Human Growth and Development Chapters 9 and 10


A period of rapid physical maturation involving hormonal and bodily changes that occur primarily during early adolescence

Growth spurt

On average, the peak of the growth spurt during puberty occurs two years earlier for girls (11 1/2) than for boys (13 1/2).

hormonal changes

powerful chemical substances secreted by the endocrine glands.

Timing and variations in puberty

The basic genetic program for puberty is wired into species but nutrition, health and other environmental factors affect timing and makeup of puberty.

Body image

Preoccupation with body image is strong throughout adolescence, but is especially acute during puberty, a time when adolescents are more dissatisfied with their bodies than in late adolescence.
Girls are less satisfied with their body images and have more

Early\Late maturation

Teens that mature earlier or later than their peers perceive themselves differently.
Early maturing boys perceive themselves more positively and had more successful peer relations than did their late maturing counterparts.
Early maturation in girls increa

Brain Development

Study of the adolescent brain is still in its infancy.
Pruning of the excessive synaptic connection resulting in fewer but more selective and more effective neural connections than were present in childhood. The pruning indicates the activities that the a


Adolescence is the bridge between the asexual child and the sexual adult. This is the time in which sexuality is incorporated into one's identity.
A time of learning to manage sexual feelings, developing new forms of intimacy, and learning the skills to r


The US has one of the highest adolescent pregnancy and childbearing rates in the industrialized world.
Latina adolescents have a higher than non-Latina, Whites, and African Americans.
Daughters of teen mothers are at risk for teenage childbearing thus per

Eating disorders

Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa are more common in females than in males. 10x more likely in females than in men.
Slightly less than 1% ever develops anorexia nervosa.
Anorexia is relentless pursuit of thinness and starvation.
3 signs of anorexia

bulimia nervosa

binge purge pattern. Purging involves self induced vomiting or the use of laxatives. Bulimia is considered serious if episodes occur at least twice a week for 3 months. bulimia tend to fall within normal body weights making bulimia harder to detect.

Formal operational stage

Thought is more abstract. Adolescents can conjure up make believe situations, abstract propositions and events that are purely hypothetical and can reason logically about them. (evident in verbal problem solving ability& hypothetical deductive reasoning)

hypothetical deductive reasoning

involves creating a hypothesis and deducting its implications which provide ways to test the hypothesis. This is developing hypothesis aout ways to solve problems and them systematically deducing the best path to follow to solve the problem.

Adolescent egocentrism

the heightened self consciousness of adolescents

two components of egocentrism

imaginary audience and personal fable

imaginary audience

the belief that others are as interested in themselves as they are in themselves. This can involve attention seeking behaviors.

personal fable

involves a sense of uniqueness and invincibility. This sense of uniqueness makes the adolescent feel as if no one can understand how they really feel. Adol will sometimes try to maintain this sense of uniqueness by inventing a story about themselves that

Erikson's stage


Marcia's Four Statuses of Identity

Identity diffusion: Marcia's term for adolescents who have not yet experienced a crisis (explored meaningful alternatives) or made any commitments.
Identity foreclosure: Marcia's term for adolescents who have made a commitment but have not experienced a c


small groups that range from 2 to about 12 individuals and average about 5 to 6 individuals.


larger than cliques and less personal. Usually formed based on reputation, and members may or may not spend much time together.