests that less than ____% of contemporary US adults will never make a marriage-like commitment, marriage is useful - adults thrive if someone is committed to their well-being, a satisfying marriage improves...

cohabitation, cohabiters

depends on context!, ________ who expect to marry are different from those who slide into living together because of convenience

living apart together (LAT)

third alternative for romantic relationships, couple has separate residences but function as a couple, sometimes for decades

childhood experiences, economic instability, partner's personalities

long-term, relationships are affected by many factors:

more, the first child is born and again when children reach puberty, rises

domestic violence is ______ likely in the first years of the relationship than later, partnerships are less happy when..., happiness _____ when children leave home, same trends for same-sex couples

empty nest

the time in the lives of parents when their children have left the family home to pursue their own lives, often improves the relationship; financial strain is reduced, helps to reduce conflict

divorce & separation, 1/3

since 1980, almost half as many divorces or permanent separations have occurred than marriages, more than _____ of first marriages end in divorce

lower, more

income, self-esteem, & family welfare are ______ among the formerly married (divorced) than among people of the same age or are still married or single; research suggest women may suffer ______ than men

divorced parents, either partner under age 21, family opposed, cohabitation before marriage, previous divorce of either partner, large discrepancy in age, background, interests, values (heterogamy)

factors that make divorce more likely: before marriage

divergent plans and practices regarding childbearing and child rearing, financial stress & unemployment, substance abuse, communication difficulties, lack of time together, emotional or physical abuse, unsupportive relatives

factors that make divorce more likely: during marriage

high divorce rate in cohort, weak religious values, laws that make divorce easier, approval of remarriage, acceptance of single parenthood

factors that make divorce more likely: in the culture

5, half, 2, more, half, higher

divorce is most likely within the first _____ years after a wedding, _____ cohabitating relationships end before _____ years, men may be ______ likely to remarry than women, _____ of all US marriages are remarriages for at least one partner, repartnering

Erik Erickson, generativity vs stagnation, adults seek to be productive in a caring way, perhaps through art, caregiving, and employment

psychosocial stage of adulthood, 7th stage

caregiving, employement

main ways to be generative in adulthood

generativity, increase, 1/3, 9 yrs old, they are legally connected to the child for life and they want the child

bearing and rearing children are labor-intensive expressions of _______; problems and stresses _______ as family size does; roughly ____ of all North American adults become stepparents, adoptive parents, or foster parents; the average age of new stepchild

kinkeeper Ex. Middle-aged mother

a caregiver who takes responsibility for maintaining communication among family members Ex.

sandwich generation

the generation of middle-aged people who are supposedly "squeezed" by the needs of the younger and older members of their families, many adults do not need to provide extensive care for older generation

work; generativity; child abuse, alcoholism, depression, and other social and mental health problems; 60%

_______ improves esteem & wellness and is a prime source for _______, unemployment is associated with higher rates of..., unemployed adults are ____% more likely to die than other people their age, if workers have a role in setting fair wages, they are mo

develop and use their personal skills, express their creative energy, aid and advise coworkers as mentors or friends, support the education and health of their families, contribute to the community by providing goods or services

ways work meets generativity needs

extrinsic rewards of work

the tangible benefits, usually in the form of compensation (salary, health insurance, pension), that one receives for doing a job

intrinsic rewards of work

the intangible gratifications (job satisfaction, self-esteem, pride) that come from within oneself as a result of doing a good job

employment discrimination, 36, 42

_______ in gender and ethnicity is still present, but to a much smaller degree than 50 years ago; temporary employees are more common; resignations, firings, and hirings occur more often; people who frequently changed jobs by age ____ were more likely to

1. seniority brings higher salaries; workers who leave a job lose theses advantages
2. many skills required for employment were not taught decades ago, many are reluctant to hire and train older workers
3. age discrimination is illegal, but perception of

reasons that job changes become increasingly stressful for older adults


in the US, only _____% of all employees work on a traditional schedule, job satisfaction linked with employees setting their own hours


an arrangement in which work schedules are flexible so that employees can balance personal and occupational responsibilities


working at home and keeping in touch with the office via computer, telephone, and scanner