Chapter 12: Middle Childhood: Cognitive Development

Bilingual schooling

A strategy in which school subjects are taught in both the learner's original language and the second (majority) language.

Concrete operational thought

Piaget's term for the ability to reason logically about direct experiences and perceptions.


The logical principle that things can be organized into groups (or categories or classes) according to some characteristic they have in common.

Trends in Math and Science Study (TIMSS)

An international assessment of the math and science skills of fourth- and eighth-graders. Although the TIMSS is very useful, different countries' scores are not always comparable because sample selection, test administration, and content validity are hard

Control processes

Mechanisms (including selective attention, metacognition, and emotional regulation) that combine memory, processing speed, and knowledge to regulate the analysis and flow of information within the information-processing system. (Also called executive proc

ELLs (English Language Learners)

Children in the United States whose proficiency in English is low--usually below a cutoff score on an oral or written test. This term replaces ESL (English as a Second Language) because many children who primarily speak a non-English language at home are

Charter school

A public school with its own set of standards that is funded and licensed by the state or local district in which it is located.

Hidden curriculum

The unofficial, unstated, or implicit rules and priorities that influence the academic curriculum and every other aspect of learning in a school.

Transitive inference

The ability to figure out the unspoken link between one fact and another.

Sensory memory

The component of the information-processing system in which incoming stimulus information is stored for a split second to allow it to be processed. (Also called the sensory register.)

Working memory

The component of the information-processing system in which current conscious mental activity occurs. (Formerly called short-term memory).

Knowledge base

A body of knowledge in a particular area that makes it easier to master new information in that area.


A strategy in which instruction in all school subjects occurs in the second (usually the majority) language that a child is learning.

National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)

An ongoing and nationally representative measure of U.S. children's achievement in reading, mathematics, and other subjects over time; nicknamed "the Nation's Report Card.


Thinking about thinking," or the ability to evaluate a cognitive task in order to determine how best to accomplish it, and then to monitor and adjust one's performance on that task.

Home schooling

Education in which children are taught at home, usually by their parents.


The practical use of language that includes the ability to adjust language communication according to audience and context.

No Child Left Behind Act

A U.S. law enacted in 2001 that was intended to increase accountability in education by requiring states to qualify for federal educational funding by administering standardized tests to measure school achievement.

Private school

A school funded by tuition charges, endowments, and often religious or other non-profit sponsors.

Phonics approach

Teaching reading by first teaching the sounds of each letter and of various letter combinations.

Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS)

Inaugurated in 2001, a planned five-year cycle of international trend studies in the reading ability of fourth-graders.

Whole-language approach

Teaching reading by encouraging early use of all language skills--talking and listening, reading and writing.

Long-term memory

The component of the information-processing system in which virtually limitless amounts of information can be stored indefinitely.


Public subsidy for tuition payment at a non-public school. Vouchers vary a great deal from place to place, not only in amount and availability, but in restrictions as to who gets them and what schools accept them.

Deal with visible, tangible, real things.

When Piaget referred to concrete operational thoughts, he meant logic applied in situations that:


Carly is given grapes and strawberries. When asked if she has more grapes or fruit, she responds, "I have more fruits." Carly is using the logical concept of:


By what age can most children classify objects they see?

Child's own discovery of concepts; importance of instruction by others.

Piaget stressed the ____, whereas Vygotsky stressed the ____.


____ memory stores incoming stimulus information for a split second to allow it to be processed.

School-age children.

Which age group would find the classic joke: "Why did the chicken cross the road?" funny?


Many children use codes in their text messages (LOL, 411). The use of these codes in this context indicates the child understands:

Hidden curriculum.

The unrecognized rules and priorities that influence a child's learning in school are called the:

Bilingual education.

Juanita speaks Spanish. She is learning to speak English. In her third-grade classroom, school subjects are taught in both English and Spanish. This method of teaching a second language is:

Verbal; math.

Internationally, girls are slightly ahead in ____ skills and boys in ____.


Children who learn the sound of each alphabet letter and combinations of letters to decipher simple words are learning to read by the ____ approach.

Involved memorizing math facts, rules, and processes; be more active and engaging.

Historically, math instruction has ____, whereas today many educators would like math instruction to ____.

A systematic phonics approach in the early grades, the whole-language approach with students older than age 9 when reading is connected to literature, history, and science, and a variety of methods and strategies.

According to research, the best way to teach reading is by using:

The phonics approach.

Advocates of ____ would support a child whose invented spelling of "lady" was "lade.

Phonics; whole-language.

The two distinct reading methods are the ____ approach and the ____ approach.

Concrete operational.

According to Piaget, the stage of thinking that is characteristic of middle childhood is:

Concrete operational.

Piaget's term for the ability to reason logically about direct experiences is "______ thought.


Five-year-old Franz can count to 100, but he cannot correctly estimate where 22 is placed on a number line that starts at 0 and ends at 100. This means that Franz is having problems with:

Has been supported by research conducted throughout the world.

Vygotsky's emphasis on the importance of culture teaching children:


DeShawn is typical of some school-age children. He learns up to ___ words per day.

The pragmatics of language.

Marisol has learned to speak formally with adults and informally (using slang) with her friends. She has learned:


At what age can most children demonstrate rapid and fluent oral reading (more than 100 words per minute)?

Socioeconomic status of the family and of the minority group.

What is a factor that affects adult linguistic input and later child output?


Inaugurated in 2001, a planned _____ cycle of international trend studies in the reading ability of fourth-graders is called the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS).

Sample selection and test administration are not consistent.

Results received from international achievement tests are considered problematic because:


Children who learn to read when their brains are ready as a result of talking, listening, reading, and writing experiences are being taught to read using the _____ approach.

Disagreement between those who want more emphasis on teaching basic math skills and those who want emphasis on a broader, more conceptual understanding of math.

The term "math wars" refers to a:

The school's physical condition.

An obvious manifestation of the hidden curriculum is: